THE HISTORY OF THE COMMUNITY And FAMILES of FREEDOM WYOMING & IDAHO CONTAINING FAMILY HISTORIES STORIES AND OTHER HISTORICAL AND TRIVIAL INFORMATION 1ST EDITION Compiled in 1994-2008 Copyright ©1994-2008 Update date: 5/1/2008 PREFACE This book could not have been published without the perseverance, patience, time, and love provided by Lorna Haderlie. Assistants that contributed time to help type, compile and proof read, were: Judy Clinger, Melvin Clinger, Carole Hokanson, Elaine Jenkins, Annette Luthi, Bonnie Pantuso, Corey Pantuso, Julie Pantuso, Marie Pantuso, Stefanie Pantuso and those that submitted the information contained here within. The Freedom History was assembled from family History's and records submitted by the families, friends, and individuals contained, and not contained in this book. Any misrepresentations by editing were not intentional. The enormous job of compiling this amount of material from so many sources is bound to have created some errors. The many hundreds of donated hours were hard to coordinate. Any omission of material is probably because it was not submitted or missed but not intentional. Any conflicts that may exist between the histories contained in this book may be because they are personal memories and perspectives of each individual submitter. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS History Of Freedom Wyoming 07/21/95 E71 10 Freedom Amusement Hall 09/01/96 E110 21 Freedom Cemetery 10/03/94 E44 22 Freedom Cemetery’s 6/14/00 23 Ruth Haderlie’s Dance 04/25/94 E26 26 Ode To The "Valley" 10/03/94 E46 27 A Story About Polygamists 03/23/94 E05 28 Silver Star Telephone 04/18/94 E25 29 Star Valley Stake of Zion 10/03/94 E41 32 Thrashing In Early Freedom 10/03/94 E43 34 The Vail Coal Mine 06/14/00 35 Song About Freedom (tune): Open Up Your Heart And Let The Sunshine In 37 Food Preserving - By Verba Erickson 06/16/00 E86 38 Freedom’s First Pioneer 40 Twins Born In Freedom 08/13/00 E95 51 Missionary List Compiled By Ina Erickson 08/13/00 E93 52 Allred, Paul & Vera Haderlie 01/16/95 E53 55 Ashment, Floyd 06/14/00 56 Ashment, James George & Catherine Ann Bratton 06/14/00 58 Baker, Wayne & Mariam 03/20/99 CP112 60 Bateman, Charles Thomas 03/19/00 62 Barber, Walter Riches & Lorraine 06/17/00 64 Baugh, John Robert & Tracey Clark 03/14/99 E92 65 Bright, Annie Elisabeth Bright 09/28/93 A1 66 Brog, Ernest & Martha 06/16/00 68 Brog, Fred & Annie 06/15/00 71 Brog, Tyler Fred & Suzanne 06/17/01 72 Brower, Alden, Carl & Audron Miles 07/18/99 JP 73 Brower, Harold & Reberta 04/04/99 MP9 75 Brower, James Mason & Mary Erickson 06/04/00 76 Call, Jessie Newswander 02/11/95 E55 79 Campbell, Norma Jenkins 05/11/94 E29 81 Chadwick, Clarence & Ressa 06/16/00 82 Child, D'orr & Elnora Hanson 03/14/99 E88 84 Child, Ralph & Marie Stoor 10/09/94 E42 87 Clark, Alma Porter & Marie Stoor 8/13/00 E96 89 Clark, Arthur & Loretta McWherter 03/14/99 MP2 91 Clark, Arthur Benjamin & Helen Margaret Ross 03/14/99 MP 4 93 Clark, Daniel John & Mary Amanda Hokanson 03/14/99 