Volume 5 Issue 3-4 2011 1 THE CAUCASUS & GLOBALIZATION INSTITUTE OF STRATEGIC STUDIES OF THE CAUCASUS THE CAUCASUS & GLOBALIZATION Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies Volume 5 Issue 3-4 2011 CA&CC Press® SWEDEN 2 Volume 5 Issue 3-4 2011 FOUNDEDTHE CAUCASUS AND& GLOBALIZATION PUBLISHED BY INSTITUTE OF STRATEGIC STUDIES OF THE CAUCASUS Registration number: M-770 Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan Republic PUBLISHING HOUSE CA&CC Press® Sweden Registration number: 556699-5964 Registration number of the journal: 1218 Editorial Council Eldar Chairman of the Editorial Council (Baku) ISMAILOV Tel/fax: (994 12) 497 12 22 E-mail: [email protected] Kenan Executive Secretary (Baku) ALLAHVERDIEV Tel: (994 – 12) 596 11 73 E-mail: [email protected] Azer represents the journal in Russia (Moscow) SAFAROV Tel: (7 495) 937 77 27 E-mail: [email protected] Nodar represents the journal in Georgia (Tbilisi) KHADURI Tel: (995 32) 99 59 67 E-mail: [email protected] Ayca represents the journal in Turkey (Ankara) ERGUN Tel: (+90 312) 210 59 96 E-mail: [email protected] Editorial Board Nazim Editor-in-Chief (Azerbaijan) MUZAFFARLI Tel: (994 – 12) 499 11 74 E-mail: [email protected] (IMANOV) Vladimer Deputy Editor-in-Chief (Georgia) PAPAVA Tel: (995 – 32) 24 35 55 E-mail: [email protected] Akif Deputy Editor-in-Chief (Azerbaijan) ABDULLAEV Tel: (994 – 12) 596 11 73 E-mail: [email protected] Volume 5 IssueMembers 3-4 2011 of Editorial Board: 3 THE CAUCASUS & GLOBALIZATION Zaza D.Sc. (History), professor, Corresponding member of the Georgian National Academy ALEKSIDZE of Sciences, head of the scientific department of the Korneli Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts (Georgia) Mustafa AYDIN Professor, Ankara University (Turkey) Irina BABICH D.Sc. (History), Leading research associate of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia) Douglas Professor, Chair of Political Science Department, Providence College (U.S.A.) W. BLUM Svante Professor, Research Director, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Silk Road Studies E. CORNELL Program, Johns Hopkins University-SAIS (U.S.A.) Parvin D.Sc. (History), Professor, Baku State University (Azerbaijan) DARABADI Murad D.Sc. (Political Science), Editor-in-Chief, Central Asia and the Caucasus, Journal of ESENOV Social and Political Studies (Sweden) Jannatkhan Deputy Director of the Institute of Strategic Studies of the Caucasus, Deputy Editor-in-Chief EYVAZOV of Central Asia and the Caucasus, Journal of Social and Political Studies (Azerbaijan) Rauf Ph.D., Leading research associate of the Institute of Strategic Studies of the GARAGOZOV Caucasus (Azerbaijan) Archil Ph.D. (Geography), Senior fellow at the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and GEGESHIDZE International Studies (Georgia) Elmir Director of the Department of Geoculture of the Institute of Strategic Studies of the GULIYEV Caucasus (Azerbaijan) Shamsaddin D.Sc.(Economy), Professor, Rector of the Azerbaijan State Economic University HAJIYEV (Azerbaijan) Jamil HASANLI D.Sc. (History), Professor at Khazar University (Azerbaijan) Stephen Professor, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Mount Holyoke College (U.S.A.) F. JONES Akira Ph.D., History of Central Asia & the Caucasus, Program Officer, The Sasakawa MATSUNAGA Peace Foundation (Japan) Roger Senior Research Fellow, Department of Politics and International Relations, University MCDERMOTT of Kent at Canterbury; Senior Research Fellow on Eurasian military affairs within the framework of the Eurasia Program of the Jamestown Foundation, Washington (U.K.) Roin Doctor of History, professor, academician of the Georgian National Academy of METREVELI Sciences, President of the National Committee of Georgian Historians, member of the Presidium of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Georgia) Fuad Ph.D. (Economy), Counselor of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the MURSHUDLI International Bank of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan) Alexander Professor, President of Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies RONDELI (Georgia) Mehdi SANAIE Professor, Tehran University, Director, Center for Russian Studies (Iran) S. Frederick Professor, Chairman, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Johns Hopkins University-SAIS STARR (U.S.A.) James Professor, Director of the International and Regional Studies Program, Washington V. WERTSCH University in St. Louis (U.S.A.) Alla Doctor of History, professor, head of the Mediterranean-Black Sea Center, Institute of YAZKOVA Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia) Stanislav D.Sc. (Economy), Senior researcher, Institute of World Economy and International ZHUKOV Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia) The materials that appear in the journal do not necessarily reflect the Editorial Board and the Editors’ opinion Editorial Office: THE