c. L. Marcroft ltd. --- Builders and Con t rae lor s Chemical Yard, ToUey. Tel. 75035 House Construetfon, Alterations and Additions in all branches of the Building Trade. VERNON HUDSON, Decorator and Painting Contractor Our Selection of Toys., Children's Books etc. are 162, Baslow Road, Totley, always worthy of a visit. 12 ~ 241, Chesterfield Road, Dronfield. AGENT FOR Telephone Sheffield 72619. Dronfield 2377· DIf:NK'l ANn CORGI Toys. •.. JOHN BONNER Newsagent 15/17. BASLOW ROAD, rotley Rise Agents for the famous Rust Cralr Greeting Card. SWEETS. Your thoughtfulness CHOCOLATES. "\lA\ ILsIPA\ lR" Your choice reflects CIGARETTES. 2-4 HOUR LACQUER The Marstane Garage Ltd. Aroy article or surface in your heme can b"ee'nriched and made til Ian loncer by melns of .• VAlSPA!\ •. (OfficiaJ1R.A.C. and A.A. Repairer). -the mar.eIlClu, rich. C1eu j)aint thlL ,equires no I/Ildmaaling and dries in 2-4 hours. Eny to apply. En,!"Ire ,)I l~ap. I~lll .el/ pll;nl. ". TOTLEY RISE. SHEFFIELD Retailer oj Quality Paints- Telephone: 73328 * VALSPAR. WALPAMUR, * LEYLAND PAINTS and EMULSWN PETROLS, OILS AND PARAFFI~. * DARKALlNE, LIQUID LINO. REPAlRS AND SERVICE. * CROWN WALLPAPERS. * ALADDIN PINK PARAFFIN. TYRES-NEW AND REMOULD SERVICE. Free Advice on Dl'coralin,L(. N}ijW AND USED CARS. ~-----------------'---~' V. HUDSON, 162, Baslow Road, Totley For }'our Holidays-Hire a Roof Rack for your car from u«. rica)": THE REV. FREDEltICK ADAMSO"" A.K.C. The Vioarage, Sunnyvale E.OOid, 'l'otley, Tel.: 72322. Ulnich.uorden«: ~lR. K C01.J"MAN. Cross' )'In. A. D. STACEY, " 8ef!I'f:lary, Paroduot DAureh Go-uncil: :Vb. L. LEE. TEL. 734 31 33, Main Avenue, To~ley. Tel: 70233. &cretar.'1 P. W.O. Sckeme : MR. ill. 'COLilMJIN. GUARANTEED USED CARS Oryuliid and Cllui'lllo8ter; Mn, A. E. IilNl·OOT. 202, Baslow Road. Tel: 7l3S9. Mayo!'1i r- Setr~lar!l: ~hL A. D. STACEY, -:;;:::=:=;:wuh a ,7 service 10, The Ute"n, "I'otley. Tel: 7W32. * KmKM.\.N, Altar r;',W'MB Secretary: Mus. P. "Barn Groft", Vicarage Laue, Dore, 'l'eI: 71M3. SideSllml; ),IESSRs. ANDREW, BLACKBURN, BOW1!J;, (JeLLEY, GOLDTlWRPlt, GFDH.GE, GRElI!N, HAnRIRON, GOL HOLLAND, HUDSON, INCRLl:'Y, LINDLllY, :'h:'ITAM, SEALS, STACElY, WILLJAMS• .* (I). Only carefullyselectJed used cars in excellent SERVICES - mechanical cendition anld sound fir~t class appearance. Bors COM MUNION : SUNDAYS, 8 A.M. SUNG EUCHARIST: hRST SUNDAY. 11 A.M. * (2). Comprehensive guarantee supported by our own MATTINS: SUNDAYS, !I A.M. (EXCEPT FIRST). EVENSONG: SUNDAYS, 6.30 P.Y. service department. * (3,) Competent, Courteous sales SUNDAY SCHOOL: 2.30 P.M. service. (4) Demonstrations, given willing-ly and with- WEEK DAY SERVICES. * The-re are Celebrations of the Holy Communion on Saints" Days at TO a .rn., or as announced in Church. (Jut any obligation. * (5). Part exchanges aspecudity. All Notices of Baptisms, Banns, Marriages, or FunertJl.t , . * (6). Hire purchase facilities. available. * (7). Instant should be gtt1en to the Vicar. ! I insurance cover, CALENDAR FOR JANUARY. January I~CIRCUMCISION OF OUR LORD. (New Year's Day). Baslow Road, Totley TO a.rn. Holy COmmunion. january 6---EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD. and January I3-Epiphany 1. J:muary 20'--Epiphany II. Abbeydale Rd. Millhouse'S January 27-E,piphany III. TOTLEY V !CARAGE, l)ec.elllber, 1956. My Dear Friends, FOR I suppose you have heard the story of the mother, tired and weary, who was Christma1;;sholPping with her son. The toy, heedless of 'rus mother's mood and her weariness, VAI{IETY & S~=1{VICF~ stopped and stared at a manger scene in a shop window, while his mother wab anxious to get on with the slwpping. And so she went hack to him, grabbed his hand and pulled him away and said-~' ·Com.e !lOW. W'e are very hlV3y and we don't have any time for that' Now, you who read this, let me ask you a ~;traight question-c-werr, you one of those who had 110 time for "that" ? SHOP Perhaps you too, were bUS0:. and tired, perhaps you meant to find time for Christ 2~ Christm.a!