Bibliography from ADS file: chaplin.bib Metcalfe, T. S., van Saders, J. L., Basu, S., et al., “The Evolution of Rota- August 16, 2021 tion and Magnetic Activity in 94 Aqr Aa from Asteroseismology with TESS”, 2020ApJ...900..154M ADS Nielsen, M. B., Ball, W. H., Standing, M. R., et al., “TESS asteroseismology of Zinn, J. C., Stello, D., Elsworth, Y., et al., “The K2 Galactic Archaeology the known planet host star λ2 Fornacis”, 2020A&A...641A..25N ADS Program Data Release 3: Age-abundance patterns in C1-C8, C10-C18”, Steinmetz, M., Guiglion, G., McMillan, P. J., et al., “The Sixth Data Release of 2021arXiv210805455Z ADS the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE). II. Stellar Atmospheric Parameters, Lyttle, A. J., Davies, G. R., Li, T., et al., “Hierarchically modelling Kepler Chemical Abundances, and Distances”, 2020AJ....160...83S ADS dwarfs and subgiants to improve inference of stellar properties with astero- Steinmetz, M., Matijevic,ˇ G., Enke, H., et al., “The Sixth Data Release of the Ra- seismology”, 2021MNRAS.505.2427L ADS dial Velocity Experiment (RAVE). I. Survey Description, Spectra, and Radial Hill, M. L., Kane, S. R., Campante, T. L., et al., “Asteroseismology of Velocities”, 2020AJ....160...82S ADS iota Draconis and Discovery of an Additional Long-Period Companion”, Ahumada, R., Prieto, C. A., Almeida, A., et al., “The 16th Data Release of 2021arXiv210713583H ADS the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Thomas, A. E. L., Chaplin, W. J., Basu, S., et al., “Impact of magnetic Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra”, 2020ApJS..249....3A ADS activity on inferred stellar properties of main-sequence Sun-like stars”, Jiang, C., Bedding, T. R., Stassun, K. G., et al., “TESS Asteroseismic Analysis 2021MNRAS.502.5808T ADS of the Known Exoplanet Host Star HD 222076”, 2020ApJ...896...65J Ross, E., Chaplin, W. J., Hale, S. J., et al., “Lifetimes and rotation within the ADS solar mean magnetic field”, 2021MNRAS.502.5603R ADS Majewski, S. R., Schiavon, R. P., Frinchaboy, P. M., et al., “VizieR On- Addison, B. C., Wright, D. J., Nicholson, B. A., et al., “TOI-257b line Data Catalog: APOGEE-2 data from DR16 (Majewski+, 2017)”, (HD 19916b): a warm sub-saturn orbiting an evolved F-type star”, 2020yCat.3284....0M ADS 2021MNRAS.502.3704A ADS Majewski, S. R., Schiavon, R. P., Frinchaboy, P. M., et al., “VizieR On- Kunovac Hodžic,´ V., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Cegla, H. M., Chaplin, W. J., & Davies, line Data Catalog: APOGEE-2 data from DR16 (Majewski+, 2017)”, G. R., “Orbital misalignment of the super-Earth π Men c with the spin of its 2020yCat..51540094M ADS star”, 2021MNRAS.502.2893K ADS Bedding, T. R., Murphy, S. J., Hey, D. R., et al., “Very regu- Mackereth, J. T., Miglio, A., Elsworth, Y., et al., “Prospects for Galactic and lar high-frequency pulsation modes in young intermediate-mass stars”, stellar astrophysics with asteroseismology of giant stars in the TESS continu- 2020Natur.581..147B ADS ous viewing zones and beyond”, 2021MNRAS.502.1947M ADS Hale, S. J., Chaplin, W. J., Davies, G. R., et al., “Measurement of Atmospheric Bryson, S., Kunimoto, M., Kopparapu, R. K., et al., “VizieR Online Data Cat- Scintillation during a Period of Saharan Dust (Calima) at Observatorio del alog: 117 