<=Rhe Quarterly

<=Rhe Quarterly

<=rhe Quarterly CVallas. crexas Volume XXVII December 1981 Number 4 In Cooperation With The Dallas Public Library Dallas Genealogical Society A TEXAS NON·PROFIT CORPORATION P. 0 . 801112648 D1ll11, Tuas7522S lncooprrorionwith the DA LLAS PUBLIC LIBRA R Y 1 981-1982 OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Margaret Ann THETFORD (Mrs. W. Conway) 3725 ~•ockingbird 522- 3806 President Dallas, Texas 75205 Helen M. LU (Mrs. J . L . ) 4559 Hockaday Dr. 350-6586 Executive Vice President Dallas, Texas 75229 Jean ne J. TABB (Mrs. William H.) 6458 Lavendale 368-6292 Vice President - Programs Dallas, Texas 75230 Margaret A. HUDSON (Mrs . J. E.) 5507 Ridgetown Cr. 661- 5126 Vice President - Publications Dal las, Texas Lee and Jo LAMBETH (~~r. and Mrs . ) 13319 Belfield 24 3- 5329 Vice President - Membership Dallas, Texas 752 34 Carolyn ELLIOTT (Mrs . W. S. ) 8307 Stony Creek Dr . 324-4694 Vice president - Communications Dallas , Texas 75228 Joan SIEGERT (Mrs. Charles L . ) 709 Colgate Cr . 276-62 79 Recording Secretary Garland, Texas 75234 Jil'l R. GREENEY 44 51 Mendenhall 387- 1 816 Treas urer Dallas, Texas 75234 DIRECTORS Robert L. YATES, Jr. 5520 Boca Raton Dr . 361-096) Public Relations Dallas , Texas 75230 Edwin D. KUYKENDALL 7428 Wentwood Dr. 361-5803 Mailings Dallas, Texas 75225 Mrs . Clytes A. Cullar 1222 Femdale 943-8339 Research Dallas, Texas 75224 Lloyd D. BOCKSTRUCK 3925-A Travis St. (R) 522-1302 Library Liaison Dallas, Texas 7 5204 (0) 748-9071 Meeting Arrangements Mrs . Mary Helen BRENGEL 130 7 Woodlawn Ave . 94 2- 0550 Proj ects Mary Sue CARUTH (Mrs. Ray) 534 2 Longview 821- 2692 Parliamentarian Dallas, Texas 75206 CJ'he Quarterly Mar garet Hudson , Edi tor DECEMBER 1981 Of ficers and Directors . Inside Front Cover DGS Publications. .502 Editor ' s Desk . • Oak Cl i ff Cemetery Burials . Spence CeI'letery - Hopkins Co., Texas . Litle- Scobey- Eagleston Cemetery, Lee Co . , Texas . Dall as City and County Directory 1 881- 1882 . I n dex to Naturalization Records, Dallas Co , , Texas. 1851 Beat Survey and Hap, Henderson Co . , Te xas . 476 Earnest Baptist Church Records, Tipton, Tillman Co., Oklahoma . Doing Research in the Bodleian Library , Oxford, England . Excerpts from Gazetter of Streams of Te xa s . Book Reviews . Query Page . FROM THE EDITOR ' S DESK I have enjoyed the experience of publishing this issue of The Quar ter ly. The exper ience has been in val uable . I appreciate the contribution and help I ' ve received from Helen Lu , physical and moral. Without her assistance this iss ue would not have been printed. I am looking foreward to future issues. They should be i nterest- ing and fun . I hope you will be looking foreward to them with as much enthusiam as I am. The Quarterly needs your contributions and assistance in proof- ing and gathering material , and ideas for features to run . This is your quarter ly . What would you like to see in it? We also need books to review and queries . We will try to run as many