FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: MORRISAND LONACOHEN FILE NUMBER: 100-406659 PART: 1 OF 1 _ 2,/,/.._..»¢=. -::::::::> _5=,-4-<<;,;,=¬,,,, .. A H-, : 1 I , » . v ;._ 11.53"» " _- -&#39; -._;;:;:;;mg§;}»7/_/ $1 --;_;5;;.._ ~ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION /mm //_ 1 I 1- I!- 2,.1i Z..W. ......._....._.._____ §Ec_£im5 I! /4, 7.2 /714/J42.. r~ - -K"F§- *:=.:;;-*w-.-=.-_-_ -. K, ---.--~--~=B.; - -gx. --&#39;- .i -.-"~ f92I-.-M, . A _;__,--.k;;. ." K =- . - - " ;---I &#39;&#39; .._ ... - &#39;i;&#39; . I -&#39;-&#39;: &#39;-. _.,- I~ -~ 5&#39;"";4: &#39;*#_-&#39;,_.~- -.-.j =-"-=~=_;"-Ef, ,,&#39;35?.-*1" ._--... -. ;-, ---~*.-=1 - ._-j&#39;--A" "7 I . .;.- . 4 - -- . " -. »_*@|j FILE DESCRIPTION SUBJECT /$9/Zlfff Q_o f§92/_ FILE ~uve£n_ - Z ff 9&6??? W SECT ION NJVEER { I 3 I I $1. , I s:-acuazwy INFORMATION-CON &#39;IDE TILL FE5E§I[ QUFQEKU 6F IN rm-mace: 1., Tm: CAI! ouucrlu-I-I: an REL] YQRK S E L&#39;.l J &#39;fln 7* V1 :LU" DAI;IN&#39;III l0/11+ IlOI92;I&#39;1&#39;lCl»lMA1 15 20,21i IXfQZ H b"/ . ¥°P+< * 1 _ new gee ,_# 92 Q-I_ _,_é.,. _&#39;-- &#39;,4, .. ~-"Q -= ._ _ p$:ID¥ .- - . -_-___.-_.!_%;&#39;§:_"1_ 92¢&#39; "92 92.-&#39; . &#39; _&#39;I_ It " &#39; - --92&#39; . _-7-.- - IJQQIS P I. I§@II &#39;ix 1* rfYI|crnl¢Il&#39;I&#39; Residence and elpley-nent&#39;unknmrn. Iizfozihnt 6f__"*7-7&#39;5 liability, nausea subject and use have hm ci meeting: e in their onesaad are very radical Colin. nbjeet foight ,_-,4: ._._. - &#39; o_1m.ism-[tn-a.tT.n Lincoln Brigade. Subject expressed his feelings ter- &#39; - &#39;1 - &#39; &#39; K " =-&#39; _ - - -&#39;- 4 ._k;_ - I - _ P _ Cjfw . ;3_-1_-1!.-v;-_~¢&#39;:ur""._f92_ ""IE&#39;1A7&#39;.:3- I5. .1 &#39; r:" &#39;3-7» DETAILS: v§1a_,p 1 -.,.;. 4 edicated. on information eived on b &#39; _os on to know e subject, unlcnown advised thet reliability, the swbject is but who isa vay Din radical Co:n.mu:.iet ani that he has had Comlmmist Party meeting; i.l_~ his hone. - v - &#39;"&#39; A " &#39; ~""* " /-eet we. &#39; ~ BICKIS ROUND -P D1 ...;.: I 4. Residence 11:-04 __ lubice &#39; I . Y ll 1950, bnt"that she rlid not lmov his present add-rue. iadvised the subject&#39;s parents HARE! and SLRAE QOHH corms nmsmomn _ I" -_ . - -,-. ii 7 ff " W -5-5--G -m-a.- <~ ii 09L405659]"}/ Bureau RH! NOV 13 H53 3L," New -NOV York, 20 J&:"-i.0338<;!"~ 25 " _b-- In n ~11-es» In | rInul mum. eonrmunn union -., I no m courum Ge main _ to 1 IJ iv e: w rm no - us~69 not To I um-munn _on-rm: or FIT? I?FPBJ""Z92_A -1" ;__5&#39;*N -:1"r92¥. f -&#39; n T T NY 100-103389 LFFILLALL0! 211&#39;:mm csmwyrer am: &#39; Bvidence_o{_CommunistHembershig Party Mx/ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII_ a, l ,. 