MP 3 95 Clark, Ida E. W. 03/23/94 E19 98 Clinger, Darwin Kenneth 99 3 Clinger, Melvin S. Clinger 103 Croft, Harry & Marionette 03/23/94 E07 107 Croft, William D. & Beatrice 06/17/00 108 Crook, Lyman F. 06/17/00 109 Crook, Ronald Frank & Barbara Ellen Davie 03/14/99 E74 111 Crook, William Henry & Annie Haderlie 06/14/00 112 Daines, Verna Rainey 06/16/00 E11 114 Dana, Donna Rainey 09/01/96 E108 118 Draney, Doyle 10/05/93 C3 120 Draney, Elno & Laura 03/23/94 E08 121 Draney, Ivin & Mabel AL 123 Draney, Royal Aquilla & Mable 09/01/96 E101 124 Edwards, John 06/17/01 125 Erickson, Alvin & Kathleen Lewis 10/05/93 C2 126 Erickson, August 128 Erickson, Bryce & Kathleen Hrapchak 01/04/98 CP103 130 Erickson, Carl & Beata 03/23/94 E09 131 Erickson, Carl G. 03/23/94 E06 133 Erickson, Carl G. E. 03/23/94 E10 136 Erickson, Elworth & Fayone 03/23/94 E13 139 Erickson, Newel William & Verba Keeler 06/16/00 E80 140 Gustaveson, Wilda Jessop Jenkins 06/16/00 E77 143 Haderlie, Byron Frank & Ruth Anderson 03/14/99 MP 5 144 Haderlie, Charles Henry Haderlie 06/03/01 SP 147 Haderlie, Conn & Elmina Jenkins 06/17/01 JP 149 Haderlie, Dannie K. & Trudy Ann Hemmert 07/21/95 E70 152 Haderlie, Darrel Leroy & Marsha Elizabeth Roberts 03/14/99 E91 153 Haderlie, Darren Keeler & Jerolyn Lancaster 09/01/96 E102 154 Haderlie, Dennis K. & Pamela Greenfield 01/04/98 CP109 155 Haderlie, Earl C. & Lorna Keeler 07/21/95 E60 156 Haderlie, Edith Weber 10/03/94 E40 158 Haderlie, Journal of Gilbert Schiess 03/14/99 MP 6 159 Haderlie, John Joseph & Martha Lindholm 02/11/95 E56 162 Haderlie, John Max & Patricia Olson 07/21/95 E72 165 Haderlie, Luther Herman & Johanna Lindholm 12/16/94 E49 167 Haderlie, Phyllis Irene 06/17/00 170 Haderlie, Vaughn J. & Danice Lindsey 10/03/94 E39 173 Haderlie, Wilford Leroy 175 Haderlie, Bertha Lafern Erickson 176 Hamilton, Alice J. 06/16/00 E90 178 Hanson, Emil 06/14/00 181 4 Hanson, Heber 06/17/01 JP 183 Hanson, Martha 08/13/00 E97 188 Hanson, Oril & Elva Jenkins 06/17/00 189 Heap, Dellis & Erma Nelson Hull 07/21/95 E63 190 Heap, Edgar & Annie Katherine (Rena) Wright 08/13/00 E98 192 Heap, Eugene & Evelyn Smith 10/04/94 E28-2 194 Heap, Joseph 06/16/00 196 Heap, Mary Ellen 06/16/00 E81 198 Heap, William Henry Harrison 06/16/00 199 Hemmert, Ralph Wright & Vera Gladys Herrington 07/21/95 E69 201 Hokanson, Bret & Karlene 01/04/98 CP106 202 Hokanson, Dee J. & Ida Ranzenberg 10/03/94 E45 203 Hokanson, Eva May Jenkins 01/04/8 CP 105 204 Hokanson, Nyla J. 01/04/98 CP 108 205 Hokanson, Ola & William E., Joseph E., Ida A., Oscar J. 06/03/01 SP 206 Hokanson, Orlin Gary & Carole 01/04/98 CP108 211 Hokanson, Van J. 01/04/98 CP 108 212 Hokanson, Verla J. 01/04/98 CP107 213 Holbrook, Reed Burton & Bonita May Clark 03/14/99 MP 1 214 Izatt, Keith & Gayle 04/18/94 M1 Izatt, Leslie & Delia Elizabeth Crouch 09/01/96 E 105 Izatt, Veldon & Veloy 06/11/00 MP Jackson, Donlee & Deanne 06/17/00 Jackson, Lavard & Athea 06/14/00 Jenkins, Alice Agusta Erickson 04/25/94 M4 Jenkins, Aneita 05/11/94 M8 Jenkins, Byron A. 