queries as we can . So please send them to the post office box. Marg aret Hudson ii Dallas Genealogi cal Society Contin ued frof'I Velurne XXVII, Nun"ber 3, page 428 MTE 2- 12- 1929 HANSFIELD,Infant ~ ?.J - ]Q]f, MARABLE,Augustine StrangersRest 4- 17- 1921 MARSH, Hiss Anna 12-7-1915 MARSH, Hiss Kate StrangersRest 10-1-1928 t-'ARLEY , FrancisDeWitt 12- 9- 1914 MARRlNER , fiarryLee 8-8-1909 MARSH ,John MARSH , Lottie 1-15-1915 MARSH , AllenBuckingham 8-14-1913 HARSHALL,Collin,Infantof 3-29-1907 MARSHALL, Lawrence 12-5-1915 HARSHALL,ChildofLemaw StrangersRest 6- 9- 1906 MARTIN, Ben, Infant of 7-26-1943 HAJCHO , EL!;!EBARNETTB . 5-12-1912 MATERSON,J.O. 11- 10-1915 MAUDELL, Frank and David StrangersRest }-20-1913 MAY, Sister 7- 3-1916 HAYS,LewisE. StrangersRest MAYS,A . S . 8- 9-1908 HAXEY , Mrs Lue 2-8-1912 MEDLEY, Mrs . Tyrine 3-10-1924 MEEK , Irene 3- 6-1913 MICHOL , W.M.W. ,Infant of MILLER, M. (Hoved to Hillcrest) MILLS, Mrs. K. ~~;;:;!~i3 MELTON,Hrs.N Pottersfield 11- 5-1915 MEISTER, Julius Wilmer StrangersRest 8-23-1929 MEXICAN, Unknown 7-26-1909 MEYER, Fred , Infant of 1-30-1915 HIDDLETON, W. M. Robert 2-10-1916 MILAN,J . E. ,Infant of StrangersRest 11-13-1909 MILLER , RichardD. ,Infant of 6- 5-1910 MILLER, G. :W . 6-10-1913 MILLER, Mrs . Mary StrangersRest 6-7-1914 MlLLER,InfantofJoeE. 7-13-1914 MILLER, Infant of Leslie StrangersRest 2-9-1915 MILLER, Marie 4-17-1907 MtTCHELL, lssion 4-21- 1905 MONEYKAN, Lynn 3-31-1913 MOORE , T. Angus, Infant of 9-23-1913 MOORE, L. M. , Infant of (bom dead) StrangersRest 6-27-1914 MOORE, James Edward 2-13-1913 MORAN , H. B. , Infant of f.t. B. 5- 10- 1906 HORELAND , Mr:i . Hann and Bob 3-7-1909 MORGAN, Infant of Van Burren 12-29-1912 HORGAN,Doro 7-20-1915 MORGAN , A. R. StrangersRest 1-2-1916 MORGAN, Archie Lester StrangersRest 8-27- 1912 HORRIS,Maxie 9-27-1912 McADAMS, Mrs. Lucy 11-3-1915 McCARSEY, Mrs . Louise 7-1-1909 HcCLENDON,Eunnice Pottersfield 6-23-1934 Mcex>WN, Florence D. StrangersRest 1-17-1920 McDANlELL, David 11-16- 1916 McDONALD, Mrs. Daisy 11-3-1920 McDONALD, Mrs. Joanna 7-14- 1909 McFERRIN, Marion 7- 12-1916 McGEE,Dan StrangersRest 7-23-1928 McGEAGAR, R. L. , Infant of StrangersRest 10-26-1913 MclNTOSH, George and :Seatri ce, Infant of 6-24-1910 McKINLEY, Edward B. 6-18-1929 McKAY, Margaret 10- 17-1936 McKEY , Roy C. 6- 20-1916 Hc.KINNON , James StrangersRest 1-9-1914 McKINNEY, Paul Nelson. The Quæ>terly - Decernber 1981 Oak Cli ff Burials conti nued .. 2-22- 1909 McLAUGHLIN, 12- 18-1913 McLAUGHLIN , Pearl Simmons - - - - 1940 McLEMORE, Bridges 4- 20-1918 McNABB, Adele StrangersRest 4-17-1907 McNEAL, Infant Ellen 7- 14- 1915 McNEILEY,S . V. StrangersRest 6-15-1907 McREYNOLDS, Fred 10-21- 1912 McROBERTS, 7- 3-1912 McROBERTSON, Mrs. 6-9-1906 MULLINS,C.F. 2-9-1913 MYERS,Henry MYERS, Mrs. W. A. iO:~;:i~~5 NAGEL , Annie StrangersRest 1-3-1914 NASH , GeorgeNaples 3-24- 1910 NASH,Lesly 2- 9- 1914 NASH, Mrs. N. 2- 3-1923 StrangersRest 9- 8- 1913 :~: :::~e~.AH., Infant of 12-9-1913 NE I LL , D.D. 4- 7- 1916 NELSON, Mrs . S. F . 