7 and his wife,- ,te* ve o s Party neetinga in >1? their home in the past and that both have been very radical_ Comunists since the Informant has known them. Evidence of Commuist Party Sygpathl _ _ -also advised that the subject wentto Spainand §v/ fought with the Communists in the Civil Var Abraham Lincoln Brigade!. The AbrahamLincoln Brigade has beencited by the Attorney General of the United States pursuant to Executive . Q1118! " 1 The Informant stated that the subject vorked for the Russians during the New York World&#39;s Fair during 1°39 and l9hO. P of Unknown re1iebility,"butwho in;is .5-mia to know t e subject, advised the subject expressed his feelings. for Communism and that he also fought in Spain for the working class against fascism. MISCELLANEOUS The records of the Bureau of Special Services and Investizetinniilew York City Police Denartment. as checked bv bqff s October&#39; &#39; 11+,1953 failed to indicate any-&#39;; info on den ieble with the Iubject. " " &#39; ¢ reliability, whoalle1&#39;1mown are iaiiiier with soie 511/phases ef Cemiunist ? Party activity in the Iew York City area, advise they do_aet know the subject. _ ... I NY 100-103389 - D}§CRIPTIQ descriptionreceived was fron- Name Age Sex Race HeightI 1: Sn__ ,,__ mu!r Height @;1:;§@BR;s<§§@;N - lpproxinately }1/,. e Hair 11-1e &#39; »f/ White519i! Marital 155 lbs. Wife Br turning grey Status _ " 19 Parents ;. I j_A3R%01-EH,. F , _"_&#39; 2020 Walton Avenue, Bronx, New York - p - SE 1 HY 100-10 3339 mncrnjgsrzmrvs RLGB l_1I.F£5BlT. Identity of Date of Activity Date Agent to File H0. Source and/or Description Received Ihol Where "" , I .°LIn.t°rnet1sen _ _I1rn1sh~¢__lsmLu_ lcCommunist tivities Part Y 100-103389-1 iv&#39;70 W Y</ W hpressed feeling" S1 for Communism 100-103389-1B1 bx/&#39;b1-D 929&#39;Vp16! C "092 Negative ha Hegative Instant y»/ Report MPNegative Instant bar <I925 Fegative Report av Iegative Instant Report U¢Hegative Instant Report» Instant Report 92. I Instant - M _ Report 4.4 1 - &#39;092. .~ . _ i -Y. -..:_...._ ~__ - &#39;;r,:"&#39;%_":&#39;92,--3&#39;-III :1". "Q - _» __ -1. 1. _V_V Q __,_ "A »_ A "_.,.=r..¢=l-5*; . 1 l.u _ 1 -. .*..;* V _ . _, ___&#39; A. &#39;9&#39;. I ..92 ,_ ;__ _;_ ____ ., .U, , __ . -.. 92 _ __.__,_".* NY 100-103339 LEAD _ at -11 " I.&#39;E.&#39;I YORK ,1; r .. -,*= . &#39; p - P ..&#39;?. 5 ,. .1 . &#39;-1 -..- :~-"&#39; -"&#39;"&#39; . ~..». _ -,5? w . Pi»; &#39;7 - &#39; .. - _ A &#39;, - 4 . _ . . &#39;* ";»r&#39;rS@<_- jn£q*~£¥ ADM1N1§TRAT1yE Eggs jCONT!D1- _ - - &#39; &#39; _ _. V _- - . _ ~- - . -- " 1 4 F .|-k_ ~ a , At Ne92&#39;rfIor_kAj Ngw York; _ - _ A ,- _ I 1 ti ation attempt to . t~ 1¢;ne . ». S %¢§.:*;¥:%*;.£:;:::..2::;:.,%[email protected] . %;c§ground information. .&#39; r *.