Botanical Exchange Club Report for 1913, Vol. 3 Pt. 5

Botanical Exchange Club Report for 1913, Vol. 3 Pt. 5

" ?" THE , '~ ·SOTANICALEXCH ANGE·CLUB ",lAND SOCIETY OF THE BRITISH ISLES: - - " ~iLANC:P:, '.SHEET ; -SECRE;.TARY"S R'EPORT FOR 1913.- .i> - REPORT FOR 1913' 'BY:THE . ,-' :,."> .:~,;., . SECRET.(\.RY, .. '-=-0,< .• G.CLARIDGE DRUCIf,:<;' '.. , r '""" '~_ :/ ~' " NOL. Ill. -PART· V, - ;,- ');:0- PUBLISHED BY BltNc'i-E" & CQ,," ~RKE:T,;':P-LACE,;.'A~i;1R0A±H-. , " : './:. , ,- '~, -<;.-,- .. " ~:~r~ H114i'. ~o" -- • HONORARY ME}JBERS. J, G. BAKlm, :E'.R.S. DR. G, RI'l''l'EH BEcn: VON MANNAll-E'l"J'A UND LE.RCHENAU. Du. N. L. BRI'f'l'ON. Dn. K. DOMIN. Dn. OSCAR DRUDE. PROF. O. H. FJjjRNALD. Du. W. 0. FOCIm. Du. RUGO GLUCIL PROF. P. p, GRAEBNETI. PnOF. E. HACKEL. PFAHRER G. KUIO:N'l'HAL. PROF. OART.. LINDMAN. Dn. S. MURBECK. DR. a. H. OSTENFELD. PnOF. O. SOHROE'fER. DR. J. VaN S'l'ERNECK. DB" A. 'l'UELLUNG. DR. It. VON W E'l"l'S'I'EIN. CORRESPONDING )1![EJ1fBElIS. J. E. BAGNALL, A.L.S. AR'fRUR BENNETT, A.L.S. F. ARNOLD LEES, M.R.O.S. RICHARD F. TOWNDROW. THE BOTANICAL EXCHANGE CLUB AND SOCIETY OF THE BRITISH ISLES. PLANT NOTES FOR 1913, ETC. 81. PAPAVER DUBIUM x T-oIECOQII. Cadney, Lincoln, June THE REPORT OF THE TREASURER & SECRETARY, 1913. The stigmatic rays are 8 in number, all the dubil,{'m capsules growing with it had from 5-7, the sap was light yellow, taking a little G, CLARIDGE DHUCE, YARDLEY LODGE, OXFORD, time to colour. Rev .. E. A. \Voodruife-Peacock, in lit. and vide spec . FOR 1913. ~"" 124. RADlcuLA SYLVESTRIS Druce, yar. ~l'ENUIFOLJA (Tausch as a var. of Nctsturtium sylvestre). Framingham Pigot, Norfolk E., J"uly 1911, F. LONG, named by Mr A. Bemiett. See Wats. B.E.C. Rep. BALANCE SHEET FOR 1912. 331 (1911-12) 1913, Mr Bennett gives the reference to rrauseh in By Subscriptions received . £44 I I o I Balance from 191 I • . £21 4 5 Opiz (C 8esnam I'ostlin K vete? Oeske," Pr~1g, 1852, which I have not Sale of Reports ., 8 14 o I Expenses of Distribution 2 I I 4 Donation for Plate ~ Miss Foreign posts, &C.. I 11 9 seen. 1. M. Hayward o 0 IPostage of Reports, &c. 5 10 0 Balance due to Treasurer 1913 I Stationery,.&c. 217 7 151 (1*). ALYSSUM SAXA'l'ILE L. Alien, Europe. On walls of Printing Reports, Blocks, &c. 40 3 0 Manor House, near Chimney, Oxon, 1912, G. C. DRUCE; old walls, --------- --------- £73 ,8 , £73 ,8 Nunney, Somerset, G. B. MILNE REDHEAD, vide spec. Det. A. \ TI-IELLUNG. Balance due to the Treasurel', £19 13s. ld., to whom all sub­ 196 (2). ERYSJMUM SUFFRU'l'ICOSUlII Sprengel. Alien, patria scriptions should be paid on the first of January in each year· (so ignota. Fields near Finstock, Oxon, 1913, A. H. EVANS, vide spec. that the trmbble and expense q/ applying fm' them may be CllVoided); 212 b. BRAssICA ELONGA'l'A Ehrh., var. PRRSICA (13oiss. & lIohen.) of 78. 6d. for each member who Gontributes and receives specimens j as a species. Barrow-in-F.urness, Lane. N., 69b., W. H. PEARSALL, of 58. for each non-contributing or corresponding member who re­ vide spec. Det. A. TH1~LLUNG as B. elongata, sub-species persica (Bais8. ceives the RepoTts only, but who may send specimens for identification, & Hohen.).Thellung. or as records of interesting plants, or as notes for the Repm·t. Pay­ ment in advance for two or more years may be made if preferred. 