&--but you didn't. Perhaps you meaa to. do better next time? Have you ever read these lines, they were written by a 'rery minor poet in the AT dghteenth century~ "lfgoLd be offered thee, thou does not say, 'Tomorrow I will take it, not today". Salvation offered, why ;~rt thou ,0 cool To let thyself become tomorrow's fool?" We have recently entered upon a New Year andmanv of 11S are conscious that we did't exactfv make a success 0'£ GRATTON'S the old year and we have resolved to do better this time~ yes, we are going to start-tomorrow. But SltpPOSIC that fat yuu there were no tomorrow. WouJd it make a c:jff.erence hoiw you live todaty? So often we IiV{' as if we had forever. heedless Jar the morrow, carele;-sly postponing GROCERS OF REPUTE the most significant things imaginaJble, 'baying "yes, we are interested in making- that decision, but not totla y. We'll think alrout it. :we'Ll discuss it, we'll play with the' idea and then -01Ue Jay, in SOme tomorrow, we will make the decision". But suppose there were no tomorro W, and the decision is never made ! Actually there is no tomorrow, as we all know. There is only today. All of om experience is gathered IIp in the present moment of ronsriot1sness. f'resh.ly Roasted 81. Ground Daily I believe that at the outset of this year (;od is caHing tv' to Eve for Him rigiht now : not slonw day, not tomorrow-> right now. He is telling- liS !lot to c-(mfront the future boastfully, as though we already had tomorrow in our hands, ht to enter it humbly. Nor would 11~' want llf' to crmge in Icar ilIt the th0Uif-:-ht of coming- days; hill rather, to walk 71. BASLOW ROAD, into them with confidence: DCeJPest of all, I know our Lord is calling us to rise arbovl' th« l"lI~llal level of heedless Tottey Rise. Tel 75038 liviallg; to alert our spirits so that we will he forever new to life, forever awake to the wond('l'!s and g'lories of His grace. FULLY LICENSED I I c. N. Thompson, M.P.S. DISPENSING CHEMIST PhODe 71181 45! SASLOW ROAD! Totley Riae For Emergenc",! Service 'Phone 7 2 6 [ 8 ---o~ TOILET AND BEAUTY PREPARATIONS. NATIONAJ. HEALH INSURANCEDISN:NSING. F. W. ROBINSON, QUALITY FOODS I ALWAYS A GOOD SELECTION EPIPHANY Groceries Provisions o worship the Lord in the beauty of holin~ss! Confectionery. Bow down before Him, His glory proctann; With gold of obedien.ce, and incen~e o~ lowliness, We will be pleased to Kneel and adore Him, the Lord IS His name. Deliver YOUR Orders. Fear not to enter His courts in the slenderness Of the poor wealth thou woul.d's~reckon as thine: Truth in its beauty, and love 111 its rtenderness, 53t BASLOW ROAD These are the offerings to lay on His shrine. f '1. S. B. Monsell TOTLEY. The Festival of the Epiphany-Sunday, January 6-0bscrvc it by attending Church on this Day, Ttkphom: 70856 in macrocosm, and the pattern of much of Other Pelican Books of intcrest recenl1y western civilization. Is this the model of received: -*"Man, Morals and SodetV" all our to-morrows, and the end to which by J. C. Flugel (3s. 6d.). A readable, our civilization is universally heading? clear and authoritative statement of the J-M,P, nature and aims of psycho-analysis. *'Aquinas" by F. C. Copleston (3s. 6d,). With a foreword by the Editor A. J. Ayer, and at the end some useful Restawhile Cafe *"A Sh:Jrt His'ory of Confudan Philo- bibliographical notes. sophy" by Lin Wu-Chi (Pelican 2s. 6d.). This book attempts to explain Aquinas' No . one wishing to understand modern philosophical ideas in a way which can China can do so without knowing some- be understood by those who are not thing of her ancient culture and systems conversant With medieval thought. Aqui- 59, Baslow Road, of thought. Lin Wu-Chi, born in 1907 nas' thought is of more than historical and educated in the ancient Chinese interest. There is a large group of con- classics, later studied in Western univer- temporary philosophers, the Thomists, sities and received a Ph.D. from Yale in who draw inspiration from his writings. Totley Rise 1931. It is true to say, though it may sound He givcs a lucid account of the origin strange, his influence to-day is greater and development of Confucianism and of than it was during the Middle Ages. The its influence on Chinese history. Weare last chapter deals with the development intrigued to learn that ideas of enlightened of Thornism in modern times. Father CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS - WEDDINGS, despotism; Iaissez-faire, and even of old- Copleston entered the Society of Jesus in age pensions were current in the 4th 193D, for several years was Professor of century B.C. The impact made by Philosophy at Heythrop College, Oxford, RECEPTIONS, DANCES eu. Buddhism. and its adaptation to native in 1952 appointed Professor of Meta- ideas makes interesting reading. physics in the doctorate course at the The non-philosophical reader may Gregorian University, Rome. flounder in the sections on the "diagram CUTLERY, CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE FOR Htuz. of the Supreme Ultimate" but this should *"Novel:; for Youne People." Novels, not put him off from tackling a most novelettes, magazines for young people interesting book, The author admits are produced in our day by the score, and frankly he docs not know what the future apparently devoured by the same young of Chinese thought will be, but he hopes people.
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