CAUCASUS & GLOBALIZATION © The Caucasus & Globalization, 2011 98 Alovsat Guliyev, AZ1009 © CA&CC Press®, 2011 Baku, Azerbaijan © Institute of Strategic Studies of WEB: www.ca-c.org the Caucasus, 2011 4 Volume 5 Issue 3-4 2011 THE CAUCASUS & GLOBALIZATION THE CAUCASUS & GLOBALIZATION Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies Volume 5 Issue 3-4 2011 CONTENTS GEOPOLITICS GEOPOLITICAL INTERESTS AND Farhad INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION HUSEYNOV 6 TURKISH-AZERBAIJANI RELATIONS AND Rovshan TURKEY’S POLICY IN THE CENTRAL CAUCASUS IBRAHIMOV 14 GEO-ECONOMICS ON THE FIRST-GENERATION POST-COMMUNIST REFORMS OF GEORGIA’S ECONOMY Vladimer (A RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS) PAPAVA 20 FACTORS DETERMINING THE DIFFERENCES IN FDI INFLOWS INTO AZERBAIJAN’S AND Kamran RUSSIA’S OIL SECTORS AFTER INDEPENDENCE EYYUBOV 30 GEORGIA’S FRESH MINERAL Alexander WATER FOR EUROPE TVALCHRELIDZE, Avtandil SILAGADZE 43 THE WORLD ECONOMIC CRISIS AND GEORGIA Solomon PAVLIASHVILI 54 CUSTOMS MODERNIZATION IN GEORGIA: Elene CHANGES, OUTCOMES, CHIKOVANI, AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES Mariam AVALIANI 62 Volume 5 Issue 3-4 2011 5 THE CAUCASUS & GLOBALIZATION TOWARD A GLOBAL ECONOMY: THE PROSPECTS FOR FORMING AND DEVELOPING AN INNOVATIVE ECONOMY Elguja IN GEORGIA MEKVABISHVILI 71 GEOCULTURE MEMORY, EMOTIONS, Rauf AND BEHAVIOR OF THE MASSES GARAGOZOV, IN AN ETHNOPOLITICAL CONFLICT: Rena NAGORNO-KARABAKH KADYROVA 77 THE FORMATION OF WEST SLAVIC ETHNIC COMMUNITIES IN THE CAUCASUS Sudaba (19TH-BEGINNING OF 20TH CENTURIES) ZEYNALOVA 89 GEOHISTORY NAGORNO-KARABAKH: OLD DELUSIONS AND Jamil NEW INTERPRETATIONS HASANLI 102 THE BYZANTINE COMMONWEALTH AND THE INTERNATIONAL STATUS OF THE GEORGIAN POLITICAL UNITS Zurab IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 10TH CENTURY PAPASKIRI 126 THE GEOHISTORICAL PRINCIPLES AND SPECIFIC FEATURES OF THE EVOLUTION OF THE MILITARY-POLITICAL SYSTEMS Parvin IN THE MUSLIM EAST AND THE CHRISTIAN WEST DARABADI 144 WESTERN ADIGHES AND COSSACKS: TOGETHER AND SEPARATELY IN EUROPEAN EMIGRATION Irina (1919-THE 1930S) BABICH 150 JEWS IN KHAZARIA Moshe BEKKER 167 INDEX THE CAUCASUS & GLOBALIZATION Vol. 5, 2011 177 6 Volume 5 Issue 3-4 2011 THE CAUCASUS & GLOBALIZATION GEOPOLITICS Farhad HUSEYNOV Lecturer at the Department of International Relations, Baku State University (Baku, Azerbaijan). GEOPOLITICAL INTERESTS AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Abstract he author delves into the intricacies mechanisms allow states to realize their ge- T of the geopolitical interests of states opolitical interests. and the mechanisms of their cooper- Several other related issues are like- ation to find out the extent to which these wise discussed. Introduction The cooperation of states striving to realize their geopolitical interests is directly associated with anarchy as a political scientific concept. Indeed, many authors have pointed out that anarchy has been at the heart of theorizing about international relations since the time of Thucydides.1 This means that no matter how far contemporary civilization has advanced since the Greek historian, the world political processes remain as ungovernable as ever despite the collapse of totalitarian regimes and the consistently growing number of entities of international law that have embraced democratic and lib- eral values. One author expressed a more or less commonly shared opinion when he wrote: “For realists, international anarchy fosters competition and conflict among states and inhibits their willingness to 1 See, for example: R. Jervis, “Realism, Game Theory, and Cooperation,” World Politics, Vol. 40, Issue 3, 1988, p. 317. Volume 5 Issue 3-4 2011 7 THE CAUCASUS & GLOBALIZATION cooperate even when they share common interests.”2 Robert Jervis is of the same opinion: “The lack of international sovereign not only permits wars to occur, but also makes it difficult for states that are satisfied with the status quo to arrive at goals that they recognize as being in their common interest.”3 This means that at least part of the academic community regards the international system as a set of elements (nation-states) operating amid anarchy.4 Any unbiased student of the historical processes can see that order is relative, while chaos and anarchy are absolute. The great powers are trying to bring relative order to the world and, in this way, establish and perpetuate their control, if they succeed in establishing it in the first place. In this con- text, order is not necessarily a positive phenomenon: it means that rules are applied to a certain state order, a regime. Indeed, if you think of it, the idea of order corresponds to the idea of quality, which is opposed to the idea of quantity. As relative categories, order or the efforts to achieve order reveal man’s systematizing activities and nothing more; this is unrelated
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