20758 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 25, 1976 States-as well as governments in Can­ PROGRAM MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1976 ada and Japan-should be prepared to SATURDAY, J'UNE %6, 1976 help. As I result, I believe it is appropri­ The Senate on Monday will take up ate for the President to go on record at Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, ~e HEW appropriation bill. There is no Puerto Rico in support of the basic ob­ the Senate will convene tomorrow at 9 time agreement thereon. If that bill is jective of recovery and development for a.m. After the two leaders or their desig­ not dispo_sed of by 2 p.m. Monday, the the Italian economy, as tangible evidence nees have been recognized under the Senate will resume consideration of the of our firm commitment to Italy's future standing order, the Senate will proceed unfinished business, the tax reform bill. and the close ties of friendship that have to the consideration of Calendar Order The pending question at that time will long existed between our two countries No. 919, H.R. 14235, the military con­ be on the adoption of an amendment and peoples. struction appropriaJtion bill. There is a dealing with the maximum tax. There is limitation on debate thereon the debate a time agreement on the maximum tax, being limited on the bill to 1 hour, with a with the understanding that: final dis­ UNANIMOUS-CONSENT AGREE­ time limitation of debat.e on any amend­ position thereof will occur no later than MENT-H.R. 14233 ment of 30 mmutes, and with a time limi­ 8 p.m.. Monday. So there will be rollcall votes on Monday. Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. Mr. President, taition on any debatable motion or appeal I ask unanimous consent that on the of 20 minutes. There will be at least a. Each day next week the Senate will rollcall vote on final passage of that bill. convene at hour of 9 a.m., Monday HUD appropriation bill, the-re be- a time through Saturday. Hopefully, the order agreement for debate allowing 1 hour on There may be a rollcall vote on any the bill, equally divided, between Mr. amendment thereto. It is possible a. roll­ !or the Senafie session on Saturday may call vote could ooour as early as 9 :30 a.m. be vitiated, but that will depend upon PROXMIRE and Mr. MATHIAS; that there developments in the interim. be a time limitation on any agreement I would rather thtnk, however, that a rollcall vot;e would not occur prior to the There will be rollcall votes daily, early of 30 minutes, a time limitation on any and late, thoughout;-the week, and each debatable motion, appeal or point of hour of 10 a.m. Upon the disposition of the military afternoon the senate will resume con­ order, if such is submitted to the Sen­ sideration of the tax bill. The business ate, of 20 minutes, and that the agree-· construction appropriation bill, the Sen­ ate will take up the Interior appropria­ w1Il be transacted on a multiple track ment with respect to the division and basis throughout next week. control of time be in the usual form. tion bill, H.R. 14231. There is a time limitation on that bill of 1 hour a time The HEW appropriation bill will be The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the first item daily until disposed objection, it is so ordered. limitation on any amendmeni of 20 track minutes, and a time limitation on any of. In any event. the manpower training debatable motion or appeal of 20 minutes. bill, under an agreement and under a EXECUTIVE SESSION There w1Il be a rollcall vote on final pas­ general understanding, will be taken up Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. Mr. President, sage of that bill. I do not expect any on the first track 1 day next week. I I ask unanimous consent that the Sen­ amendments thereto, but I would not rule believe that about sums it up. ate go into executive session to con­ them out, in which event a rollcall vote sider the nomination of Kay Balley, of could occur on any amendment. Texas, to be a member of the National Upon the disposition of the Interior Transportation Safety Board for the appropriaition bill, the HUD appropria­ RECESS UNTIL 9 A.M. TOMORROW term eXPiring December 31, 1979. tion bill, H.R. 14233, will taken up under Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, There being no objection, the sen­ a time agreement. There fs a time limita­ if there be no further business to come ate proceeded to the consideration of ex­ tion of 1 hour on that bill, with a time before the Senafie, I move. in accordance ecutive business. limitation on any amendment thereto with the previous order, that: the Senate of 30 minutes. A rollcall vot;e will occur stand in recess until the hour of 9 a.m., on final passage of that bill. tomorrow. NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION