HUMAN PACMAN GOH KOK HWEE (B.Eng.(Hons.), NUS) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2004 Abstract Human Pacman is a novel interactive entertainment system that ventures to em- bed the natural physical world seamlessly with a fantasy virtual playground by capitalizing on mobile computing, wireless LAN, ubiquitous computing, and mo- tion tracking technologies. Our Human Pacman research is a physical role-playing augmented-reality computer fantasy together with real human-social and mobile- gaming. It emphasizes collaboration and competition between players in a wide outdoor physical area which allows natural wide-area human-physical movements. Pacmen and Ghosts are now real human players in the real world experiencing mixed computer graphics fantasy-reality provided by using the wearable comput- ers on them. Virtual cookies and actual tangible physical objects are incorporated into the game play to provide novel experiences of seamless transitions between real and virtual worlds. We believe Human Pacman is pioneering a new form of gaming that anchors on physicality, mobility, social interaction, and ubiquitous computing. i Acknowledgement I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the following people for their invalu- able guidance and assistance during the course of my work. • Dr Adrian David Cheok • Ms Veron Ng • Ms Liu Wei • Mr Teo Sze Lee • Dr Farzam Farbiz • Mr Lee Shangping • Ms Li Yu • All others from Mixed Reality Laboratory (Singapore) who have helped me in one way or another. ii Contents Abstract i Acknowledgement ii List of Figures vi List of Tables xii 1 Introduction 1 1.1Novelty................................. 2 1.2Background............................... 3 1.3HistoryofProject............................ 15 1.4Publications............................... 16 1.5 Prelude to Subsequent Chapters . 18 2 Game Play 20 2.1Mainconcepts.............................. 22 2.2Pacman,Ghost,andHelper...................... 26 iii 2.3ActualGamePlay........................... 29 2.4KeyMotivationforPlayers....................... 36 3 Human Pacman System Design 37 3.1Hardware................................ 38 3.1.1 TheWearableComputer.................... 38 3.1.2 BluetoothEmbeddedObject.................. 60 3.1.3 ServerandHelperSystems................... 73 3.1.4 MiscellaneousHardware.................... 73 3.2Software................................. 73 3.2.1 OverallSystemDataFlow................... 73 3.2.2 ServerSystem.......................... 76 3.2.3 HelperSystem.......................... 78 3.2.4 WearableComputerSystem.................. 80 3.3DesignofBackpack........................... 88 3.3.1 PreviousBackpackDesign................... 89 3.3.2 NewBackpackDesign..................... 92 3.4IssuesEncountered........................... 96 3.4.1 MultipleUSBConnection................... 96 3.4.2 UnstableGraphicsCardDrivers................ 97 4 User Study on Human Pacman System 98 4.1Questionsandaims........................... 100 iv 4.2Discussion................................ 100 4.3SummaryofFindingsandFutureWork................ 112 5 Indoor Maze Version 115 5.1LocationTrackingofPlayers...................... 122 5.1.1 InfraredTracking........................ 123 5.1.2 Shortcomings.......................... 137 6 Conclusion 138 6.1FutureWorks.............................. 142 A Wearable Computer: A Tutorial 145 A.1ConnectionsWithintheWearableComputer............. 145 A.2TuningtheSystem........................... 147 A.3StartingtheSystem........................... 151 B Source Codes 155 B.1 Controller Firmware (Wearable Computer) . 155 B.2CalibrationofADCReadings..................... 161 B.3 Controller Firmware (Bluetooth Embedded Object) . 165 B.4 IR Receiver . 172 C PCB Designs 182 D Demo Write-up 186 v D.1 CHI 2004 - Connect . 186 D.2 ACE 2004 . 188 E News Articles 191 vi List of Figures 1.1 A player of the ParaParaParadise arcade game. c Konami. 7 1.2 Pacman in Pac Manhattan communicating with Controller through cell-phone. c PacManhattan...................... 10 1.3 A runner in CYSMN with a handheld computer. c Equator Project. 11 1.4 Runner’s visual interface in CYSMN. c Equator Project. 12 1.5 AR2 Hockey. c Mixed Reality Systems Laboratory Inc. 13 1.6 Collection of treasure in Touch-Space. 14 2.1 Original arcade Pacman maze. c NamcoLimited........... 21 2.2 Screen shots of Pacman VR [1] (c KLOV.com) and Pacman World [2] (c SonyComputerEntertainmentInc.)................. 22 2.3 2D map of game play area and its corresponding 3D map of Pac-World 25 2.4 Correspondence between the physical world and virtual Pac-World . 26 2.5FirstpersonviewofPacman...................... 27 2.6Bluetoothembeddedobject....................... 28 2.7 Close collaboration between Pacman and her Helper. 