ANP—Anthropology 270 Women and Health: Anthropological and 411 North American Indian Ethnography ANTHROPOLOGY ANP International Perspectives Fall. 3(3-0) P: ANP 201 Fall. 3(3-0) Social and cultural patterns of North American Indian Cross cultural perspectives on the health implications societies. History, economy, politics, social organiza- Department of Anthropology of differing life circumstances for women. Women as tion, religion, and social change. College of Social Science health-care consumers and providers. Health and women's life cycles. 412 Method and Practice in Digital Heritage 200 Navigating Another Culture Spring. 3(3-0) P: ANP 201 or ANP 203 or Fall, Spring, Summer. 2(0-4) 320 Social and Cultural Theory ANP 204 or ANP 206 or HST 201 or HST 251 Understanding how cultural differences shape per- Fall, Spring. 3(3-0) P: (ANP 201) and com- or approval of department spectives and behavior. Adapting to a new cultural pletion of Tier I writing requirement The application of digital methods and computational setting. Major theoretical traditions of cultural anthropology. approaches to heritage questions, data, materials, Functionalism, symbolism, structuralism, and con- collections. temporary developments. 201 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Fall, Spring, Summer. 3(3-0) 414 Anthropology of South Asia Origins and diversity of cultural systems. Theories of 321 Anthropology of Social Movements Fall of even years. 3(3-0) P: ANP 201 culture. Patterns of kinship. Religious, economic, and Fall. 3(3-0) Anthropology of India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, political institutions. How social movements within different cultures and Sri Lanka. Religion, social organization, village around the world organize, create or impede change life, urban structures, economic organization, history, on the basis of class, religion, race, ethnicity, lan- and social change. 203 Introduction to Archaeology guage, and territory. Fall, Spring. 3(3-0) SA: ANP 360 Theory, methodology, and techniques of archaeol- 415 China: Culture and Society ogy. Applications to questions about past human be- 325 Anthropology of the Environment and Fall of odd years. 3(3-0) P: ANP 201 havior. History and concepts of archaeology as an Development Socioeconomic and cultural continuity and change anthropological subdiscipline. Spring. 3(3-0) from traditional civilization to the contemporary state Anthropological approaches to contemporary envi- and the communist period. Village and urban society ronmental and development issues and their inter-re- and their relationships. 204 Introduction to Medical Anthropology lation. Summer. 3(3-0) Concepts, methods and theoretical approaches of 417 Introduction to Islam in Africa the field of medical anthropology. 330 Race, Ethnicity, and Nation: Spring of odd years. 3(3-0) Anthropological Approaches to Anthropological and historical literature on Islam in Collective Identity Africa. Spread of Islam, colonialism, slave trade, con- 205 Navigating United States Culture Spring. 3(3-0) RB: ANP 201 version, migration, prayer, Islamic schools, gender, Fall, Spring, Summer. 3(3-0) Understanding race and ethnicity. Models analyzing ethnicity, human rights Anthropological perspectives on social and cultural racial, ethnic, and national identities; boundaries; and patterns that shape life in the United States. Includes collective identities and differentiations. Case studies gender, language, race and ethnicity, subcultures, from cultures worldwide. 419 Anthropology of the Middle East values, class, manners, food. Ethnographic studies, Fall. 3(3-0) P: ANP 201 and methods, as tools to better understand U.S. cul- Anthropological literature of the Middle East and ture. 362 Archaeology of Foragers to Farmers North Africa. Cultural variation, religion, ethnicity, kin- Fall of odd years. 3(3-0) P: ANP 203 or ANP ship, gender, representation, and cultural, political, 264 and economic transformation. 206 Introduction to Physical Anthropology Theories, problems, and issues in the study of forag- Fall, Spring. 3(3-0) SA: ANP 202, ANP 340 ing and farming as adaptive strategies. Archaeologi- Problems, data, and methods of physical anthropol- cal evidence for the appearance and development of 420 Language and Culture ogy. Human genetics, hominid evolution, primate food production in prehistory. Fall, Spring. 3(3-0) Interdepartmental with studies, human osteology, and human diversity. English. Administered by Anthropology. P: (ENG 302 or ANP 201 or ANP 320 or LIN 200 363 Rise of Civilization or LIN 401) and Completion of Tier I Writing 220 Gender Relations in Comparative Spring. 3(3-0) P: ANP 203 or ANP 264 Requirement Perspective Archaeological evidence for the appearance and de- Domain, issues, and methods of cultural linguistics. Spring. 