PAC I F I C C OA S T S UR G I C A L A SSOCIATION 8 0 T H A N N U A L M E E T I N G FAIRMONT HOTEL ScientificSA N FR A NCISCO, CA FEBRUAProgramRY 13–16, 2009 JOINTLY SPONSORED BY American College of Surgeons and Pacific Coast Surgical Association PACIFIC COA S T SUR G IC A L A SSOCIATION 8 0 T H A nn U A L M ee T ing FAIRMONT HOTEL ScientificSan Francisco, CA FebrUarProgramY 13–16, 2009 Arrangements/ProgramTable Committee .......................................................................of Contents 3 PCSA Officers, Council, and Representatives ........................................................ 4 General Information .................................................................................................. 5 Program Information ................................................................................................ 6 Scientific Program ...................................................................................................... 7 Industry Support Displays ........................................................................................ 8 Evening Activities ....................................................................................................... 9 Optional Activities ............................................................................................. 10–11 General Program Agenda .................................................................................. 12–14 Scientific Session Agenda ..................................................................................15–18 Scientific Papers 1–12 .........................................................................................19–49 Poster Session 1A–10A ....................................................................................... 51–71 Poster Session 1B–10B ........................................................................................73–93 Scientific Papers 13–26(continued) ............................................................... 97–131 Founders ................................................................................................................... 132 Past Presidents and Meetings .......................................................................132–134 New Members..................................................................................................135–138 In Memoriam ..................................................................................................140–155 Deceased ...........................................................................................................156–158 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Table of Contents Membership List .............................................................................................159–199 Members by Caucus ...................................................................................... 200–207 Members by Location .....................................................................................208–217 Constitution .....................................................................................................218–221 Bylaws ...............................................................................................................222–225 Future Meetings ...................................................................................................... 226 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PRESIDENArrangementsT & SpOUSE CommitteeOrlo and Carol Clark ARRANGEMENTS CHAIRPERSONS Quan-Yang Duh and Ann Comer VICE-PRESIDENT Quan-Yang Duh PROGRAM COMMIttEE CHAIR Fred Weaver ARRANGEMENTS COMMIttEE Michael and Gretchen Harrison Neal and Phoebe Olcott William and Gisela Schecter Jerry and Oksana Sydorak TENNIS John Roberts GOLF Robert Allen ProgramFred WeaverCommittee Recorder and Chair Orlo Clark President James Holcroft Secretary-Treasurer Jonathan Hiatt Incoming Recorder Robert Sawin Washington/British Columbia/Alaska Caucus Steven Stanten Northern California Caucus John Vetto Oregon/Hawaii Caucus Geoffrey Stiles Southern California Caucus ARRANGEMENTS/PROGRAM COMMIttEE 3 Orlo Clark, President (2009)Council Officers San Francisco, CA James Peck, President-Elect (2010) Portland, OR James Atkinson, President-Elect (2011) Los Angeles, CA Quan-Yang Duh, Vice-President (2009) Torrance, CA Roger Alberty, Historian Portland, OR James W. Holcroft, Secretary-Treasurer (2010) Sacramento, CA Fred A. Weaver, Recorder (2009) Los Angeles, CA Jonathan Hiatt, Recorder-Elect (2015) Los Angeles, CA President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Historian, Secretary-Treasurer,Council Recorder, Recorder-Elect Members Stephen N. Etheredge, Councilor (2009) Northern California Clifford Deveney,Councilor (2011) Oregon/Hawaii Lawrence D. Wagman, Councilor (2012) Southern California Mika Sinanan, Councilor (2013) Washington/British Columbia/Alaska Bruce E. Stabile, Immediate Past President (2008) Southern California Mika N. Sinanan, Seattle, WA, (10/2011) CouncilBoard of Governors, Representatives American College of Surgeons William P. Schecter, San Francisco, CA, (6/30/2010) American Board of Surgery Kenneth Waxman, Santa Barbara, CA, (12/31/2011) Advisory Council for General Surgery, American College of Surgeons 4 COUNCIL OFFICERS, MEMBERS, REPRESENTATIVES REGISTRATIONGeneral Information Registration is open to all PCSA members and invited guests of PCSA. Member $590 Retired Member $465 Guest Physician $660 Resident/Fellow $400 Member/Nonmember $250 Accompany Person Resident/Fellow Accompany Person $190 REGISTRATION FEES INCLUDE: Member and Retired Member f All scientific sessions and panels, President’s Address, Residents’ Forum, and E-Poster Presentations and Reception f Industry Support Displays f Welcome and New Members’ Reception and Dinner, and President’s Reception and Banquet f All continental breakfasts and refreshment breaks f Monday’s Membership Business Meeting Guest Physician and Resident Fellow f All scientific sessions and panels, President’s Address, Residents’ Forum, and E-Poster Presentations Reception f Industry Support Displays f Welcome and New Members’ Reception and Dinner, and President’s Reception and Banquet f All continental breakfasts and refreshment breaks Spouse or Guest f President’s Address f Welcome and New Members’ Reception and Dinner, and President’s Reception and Banquet f All Continental Breakfasts and Industry Support Displays GENERAL INFORMATION 5 OVERAll GProgramOAL OF THE PROG InformationRAM The goal of the program is to furnish an educational program for members of the PCSA. Members are academic and community surgeons from the western part of the United States. Membership is very competitive. Attendees represent the leaders of their medical community. LEARNING OBJECTIVES The objectives are to provide the attendees with up-to-date information regarding clinical practice and research in the field of surgery. LEARNING OuTCOMES This meeting will provide high quality, up-to-date information involving those areas covered under general surgery, including vascular surgery, plastic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, and transplant surgery. Attendees will learn, from leaders in their field, the most recent developments in the field of surgery. After each presentation, time will be provided for questioning of the speakers by the audience in order to clarify specific points of the presentation. Moderators will facilitate discussion and oversee sessions. CME AccrEDITATION The activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of the American College of Surgeons and the Pacific Coast Surgical Association. The American College of Surgeons is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. CME CREDIT The American College of Surgeons designates this educational activity for a maximum of 16 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. DISclOSurE In accordance with ACCME regulations, the American College of Surgeons, as the accredited provider of this activity, must ensure that all individuals who are in a position to control the content of the education activity have disclosed all relevant financial information pertaining to commercial interests. Planning Committee Members and Speakers will be contacted and any potential conflicts of interest will be managed prior to the meeting. Additional disclosure information will be included in the final program book. DISclAIMER Attendees voluntarily assume all risks involved in travel to and from the Annual Meeting and in attendance of and participation in the program. PCSA and ACS Association Management Services shall not be liable for any loss, injury, or damage to person or property resulting directly or indirectly from any acts of God, acts of government or other authorities, civil disturbances, acts of terrorism, riots, thefts, or from any other similar causes. 6 PROGRAM INFORMATION ScIENTIFIC PANEScientificL Program The Scientific Panel is a selected group of panelists who will feature a focused scientific topic that is determined by the PCSA Program Committee and chaired by PCSA member experts. Saturday, February 14 1:30–4:00 pm E-POSTER SESSION The e-poster presentations will be held during a wine and cheese reception and presented as a group. Each presenter will give a 3-minute oral presentation of his or her poster followed by a 2-minute question-and-answer
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