2015-2016 Annual Review QTIC the voice of tourism The 2015-16 period was a significant year for QTIC, celebrating our 15-year milestone – all thanks to ongoing support from our members. We welcomed the first Palaszczuk state2016 budget and were reassured tourism has an important place in FEDERALtheir plans. Our advocacy to federal, state and local government policy 2016 ELECTIONmakers and agency continues TOURISM to be PRIORITIES a demanding2016 task with countless#vot efortourism SHANE O’REILLY DANIEL GSCHWIND FEDERAL FEDERALissues relevant to tourism operators. Chair, QTIC Board Chief Executive A notable milestone for QTIC was ELECTION2016 TOURISMELECTION Australia’sPRIORITIES first support networkTOURISM PRIORITIES #votefortourism for Indigenous tourism employees PUBLIC INFRASTUCTURE SUPPORTING QTIC has continued to strengthen its relationship JOB CREATION OPPORTUNITIES#votefo rtourism with the State Government and key industryFEDERAL supported by Star Entertainment Group. In collaboration with Regional REGIONAL GROWTH partners such as Star Entertainment Group Tourism Organisations, QTIC called on candidates in local government elections to consider how communitiesDRIV canE tapINV intoES TMEgrowingNT tourismFOR SE RVICES PROTECTING OUR NATURAL as it delivers substantial tangible support ELECTIONfor TOURISM PRIORITIESECONOMY TOURISM ASSETS the growth of tourism within the regions of potential. Skilling and workforce developmentPUBLIC continues INFRASTUCTURE to be a focus SUPPORTING JOB CREATION OPPORTUNITIES#votefortourism PUBLIC INFRASTUCTURE SUPPORTING Queensland. QTIC management and the Board through various programs, includingJOB QTIC’sREGIONAL CREATION Young Professionals GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES Mentoring REGIONAL GROWTH BETTER BUSINESS REGULATION AND NO UNFAIR BACKPACKER TAX have developed a framework for a transformation Program and the Salute to Excellence program. Our work in advocating for VISAPR PROVISIONSOTECTING OUR NATURAL package they believe the wider tourism industryDRIV E INVEtheSTME protectionNT FO andR S EfundingRVICE Sof the GreatDRIV BarrierE INV ReefES TMEremainsNT Fa Opriority.R SERVIC ES PROTECTING OUR NATURAL ECONOMY TOURISM ASSETS TOURISM ASSETS can now analyse, assess on its merits and provide We celebrated innovation and excellenceECOPUBLIC atN OMQTIC’sY INFRASTUCTURE Prize for Innovation SUPPORTING JOB CREATIONand theOPPORTUNITIES Queensland Tourism Awards. I’d like to also acknowledge feedback on how our future may look. Regardless Why touriREGIONALsm matters t GROWTHo Queensland What do Queenslanders think about tourism? BETTER BUSINESSMinisters, REGULATION particularly Minister AND for Tourism,BETTERNO KateUNFAIR BUSINESS Jones, BACKPACK other REGULATION MembersER TA ANDX of that outcome, QTIC believes tourism is theVISA PROVISIONS NO UNFAIR BACKPACKER TAX of Parliament and others who engageVISA withPR PROVISIONSOTEus inC constructiveTING OUR dialogue.NATURA L most important industry in Queensland and DRIVwill E INVESTMENT FOR SERVICES TOURISM 1 OR 7.6% OF CONTRIBUTESTOURISM ASSETSQUEENSLANDʼSGSP continue to strive for it to be well representedEC andON OMY Queensland should be proud of its tourism achievements$23b and we look % RECOGNISE THE IMPORTANT forward to continuing to work with youDEL nextIVERS year.1 IN EV ERY 8 DOLLARS TO THE STATEʼS 91 ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF TOURISM funded by all levels of Government. Why tourism matters to Queensland WhatE CdONOo QMuYe TeHnRsOlUaGnHd TeOrUs RtIhSMin SkP EaNbDoINuGt tourism? BETTER BUSINESS REGULATION AND Why touriNsmO m UNFAIRatters to BACKPACKQueenslandER TAX What do Queenslanders think about tourism? VISA PROVISIONS 1 TOURISM OR 7.6% OF 1 CONTRIBUTES QUEENSLANDʼSGSP TOURISM OR 7.6% OF $23b CONTRIBUTES% RECOG2NIS3E 0TH,E00Q IUMEEPN0OSRL TAJANoNDʼSTb GSPs % SEE THEG REATER CULTURAL DELIVERS 1 IN EVERY 8 DOLLARS TO THE STATEʼS $23b % RECOGNISE THE IMPORTANT 91 ECONO1 MINIC 1 B0E QNEUFEEITSNOSLANDERSF TOURISM 92 DIVERSITYTOURISMG ENERATES ECONOMY THROUGH TOURISM SPENDING DELIVERS 1 IN EVERY 8 DOLLARS TO THE STATEʼS 91 ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF TOURISM Why tourism matters to Queensland WhaMtE CdOONOoRE Q TMHAuYe TNeHn RsOElSaUOGnUHdR eTCOrEsUS Rt OIhSRMin A kSGP aERNbICDoUINuLTGtU tRoEurism? TOURISM 1 OR 7.6% OF CONTRIBUTES $ 230,00QUEEN0SL AJNoDʼSbGSPs % SEE THEG REATER CULTURAL % AGREE THAT TOURISM PRODUCES 23b SUPPOR%TS 12%REC OOGF2N AIS3LLE 0T H,E00 IMPO0R TJANoT bs 72% SEE THEG REATER CULTURAL The value of DELIVERS 1 IN EVERY 18 DINO L1L0A RQSU TEEO TNHSLANDERSE STATEʼS 921 EDCIVERSITYONOMICT OBEUNREISFMITSG 9OE INF E1T0RO AURTRE ISSMAM LL INCREASED LOCAL PRIDE IN TH1E ISNTA 10TE Q UEENBUSLANDERSSINESSES 92 DIVERSITYTOURISMG ENERATES MECOONORE TMHAY TNH ROESUOGUH RTCOEUSR IOSMR ASPGERNICDUINLGTURE Businesses tourism in MORE THAN RESOURCES OR AGRICULTURE % E AGREE THAT TOURISM PRODUCES % RECOGNISE TOURISM STIMULATES % x ports $5.8b AGREE THAT TOURISM PRODUCES SUPPORTS 12% OF2 A3LL0 ,000 Jobs 72 2NDSEE THEG REATER CULTURAL 68% Queensland 1 IN 10 QUEEN9 SLANDERSIN 10 ARE SMALL SUPP9O2RTS 12I%NCL AR ROEGAFES S EATD LLE XL OPOCRATL PRIDE 72 NEW INFRASTRUCTURE Businesses IN THE STATE BUSINESSES EARDNIVERSITYER FOR QTUOEEUNRSLANDISMG 9E IN E1R0 ATRE SSMALL INCREASED LOCAL PRIDE MORE THAN RESOURCES OR AGRICULTURE Businesses IN THE STATE BUSINESSES 2 | QTIC ANNUAL REVIEW 2015-2016 Visitor economy Exports $ % RECOGNISE TOURISM STIMULATES % ARE HAPPY WITH MORE 5.8b % E AGREE THAT TOURISM PRODUCES % RECOGNISE TOURISM STIMULATES SUPPORTS 2ND L A ORGFE SAT LLEX PORT 68 xNpEWo IrNtsFRA $STRUCTURE5.8b 72 TOURISM GROWTH 12% 9 IN 10 ARE SMALL EV7E2RY DOL2NLIDANC RR TEOAUSREIDS MLO ECAARLN P SR, AIDDEDS AN EARNER FOR QUEENSLAND L ARGEST EXPORT 68 NEW INFRASTRUCTURE Businesses IN THE STATE BUSINESSES EARNER FOR QUEENSLAND ADDITIONAL 87¢ TO OTHER PARTS OF THE ECONOMY Visitor economy Visitor econo% mDAyILAYR ES PHAENPDP Y WITH MORE VISITORS SPEND Exports $ $ % RECOGNISE TOURISM STIMULATES$ % ARE HAPPY WITH 2M0O20R EP OTENTIAL 5.8b 4792m IN LTOOUCARL IESMCONO GROMWYTH 18.3b PER YEAR $30b EVERY DO2NLLDA RL A TROGUESRTI SEMXP EOARRTN S, ADDS AN 68 NEW INFRASTRUCTURE 72 TOURISM GROWTH EARNER FOR QUEENSLAND EVERY DOLLAR TOURISM EARNS, ADDS AN ADDITIONAL TO OTHER PARTS OF THE ECONOMY 87¢ 1 EAstiDmaDteIdT cIoOntNAributiLo n of the regionTʼsO vi sOitoTrsH ecEonomR PAy tRo TtoSta Ol toFu rTisHm EG rEosCs ONOState PMrodYuct. Source of all