Materials of the Riga 3rd International Conference on Hellenic Studies Latvijas Universitāte Humanitāro zinātņu fakultāte Klasiskās filoloģijas katedra Hellēnistikas centrs HELLĒŅU DIMENSIJA Rīgas 3. starptautiskās hellēnistikas konferences materiāli Sastādītāji: Brigita Aleksejeva Ojārs Lāms Ilze Rūmniece Latvijas Universitāte University of Latvia Faculty of Humanities Chair of Classical Philology Centre for Hellenic Studies HELLENIC DIMENSION Materials of the Riga 3rd International Conference on Hellenic Studies Editors: Brigita Aleksejeva Ojārs Lāms Ilze Rūmniece University of Latvia UDK 930(063) He 396 The book is financially supported by the Hellenic Republic Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the University of Latvia Grāmata izdota ar Grieķijas Republikas Kultūras un tūrisma ministrijas un Latvijas Universitātes atbalstu Support for Conference Proceedings by ERAF Project Support for the international cooperation projects and other international cooperation activities in research and technology at the University of Latvia No. 2010/0202/2DP/ IEGULDĪJUMS TAVĀ NĀKOTNĒ Editorial board: Gunnar de Boel (Belgium) Igor Surikov (Russia) Thanassis Agathos (Greece) Kateřina Loudová (The Czech Republic) Valda Čakare (Latvia) Ojārs Lāms (Latvia) Ilze Rūmniece (Latvia) Nijolė Juchnevičienė (Lithuania) Tudor Dinu (Romania) Language editing Normunds Titāns Translating Rasma Mozere Cover design: Agris Dzilna Layout: Andra Liepiņa © Brigita Aleksejeva, Ojārs Lāms, Ilze Rūmniece, editors, 2012 © University of Latvia, 2012 ISBN 978-9984-45-469-6 CONTENTS / SATURS Introduction 8 Ievads 10 I ANCIENT TIMES SENLAIKI 11 Vassilis Patronis ECONOMIC IDEAS OF ANCIENT GREEK PHILOSOPHERS: ASSESSING THEIR IMPACT ON THE FORMATION OF THE WORLD ECONOMIC THOUGHT 12 Sengrieķu filozofu idejas par ekonomiku: izvērtējot ietekmi uz pasaules ekonomiskās domas veidošanos Nijolė Juchnevičienė HISTORIOGRAPHIC SCIENTIFIC DISCOURSE AND THE TRADITION OF GEOGRAPHY 22 Zinātniski historiogrāfiskais diskurss un ģeogrāfijas tradīcija Igor E. Surikov HERODOTUS’S HISTORIES AND ATHENIAN ARISTOCRATIC FAMILIES 30 Hērodota Vēsture un Atēnu aristokrātija Brigita Aleksejeva ORIGINS OF THE LANGUAGE OF HUMANITIES IN ANCIENT GREEK PHILOLOGICAL TEXTS 40 Humanitāro zinātņu vidē funkcionējošās valodas pirmsākumi sengrieķu filoloģiskajos tekstos Harijs Tumans PERICLES FOREVER (SHORT VERSION) 50 Perikls forever (īsa versija) Audronė Kučinskienė HELLENES IN THE EYES OF CICERO 59 Hellēņi Cicerona skatījumā Daša Bartoňková HYBRIS IN SOPHOCLES’S TRAGEDY PHILOCTETES 69 Hybris Sofokla traģēdijā Filoktēts Ioannis Kioridis LAMENT BEFORE THE UNJUSTLY SLAUGHTERED VIRGINS IN THE BYZANTINE EPIC POEM OF DIGENIS AKRITIS 78 Netaisnīgi nogalināto jaunavu apraudāšana Bizantijas eposā par Digeni Akriti Tudor Dinu THE INFLUENCE OF STAVRINOS’S POETRY ON ROMANIAN CHRONICLES 86 Stavrina dzejas ietekme rumāņu hronikās Dean Sakel A LATE SIXTEENTH-CENTURY EXEGESIS OF GENNADIUS’S CONFESSION OF FAITH 96 Genadija Ticības apliecinājuma 16. gadsimta beigu ekseģēze II MODERN TIMES JAUNLAIKI 105 Eleutherios Mystakas Aliki Tsotsorou HISTORY AND ART: PAINTINGS AND POEMS DEPICTING THE GREEK WAR OF INDEPENDENCE 106 Vēsture un māksla: grieķu neatkarības kara atainojums glezniecībā un dzejā Efstratios Myrogiannis WHAT’S IN A NAME? FREEDOM OF CHOICE IN RIGAS’S HELLENIC REPUBLIC 117 Vārda spēks. Izvēles brīvība Riga Grieķijas Republikā Theodouli Alexiadou THE COMMON DESTINY OF HUMAN BEINGS AND TREES IN THE MODERN GREEK POETRY FROM 1880 TO DATE. FIRST APPROACH 127 Cilvēka un koka kopīgā likteņa atspoguļojums grieķu dzejā no 1880. gada līdz mūsu laikam. Pirmais skatījums Thanassis Agathos FROM VASSILIKOS’S Z TO GAVRAS’S Z: A NOVEL AND A FILM AS SYMBOLS OF THE FIGHT AGAINST THE GREEK COLONELS’ JUNTA 139 No Vassilika Z līdz Gavra Z: romāns un filma kā simboli cīņā pret grieķu militāro huntu Ekkehard Wolfgang Bornträger THE PLACE OF MODERN GREEK IN THE INTERNATIONAL «TRANSLATIONS EXCHANGE»: ELEMENTS FOR A COMPARATIVE APPROACH WITH AN EYE ON LATVIAN 148 Mūsdienu grieķu valodas vieta tulkojumu tirgū: salīdzinošās pieejas elementi, ieskaitot latviešu valodas gadījumu Paraskevi Delikari CONTESTING THE CURRICULUM: TEACHING GREEK AS A SECOND OR/AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE, A CASE STUDY 158 Izaicinājums mācību programmai: grieķu valodas kā otrās valodas vai/un svešvalodas mācīšana Penelope Frantzi LANGUAGE LITERACY, GREEK LANGUAGE AND ANCIENT GREEK CULTURE THROUGH ICT (EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE) 169 Valodas prasmes, grieķu valoda un antīkā kultūra moderno mācību tehnoloģiju piedāvājumā III ECHOS AND REFLECTIONS ATBALSIS UN ATSPULGI 181 Rifat Gürgendereli Thanasis Kougoulos THE GREEK LOANWORDS IN TURKISH AND THEIR USE IN THE GREEK LANGUAGE 182 Grieķu vārdu aizguvumi turku valodā un to lietojums grieķu valodā Kateřina Loudová