29 vii 2.8Pacmancollectingcookies........................ 30 2.9 Sequence of pictures showing the collection of a special cookie. 32 2.10 HMD display and the corresponding VR mode view. 34 2.11GhostcatchingaPacman........................ 35 3.1ArchitectureoftheHumanPacmanSystem............. 38 3.2 Components of the wearable computer built for Human Pacman . 40 3.3 HMD with Unibrain camera and InertiaCube2 mounted. 42 3.4 Circuit for measurement of capacitance of electrode Cx . 46 3.5TouchSensorCircuit.......................... 48 3.6 Circuit diagram of controller unit and power supply in the wearable computer................................ 50 3.7 PCB layout of controller unit and power supply in the wearable computerwiththemainmoduleslabelled............... 51 3.8 Actual circuit board of controller unit and power supply in the wear- ablecomputerwiththemainmoduleslabelled............ 52 3.9 Timing diagram at the microcontroller as the battery level changes 55 3.10 Timing diagram at the microcontroller when the touch sensor changes between the activated and inactivated states . 56 3.11 Connection between PC serial port and PIC16F76 of the controller duringcalibrationandnormaloperation............... 58 3.12 Firmware flowchart of the controller unit in the wearable computer 59 3.13TwotypesofBluetoothembeddedobjects.............. 61 viii 3.14 Connection between PBTURT02C2M-R13 and the serial port from theSBC................................. 62 3.15 PCB layout of RS232 interface circuit for PBTURT02C2M-R13 . 63 3.16 The PBTURT02C2M-R13 with the RS232 interfacing board . 64 3.17SidepanelofBluetoothembeddedobject............... 65 3.18 Circuit diagram of controller unit in the Bluetooth embedded device 67 3.19 PCB layout of controller unit in the Bluetooth embedded device with mainmoduleslabelled......................... 68 3.20 Actual circuit board of controller unit in the Bluetooth embedded devicewithmainmoduleslabelled................... 69 3.21 Connection between SBC serial port and PIC16F76 of the controller intheBluetoothembeddedobject................... 69 3.22 Firmware flowchart of the controller unit in the Bluetooth embedded object.................................. 72 3.23 Overall system data flow between the wearable computer, server, Helper system and the Bluetooth embedded object . 74 3.24Flowchartofserver........................... 77 3.25FlowchartofHelpersystem...................... 79 3.26FlowchartofPacmansystem...................... 81 3.27 Flowchart of program in SBC inside Bluetooth embedded object . 87 3.28Twodifferentdesignsofbackpack................... 89 3.29 User carrying the previous and current backpacks . 90 ix 3.30Previousbackpackdesign........................ 91 3.31Thesixsidesofthecurrentbackpackdesign............. 93 3.32 The current backpack with all the components housed in it . 95 4.1Graphresultsforquestion(i)..................... 100 4.2 Graph results for multiple choice questions (ii), (iii), and (v) . 104 4.3 Graph results for multiple choice questions (vi), (vii), and (viii) . 105 4.4 Graph results for multiple choice questions (ix), (x), and (xii) . 106 4.5 Graph results for multiple choice questions (xiii), (xiv), and (xv) . 107 5.1 The maze layout, the physical maze, and its virtual representation . 116 5.2 Pacman and Ghost at their starting positions in both the physical worldandthecorrespondingVRworld................ 117 5.3 The real, AR, and VR views of Pacman becoming a Super-Pacman inthemaze............................... 118 5.4 The real, AR, and VR views of devouring a Ghost in the maze . 119 5.5 The real, AR, and VR views of devouring a Pacman in the maze . 120 5.6Helpermessagingherpartner..................... 121 5.7 Exchange of messages between Pacman and her Helper . 122 5.8 Pacman collects all virtual cookies in the maze and wins the game . 123 5.9 A maze block used in the construction of the maze . 125 5.10 The maze blocks fitting into each other like a jigsaw puzzle . 126 5.11 Circuit diagram of IR Emitter . 127 x 5.12 PCB layout of IR Emitter with main modules labelled . 128 5.13 Actual circuit board of IR Emitter with main modules labelled . 129 5.14SignalgeneratedattheIRemitter................... 130 5.15 Topology used to connect the IR receivers . 130 5.16 An example packet received by the server when Pacman is in node 5andGhostisinnode15....................... 131 5.17 Packet and data byte format used in IR tracking . 132 5.18 Circuit diagram of IR receiver . 132 5.19 PCB layout of IR receiver with main modules labelled . 133 5.20 Actual circuit board of IR receiver with main modules labelled . 134 5.21 Flow of the IR receiver firmware . 136 A.1TransmissionofvideosignalfromA980...............
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