exoplanets in habitable zone with Kepler DR25 (Bryson+, 2021)”, Teide, Iz∼ana, Tenerife, and the Impact on Photometric Exposure Times”, 2021yCat..51610036B ADS 2020PASP..132c4501H ADS Hall, O. J., Davies, G. R., van Saders, J., et al., “Haiku CS20.5 Howe, R., Chaplin, W. J., Basu, S., et al., “Solar cycle variation of - Weakened magnetic braking supported by asteroseismic rotation”, ν_max in helioseismic data and its implications for asteroseismology”, 2021csss.confE..70H ADS 2020MNRAS.493L..49H ADS Hall, O. J., Davies, G. R., van Saders, J., et al., “Poster CS20.5 Avelino, P. P., Cunha, M. S., & Chaplin, W. J., “Modelling stochastic signatures - Weakened magnetic braking supported by asteroseismic rotation”, in classical pulsators”, 2020MNRAS.492.4477A ADS 2021csss.confE..69H ADS Hale, S. J., Chaplin, W. J., Davies, G. R., & Elsworth, Y. P., “Modelling Miglio, A., Girardi, L., Grundahl, F., et al., “Haydn”, 2021ExA...tmp...21M the response of potassium vapour in resonance scattering spectroscopy”, ADS 2020arXiv200204546H ADS Zinn, J. C., Stello, D., Elsworth, Y., et al., “VizieR Online Data Catalog: K2 Silva Aguirre, V., Stello, D., Stokholm, A., et al., “Detection and Character- GAP DR2: campaigns 4, 6 & 7 (Zinn+, 2020)”, 2021yCat..22510023Z ization of Oscillating Red Giants: First Results from the TESS Satellite”, ADS 2020ApJ...889L..34S ADS Nielsen, M. B., Davies, G. R., Ball, W. H., et al., “PBjam: A Chaplin, W. J., Serenelli, A. M., Miglio, A., et al., “Age dating of an Python Package for Automating Asteroseismology of Solar-like Oscillators”, early Milky Way merger via asteroseismology of the naked-eye star ν Indi”, 2021AJ....161...62N ADS 2020NatAs...4..382C ADS Hale, S. J., Chaplin, W. J., Davies, G. R., & Elsworth, Y. P., “A next generation Chaplin, W. J., “Michael Thompson’s Legacy in Solar and Stellar Physics”, upgraded observing platform for the automated Birmingham Solar Oscilla- 2020ASSP...57....3C ADS tions Network (BiSON)”, 2021arXiv210110205H ADS Hale, S. J., Chaplin, W. J., Davies, G. R., et al., “Measurement of atmo- Kane, S. R., Bean, J. L., Campante, T. L., et al., “Science Extraction from TESS spheric scintillation during a period of Saharan dust (Calima) at Observato- Observations of Known Exoplanet Hosts”, 2021PASP..133a4402K ADS rio del Teide, Izaña, Tenerife, and the impact on photometric exposure times”, Hall, O. J., Davies, G. R., van Saders, J., et al., “Weakened magnetic 2019arXiv191212237H ADS braking supported by asteroseismic rotation rates of Kepler dwarfs”, Rendle, B. M., Miglio, A., Chiappini, C., et al., “The K2 Galactic Caps 2021NatAs...5..707H ADS Project - going beyond the Kepler field and ageing the Galactic disc”, Montalbán, J., Mackereth, J. T., Miglio, A., et al., “Chronologically dating the 2019MNRAS.490.4465R ADS early assembly of the Milky Way”, 2021NatAs...5..640M ADS Lund, M. N., Knudstrup, E., Silva Aguirre, V., et al., “Asteroseismology of the Bryson, S., Kunimoto, M., Kopparapu, R. K., et al., “The Occurrence of Multiplanet System K2-93”, 2019AJ....158..248L ADS Rocky Habitable-zone Planets around Solar-like Stars from Kepler Data”, Campante, T. L., Corsaro, E., Lund, M. N., et al., “TESS Asteroseismol- 2021AJ....161...36B ADS ogy of the Known Red-giant Host Stars HD 212771 and HD 