CZECH JOURNEY TO MODERN GREEK 195 Čehu ceļš uz jaungrieķu valodu Irena Radová THE INFLUENCE OF ANTIQUITY ON CZECH-WRITTEN LITERATURE OF THE 19TH AND 20TH CENTURIES 203 Senās Grieķijas ietekme uz čehu 19. un 20. gadsimta literatūru Kyriaki Petrakou THE RELIGIOUS QUESTIONING OF NIKOS KAZANTZAKIS AND ITS IMPACT ABROAD 210 Nika Kazandzaka reliģiskie meklējumi un to ietekme ārzemēs Svitlana Pereplotchykova N. KAZANTZAKIS’S NOVELS ENTERING NATIONAL LITERATURE: A UKRAINIAN DIMENSION 218 Nika Kazandzaka romānu ienākšana nacionālajā literatūrā: ukraiņu dimensija Kaiti Diamantakou-Agathou ANCIENT AND MODERN GREEK HEROES TALKING ALONE ON STAGE: TOWARDS THE AUTONOMY OF MONOLOGICITY 226 Senie un mūsdienu grieķu varoņi – vieni uz skatuves: ceļš uz monologa autonomiju Ojārs Lāms THRACIAN REBEL SPARTACUS IN THE HISTORY OF LATVIAN TRAGEDY AND THEATRE 235 Trāķiešu dumpinieks Spartaks latviešu traģēdijas un teātra vēsturē Zane Šiliņa THE MYTH OF AMPHITRYON AND ITS TRANSFORMATIONS IN 20TH CENTURY DRAMA 248 Mīts par Amfitrionu un tā transformācijas 20. gadsimta dramaturģijā George Pefanis THEATRE AND SOCIAL IMAGINATION: CORNELIUS CASTORIADIS’S CONCEPT OF SOCIAL IMAGINARY IN THE CONTEXT OF PERFORMANCE THEORIES 255 Teātris un sociālā iztēle: Kornēlija Kastorjaža koncepcija par sociāli imagināro izrādes teoriju kontekstā Maka Kamushadze MEDEA IN GEORGIAN POETRY 266 Mēdeja gruzīnu dzejā 8 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Latvia is too small to have many Hellenists; however, it is big enough to appreciate the solid role and value of the Greeks and Greece in the formation, cultivation and development of European cultural environment, in other words, to appreciate the Hellenic dimension. For this reason once every four years Latvia’s oldest and most prestigious university invites specialists of different countries to create a possibility for Latvian humanitarian environment together with foreign experts to get the knowledge of and investigate the amplitude of the Hellenic dimension by considering its various aspects. This volume upholds the tradition that was started by the Chair of Classical Philology and the Centre for Hellenic Studies of the University of Latvia to organize quadrennial conferences and publish the materials thereof – anthologies of scientific articles. This is a third one, the previous having been published in 2003 and 2008. This is also the richest both in terms of the number of contributors and themes. It is testified by the fact that the content of the first collection of articles of the Riga International Conference on Hellenic Studies formed a single entity; the articles of the second collection fell into two thematic groups according to the stages of the Hellenic heritage (Hellenic heritage: genesis and retention). The present volume embraces three measurable cycles: Ancient Times, Modern Times and Echoes and Reflections. The thematic spectrum of the research on the Hellenic dimension is quite wide-ranging: issues of history, linguistics (including language learning and translation), literature and theatre science unfold in an interdisciplinary relation to facts and features of fine arts, mythology, economics and social processes. The Hellenic dimension at various times and in different countries – the contribution of a single ethnos has benefited many nations and cultures. For this reason we can never devote too much attention to this dimension. Even geographically (authors that represent their countries) this collection is far richer than the previous ones: Czech Republic, Great Britain, Greece, Georgia, Italy, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine. From the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean to the Black Sea – the East European area dominates in this representation, which could be considered a special (thematically / content-wise) feature. Despite the fact that the working languages at the conference were Greek and English, the editors of the present collection opted for INTRODUCTION 9 creating the first collection of articles of the Centre for Hellenic Studies in the English language (the former volumes contained articles in Latvian or English, depending on the submitted text), to make the Riga conference acquisitions accessible to wider readership. The summaries of articles are offered also in Latvian since we cannot lose the Latvian readers’ attention and respect to the publication that has been created in our country. Thus, the national and the global make an attempt to coexist… Today, more than ever before, it is important to look at and per- ceive the Hellenic world as both divisible and indivisible, where «the Hellenic world» implies the diachronic environment that affected cul- tures of other nations, leaving there different traces of the Hellenic dimension brushwork.
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