September 25, 1941 5c a copy T H E library copy WITNESS A £ # # V ST. M ARY’S HALL A View of the Delaware River MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE WAR Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS CLERGY NOTES SCHOOLS ALLEN, CHARLES R., ' formerly on the staff of the Pro-Cathedral Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Pa., has charge of St. John’s, tUlje (Hetteral Wqtstlagicnl Hartford, Conn., while the rector, the Rev. Harold Donegan, is away on a leave of ab­ ^ e m tn a rg sence because of illness. Three-year undergraduate BEAUFILS, ARTHUR R., rector of the KENOSHA, WISCONSIN course of prescribed and elective Church of St. Sauveur, Aux Cayes, Haiti, A Church school with a modern plan of edu­ died recently following an appendicitis cation. Preparatory to all colleges. Also gen­ study. operation eral courses. Unusual opportunities in Art, Fourth-year course for gradu­ BLYNN, PETER, recent graduate of the Philadelphia Divinity School, has joined the Music and Dramatics. Complete sports pro­ ates, offering larger opportunity staff of St. Peter’s Church, Morristown, N.J., gram. Accredited. Well organized junior school. as curate. for specialization. Under direction of the Sisters of St. Mary. BOONE, DANIEL, ordained in Cambridge last Catalog on Request. Address Box WT. Provision for more advanced June after graduation from the Episcopal work, leading to degrees of S.T.M. Theological School, has been made assistant and D.Th. to Dean Lichtenberger at the Newark cathe­ dral. ADDRESS BOYCE, JAMES C., has resigned as rector of Grace Church, Pittsburgh, to accept a call HOLDERNESS THE DEAN to be rector of Christ Church in the same Ir. the White Mountains. College Preparatory city. and General Courses. Music and Crafts. For Chelsea Square New York City BROWN, ROBERT R., former assistant at boys 12-19. All sports including riding. 200 Trinity Church, Houston, Texas, has ac­ acres of woods. New fireproof building. In­ For Catalogue Address the Dean cepted a call to be rector at St. Paul’s, dividual attention. Home atmosphere. Waco, Texas. BROWN, WILLIAM R., Ill, recent graduate Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector of the Philadelphia Divinity School, has been appointed curate at St. James’, Wichita, Box W , Plymouth, N. H. Kansas. Episcopal Theological School CARLETON, HUBERT, rector of St. Augus­ CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS tine’s, Wilmette, 111., resigned recently after twenty-one years’ service to the parish; i Affiliated with Harvard University offers the vestry has elected him rector emeritus, anusual opportunities in allied fields, such as and he will continue his connection with philosophy, psychology, history, the parish in that capacity. sociology, etc. #tuart Uall CHISHOLM, JOHN R., ordained priest on An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old For Catalogue Address the Dean September 15, will be priest-in-charge at St. Andrew’s, Fort Scott, Kansas. traditions and high standards in the beau­ tiful Valley of Virginia. College prepara­ CROFT, NATHANIEL, became ‘prièst in tory, general courses, and secretarial charge of St. Paul’s, Freeport, Texas, dur­ courses. Two years beyond high school. The Virginia Theological ing the summer. He has been serving churches in Montana. Music, art, expression. Graduates success­ Seminary ful in college. Well-equipped buildings. DERBY, A. H., is now in charge of St. Mar­ For Catalogue and other information, New gymnasium, pool. Outdoor life. Rid­ tin’s, Maywood, and St. Luke’s, Dumont, ing. Founded 1843. Catalog. Ophelia S. T. Address the Dean N. J. Carr, A.B., Box A, Staunton, Va. Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va. ELLINGTON, JOSEPH B„ ordained priest on September 10, will be in charge of St. Albans’, Elberton, and the Church of the Redeemer, Greensboro, Ala. Berkeley FLANAGAN, ROSS H., of Hillsdale, N. J., All Saints’ Episcopal College has taken charge of the Church of the Vicksburg, Mississippi Good Shepherd, Hamburg, and St. Thomas’, Divinity School Vernon, N. J. A small çhurch school for girls offering four years of high school (specializing in college New Haven, Connecticut GRANT, SYDNEY, of Kearny, N. J., is to preparatory) and two years of college. Em­ Affiliated with Yale University have charge of St. James’, Hackettstown, phasis on thorough work. St. Peter’s, Mount Arlington, and Christ REV. CHARLES HEDRICK, Acting Dean Borders on the National Park in historic Church, Stanhope, New Jersey. Vicksburg and overlooks the Mississippi. 86 Sachem Street GRIBBIN, R. EMMET, JR., is the new Arts. Mild Climate. Outdoor Sports. assistant for college work at the University Address : of North Carolina. The Rev. W. G. Christian, Rector HOOFNAGLE, OTHO. S.. has joined the staff THE CHURCH DIVINITY of St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H. SCHOOL OF THE PACIFIC JOHNSON, GARDNER A., recent graduate of General Seminary, has been appointed director of religious education and ^eflrîite Virginia Episcopal School BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA at Grace Cathedral, Topeka,' Kansas. Lynchburg, Virginia Dean, Henry H. Shires (Continued on page 14) Prepares boys for colleges and university. 