FEDERA REGISTER 1 9 3 4 ¿ ¡ y VOLUME 10 NUMBER 222 ^ V lT E O ^ Washington, Saturday, November 10, 1945 Regulations by the State office of each area bf the CONTENTS Insular Region and approved by the Di­ rector of the Field Service Branch, Pro­ REGULATIONS AND NOTICES TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE duction and Marketing Administration, Agriculture D epartment: Page as best adapted for each of the areas to Apples (WFO 143, Am. 1)______ 13804 Chapter VII—Production and Marketing maintain and increase soil fertility, con­ Administration (Agricultural Adjust« Insular agricultural conserva­ trol and prevent erosion caused by wind tion program, 1945_______ 13801 ment) or water, encourage conservation • and Milk handling in Cleveland, better agricultural use of water; or con­ Ohio, marketing area; P art 702—I nsular Agricultural Con­ serve and increase range and pasture servation P rogram forage. hearing___________________ 13827 South Dakota, salaries and v SUBPART E— 1946 BULLETIN Payments will be made within the Sec. wages of agricultural labor limit of the farm allowance for carry­ harvesting corn___________ 13805 702.701 Farm allowances, practices and ing out in the calendar year 1946 con­ Alien P roperty Custodian: rates of payment. servation practices approved for each 702.702 Division of payments. Claim under vesting orders, ex­ acre. To qualify for payment practices tension of time for filing_ 13805 702.703 Increase in small payments. must be carried out by methods and with 702.704 Payments limited to $10,000. Civilian P roduction Administra­ 702.705 General provisions relating to pay­ the kind of seed and other materials tio n : ment. that conform to good farming practice, Priorities system operation, ap­ 702.706 Application for payment. and must conform with prescribed speci­ plicable regulations (PR3)_ 13807 702.707 Appeals. fications. Rated orders, acceptance and 702.708 Area bulletins, instructions and (2) Practices carried out with local forms. filling, and completion and government or Federal aid. The extent deliveries of apparel (M- 702.709 Definitions. of any practice shall not be reduced be­ 702.710 Authority, availability of funds and 328B, Int. 1)______________13810 applicability. cause it is carried out with materials Rayon fabrics as linings in or services furnished by the Field Serv­ men’s and boy’s clothing; A u t h o r i t y : §§ 702.701 to 702.710, inclusive ice Branch, Production and Marketing sales, delivery and use (M- Issued under secs. 7 to 17, inclusive, of the Administration, equipment furnished by Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment 328, Dir. 28)______________13810 Act, as amended, 49 Stat. 1148, 16 U.S.C. 590g the Soil Conservation Service or ma­ Suspension orders to 590q. terials or services furnished by an agency Bock Co., and Stockman’s of a Territory or Puerto Rico to another Payment will be made for participation Supply and Brokerage Co. 13807 agency of the same Territory or to Hanson Rope and Halter Co_ 13806 in the 1946 Agricultural Conservation Puerto Rico. In other cases of local Program in Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Coast Guard: government or Federal aid, the total ex­ Approval of equipment_______ 13860 Rico (hereinafter referred to as the 1946 tent of any practice performed shall be F ederal P ower Commission: program) in accordance with the pro­ reduced for purposes Of payment by not visions of this bulletin and such modi­ less than the percentage of the total Hearings, etc.: Natural Gas Investigation__ 13833 fications thereof as may hereafter be cost of the practice which the State of­ made. Southern California Gas Co., fice determines was furnished by a local and Southern Counties § 702.701 Farm allowances, practices government or Federal agency. Gas Co. of California___ 13832 and rate$ of payment— (a)' Farm allow­ (c) Rates of payment. The rate of I nterstate Commerce Commission: ances. Farm allowances shall be estab­ payment for carrying out any practice Car service; minimum loading lished in '%ach area upon recommenda­ in each area of the Insular Region will of carload transfer freight tion of the State office and approval of be recommended by the respective State requirement______________ 13827 the Director of Field Service Branch of office and approved by the Director of Office of P rice Administration: Production and Marketing Administra­ the Field Service Branch, Production Adjustments and pricing orders: tion for the purpose of limiting payments and Marketing Administration, in ac­ Aluminum Industries Inc.