Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/cataloguesofhindOObrituoft \ : CATALOGUES OP TBB HINDI, PANJABI, 8INDHI, AND PUSHTU PRINTED BOOKS IN THK LIBEARY OP THK BRITISH MUSEUM. BT J. F. BLUMHARDT, TMoaU OF MRaALI *t ! OmTIUITT OP OSPO«0, AlfD OP HIHDinAlll, HINDI AND BBIiOALI POB TUB 'Z INPBBIAL INffTITirrB, LONDON. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM lonlion B. QUAHITCH, 15, Piccauillt, W. ; A. .VSHER k CO.; KEOAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO.; LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. 1893. ! z r.ONDOK PRINTED BT GUBBET AND BIVISffTON, LIMITED, ST. JOHN'S HOUSE, CLEBKENWEI,!, B.C. Tlie following Catalogues of Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, and Pushtu Books form the fourth volume of the series of Catalogues of Books in the vernaculars of Northern India in the British Museum, compiled by Mr. J. F. Blumhardt. The principles on which these Catalogues have been arranged are practically the same as those adopted in the previous volumes. The few points of divergence are fully explained in the Preface. ROBERT K. DOUGLAS, KKKPBB OF THE DEPARTMENT OP ORIENTAL PRINTED BOOKS AHU MS8. British MasBOM, .%)/. 1, 1893. ^ PEEFACE. The present volume contains catalogues of literature both Hindu and Muhamraadan, and a few remarks are necessary, therefore, to explain the system of nomenclature applied to each class of works. The Hindi language is so closely allied to the Sanskrit, and its literature, as represented in the present Catalogue, consists so largely of works written, translated, and commented on by Sanskrit authors, that it has been thought desirable to adopt the Sanskrit forms of the names of authors and of their works on the principles already applied in the Catalogues of the Bengali, and of the Marathi and Gujarati Books in the British Museum. On the other hand, the authors of Panjabi, Sindhi, and Pushtu works are mostly Muhammadans, and the literature is but little connected with the Sanskrit. Hindi names in these Catalogues have accordingly been transliterated more in conformity with the Persian forms in which the authors themselves spell them ; as, for instance, " " " Gobind Singh (,^ jju^) for " Govinda Simha (jftfr^ f^^). The Hindi Catalogue, as a separate work, embraces books written in the various dialects of that language, such as Marwari, Nepali, Braj-bhasha, &c. Specimens of all of these may be found under the heading " Bible " (col. 26, 270, et »eqq.). The Marwari dialect is specially devoted to Jain literature, a heading which occurs in the Subject-Index ; while Braj-bhasha is particularly identified with the earlier literature of the Krishna-cult. In cases where Sindhi or Pushtu works have titles expressed in Persian or Arabic forms, they have been presented in the same manner, and are transliterated in accordance with the rules, adopted in cataloguing books in those languages.* J. F. BLUMHARDT. London, May 1, 1893. * lo Paahta works, however, a final unsounded h ("• kbafi") in nouns that are feminine in that lan^age, though not so in Persian or Arabic, as t^ Uiim, " a story," is unexpressed, in order to distinguish it from the final sounded h (" t zahii ") which is characteristic of the masculine noun, and is expressed, as in tjh ill Mkak-tiilah, "a prince." ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. HINDI CATALOGUE. Col. 9, line 14, cancel the titles under ABSIJHAGRA, for which hnvc been aubatitated those in col. 277 under BAMA BATA. 26, „ 12j 28, 17 /or 1004. g. 9. read 1108. f. 1. „ [ 107, ,,24) 57, „ 48, for 780. L 7. read 760. L 9. 85, „ 1, a/<«- KESAVAPRASADA add Son o/ flira/rt/a. 97, „ 27, after KADHAVAPRASADA add Extra Aatittant Commistioner. 104, „ 37 and 38, for Virande read Birande. 208, „ 26, delete Arsijhagra [in loco]. )! TABLE OF TEANSLITEEATION. NAGARI AND GUKUMUKHI (PANJABI) ALPHABETS. Nag. GnEDM. Nag. Gueum. Nag. GlJBDM. ^ »f a ^ W cha XT M pa W( nu a 3[ ^ chha T|| s pha \ fu i ^ tT ja ^ g ba t Ft i ^ ^ jha V{ ^ bha ^ t u 3T ^ na H H ma ^ f u 7 z: ta ^ IFT ya ^ ri Z 3 tha ^ ^ ra u t e 5 ^ da ^ 55 la 1? ^ ai 3 ra '^ ^ va • ^ ^ t ^ =^ dha ^\ •s*- c ^ ^ au ^ ^ na ^ H < sha 1 ka 3" ^ ST cT ta ^ Vsa ^ tf kha ^ ^ tha I u ha n 3r ga ^ e da ^ la ^ »T gha ^ ^ dha 3? ^ na ^ 7> na The Sanskrit signs *, I, and represented by m, h, and n, respectively. TABLE OF TEANSLITEEATION. HINDUSTANI, SINDHI, AND PUSHTU ALPHABETS. siar. SiSDBt. POiBTD. HlKUUST. SiVOBI. Pushtu. i>y li_J S^ b J J J z V b J 4 zh bh V ^ J P V V V u- yjr ^- 8 ph * sh <ZJ C^i* iSJ t O^ sh <JL» th W* L/* (^ 8 I tt 1 ii_> • i^j *t» t, tr • , w •^ L^ ? «J^ tb \» V> b t «^ «^ stJ 9 1» b 1» Z * \a t • C « f J • • r: C C gh i J • C •^ <—i f <«?