The Gaskell Journal – Subject Index Last updated: 26 January 2011 (restructured March 2016) The Subject Index contains topics (including novels, characters, historical movements and personages etc) that are discussed in the articles and reviews that appear in the journal. In this index, publications appear under their author(s), except in the case of anonymous works which appear under title, and Elizabeth Gaskell’s own publications, which also appear under their titles. Location references are to volume number - in bold - followed by the year and then by inclusive page numbers. Notes are indicated by ‘n’ or ‘nn’ after the page number. Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations Subject Index Abbot, Rev’d John C. The Mother at Home… 16, 2002, 88 Abel, Elizabeth, Hirsch, Marianne and Langland, Elizabeth (eds) The Voyage In: Fictions of Female Development 21, 2007, 49n9 ‘An Accursed Race’ (short story) 7, 1993, 24, 30; 15, 2001, 33-4, 35, 37n2; 17, 2003, 18-20; 19, 2005, 18-19; 24, 2010, 120 Ackroyd, Peter Dickens 24, 2010, 71n9, 72nn12-13 acting see the stage Acton, William Prostitution 7, 1993, 54 Adams, Abigail Elizabeth Gaskell, correspondence with 15, 2001, 59 Adams, Sarah Mrs William Bridges Adams see Flower, Sarah Adam, Adolphe 2, 1988, 39n5 Adams, William Bridges 5, 1991, 17 Addams, Jane 16, 2002, 51, 54 Adelaide, Queen 1, 1987, 28 Adhead, Joseph Distress in Manchester 19, 2005, 51n51 adult education 15, 2001, 8 mechanics institutes 7, 1993, 57, 58, 61, 64n5; 13,1991, 86, 98, 102n44, n46; 15, 2001, 8; 16, 2002, 36 self-improvement 13, 1999, 85-103; 16, 2002, 31, 36 see also working class education advertising 17, 2003, 34-5; 20, 2006, 41, 42 Agassiz, Louis 16, 2002, 16 agricultural workers see farm workers agriculture see farmers/farming 1 Aidé, Hamilton 14, 2000, 17 Carr of Carrlyon 14, 2000, 18 Rita… 14, 2000, 17-18 Alcock, Samuel 6, 1992, 67 Alcock, Susanna Harriet née Robberds (Samuel Alcock’s wife) 6, 1992, 67 Alcott, Bronson 6, 1992, 47, 53 Alcott, Louisa May on Life of Charlotte Brontë 19, 2005, 65 Journals… 19, 2005, 68n65 The Pickwick Portfolio 18, 2004, 10 Alexander, Christine 8, 1994, 70; 18, 2004, 14n25 on Charlotte Brontë 18, 2004, 13 Edition of the Early Writings of Charlotte Brontë 8, 1994, 60, 69n14; 18, 204, 13n9, 14nn14-15 Alexander, Christine and McMasters, Juliet (editors) The Child Writer… 18, 2004, 14n27 Alexander, Christine and Smith, Margaret The Oxford Companion to the Brontës 18, 2004, 13n2, 14n16 Algiers 5, 1991, 22, 24; 15, 2001, 54 alibi, use of 21, 2007, 23 in Mary Barton 21, 2007, 23, 24, 26, 33-4 All the Year Round 4, 1990, 61; 7, 1993, 76n2; 12, 1998, 4; 14, 2000, 56-7; 18, 2004, 10; 20, 2006, 42 Christmas issues 20, 2006, 5, 36, 38 short stories published in 4, 1990, 58-9; 19, 2005,102; 20, 2006, 5-6, 29, 30, 33, 35, 37, 41; 21, 2007, 65, 100 Allan, James 16, 2002, 30 Allan, Janet 2, 1988, 57n7; 4, 1990, 61; 5, 1991, 35n1 Allen, D. E. The Naturalist in Britain 13, 1999, 100n6 Allman, George 16, 2002, 16, 30 Allott, Miriam The Brontës… 18, 2004, 14n17 Altick, Richard D. The English Common Reader 5, 1991, 35n3; 20, 2006, 45n8; 