1921. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2551 1305. By Mr. SINCLAIR: Petition of mass meeting of citizens I CIRCULATION PRIVILEGE OF BONDS. at DeYils Lake, N. Dak., urging the recognition of the Irish Mr. WATSON of Georgia. 1\fr. President, I ask unanimous republic; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ' consent to call up the bill (S. 1914) to amend an act approved 1306. By Mr. THOMPSON: Petition of- congregation of the April 4, 1917 being an act to authorize an issue of bonds. The First Lutherari Church of Leipsic, Ohio, urging proper reduc- bill has been' on the table for some days at the request of the tion of armaments by the nations of the world; to the Com- Senator from Connecticut [Mr. BRANDEGEE] to await the return mittee on Foreign Affairs. of the chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency. 1307. Also, petition of congregation of St. John's Lutheran Having returned, he tells me he w~ll not object to the bill being Church of Leipsic, Ohio, urging proper reducti?n of armame~ts referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. I ask by the nations of the world; to the Comm1ttee on Foreign unanimous consent to call up the bill for the purpose of moving Affairs. that it be referred to the Committee on Agriculture and 1308. By Mr. TOWNER: Petition of G. S. Buchtell and Forestry. uumerous citizens of Coin, Iowa, asking for correcti~n of unjust Mr. SMOOT. I will say to the Senator from Georgi!! that if practices employed in the Internal Revenue SerVIce; to the the chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency has Committee on Ways and Means. no objection I shall have none,.. but if there ever was a bill that 1309. By Mr. TREADWAY: Resolution of St. John's Church should go to the Committee on Banking and Currency or the of Williamstown, Mass., indorsing the plan of calling an inter- Committee on Finance it is this measure. national conference for consideration of disarmament; to the The PRESIDENT pro temppre. The Senator from Georgia Committee on Foreign Affairs. · moves that the bill be referred to the Committee on Agriculture 1310. Also, petition of Second Baptist Church of Holyoke, and Forestry, 1\lass., in support of movement for international disarmament; The motion was agreed to. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 131l. By Mr. WOODYARD: Petition of \Vest Virginia Farm PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Bureau Federation, relative to good-roads legislation; to the ~r. WARREN presented a resolution of sundry. citizens of Committee on Roads. Sheridan County, Wyo., favoring the enactment of legislation creating an agricultural foreign trade financing corporation, with a capital·stock of $50,000,000, to be advanced by the United SENATE. States, which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. TUEsDAY, June 14, 19'21. l\Ir. HARRIS presented resolutions of the Board of Commis­ (Legislative day of Monday, J'ttne 13, 1921.) sioners of Roads and Revenue of Bacon County ; Commissioners The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration of of Roads and Revenue of Liberty County; Commissioners of the recess. Roads and Revenue of Polk County; Road Commissioners ot The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The unfinished business will Polk County; and the board of governors of the Tifton Board be procee<}.ed with. of Trade of Tifton, all in the State of Georgia, favoling the enactment of legislation to aid the States in the construction of t./ THE MEAT-PACKING INDUSTRY. rural post'roads, which were referred to the Committee on Post The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the con­ Offices and Post Roads. · sideration of the bill (H. R. 6320) to regulate interstate and 1\fr. CAPPER presented a resolution of the pastor and con­ foreign commerce in live stock, live-stock products, dairy prod­ gregation of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Galena, ucts, poultry, poultry products, and eggs, and for other purposes. Kans., favoring the calling of an international conference for­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is upon the the purpose of rliscussing the question of disarmament, which amendment in the !lature of a substitute reported by the Com­ was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. mittee on Agriculture and Forestry. He also presented :five resolutions of sundry citizens of Mr. NORRIS. Mr. President, in talking with quite a number Kansas City, Kans., favoring the recognition of the Irish re­ of Senators, I find that there seems to be a desire that I should public by the United States Government, which were referred to see if an agreement can not be reached for a :final vote" on the the Committee on Foreign Relations. bill. He also presented a resolution of Golden West Lodge, No. 1\Ir. LODGE. There should be a quorum call. 1216, United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees 1\fr. NORRIS. I thought probably those Senators who are and Railway Shop Laborers, of