- 92~ &#39; ¢ 92 q 1 . &#39; . I ll 92 "921W*92 - .. 92 . *0. .-, .&#39; A ~ - - ."92&#39;"" ..|1. -- - ,--n. .-. - 1 92 .r 92&#39; _ v J * &#39; .-2 . *¢ *1 . .. &#39; .." --4 .- , ¢ &#39; ~ x &#39; 92 - .. *7 -92 - . o 5; l -=.__*- - &#39;a*."&#39; , /3 1 192&#39;-. .5 --. __ 4.3 __. _+-me_. - i yllii."-" .:-Q-~13! i p p . -_,-. -" ~ -- --|&#39;:-&#39; 9,. i. .1 .4_;1,}. tr: l &#39; ,: I " - 3 _ r 3 L ._ ,, . &#39;,B_.-_":1, . ,._,. 5 fa A .*F 3 5", ,1 1 W Q now§¥reliabi1ity, butHuhohas provided92yEXv+; 4-»of, er unk tags- 1 relic W3 the subject,in thepast, . 1 advised that the si1bje&#39;ct&#39;swhereabouts ,s are at the present time and that . I-92._ to the best of the in.f_o_rmant&#39;sknowledgelthe last address 1 i 92- at which the subject could be reached was 178 East Tlst 4 .><*= Street, New York City. I . ._,___.f __;_ _ 1&#39; if For unknownreliability, whobut in isa positionb1/ &#39; to prov e accurate information concerning the subject&#39;s 1 .&#39;.t.92._~ residence and employment, advised on February ll, 195k, that the subject&#39;s whereabouts at the present time are unknown to the informant and stated further that to the best of the ,- -L informant&#39;s belief, the subject is presently residing and working somewhere in California, and has been there for approximately the past one and one-half years. &#39; A e I W t a adv sed 92T&#39;/ ~ _+. -. W theE0 knownsubjectreliI s last bility,known 1 residencewas East7 mp =~ &#39;_. s Street, New York City, and that the subject&#39;s where- abouts at the present time are uni-;nown. V _ A, V _ I that the ofsubject&#39;s knownreliability, last known address advise was 7 East st Street, New York City, and that the subject&#39;s present whereabouts are not known to the informant. &#39; &#39; K _ Ba" .. ¢_". "ii" Mr .1 &#39;.,L&#39;:;-: 1 1 __ . ,_ . 1. ; 1. .1-_._ . 8 &#39; _ . -. _P&#39;|&#39;J .- .15- -1- =}_- . &#39; -:1-1* J " --J - 4» .1 :--I r "fit I /I. ":1-r .l.¥_!;~ ~13:._-F», _._. 1 " ., ,_,_ - &#39;. &#39; .. _< ._ _ 92_.._ .. H . C1 5 .-;&#39; ..-&#39; Pr", -=", &#39; -&#39; Q-1-.1, ,." |;.:&#39;_. 5- .> i&#39;- -a :7 ~z=.- __&#39;»- on wK~ &#39;1 &#39;I~"92_ &#39; - &#39; 1 77 7 927"- A- V 7 !92- L"? - 0 5" =,P -15$w 5 :4.-,-= ~- 92.- -_ A v - _¢-,_- -; t" .5&#39;i&#39;;=1 ____ _. t _..- e} __ 4. __- -_ .f &#39;-~ 31*-3,1; INFOFMANTS *- ,92 A , _ ,3 -2 J&#39;92~_ .11-==--&#39; ___;:;-=.=;-._ 13.. 1 <;f&#39;_ t"-".1 at: 1*. _.r;. $_;<*_>;;~§j .c~&#39;-.;$ ._ e-5" . -. I _t" Ea;-,;1tia,";>r&#39; &#39;_~-&#39;.7"15aza""6f"j;é&#39;t1§iEi 4&#39; .&#39; rinks A * F- Igentk to rue -&#39;---> &#39;?"Y {9°&#39;1°3339 "?§33tZ£;*$H H --&#39;»1»gg;:§%£1&#39;.;17;;§ae~._.£, 1"&#39;4; 92 . _#;_._;. U; ..-.1 5 : I _-.»*_ .
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