227 (2). DIPLOTAXIS VIi\UNEA DC. Alien, Europe. St. Peter's Port, Guernsey, Rev. W. W. Newbould in Syme E.B. i., 142 t. 95. Members may have a complete set of the Reports for the years Best treated as a sub"species D. viminea (DO) of D. muralis DO. 1879--1900 lor 158., 1901·9, 158., post Iree, odd copies 18. each, Syme made it a sub·species of Brassica brevipes. Virninea differs three lor 28. 6d.,lrom 1901·6 at 1s. 6d., and from 1907·9, 28 each from D. muralis in its leafless stem, all the leaves being radical, by post free, 1910, 48. the pedicels being shorter than the fully expanded flowers, by the shorter petals not twice the length of the sepals, which are insensibly Members having spare copies which they do not want are asked attenuated into the claw. In mU1'alis they are abruptly contracted to return them. Early copies of the 'rhil'sk Botanical Exchange Club into a parrow claw, and the style is not narrowed towards the base. are specially desired, as also copies of the 1912 Report. 308 THE BOTAlncAL ~XCHANGE 'oi.l:J1J"OF, 'i;HE .~Ri.TlsH lSLES . .,;. Botanical Exchange C'111,b Report 1913, 247 (10). LEFIDIUM FSEUDO'DIDYfu:uMTh~l!llhg,spec.jlov .• greg. Americano Bipinnatijidor'/Mn' (TheU.Gatt; J;,epid, [1906] p. 193).. ..' '. ' . Annuum (I), fretidUIIl (od ore L. ruderale' LI. riferens).·. Radix tenuis, sed raJ:llosa et multifibrosa, Owuie.s complures,' ascenciimtes, ad 20 om. longi, cylindrici, pHis sutis long-is patentibus ·'vel '. partirri subreilexis hil'sutuli, foliati} sparse ramosi mmis patentihu.s, elongatis et racemum tBrminalem longitudine subaequantibus; rucemi in'caule et ramis tel'minales, in eorum directione siti, sed ramis axillaribus longitudine adaequati. Folia ba!:lilaria ca. 4 cm. longa et 1 cm. lata, longe petiolata petiolo insertione vix dilatato, bipinnatipal'tita lobis ~i et rhaehi angustis, sublinearibus, imprimis ad rhachim pilis longiuseulis ' subsetiformibus pubescellti-hirsutula; caulina media et superiora 1:!~2 cm. longa, plerumque simpliciter pinnatipal'tita lobis remotis linearibus plerumque integerrimis~ rarius bipal'titis, rhachi lineari (± 1 mm, lata) basi aequelata nee aul'iculata, Flares: sepab ~_ 1 mm. longa, anguste ovato-lanceolata, angustissime albo-marginaht, subpersistentia) petala setacea, calycis longitudinis ca. *aequantia, alba; stamina 2 mediana, glandulae 4 breves, triangulari-ovatae,. calycis longitudini.s !-t adaequantes. R,acemi plurimi in ramis terminales (primus tameh basilal'is e l~adice enatus) j fl'uctiferi elongati, satis laxi, flexuosi, axi striato} aeque ac eanlis hirsutulo-pubescente, pedicellis arcuato-su bdeflexis, tenuibus, subteretibus, siliculae subae­ quilollgis, sparse pubescentibus. Silicula late, ovato-sttbol'biculata} 2i-2i mm. longo. et lata} basi late rotundata, apice anguloso­ acutiuscula propter lobulos alares satis !leutos, convergentes, utrinque subconvexa} medio secus replum subconstdcta et inde leviter didyma, anguste et distinete (ad 1,--i longitudinis septi) emarginata, emargi­ 'i}: naturae marginibus angulum acutissimum formantibus j ~stylus sub" nuBus, stigma in fundo emarginaturae subsessile j valvulae carinatae, 'i:. parte tertia BuperiOl'e distincte slatae, reticulato-nervosae j septum sublineare (apicem versus vix dilatatum), stigmate sessili apiculatum, Semina fere semioircularia, compressa, fel'e laevia, immarginata (marginibus obtusis), flavo-brunnea, fere 1 mm. longa, feI'e I} It1-J? lata, embryo notorrhizus, radicula apice