3(3-0) velopment of the world's earliest prehistoric civiliza- Relationship between language and culture. Lan- Gender relations in different cultures. Economic and tions. The nature of complex societies and the com- guage and ethnicity, status, and role. Pidgin and Cre- domestic division of labor between the sexes as a parative evolution of states. ole languages. Crosscultural communication. factor underlying power differentials. 364 Pseudoarchaeology 422 Religion and Culture 236 The Anthropology of Peace and Justice Fall of odd years. 3(3-0) Fall, Spring. 3(3-0) P: (ANP 201) or comple- Spring of odd years, Summer. 3(3-0) SA: Critical survey and discussion of pseudoarchaeologi- tion of Tier I writing requirement ANP 336 cal and pseudoscientific ideas about archaeology, ar- The anthropology of religion and the symbolic analy- Anthropological, theoretical, ethnographic, and inter- chaeologists, and the human past. sis of ritual. Theoretical and ethnographic literature. disciplinary approaches to the study of peace and jus- tice. Violence, nonviolence, international law, social movements, economic justice, environmental racism, 370 Culture, Health, and Illness 425 Issues in Medical Anthropology memory and trauma. Fall, Spring. 3(3-0) P: (ANP 201 or ANP 204) Fall. 3(3-0) A student may earn a maximum or completion of Tier I writing requirement of 6 credits in all enrollments for this course. Cross-cultural perspectives on the definition and P: ANP 201 or ANP 204 SA: ANP 435 treatment of illness. Selected topics in the anthropological investigation of health issues with an emphasis on critical analysis of cultural, historical, and conceptual bases for trends in health research. Topics vary. 264 Great Discoveries in Archaeology 410 Anthropology of Latin America Spring. 3(3-0) Fall. 3(3-0) P: Completion of Tier I Writing Great discoveries in archaeology that have captured Requirement R: Not open to freshmen. the public's imagination and shaped Western Comparative analysis of significant social issues con- thought, from Olduvai Gorge and Stonehenge to fronting contemporary Latin American countries. Macchu Pichu. 1 ANP—Anthropology 426 Urban Anthropology 443 Human Adaptability 471 The Anthropology of Alternative Spring of odd years. 3(3-0) Fall. 3(3-0) P: ANP 206 Medicine The anthropological approach to urban issues. Human adaptation to physical, biological and social Fall of odd years. 3(3-0) P: (ANP 201) and Cross-cultural perspectives on the informal economy, environments. Adaptive models from ecology, de- completion of Tier I writing requirement RB: power, ideology, and community. mography, genetics, physiology, nutrition and medi- ANP 270 or (ANP 370 or concurrently) cine. Theoretical and methodological issues in hu- Anthropological study of alternative medicine and man adaptation studies across various populations. ethnomedicine in the United States and around the 429 Ethnographic Field Methods world. Cross-cultural study of concepts of health and Fall, Spring. 4(3-2) P: (ANP 201) and com- illness, diagnosis, and treatment. pletion of Tier I writing requirement R: Not 451 European Archaeology open to freshmen or sophomores. Spring of even years. 3(3-0) P: ANP 203 or Field research in cultural anthropology. Research de- ANP 264 476 Internship in Anthropology sign, participant observation, relationship of tech- Patterns of change in technology, subsistence, econ- On Demand. 1 to 3 credits. A student may niques to methods, and ethics. omy, settlement, social organization, and political earn a maximum of 6 credits in all enroll- complexity from the earliest human occupation ments for this course. RB: Acquaintance with through the Iron Age. Major issues in European ar- issues of culture, power, and communication 432 American Indian Women chaeology. that occur in geographically dispersed team- Fall of even years. 3(3-0) P: ANP 201 RB: work from any area of endeavor. Ability to re- Background in social sciences. port on issues to highlight effective practices Role of women in a variety of North American Indian 452 North American Archaeology and pitfalls. R: Open to juniors or seniors or cultures, both traditional and contemporary, using au- Spring. 3(3-0) P: ANP 264 or ANP 203 graduate students. tobiography, life history, historical biography, ethnog- Characteristics and processes of North American ar- Internship in anthropology. raphy, and fiction. Interaction of Indian women and chaeology on a regional level. Economic, social, po- their cultures with Western European and American litical and technological change through time. cultures. 485 Foundations of Museum Studies Fall. 3(3-0) Interdepartmental with History of 455 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt Art and Museum Studies. Administered by 433 Contemporary American Indian
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