data: Tourism Research Australia IVS and NVS, June 2015; Tourism and Events Queensland, Tourism Economic Key F8acts7, Se¢pte mber 2015; Deloitte Access Economics, Queensland Tourism Industry Outlook Potential to 2020, August 2012; Tourism Research Australia, State Tourism Satellite Accounts 2013-2014; Tourism and Events Queensland, Social Indicators 2013. RIS 2967 Visitor economDAyILY SPEND VISITORS SPEND DAIALYR ES PHAENPDPY WITH 2M0O20R EP OTENTIAL $ IN LOCAL ECONOMY $ PER YEAR % $ VISITORS SPEND 2020 POTENTIAL 49m 18.3b $ 72 IN LTOOUCARLI SEMC3ONO GR0ObMWYTH $ PER YEAR $ EVERY DOLLAR TOURISM EARNS, ADDS AN QTIC Federal49 Electionm Priorities 2016 18.3b 30b #votefortourism 1 ADDITIONAL TO OTHER PARTS OF THE ECONOMY Estimated contribution of the regio nʼs visitors economy to total tourism Gross State Product. Source of all data: Tourism Research Australia IVS and NVS, June 2015; Tourism and Events Queensland, Tourism Economic Key F8act7s, S¢eptember 2015; Deloitte Access Economics, Queensland Tourism In1d Eustirmy aOtuetdl ocookn tProibtuentitoianl otof t2h0e2 r0e,gi Aougnʼus svt is2i0to1r2s; Teoconomurism yR teos teoatraclh t oAuursistmra lGiar,o sSst aSttea Tteo uPrriosmdu cSta. tSeolliutrec e of all data: Tourism Research Australia IVS and NVS, June 2015; Tourism and Events Queensland, Accounts 2013-2014; Tourism and Events Queensland, Social Indicators 2013. RIS 2967 Tourism Economic Key Facts, September 2015; Deloitte Access Economics, Queensland Tourism Industry Outlook Potential to 2020, August 2012; Tourism Research Australia, State Tourism Satellite Accounts 2013-2014; Tourism and Events Queensland, Social Indicators 2013. RIS 2967 DAILY SPEND VISITORS SPEND 2020 POTENTIAL $49m IN LOCAL ECONOMY $18.3b PER YEAR $30b QTIC Federal Election Priorities 2016 #votefortourism QTIC Federal Election Priorities 2016 #votefortourism 1 Estimated contribution of the regionʼs visitors economy to total tourism Gross State Product. Source of all data: Tourism Research Australia IVS and NVS, June 2015; Tourism and Events Queensland, Tourism Economic Key Facts, September 2015; Deloitte Access Economics, Queensland Tourism Industry Outlook Potential to 2020, August 2012; Tourism Research Australia, State Tourism Satellite Accounts 2013-2014; Tourism and Events Queensland, Social Indicators 2013. RIS 2967 QTIC Federal Election Priorities 2016 #votefortourism THE VOICE OF TOURISM QTIC INDUSTRY ENGAGEMENT - POLICY & ADVOCACY policy forums 1,689 and committees people attended QTIC represents industry QTIC events in 2015-16 in various forums including the Tourism and 40 Commonwealth Games QTIC YOUNG PROFESSIONALS MENTORING PROGRAM and Cabinet Committee % policy submissions 80 15 submitted by QTIC on behalf of members and industry participant increase (10 in 2015, 18 in 2016) QTIC TOURISM INDIGENOUS TOURISM INDUSTRY EMPLOYMENT CHAMPIONS NETWORK CAPABILITY PROGRAM (TDDI) » 34 Champions Network members » Funds delivered to all 13 TOURISM REGIONS » 6 QTIC Indigenous Employee members - North Queensland Charter » 35 INDUSTRY capability projects funded » 7 QTIC Indigenous Employee members - » More than 2,500 PARTICIPANTS South Queensland Charter Projects focused on
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