Salina, Kans., protesting against here had better be consulted :first, because we shall have to get the enactment of a sales or turnover tax law, which was referred a quorum anyway. for the purpose of considering the unanimous­ to the Committee on Finance. consent request. He also presented a telegram in the nature of a petition of l\1r. Sl\100T. I think we had better have a quorum and the State public utilities commission of Topeka, Kans., praying then let the request be presented. A number of Senators may for the enactment of legislation imposing a protective tariff on desire to be heard on it. oil, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. l\Ir. NORRIS. The rule provides that the roll must be called Mr. McLEAN presented a resolution of sundry citizens ot after a unanimous-consent request is presented. Hartford, Conn., favor.ing the recognition of the republic of ~Jr. SMOOT. If the Senator desires to proceeu in that way, I Ireland by the United States Government, which was referred have no objection. It will not take very long to call the roll. to the Committee on Foreign Relations. 'Vhy not have a quorum call now? He also presented resolutions of the congregation of the First Mr. NORRIS. With the view of seeing if an agreement Church of Christ of Suffield; the congregation of the Congrega­ can be reached for a :final vote and in order to get Senators tional Church of Farmington; the pastor and congregation of here for that purpose, I suggest the absence of a quorum. St. James Church, of Hartford; the congregation of St. Johns The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Secre~ary will call the Parish, of Hartford; the pastor and congregation of the Green­ roll. field Hill Congregational Church, of Fairfield ; sundry members The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Senators ·of the Immanuel Congregational Church, of :aartford; and a answered to their names : resolution adopted at the annual meeting of the Hartford Coun­ Ashurst Gerry McCormick Slieppard cil of. Churches, at Hartford, on June 3,1921, all in th~ State of Ball Gooding McCumber Simmons Connecticut, favoring the calling of an international confer­ Borah Hale McKellar Smith Brandegee Harreld McKinley Smoot ence-for the purpose of discussing the question of disarmament, Broussard Harris 1\fcNary Sterling which were referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Bm·suru Harrison Myers Sutherlan<.J He also presented a resolution of Harry W. Congdon Post, Calder Heflin Nelson Swanson Camer.on Hitchcock New Trammell No. 11. D2partment of Connecticut, American Legion, of Bridge­ Capper Johnson Newberry Underwood port, Conn., favoring the enactment of legislation for publishing Caraway Jones, N.Mex. Nichol&on Wadswot·th in the press of the United States the names and addresses of Culberson Jones, Wash. Norris Walsh, Mont. Cummins Kendrick Oddie Warren all persons who claimed and received exemption from military Curtis Kenyon Overman Watson, Ga. service dnring the World War on the ground that they were • Dial Keyes Owen Williams Dillingham Ladd Penrose Wolcott aliens and subjects of foreign powers and denying such persons Ernst La Follette Phipps the right of American citizenship, which was referred to the Fernald Lenroot Pittman Committee on 1\!ilitary Affairs. Fletcher Lodge Poindexter He also presented petitions of sundry members of the Woman's The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Sixty-nine Senators have Board of Missions of New Haven ; the pa"Stor and congregation . answered to their names. A quorum is present. of Dwight Place Church, of New Haven; and the Eastern Con- LXI-161 2552 CON GRESS! ON AL RECORD-SENATE. JUNE 14, necticut Branch of the Woman's Bonrd of Foreign Missions, of By Mr. JOHNSON: Torwich, all in the State of Connecti ell, fayoring the exte;nsion A bill (S. 2073) granting a pension to Frank Dixon; of relief to the suffering peoples of the Near East, which were A bill (S. 2074) granting an increa e of pension to Henry 0. referred to the Committee on Foreign P~lations. Welton; He also presented a telegram in the nature of a memorial of A bill (S. 2075) granting a pension to J. B. Hicks; and . Slocum School Alumni, of Waterbury, Conn., remonstrating A bill (S. 2076) granting an increase of pension to Sarah against alleged mistreatment of the Armenians by the Turks, Elizabeth Holton; to the Committee on Pensions. which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. By :Mr. BALL: He also pre ented a j{)int resolution of the Legislature of Con­ A bill (S. 2077) to amend paragraphs 4 and 5 of the act ap­ necticut, which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, proved June 8, 1906, entitled "An act to amend section 1 of the as follows: act entitled 'An act relating to the Metropolitan police force of STATE OF CONNECTICUT, the Di;Strict of Columbia,' approved February 28, 1901 "; to the OFFICE OF THE SEClUlTARY, · GENERAL A.SSEiURLY, Comrmttee on the District of Columbia.
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