11-16-1931 NICHOLS,Ellen ------1941 NISER , KatieandWilliamG. 12-15-1915 NORRIS,JohnB. StrangersRest NOYES,E.W. 2-13-1916 OWENS,Will StrangesRest 1-30-1915 PAR,Luscious 7-2- 1931 PAR.HOS, Marshall Stranger sRest 3-3-1936 PARTES,Mrs.J.T. 7-20-1916 PASTUA,Lena StrangersRest 6- 1-1915 PATE, W. L . Infant of StrangersRest 2-26-1911 PATTERSON,J . H. 1-20-1918 PATTON, Floyd, Infant of StrangersRest 4-22-1916 PEACOCK,Joshua 6-22- 1910 PECKHAM , CyrusW. 2- 22- 1909 PEEBLES, Mrs . W. H. 6- 12-1906 PENN, Mrs . Mary 3- 25- 1912 PENN,Purrell 6- 5-19 16 PENN,Hiram 3-18-1907 PENRY,J.D. 9- 20-191 1 PENRY,Mrs.R. 1-21-1913 PENRY,Silas 1- 14- 1914 PERCIVAL , William Tell 2-18- 1918 PERCIVAL,J . T . ,Infant of 6-28- 1914 PEEKINS,Lynos StrangersRest 11-18-1915 PERRY , AlliceB. 12-30-1904 PERYMAN,Ch.srles,Infantof Pottersfield 6-21- 1913 PETERSON, Winnie StrangersRest 7-2-1937 PETERSON, Mra. Sophia 4- 3-1906 PIPIN, W. H. , Infant of 1-11- 1910 PIPPIN, Lawrence 8-22- 1912 PIPPIN , Hrs.Annie PIPPIN,Helen tit~;~: PIPPIN,Infantsonof 3-22-1918 PLUMMER,T.B. StrangersRest 7- 5-1914 POSEY,C . H. ,Infant StrangersRest 8-8-1913 POSTEN,Ralph,Infantof 5-17- 1929 POPE,DavidE. 8-19-1911 POTTER, Mary Thomas 6- 20-1913 POWELL,W.L. 7- 30-1915 PCKJELL,E . L. ,Infant of StrangersRest 2-6-1913 POWERS,SelbyR. 8- 7- 1910 PRATER, James, Infant of 1-3- 1914 PRESLEY, Mary Virginia 1-25-1905 PRICE, 11-14-1914 PRICE,EmmaV. 10-17-1913 PROWELL,John,Infantof 5-8-1929 PURNELL,J.R.,lnfantof 9- 11-1911 RAGAN,Ed. ,Infant of 4- 17- 1906 RAGLAND , F.L. 7- 12- 1915 RAGLAND,Mrs . Sallie 1-17-1910 RAWLINS,J.A. ,Infant of Dallas Genealogical Society 4-21- 1910 RALLINS,T.S. 2-23-1918 RATLIFF , W.W. 12- 8- 1932 RAY , James Carroll 8-31-1938 RAY, Gerald Holman 5-11-1913 RAYE,J.L . ,Infant of 6-24-1911 REAO,Mrs.Alice 10-28-1913 READ, Crawford J. 5-28-1916 StrangersRest 8-26-1907 =~~(>N~.M~~. Alice Hunt: 11-9-1906 REXALLES. Mrs . Martha 2-9-1921 REXALLES.JamesJ. 7-2-1912 REYNOLDS, Mrs. Sudie 7-4- 1913 REYNOLOS,GeorgeAllen StrangersRest 11-4- 1911 RILEY,JamesS. 1-28-1916 RINGER,Vidi,Infant 11-8-1911 ROBERTS, Mrs. Louis 11-27-1911 ROBERTS, John Huron 8-22-1914 ROBERTS, Charles, Infant of StrangersRest 3- 13-1916 ROGERS,Clay 10- 6-1908 ROGERS, Mrs . Jane M. ROSE,JamesH. 12-26-1904 ROSE, G. H. 5-1 5-1911 ROSS,Vivian 5-31- 1912 ROSS,AuthurA. 2-22-1910 ROSS, Mrs. Mary 3- -1913 ROYER, Mrs . 11-3-1907 RUDOLPH,Mrs.E.R. 9-3-1915 RUSSELL,WilliamH. Stranger Rest 4-25-1907 RYALS, Hildreti 11-3- 1914 ROSE , Blanche 5-31-1916 SANCHES, G. StrangersRest 6-5-1925 SCHWARTZ,EmmaL . Str angersRest 2-9-1929 SCHUMARO,Infant 9-24-1934 SEYMOUR,Infant 12-4-1911 SEYHOUR, Stanley 6-9-1912 SEYMOUR, Mrs. Mary Ellen 6-6-1908 SHEARON,Hrs.MaryJane 5- 28-1916 SHOCKY,PerryD. StrangersRest 2-23-1931 SIMMONS, Wara 9-4- 1907 SIMS, Mrs. Elizabeth 10-31-1910 SINGE , MeneisEde 8-10-1915 SINGLETON,Julian StrangersRest 2-1-1909 SLAGHTER,IraOell 2-22-1905 SMITH,Nancy 9-6-1905 SMITH, Infant of Ray 5- 9-1907 SMITH, Robert R.

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