Index AAC. See Augmentative and alternative communication CLD clients and, 446, 447Inc. (AAC) dementia and, 377 Abdominal muscles, 6, 7 dysarthria and, 369 Abuse, 161-162 fetal alcohol effects (FAE), 163-164 Academic skills, 150,220 fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 162-163 Acceleration, 93 gastroesophagealPRO-ED, reflux and, 313, 319 Accent training, 240 Native Americans and, 446 Acetylcholine, 30 traumaticby brain injury (TBI) and, 391 Acoustic analysis, 95-96, 304 Alexia, 363 Acoustic immitance, 486-487 Allomorphs, definition of, 106 Acoustic neuromas, 480, 483 Allophones, definition of, 70, 208 Acoustic phonetics, definition of, 70 Alternate-form reliability, 530,567 Acoustic reflex, 465 materialAlternating motion rates (AMRs), 374 Acoustics, 468-471 Alveolar ducts, 2 Active sentences, 107 Alveolar ridge, 19 Adaptation effect, 264-265 Alzheimer's Association, 377 Adjacency effect, 266 Alzheimer's disease, 349, 372, 378-379 Adolescent Language Screening Test (ALST; Morgan & Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center, 377 Guilford),179 copyrighted American Academy ofAudiology (AAA), 463 Adopted children, 433 © American Idol, 578 Aerodynamic measurements, 305-306 American Indian Hand Talk (AMER-IND), 191 Affricates, 82, 210, 218 American Psychiatric Association (APA), 155, 157, 164 African American English (AAE), 420-425, 438, 445, American Sign Language (ASL), 191, 503-504 447 American Speech-language-Hearing Association African Americans, 348, 415 (ASHA), 223, 357, 418, 463 Agnosia, 363-364 Au.D. and, 463 Agraphia, 363 clinical certification and, 653-654 AIDS, 382,447,612-614 Code of Ethics, 654 Air conduction of sound, 472 educational accreditation and, 652 Akinesia, 350 Functional Assessment ofCommunication Skills for Alaryngeal speech, 315 Adults (AHSA-FACS), 357 Alcohol goals of, 648-649 677 678 • IN D EX legislative regulations and, 656-660 subcortical aphasia, 354-355 membership categories, 649-650 transcortical motor aphasia (TMA), 350 multicultural issues' guidelines, 418 transcortical sensory aphasia (TSA), 352-353 National Outcome Measurement System (NOMS), treatment, 360-363 661 Wernicke's aphasia, 352 orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMD) and, 223 Aphasia Diagnostic Profiles (ADP; Helm-Estabrooks), 357 overview of, 647-650 Aphonia, 334 speech-language pathology assistants and, 655-656 Applied phonetics, definition of, 70 speech-language pathology professionals and, Approach avoidance, 270-271 651-652 Approximants, 79 American Stroke Association, 348 Apraxia ofspeech (AOS) American's with Disabilities Act (ADA), 658-659 assessment of, 367 Amplitude, 90, 94, 470 definition of, 365 Amsterdam-Nijmegen Everyday Language Test (ANELT; neuropathology of, 224, 365 Blomert, Kean, Koster, & Schokker), 358 overview of, 224-225, 347, 364-365 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 325, 369, 396 standardized tests and, 367 Angelman, Harry, 624 symptoms of, 365-366 Angelman syndrome, 624-625 treatment of, 368 Inc. Anger, 607 Arachnoid C(spider web"), 57 Angular gyrus, 49 Arcuate fasciculus, 55 Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie), 222 Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders of Ankylosis, 324 Dementia (ABeD; Bayles & Tomoeda), 384 Anomia, 354 Arteriosclerosis,PRO-ED, 447 Anomic aphasia, 354 Arthritis, 324 Antagonistic recovery theory, 447 Articulation,by See also Phonation; Resonation; Speech Anterior belly ofdigastric muscles, 22 sound disorders Anterior sounds, 79 African American English and, 421, 424 Anticipatory struggle hypothesis, 271 articulation development in children, 215-217 Anxiety, 602, 607 articulatory errors, 220-221 Aorta, 58 materialAsian speakers and, 430 Aperiodic waves and vibrations, 90, 468-469 assessment and, 621 Apert syndrome, 625 description of, 1 Aphasia dysarthria and, 370, 375 agnosia and, 363-364 fundamentals of, 17-22 agraphia and, 363 hard palate and, 21 alexia and, 363 copyrighted hearing impairments and, 223 Alzheimer's disease and, 349 language impairment in children and, 151-153 anomic aphasia, 354 © lip and cheeks and, 24-26 assessment of, 356-360 mandible and, 21-22 bilingual populations and, 355-356 manner ofarticulation, 77, 80-83, 209-210 Broca's aphasia, 349-350 overview of, 71 conduction aphasia, 353 pharynx and, 17-18 definition of, 348-349 place ofarticulation categories, 210 fluent aphasia, 351 soft palate (velum) and, 19-20 global aphasia, 351 Spanish speakers and, 426 mixed transcortical aphasia (MTA), 350-351 teeth and, 22-23 overview of, 347-348 tongue and, 23-24 Parkinson's disease and, 349 Articulatory and phonological skills development, See standardized tests and, 356-357, 449 also Phonation; Speech sound disorders strokes and, 348 articulation development in children and, 215-217 IN 0 EX • 679 definitions, 209 infants and toddlers, 171-172 infant