22, 2008, 75 American Civil War, 1861-5 1, 1987, 36, 37, 38; 4, 1990, 60; 5, 1991, 52; 9, 1995, 1, 3; 15, 2001, 59-60; 16, 2002, 51; 17, 2003, 81-2; 18, 2004, 41, 42; 20, 2006, 10; 22, 2008, 88; 23, 2009, 55, 61 Britain and 15, 2001, 60-61; 16, 2002, 43 British opposition to 18, 2004, 42 Robert Collyer and 22, 2008, 91 Elizabeth Gaskell’s interest in 22, 2008, 92 opinions on 15, 2001, 57-8, 61 Robert Gould Shaw and 9, 1995, 3-8; 15, 2001, 59-60; 19, 2005, 102; 22, 2008, 88-9; 23, 2009, 55 2 American Indians 19, 2005, 93-4; 21, 2007, 79, 81, 82, 83, 102 depicted in ‘Lois the Witch’ 21, 2007, 102 American literature Elizabeth Gaskell’s knowledge of 21, 2007, 102 see also individual authors American Unitarianism 6, 1992, 26, 28, 47, 53, 54, 56n14; 9, 1995, 2; 12, 1998, 15; 15, 2001, 56, 60; 16, 2002, 51; 21, 2007, 81-2; 22, 2008, 86, 88, 89, 90-91, 93n3, 94n26 see also United States American War of Independence (American Revolution) (1812-14) 19, 2005, 91, 92-3 Ames, Mrs Rebecca 6, 1992, 48, 50 analogy, use of 21, 2007, 23, 37n11 in ‘A Dark Night’s Work’ 21, 2007, 67 in Mary Barton 21, 2007, 23 Anderson, Amanda Tainted Souls … 23, 2009, 52nn16-17 Anderson, Harriet (Mrs Matthew Anderson) see Carr, Harriet Anderson, Matthew 6, 1992, 67 Anglican Sisters (Religious Order) 17, 2003, 64 Anglicanism 6, 1992, 29; 19, 2005, 38 the Litany 6, 1992, 29-30 see also religion Annals of Natural History 17, 2003, 30 The Annual Register … 1838 24, 2010, 49, 50, 58n18 anthropology 16, 2002, 33-4, 40-41 see also ethnology Anti-Corn Law League 23, 2009, 59 antiquarian studies 1, 1987, 1-2 Apothecaries Act 1815 22, 2008, 73, 84n8 Appleton & Co., New York (publishers) 19, 2005, 55 Arbuckle, Elisabeth Sanders Harriet Martineau’s Letters to Fanny Wedgwood 16, 2002, 68, 75n17, 75nn20-21, 75n23; 21, 2007, 113n3 Arch, Joseph 5, 1991, 7; 22, 2008, 63 Joseph Arch: the Story of his Life (The Autobiography of Joseph Arch) 22, 2008, 63-4 architecture see housing conditions archives/family papers 24, 2010, 2-3, 10 Jamison Family Papers, John Rylands Library 24, 2010, 1-17 see also Gaskell scholarship/studies, source material; letter writing Arianism 15, 2001, 2-3, 4 see also religion Arndt, Ernst Moritz 19, 2005, 85n28 Arnim, Bettina von 8, 1994, 9 Goethes Briefwechsel mit einen Kind 19, 2005, 75 3 Arnold, David The Problem of Nature 16, 2002, 83n8 Arnold, Matthew 16, 2002, 12; 19, 2005, 62 his correspondence 19, 2005, 75 Culture and Anarchy 22, 2008, 62 Letters of… 19, 2005, 84n15 ‘The Scholar-Gipsy’ 19, 2005, 62 Arnold, Dr Thomas (of Rugby) 4, 1990, 46, 50n4; 10, 1996, 78-9; 19, 2005, 62; 22, 2008, 58, 66, 71n26 Arnold, Mrs Thomas 8, 1994, 8 Arnold, William Thomas 19, 2005, 96 The Art Journal 2, 1988, 54n1 Arthurian legend 24, 2010, 110, 114n24 see also fairytales artisans see working classes artists see individual artists; painters/painting Ashley, Lord see Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury Ashley, Michael Mrs Gaskell’s Tales… 12, 1998, 21 Ashton, Mary see Potter, Mary Ashton, Rosemary (editor) Versatile Victorian… 19, 2005, 84n13 Ashton, Samuel (Thomas Ashton’s father) 3, 1989, 17 Ashton, Thomas 