- jh ** J J Ic 8 € a te lJ k oh € V 5 *ir kh C chh ^ ^ kiT, v±J S B r r c ^ E t t t kb 4f gt A t> •» d sJ n J db J J J 1 J d m r r r J ^ 4 «> u; «; n J ^ b tf n J j >> i ^ J J W, V V J J t 1 s « b n J J J- T ^ •l^ sf y Hamzah in the middle of a word, '. ' j ' The Piuhta letters ^ and ^j» have been represented by the softer sounds of ' and sh,' peculiar to the KhAfaks and Afghans of the Western tribes, rather than by the harder sounds of 'g' and ' kkh ,' as pronounced by the Ynsuf-zaia and Eastern tribes. ' Id Siodhi wordi only. ' When oorrenponding to the Sanakrit ^, and in Sindbi. CATALOGUE OF HINDI BOOKS 'ABD ALLAH, Salyid. See Vikramaditta, King ACADEMIES (continued). of Ujjayini. Singhiisnn Batti^i ; . A new edi- PABIS. Abdoollah. tion, . with copious notes by Syed Eeole SpeeiaU Des Langues Orientalea Vivantes. 1869. S". 14156. i. 28. ff •^l r**^ «J'^*^M I [Hindi Hindul muntakha- but.] Chrt'stoiiiathie Hindio et Hindouic. [Pre- 'ABD al-KAEIK. See Arabum Nights. «nre nr^ pared under Garcin de Tassy's direction, and ^frw [S;llla^m mjani charitra. The Arabian provided with a vocabulary by E. Lancereau.] Nights, translated from the Hindustani version pp. iv. 134, 144. rari$, 1849. 8°. of 'A. al-K.] [1876.] 4". 752. f. 10. 14156. k. 5. [Another copy.] 760. g. 20. ABHATASEVA. See Upasakadasa. 9qi<i«<i)ll n^ ACHYUTANANDAGIEI. Sp<? Upanishaps. w^ wrt [UpAsakadofi. Together with the Upasakadafa- ^y wajditi^HrfVYiT TsfhrfVnnrt'itTrc TnT«nT ii [Daso- 12°. vivaraija of A.] [1876.] oil. panishad-bhuslidatara. A verso translation of the 14100. 0. 2. ten Upanishads by Achyutanandagiri.] [1887.] ' ACADEMIES. oil. 4°. 14154. g. 10. CALCUTTA. 'ADALAT 5gA». See Lallu Lala, Kavi. Selec- Indica tions . Atintie Society of Bengal. Bibliotheca ; from the Prem Sagar translated into a collection of Oriental works published under literal English, with copious notes ... By Adalut the patronage of the Court of Directors of the Khan. 1881. 8°. 14156. h. 27. East India Company, and the superintendance See Marshman (J. C.) Selections from of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta, 1848, the, history of India . Translated into litcnil etc. 8°. 14002. a. English, with copious notes . By Adfilut Khan, Tie ffiiiJi vorkt eoHlainnl in thit eolUclivn art eatalogued 1877. 8°. 14112. a. 26.(1.) under tkrfnllniting ktadimgt: Vol.77. Cbaad. Vol. 121. TDlatidiia. | ADAM (M. T.) Sec Bell (A.) D.D., LL.D., Pre- LOKDON. bendary of Westminster. Substance of Dr. Bell's Instructions for modelling and conducting schools, Orieittnl Tmunlaiion Fund of Great Britain and translated intb Hindooce by M. T. A. 1824. 8°. Jretand. Gabcik dk Tasst (Joseph Heliodobi) 14156. d. 1.(1.) Hiatoirc de la litt^rature hindoui et hindons^ni. 2 torn. Pari*, 1839-47. 8°. tfi^ fji^n irrfV^ ts^ Tf«nr . ff^^ WRr^rr 752. k. 5. 6. m«l.<n I [Hindi bhasbiika vyakarana.] A Hindoo B ADA—ADV AGN—ALH grammar for the instruction of the young, in AGUTTESA. TTOnra ^THO I^ ^ [Ramayana-samaya- the form of easy questions and answers, pp. 70. darsa. A Sanskrit poem in 103 stanzas, con- Calcutta, 1827. 8". 14160. b. 4.(1.) taining a brief account of the life of Rama. With a translation into Hindi prose by Gopala f?^ ^^^ ^Er? fwu ?^rr 'ji^'t yaj^ ?rTf?^«KT i Upasani.] pp. 39. vmwa [Benares, 1885.] 8°. [Hindi kosha.] A dictionary of the Hindee 1407^. cc. language, compiled by M. T. A. pp. 374. Cal- cutta, 1829. 8°. 14160. b. 1. AHMAD HUSAIN, Saiyid^ "^Sfl. H^^l'^ll^l [Kaithi patramala. A letter-writer, in the Kaithi ADAM (W. T.) See Stewart ( ) Captain. character; being a translation by Ambikaprasada Ttj^ cir«n I . Stewart's Historical anecdotes of the Urdu Maktub i Ahmadi of A. H.] pp. 36, . [Together with selections from L. M. Stretch's rti-yf\al^ " Beauties of History," and other works.] Trans- lith. «,fcbo [Lucknow, 1880.] 8°. 14160. c. 12.(1.) lated by W. T. A. 1825. 8°. 14156. g. 1.(1.) ADAMS (Williams) M.A., Fellow o/Merton College, AHMAD KHAN, Saiyid, C.S.L ii^^ ^^ f^ ^THTT?^ Joii'Ji^l .IjI [Samsaradarpana. Oxford, ft^rr^rfaitfw xnr^ "^^ c»r«n [Rajaduton ?RT^^ ki katha. The King's Messengers, translated A considerably abridged translation by Gopala, of from the English original of W. A. by Pandit Ahmad Khiin's Asar al-sanadid, or history of the district of Delhi, its rulers and principal build- Kalicharana.] pp. 92. ^TnTT 'i\:%'i [Agra lith.
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