development oflanguage skills and, 214-215 instruments and measures, 171,173, 174, 177, 179, manner ofarticulation categories, 209-210 181-182 overview of, 207 interpreters and, 442 phonological development in children, 217-219 interview, 520-521 place of articulation categories, 210 language comprehension, 176 substitution processes, 217-218 language sampling, 167-168 syllable structure processes, 218 loudness, 308 theories of development, 211-213 medical history and, 518 theories of development oflanguage skills and, morpheme counting rules, 169 211-213 nonstandard assessment measures, 530-532 Aryepiglotic muscles, 36 occupational history and, 519 Aryepiglottic folds, 12-13, 292 phonation, 308, 309, 620, 621-622 Arytenoid cartilage, 9, 10, 13, 293-295 pitch, 305 Arytenoid muscles, 10, 11, 36, 292-295 play activities, 172 ASHA. See American Speech-Language-Hearing portfolio assessments, 535 Association (ASHA) prenatal history and, 518 Asian language influence on English, 427-429 preschool and elementaryInc. children, 172-176 Asian population, 415, 446, 448 procedural checklist, 166 Asperger, Hans, 155 prognosis and, 519 Asperger's syndrome, 155, 157 protocols, 168 Asphyxia, 482 questionnaires, 531 Assessment, See also Language disorders in children; rating scales,PRO-ED, 531 Standardized tests; Treatment resonance, 308,622 adolescents, 176-181 respiration,by 308 alternative approaches, 167 right hemisphere syndrome, 388-389 aphasia, 356-360 screening, 166-167 apraxia ofspeech (AOS), 367 screening and, 517 articulation disorders, 621 speech and language sample and, 521-523 authentic assessments, 535 materialspeech sound disorders, 225-231 biological factors, 170 standard assessment procedures, 516-524 caregiver interaction and, 171-172 standardized assessment, 167 case history, 517 stuttering, 272-274 clefts and, 620-622 swallowing disorders, 398-399 client-specific assessments, 534 team approach, 441 comprehensive and integratedcopyrighted assessments, 535-536 traumatic brain injury (TBI) and, 392-393 criterion-referenced assessments, 534 type-token ratio (TTR), 168 cultural-linguistic considerations,© 436-442, 551-552 velopharyngeal function, 620-621 definition of, 515 voice disorders, 300-309 dementia, 384 Assessment ofPreterm Infants' Behavior (APIB; Als, developmental inventories, 532 Lester, Tronick, & Brazelton), 173 diagnosis differentiated from, 515 Assimilation, 88 dynamic assessments, 535 Assimilative nasality, 311 dysarthria, 374-375 Association fibers, 55 educational history and, 518-519 Asthma, 322 environmental factors, 170 Ataxic CP, 159 family and, 517-518, 533 Ataxic dysarthria, 370 functional assessments, 532-534 Athetoid CP, 159 guidelines, 171-172, 174, 179-181 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), hearing impairments, 228, 485-491, 520 164-165 680 • IN D EX Audience size effect, 266 Basal ganglia, 44, 55, 372, 381 Auditory agnosia, 363-364 Base morphemes, definition of, 106 Auditory attention, 135 Basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS), 434 Auditory brainstem response (ABR), 487 Basilar artery, 58, 59 Auditory comprehension, 358, 360-363, 393 Basilar membrane, 466 Auditory discrimination, 135, 220, 233 Battell Development Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-2; Auditory feedback, 269 N ewborg), 173 Auditory memory, 135-136 Bayley Scales ofInfant Development-Third Edition (BDIS­ Auditory nervous system, 466-467 III; Bayley), 173 Auditory phonetics, definition of, 70 Behavioral Inattention Test (BIT; Wilson, Cockburn, & Auditory processing, 135 Halligan), 389 Auditory rate, 136 Behavioral problems, 163 Auditory sequencing, 136 Behavioral theory in counseling, 603-604 Auditory system Behavioral theory oflanguage development, 129-130, acoustics, 468-471 211-212 assessment, 485-491 Bel, definition of, 91 assistive devices, 499 Bell, Alexander Graham, 94, 470 audiograms, 475, 477-479,481, 490,492 Bell's palsy, 162 Inc. auditory nervous system, 466-467 Bells Test (Gauthier, Dehaut, & Joanette), 389 aural rehabilitation, 495 Bermouli effect, 13 central auditory disorders, 482-483 Bilabials, 80, 210 cochlear implants, 497-498 Bilateral paralysis, 323 communication disorder treatments, 491-494 Bilingual Aphasia Test (BAT: Paradis), 357 communication training, 500-504 Bilingual populations,PRO-ED, 239-241, 355-356, 431-433, 435, cued speech and, 501 See byalso Culturally and lingually diverse (CLD) hearing aids, 496-497 clients hearing impairments, 223, 228, 473-480 Bipolar neurons, 29 normal hearing, 472-473 Birth defects, 479 overview of, 463 Birth to 3 Developmental Scale-Second Edition (ELM physiology ofhearing, 464-467 materialScale-2; Coplan), 173 retrocochlear disorders, 483-484 Birthweight, 162,632 speech reading, 501 Blends, 83 tactile aids, 499 Blessed Dementia Scale (Hachinsky, Iliff, Zilhka,
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