___ 13843 to available funds. Farm allowances cordance with the following provisions: American Foundry and Fur­ shall be based upon practices which will (1) The rates of payments for appli­ nace Co________________ 13847 provide for the equitable distribution of cation of material may not exceed 80% B and B Cigar Co___________ 13835 payments on the basis of individual farm of the estimated average cost of such Baer, F. S., Co______________ 13836 conservation needs. materials determined on a farm deliv­ Barjon, Henry_____________ 13837 (b) Conservation practices— (1) Basisery basis. Blackstone Corp________ 13840 for approval. The conservation prac­ (2) The rates of payment for engi­ Bradley-Schreiber Co_______ 13847 neering and construction practices may Carbone, John R ____________ 13845 tices for which payment will be made Carter, H. W., & Sons_______ 13846 shall be those*which are recommended (Continued on next page) Climax Machinery Co______ 13845 13801 13802 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, November 10, 1945 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Office of P rice Administration— Page S ecurities and E xchange Co m m is- Page fedehalmregister Continued. sion : Adjustments and pricing or­ Hearings, etc.: ders—Continued. American Utilities S e rv ice Perez, Pedro, Cigar Co---------- 13838 Corp________ _____ 13853 Pioneer Gen-E-Motor Corp— 13843 Buffalo Niagara Electric Corp. 13856 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Pioneer Hardware Co____ ___ 13839 Central Illinois Public Service and days following legal holidays, by the Co_________— _________ 13859 Division of the Federal Register, the National Preferred Lighting Co---------- 13842 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Randall, H. P., Mfg. Co_____ 13841 Cunningham Drug Stores, in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Reo Motors, Inc_____________ 13846 In c _______________ :__ •_ 13856 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Roberts Tube Works___ ____ 13838 Federal Light & Traction Co. ch. 8B ), under regulations prescribed by the Schweitzer and Conrad, Inc_ 13841 et al___________________ 13854 Administrative Committee, approved by the Shearer and Co___ _____ 13834 International Utilities Corp. President. Distribution is made only by the Stichtenoth, Albert F ______ 13835 et al—_________________ 13854 Superintendent of Documents, Government Keystone Custodian Funds, Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Tampa-Vana Cigar Co_____ 13835 The regulatory material appearing herein is Uncle Sam Cigar Factory__ 13837 Inc__________________— 13859 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Varick Electric Mfg. Co_____ 13843 New England Power Assn., et which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Verb, Al___________ 13834 al_____________________ 13857 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Zenith Machine Co__________ 13839 New England Public Service amended June 19, 1937. V Bituminous coal in District 3 Co. et al_______________ 13858 The F e d e r a l R e g is t e r will be furnished by (MPR 120, Am. 1 to Order Ogden Corp_______ 13858 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Penn Fuel Gas, Inc., and John per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ 1290)____________________ 13834 * vance. The charge for individual copies Building equipment, specified H. Ware, 3d__________ 13854 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the mechanical (MPR 591, Am. Sioux City Gas and Electric size of the issue. Remit check or money 1 to Order 48)________ .__ 13833 Co., and Iowa Public order, made payable to the Superintendent Consumer goods other than ap­ Service Co_________ 13855 of Documents, directly to the Government • T reasury Department: Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. parel (MPR 188, Am. 71) __ 13814 Cotton products (MPR 580, Am. Excess profits tax refund bonds; There are no restrictions on the republica­ optional redemption_____ 13806 tion o f material appearing in the F ederal 1 to Gen. Retail Order 3; R egister. SR 14E, Am. 15) (2 docu­ CODIFICATION GUIDE ments)_____ _______ 13814, 13826 Cotton warehousing and com­ A numerical list of the parts of the Code N O T IC E pressing (MPR 586, Supp. of Federal Regulations amended or added by documents published in this issue. Docu­ Storage Reg. 2, incl. Am. 1- 1944 Supplement ments carried in the Cumulative Supplement 3) _____ __- __ _________ 13814 by uncodifled tabulation only are not in­ Book 1 of the 1944 Supplement to Cotton warehousing in South­ cluded within the purview of this list. the Code of Federal Regulations, east (MPR 586, Am. 1 to Supp. Storage Reg. 3 )__ 13825 T itle 7—Agriculture: Page containing Titles 1-10, including Chapter VH—Production and Presidential documents in full text, Fuel oil, gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas (MPR 88, Marketing Administration is now available from the Superin­ Am. 35)___ ______________13811 (Agricultural Adjustment) : Part 702—Insular agricultural tendent of Documents, Government Legume and grass seeds (RMPR Printing Office, at $3.00 per copy. 471, incl. Am. 1-10) _______ 13817 conservation program—t 13801 Pick-up and delivery services, T itle 8—Aliens And Nationality: A limited sales stock of the Cu­ Chapter II—Office of Alien mulative Supplement and the 1943 Milwaukee, Wis. (SR 14H, Property Custodian: Supplement is still available as Order 1)___________ 13848 Part 503—General orders___ 13805 Puerto Rico, rice (Restriction previously announced. T itle 29—L abor: Order 15, revocation).___ 13811 Chapter IX—Department of Sugar (2d Rev. RO 3, Am. 44) _ 13811 Agriculture (Agricultural Textiles, cotton (SO 131, Am. 5) _ 13812 Labor): CONTENTS—Continued Regional and district office or­ Part 1104—S a la r ie s and ders.
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