12, 1998, 39 murder of 3, 1989, 15, 16-21, 22, 24 Astaldi, Maria Luisa La signora Gaskell 1, 1987, 43-4 Athenaeum 14, 2000, 31; 18, 2004, 79n11; 22, 2008, 81; 24, 2010, 52 Atkinson, Lieutenant William 18, 2004, 38; 24, 2010, 120-21 The Atlantic Monthly 1, 1987, 36; 17, 2003, 86 Charles Eliot Norton published in 1, 1987, 39, 40; 4, 1990, 59; 21, 2007, 102, 113n2 Atonement 6, 1992, 59-60, 62, 64, 66n12 doctrine of 15, 2001, 5-6 Atwood, Margaret Surfacing 8, 1994, 71-2 Auerbach, Berthold 4, 1990, 54 Die Frau Professorin 12, 1998, 13n14 Village Tales… 7, 1993, 43 Auerbach, Nina 23, 2009, 18, 23 Communities of Women… 1, 1987, 19; 17, 2003, 59, 68, 73n5, 75n47; 21, 2007, 38 Romantic Imprisonment 9, 1995, 39 Women and the Demon 6, 1992, 65n1 Austen, Jane 4, 1990, 66-8; 21, 2007, 38-9; 23, 2009, 16, 21-2, 26; 24, 2010, 125n2, 125n7 4 James Stanier Clarke, correspondence with 24, 2010, 116 Emma 4, 1990, 67, 88, 90, 91n7; 17, 2003, 53; 23, 2009, 26 D. W. Harding on 23, 2009, 21, 30n22 Mansfield Park 4, 1990, 67; 10, 1996, 92-101; 13, 1999, 68n18; 21, 2007, 62n2 Northanger Abbey 18, 2004, 8; 20, 2006, 48 Pride and Prejudice 21, 2007, 2-3, 6-7, 13; North and South, similarities with 21, 2007, 3, 7, 18, 18n6; Mark Schorer’s edition 21, 2007, 18n3 on women’s education 9, 1995, 13; 15, 2001, 8 Austin, Sarah 19, 2005, 84n14 Characteristics of Goethe 19, 2005, 84n14 Australia women writers in 18, 2004, 11-13 Australian aborigines 16, 2002, 33; 18, 2004, 12 see also ethnology author construct/intention in North and South 22, 2008, 116-17, 125-6, 138, 143n48 authors’ payments 17, 2003, 79, 90n7; 19, 2005, 88; 20, 2006, 34, 35, 37, 40-41, 43 autobiography female 14, 2000, 1-13 fictionalization of 14, 2000, 2-3 spiritual 14, 2000, 1, 2, 12n6 auto-didacts see self-improvement autograph collections, Elizabeth Gaskell’s 20, 2006, 2, 11; 23, 2009, 5 Avery, Gillian Childhood’s Pattern… 16, 2002, 93, 110nn25-7, 110n33 Axon, William E. A. (editor) Annals of Manchester 3, 1989, 19, 20, 21 Artisan Naturalists… 13, 1999, 100n5 Axon, William E. A. and Axon, Ernest Gaskell Bibliography… 2, 1988, 59 Bachelard, Gaston The Poetics of Space 20, 2006, 84, 90n38 Bagehot, Walter 9, 1995, 51, 54n8 Baker, Frances ‘Elizabeth Gaskell: The Ghost in the Garden Room’ (M. Phil. thesis) 20, 2006, 45n23 Baker, Sir Thomas Memorials of a Dissenting Chapel 6, 1992, 67 Baker, William and Womack, Kenneth (editors) A Companion to the Victorian Novel 18, 2004, 14n25 Bakewell, Robert 17, 2003, 32n23 Bakhtin, Mikhail on genre 11, 1997, 43-4, 47, 52 5 Speech Genres… 11 1997, 53n1 Baldick, Chris In Frankenstein’s Shadow… 10, 1996, 83, 87; 11, 1997, 44-5 ballads see songs and ballads Ballantyne, James 8, 1994, 81, 82 Balzac, Honoré de 7, 1993, 30-31 Eugénie Grandet 7, 1993, 31; 15, 2001, 70 Bamford, Ann (Samuel Bamford’s daighter) 22, 2008, 110 death 22, 2008, 105-7 Bamford, Jemima (‘Mima’) 22, 2008, 97, 104, 107, 110 Bamford, Samuel 3, 1989, 58; 10, 1996, 34-6; 13, 1999, 85, 88-9, 97-8, 103n50; 19, 2005, 43, 45, 48; 22, 2008, 96-115 appearance 22, 2008, 102, 107 Autobiography, ed.
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