There may be rollcall votes on amend­ The motion was agreed to; and at 7: 39 SAFETY BOARD ments to that bill, but, in any event, the p.m. the Senate recessed until tomorrow, The assistant legislative clerk read the rollcall vot;es and final passage of the Saturday, June 26, 1976, at 9 a.m. nomination of Kay Bailey, of Texas, to three appropriations bills have already be a member of the National Transpor­ been ordered. tation Safety Board for the term ex­ There will be at least three rollcall piring December 31, 1979. votes tomorrow. I would anticipate more CONFIRMATIONS The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without than three rollcall votes, however I should think that the Senate might' be Executive nominations confirmed by objection, the nomination is considered the Senate June 25, 19'T6-: and confirmed. in until 4 or 5 o~clock before completing NATIONAL AERONAUTICS ANI> SPACE" Mr. GRIFFIN. Mr. President, I ask ac~ion on the three appropriation bills. that the President be notified. With some luck, the action may be com­ ADMINISTRATION pleted earlier. While I always count on Alan M. Lovelace, of Maryland, to be The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Deputy Administrator of the National Aero­ objection, it is so ordered. a little luck, I think we ought to also count on not having such luck and being nautfcs and Space Administration. in until 4 or 5 o'clock tomorrow. And it NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD LEGISLATIVE SESSION could be longer, depending upon the Kay Bailey, of Texas, to be a member of Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. Mr. Presi­ number of amendments which are called the National Transportation Safety Board for up. the term expiring December 31, 1979. dent, I ask unanimous consent that the The above nominations are approved sub­ Senate return to legislative session. When the Senate completes its busi­ ject to the nominees' commitment to respond The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ness tomorrow, it will stand in recess to requests to appear and testify before any objection, it is so ordered. until the hour of 10 a.m. on Monday. duly constituted. committee of the Senate. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS NEW JERSEY'S FREDERICK SONTAG constituents, is being honored by the economic effects trade hearings a suc­ RECEIVES USITC AWARD U.S. International Trade Commission cess. for Special Achievement. As I have re­ The Chairman of the USITC, Will E. turned recently from abroad and a care- Leonard, of Louisiana, and the Vice HON. JOSEPH G. MINISH ful inspection of several countries whose Chairman, Daniel Minchew, of Georgia, OF NEW JERl>E:Y trade policies are being studied by the wisely last spring retained my constit­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES USITC, I am delighted to share with uent to help get the most substance my colleagues the fact that one of our Friday, June 25, 1976 possible into the 21 regional hearings leading New Jersey consultants is being that the USITC held outside of Wash­ Mr. MINISH. Mr. Speaker, Frederick publicly recognized for those 7 -day ington for the first time and which re­ H. Sontag of South Orange, one of my weeks he put in last year to make the sulted in the 66 volumes about the trade June 25, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 20759 negotiations they prepared for the Con­ panded activities, importance, and service to ors and his business won the respect and gress and the President. this nation. To be honored at such a time admiration of his fellowmen. commands special respect and admiration Whether as a player for the old Frederick In my congressional district and by all of us and represents a degree of Hustlers' baseball team, an umpire, a busi­ throughout New Jersey we have some achievement to which all of us might aspire. nessman, a civic worker, a church worker, a very skilled and courageous individuals "The Commissioners join in extending member of the Lions (his other great love), who deserve further recognition by their their personal congratulations and very sin­ as a political worker or in his judgeship Government. I think the Civil Service cere appreciation to you as you are being since 1970, he served well and with unblem­ Commission might well expand its award honored today, knowing that it is such indi­ ished integrity and responsib111ty. and recognition program to cover the viduals as yourself that make us proud of His credits were ma.ny_past president of experts and consultants who, like the U.S. International Trade Commission and the Frederick Lions Club, chairman of the its accomplishments." Red Cross, leader in the Frederick Athletic USITC's Mr.
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