versus marginem mediahutn seminis curvata, cotyledonibus leviter introrsum eUl'vato-silbplicatis: Species valde similis speoiebus nonnullis gl'eg18 Bipin;j~diijidorum, LEl'IDIUM .l~8EUDo"mDYMUM TnmLLUNIJ, TWEEI1RIlJE, SKLlURK, SEPT, 1913. OOLL., MIR8 I. M, HAYWAJ{1). sed vf.tlde distinota silicula subdidyma septo- fel'.B,:iineai'i:; 'valvtilis PTesenteil by Af1:S8 IIaywa?'Cf. distincte i'eticulatis et seminibus .immarginatis. Habi~t1; iiiditmehtb, ~f PLANT NO'l'ES FOH 1913, ETC. 309 forma foliorum, circumferentia siliculke et calyce persistente pel'simile L. p~tbe8centi Desy. (Am. bor. occ. et austr. ace.), a quo tamenpraeter characteres indicatos dignoscitur glandulis brevissimis noe calycis l longitudine adaequantibus. L calycinum GodI'. (Am. austr. or.), quodammodo simile et affine glandulis brevibus, distinguitul' indu­ mento breviore, foliis eaulinis basi dilatatis et (normalitel') ± aul'i­ culatis, silicula elliptiva vel obovata apice obtusa, superoe subconcava. Silicula subdidyma l'eticulata, aepto angustissimo et struotura em­ bryonis accedit ad genus "Ooronoptts," praesel'tim ad O. didyrnum (L.) Srn. (= Lepidittm didymum L.), differt tamen seminibus maturis sponte e valvulis cadentibus, testa sub aqua mucilaginosl1 et fani­ culo distincto. An species formae ancestrali communi generum {( Lepidiwn" et ({ Coronopus" proxima ~ Patria exacta ignota; species tamen certe ex America australi I. oriunda, Hemel in Europam introducta cum lanis exoticis. Bcot1:a: Tweedside, Galashiels, Selkirk, J 913, leg. MISS IDA M. HAYWARD. A. rrI-JELI/UNO. 247 (11). LEPJDIUM FASCICULA/ITM Thellung. Alien, Australia. Galashiels, Selkirk, 1913, lvliss IDA M. HAYWARD. Det. A. THR1LLUNG. 247 (12). LEPIDlU" SAGITTALA'rUM Thellung. Alien, Australia. GalashieL"l, Selkirk, 1913, Miss IDA M. HAYWARD. Det. A. THELLUNG. 247 (13). LEPIDIUM HYSSOPIFOLIUrt'I Desy. em. DO. Alien, Australia. Galashiels, Selkirk, 1913, Mis.':! IDA M. HAYWARD. Det. A. TI-JELLUNG. 247 (14). LEPIDIUlIi AUCHERI ]30iss. ill Ann. Sc. Nat., sel'. ii., xvii., J 95, 1842. Alien,Oriens. Galashieh!, Selkirk, 1913, Miss IDA M. HAYWARD. Det. A. 'rUELLUNG. 247 (15). LEPIDIUM AFRIOANUM Burm. f., var. OAPENSE rrhunb. Alien, Africa, Australia. Galashiell-!, Selkirk, 1913, Miss IDA :&1:. HAYWARD. Det. A. THELLUNG. 290. HELIANTHEMUM OANUM >< OHAMAECISTUS = H. BICKHAMI, E. S. Marshal! in Journ. Bot. 182, 1913, as a hybrid of H. Ohamaecistus x 'marijolium. Llandudno, Carnal'Yon. ~ehellung in Bull: Jierb. Bois8. 496, 1907, gave reasons for preferring as more CQrrect the H. cq,num Baumg., rather than that of marifolium 310 THE BOTANIOAL EXCHANGE CLUB OF THE BRI'l'ISH ISLES. PLANT NOTES FOR 1913, E'!'C. 311 Mill., for the small flowered species. See also J anchen in Abh. d. k. k. 435 (2). HYPERICUM DESF.'l'ANGSII Lamotte Bull. Soc. Fr. xxi., Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien. (1907) 6, Dunal in DO. Prod. i., 277, 1824. 121, 1874. Mt· O. E. Salmon (Jonrn. Bot. 317, t. 528,1913), records 373. CERASTIUM SEMlDECANDRUM L., var. CONGESTUM Gren. the above plant from Lewes, SlL'lSex. He distinguishes it :- Mon. Cerast. 29, 1841. Pedunculis brevis8imis, floribusque from If. pe~foratum by its 4.angled stem, shape of leaves, less narl'OW abbreviatis, congesto-umbellatis, llumerosis, densis, calicibus globosis, 8epals ; capsulaque calicem vix excedente.

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