03/23/94 E03 Jenkins, Charles Evan 06/16/00 Jenkins, Corey Roos 06/16/00 Jenkins, Darrel Ray & Magdalene Susan Duncan 06/12/00 Jenkins, Darrin Vern 06/16/00 Jenkins, Dean & Elaine 03/23/94 E01 Jenkins, Denzil & Lavern 06/14/00 Jenkins, Farrell Erickson 05/11/94 M10 Jenkins, Glen La Mar & Jenkins, Alice Agusta 05/17/94 M5 Jenkins, John 06/16/00 E79 Jenkins, John Franklin Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth Haskell Jenkins, Annis Jessop Jenkins, John Raymond & Lula Haderlie Jenkins 06/14/00 Jenkins, Kay D. 06/03/01 SP Jenkins, Keith & Cheryl Dee Hathaway 10/05/94 E35 Jenkins, Kendall Evan 01/04/98 CP 104 Jenkins, Kenneth R. 05/18/94 cp Jenkins, Lael (Dan) Jenkins 06/03/01 SP Jenkins, Lavor H. 06/14/00 5 Jenkins, La Vor Ray & Barbara Bagley 12/16/94 E48 Jenkins, Lewis I. 06/14/00 Jenkins, Lorenzo & Julie Louk 10/05/94 E37 Jenkins, Lowell "E" 05/11/94 M7 Jenkins, Marlo D. Jenkins 06/03/01 SP Jenkins, Orrin Milton 06/14/00 Jenkins, Royal Aquilla 06/03/01 SP Jenkins, Theras Ira & Doris Lucille Hibbard 06/16/00 E76 Jenkins, Vernal E. 05/11/94 M9 Jenkins, Vernon 06/16/00 Jenkins, Wendell Dee & Phebe Loraine Spackman 01/04/98 CP100 Jenkins, Wilford Lorenzo & Annie Mabel Erickson 06/16/00 E75 Jenkins, William Evan & Lena Weber 05/11/94 Johnson, Peter John 11/12/00mp Keeler, Leroy Howard & Leola Heap 04/18/99 SP2 Kennington, George S. & Ada 03/23/94 E20 Kennington, Martha 03/23/94 E20 Kopaunik, George William & Olive Lavera Jenkins 06/16/00 E89 Laker, Frank J. & Grace Virgina Peterson 07/21/95 E64 Laker, James Andrew Hokanson / Laker & Josephine Wilhelmina Johnson Lindholm, Franklin 06/16/00 Lindholm, Thecla 08/13/00 EL Livingston, Annie Lovena Warren 06/17/01 Loveland, Jessie McGavin 09/01/96 E100 Luthi, Charles Kent & Sherry Allred 03/19/00 Luthi, Charles & Carol Emily Hale 07/21/95 E60 Luthi, Cody & Ronda Draney 03/14/99 E73 Luthi, Dick & Reba Sanderson 06/12/00 Luthi, Fredriech & Clara Smith...Mary Zollinger 09/01/96 E107 Luthi, Henry & Cleo Jean Bollwinkel 05/11/94 E27 Luthi, Henry Cordell & Annette Haderlie 06/16/00 E83 Luthi, Johannes & Rosina Schweizler 03/24/94 E22 Luthi, John Eldon 06/16/00 Luthi, Kim & Dena Family 07/21/95 CP Luthi, Mark & Lisa Sullivan 01/04/98 CP102 Luthi, PA & Pete Lee 02/19/95 E58 Luthi, Reed & Vona Vee Nelson 11/12/00 mp McGavin, George Gee 07/21/95 E66 McGavin, James Dunn 06/14/00 McGavin, Robert Ferrin 11/12/00 mp McWherter,Arthur L. and Mildred Robinson McWherter 11/12/00 mp Miller, Cynthia Hunt 07/21/95 E67 Moffat, Ralph & Clara 09/01/96 E103 6 Moser,Erwin Hanson and Dortha Lovina Hepworth 11/12/00 mp Moser, Otto & Ida 06/14/00 Nelson, Andrew & Lucy 03/23/94 E15 Nelson, Archie Demar & Corine Putnam 7/18/99 JP Nelson, Clarence “Ty” & Eva Nield 06/15/00 Nelson, Ford & Laura Keeler 8/13/00 E99 Nelson, Ivan & Berniece Nelson, Jacob 07/21/95 E62 Nelson, John Thomas and Ivy Imogene Ashment 06/14/00 Nelson, Wan & Audra Keeler 09/01/96 E109 Newswander Mercantile Olsen, Ken & Carol C.

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