203949”, Miglio, A., Chiappini, C., Mackereth, J. T., et al., “Age dissection of the Milky 2019ApJ...885...31C ADS Way discs: Red giants in the Kepler field”, 2021A&A...645A..85M ADS Chaplin, W. J., Howe, R., Basu, S., et al., “Sensitivity of low-degree solar p Chontos, A., Huber, D., Kjeldsen, H., et al., “TESS Asteroseismology of α modes to active and ephemeral regions: frequency shifts back to the Maunder Mensae: Benchmark Ages for a G7 Dwarf and its M-dwarf Companion”, minimum”, 2019MNRAS.489L..86C ADS 2020arXiv201210797C ADS Mackereth, J. T., Bovy, J., Leung, H. W., et al., “Dynamical heating across the Hale, S. J., Chaplin, W. J., Davies, G. R., & Elsworth, Y. P., “A next generation Milky Way disc using APOGEE and Gaia”, 2019MNRAS.489..176M ADS upgraded observing platform for the automated Birmingham Solar Oscilla- Kuszlewicz, J. S., Chaplin, W. J., North, T. S. H., et al., “Bayesian hierarchi- tions Network (BiSON)”, 2020SPIE11452E..22H ADS cal inference of asteroseismic inclination angles”, 2019MNRAS.488..572K Ball, W. H., Chaplin, W. J., Nielsen, M. B., et al., “Robust asteroseismic prop- ADS erties of the bright planet host HD 38529”, 2020MNRAS.499.6084B ADS Santos, A. R. G., Campante, T. L., Chaplin, W. J., et al., “Signatures of Magnetic Cunha, M. S., Avelino, P. P., & Chaplin, W. J., “From solar-like to mira stars: a Activity: On the Relation between Stellar Properties and p-mode Frequency unifying description of stellar pulsators in the presence of stochastic noise”, Variations”, 2019ApJ...883...65S ADS 2020MNRAS.499.4687C ADS Huber, D., Chaplin, W. J., Chontos, A., et al., “VizieR Online Data Cat- Zinn, J. C., Stello, D., Elsworth, Y., et al., “The K2 Galactic Archaeology Pro- alog: High-precision radial velocities for HD 221416 (Huber+, 2019)”, gram Data Release 2: Asteroseismic Results from Campaigns 4, 6, and 7”, 2019yCat..51570245H ADS 2020ApJS..251...23Z ADS Chontos, A., Huber, D., Latham, D. W., et al., “VizieR Online Data Cat- Elsworth, Y., Themeßl, N., Hekker, S., & Chaplin, W., “A Lay- alog: Radial velocities and transit times for KOI 4 (Chontos+, 2019)”, ered Approach to Robust Determination of Asteroseismic Parameters”, 2019yCat..51570192C ADS 2020RNAAS...4..177E ADS Khan, S., Miglio, A., Mosser, B., et al., “New light on the Gaia DR2 parallax Maxted, P. F. L., Gaulme, P., Graczyk, D., et al., “The TESS light curve of AI zero-point: influence of the asteroseismic approach, in and beyond the Kepler Phoenicis”, 2020MNRAS.498..332M ADS field”, 2019A&A...628A..35K ADS 1 Kuszlewicz, J. S., North, T. S. H., Chaplin, W. J., et al., “KOI-3890: a high-mass- Van Eylen, V., Dai, F., Mathur, S., et al., “HD 89345: a bright oscillat- ratio asteroseismic red giant+M-dwarf eclipsing binary undergoing heart- ing star hosting a transiting warm Saturn-sized planet observed by K2”, beat tidal interactions”, 2019MNRAS.487...14K ADS 2018MNRAS.478.4866V ADS Hall, O. J., Davies, G. R., Elsworth, Y. P., et al., “Testing astero- Moya, A., Zuccarino, F., Chaplin, W. J., & Davies, G. R., “Empiri- seismology with Gaia DR2: hierarchical models of the Red Clump”, cal Relations for the Accurate Estimation of Stellar Masses and Radii”, 2019MNRAS.486.3569H ADS 2018ApJS..237...21M ADS Viani, L. S., Basu, S., Corsaro, E., Ball, W.
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