2457 Ridge Road Splendid environment and excellent corps of teachers. High standard in scholarship and athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in St. Faith’s School .the mountains of Virginia. Saratoga Springs, Health Centre of For catalogue apply to America Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D.D., Rector CARLETON COLLEGE Épiscopal School for 60 girls, ages 8-18. Donald J. Cowling, President Tuition $550. Regents’ examination for col­ Carleton is a co-educational liberal arts lege entiance. Business, Art, Music, French, coilege of limited enrollment and is rec­ Winter Sports. ognized as the Church College of Min­ nesota. The Rev. F. Allen Sisco, Ph.D., Rector MARGARET HALL Address: Assistant to the President Protection, Care, Health, Education Under Sisters of St. Anne CARLETON COLLECE ( Episcopal) North-field Minnesota Small country boarding and day school to1, girls, from primary through high school. VOORHEES Accredited college preparatory. Modern builfl- ing recently thoroughly renovated includes Normal & Industrial School gymnasium and swimming pool. Campus of six Denmark, South Carolina acres with ample playground space, hocKey DeVeaux School High School and Junior College, with prac­ field, and tennis courts. Riding. Board ana Niagara Falls, N. Y. tical training in agriculture, business, tuition, $700. For catalog, address: 1852-1941 home, etc. Expenses reasonable. Mother Rae.iel, O.S.A., Box A, Versailles, Ky. The diocesan school for boys in J. E. BLANTON, Principal Western New York. Thorough preparation for college combined with military training and the dis­ SCHOOL OF NURSING cipline and instruction of a Church General Hospital for Men, Women an FORK UNION Children provides experience in medical, surg- school. General course including cal, and obstetric nursing, with aftiliaTe business instruction for those not MILITARY ACADEMY courses in psychiatric, communicable disease going to college. Grades VI-VI11 An Honor Christian School with the highest and visiting nursing included in three ye academic rating. Upper School prepares for urogram. and high school. Tuition $850. university or business. ROTC. Every mod­ Class enters In September. For Catalogue, address Apply to Director of Nursing j ern equipment. Junior School from six years. HOSPITAL OF ST. BARNABAS AND George L. Barton, Jr., Ph.D. Housemother. Separate building. Catalogue. FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Headmaster Dr. J. J. Wicker, Fork Union, Virginia. Newark, New Jersey Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Associate Editors rving ohnson I P. J F rank E. W ilson Managing Editor W illiam P. Ladd W illiam B. Spofford THE WITNESS George I. H iller Literary Editor Clifford L. Stanley Gardiner M. Day A National Paper of the Episcopal Church A lbert T. Mollegen Vol. X X V . No. 24. SEPTEMBER 25, 1941 Five Cents a Copy ^^E WITNESS is published weekly from September through June, inclusive, with the exception of the first number of January, and semi- monthly during July and August, by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscrip­ tion price is $2.00 a year; in Bundles for sale at the church the paper sells for five cents a copy, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter, March 6, 1939, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Circulation Office: 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office: 135 Liberty Street, New York City. M o re Im po r t a n t T h a n t h e W a r By BERNARD IDDINGS BELL TT7HAT is the world-war all about? Is it only a Consider Mr. Priestley’s broadcasts and the ’ * political struggle between nations; or is it speeches of Mr. Bevin, whose power in the British the confused manifestation of an unrest and re­ government, and that of the group he represents, volt, of a revolution going grows stronger every day the war goes on. Con­ on within every nation, sider the startlingly revolutionary pronounce­ within these United States ments of the Archbishop of York, of Protestant as truly as among any groups like the one which prints weekly the people overseas? Is the Christian News Letter, of those who met at Mal­ real struggle one to replace vern. Consider the “ Sword of the Spirit Move­ the tawdry thing which ment,” which works with the blessing of the a secularist individualism Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster. Our has come to be with a something more collectiv­ press and radio almost wholly ignore such trends ized but equally without in British thought. One would think, to read the God? It is hard to avoid American papers and listen to American radio . a realization that the latter commentators, that Britain is fighting a war to is the case.
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