Hastings Town Centre and White Rock Area Action Plan Background Information Report October 2017 East Sussex County Council Mott MacDonald Stoneham Place Stoneham Lane Southampton SO50 9NW United Kingdom T +44 (0)23 8062 8800 F +44 (0)23 8064 7251 mottmac.com East Sussex County Council County Hall Hastings Town Centre and St Anne's Crescent 386238 1 B Lewes White P:Rock\Southampton\ITW \ProjectsArea\386238 Hastings Action AAP Stage Plan East Sussex BN7 1UE 1\wp\Background_Information_Report_revB_final.docx Mott MacDonald Background Information Report October 2017 Mott MacDonald Limited. Registered in England and Wales no. 1243967. Registered office: Mott MacDonald House, 8-10 Sydenham Road, Croydon CR0 2EE, East Sussex County Council United Kingdom Mott MacDonald | Hastings Town Centre and White Rock Area Action Plan Background Information Report Issue and Revision Record Revision Date Originator Checker Approver Description A Sept J Alkhanizi G Goble / N I Johnston Draft 2017 /M Gordon / Gordon M Sanca B October N Gordon P Eveleigh I Johnston Updated following comments 2017 Document reference: 386238 | 1 | B Information class: Standard This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the above- captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. This document contains confidential information and proprietary intellectual property. It should not be shown to other parties without consent from us and from the party which commissioned it. This report has been pr epared sol el y for use by the party which commissi oned it (the ‘Client’) i n connecti on with the capti oned proj ect. It should not be used for any other purpose. N o person other than the Client or any party who has expressl y agreed ter ms of r eliance with us (the ‘Reci pient(s)’) may rel y on the content, i nformati on or any views expressed i n the repor t. We accept no duty of care, responsi bility or liability to any other r eci pient of thi s document. T his r eport is confi denti al and contains pr opri etar y intell ectual property. No representati on, warranty or under taking, expr ess or i mplied, is made and no responsi bility or liability is accepted by us to any party other than the Cli ent or any Reci pient(s), as to the accuracy or completeness of the i nformati on contai ned i n this r eport. For the avoidance of doubt this r eport does not in any way purport to i nclude any legal , insur ance or fi nanci al advice or opi nion. We disclai m all and any liability whether arising i n tort or contract or other wise which it might otherwise have to any party other than the Cli ent or the Reci pient(s), in r espect of this report, or any infor mation attri buted to i t. We accept no r esponsibility for any error or omission i n the r eport which is due to an error or omission i n data, infor mation or statements supplied to us by other par ties incl udi ng the client (‘D ata’). We have not i ndependentl y verified such D ata and have assumed it to be accurate, complete, reli abl e and current as of the date of such infor mation. Forecasts presented i n this document were pr epared usi ng Data and the report is dependent or based on D ata. Inevitabl y, some of the assumptions used to develop the for ecasts will not be realised and unantici pated events and circumstances may occur. C onsequentl y M ott MacDonal d does not guarantee or warr ant the concl usi ons contained i n the repor t as there are li kel y to be differ ences between the for ecasts and the actual results and those di ffer ences may be material. Whil e we consi der that the infor mation and opini ons gi ven i n this r eport are sound all parti es must rel y on their o wn skill and j udgement when making use of it. Under no circumstances may this report or any extr act or summar y ther eof be used in connection with any public or pri vate sec urities offering i ncluding any rel ated memorandum or prospectus for any securities offering or stock exchange listing or announcement. 386238 | 1 | B | October 2017 P:\Southampton\ITW\Projects\386238 Hastings AAP Stage 1\wp\Background_Information_Report_revB_final.docx Mott MacDonald | Hastings Town Centre and White Rock Area Action Plan Background Information Report Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Existing Evidence Base 2 2.1 Introduction 2 2.2 National Planning Policy Framework 2 2.3 East Sussex County Council Local Transport Plan (LTP3) 2011-2026 2 2.4 Hastings Borough Local Plan 2 2.5 Hastings Town Centre and White Rock Area Action Plan (AAP) Supporting Studies 3 2.5.1 Hastings Town Centre and White Rock - Retail and Leisure Assessment & Urban Design Analysis 3 2.5.2 Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the AAP 3 2.6 Combe Valley Sports Hub, and related development sites 4 2.7 Transport Issues 4 2.8 Development Proposals 5 3 Traffic Models 6 3.1 Background 6 3.2 New SATURN Traffic Model for the Hastings Town Centre and White Rock Area. 6 3.3 New Local VISSIM Traffic Model 7 4 Transport Model data input 12 4.1 Network data 12 4.2 Traffic count data 12 4.3 Journey Time data 12 4.4 Traffic signal data 12 4.5 Bus route data 12 5 Transport Modelling approach 17 5.1 Base Year Models 17 5.2 Forecast Year Do Minimum Models 17 5.3 Forecast Year Do Something Models 18 5.3.1 Core Scenario 18 5.3.2 Sensitivity Tests 19 5.4 Reporting 19 386238 | 1 | B | October 2017 P:\Southampton\ITW\Projects\386238 Hastings AAP Stage 1\wp\Background_Information_Report_revB_final.docx Mott MacDonald | Hastings Town Centre and White Rock Area Action Plan Background Information Report Tables Table 1: VISSIM Vehicle Types 7 Table 2: Hastings Town Centre and White Rock Area Development Information 18 Figures Figure 1: Combe Valley Way SATURN traffic model coverage 8 Figure 2: Hastings Town Centre and White Rock Area detailed model area 9 Figure 3: Combe Valley Way SATURN traffic model zoning system – wider area 10 Figure 4: Combe Valley Way SATURN traffic model zoning system – Hastings Town Centre and White Rock Area 11 Figure 5: Traffic Survey Locations 13 Figure 6: Journey Time Routes 14 Figure 7: Signal data locations 15 386238 | 1 | B | October 2017 P:\Southampton\ITW\Projects\386238 Hastings AAP Stage 1\wp\Background_Information_Report_revB_final.docx Mott MacDonald | Hastings Town Centre and White Rock Area Action Plan 1 Background Information Report 1 Introduction Hastings Borough Council (HBC) is currently developing an Area Action Plan (AAP) to set out the overall strategy for the future of the Town Centre and White Rock area up until 2028. Once adopted the AAP will form part of the statutory planning framework for the town, and will be used in the determination of planning applications. As part of the development of this plan, HBC will need to test the overall impact of the proposed growth on the highway network, and identify potential transport infrastructure improvements to mitigate any impact. Consequently, in July 2017 East Sussex County Council commissioned Mott MacDonald to develop a new transport model to support the development of the Hastings Town Centre and White Rock Area Action Plan. The model will be used to test potential transport infrastructure measures required to support the delivery of proposed growth. This Background Information Report provides: • an assessment of the existing evidence base in the area, including policies and studies, identifying gaps in the data where appropriate • confirmation of the geographic scope of the model, • a summary of the data used to inform the development of the transport model, • the agreed transport modelling stages 386238 | 1 | B | October 2017 P:\Southampton\ITW\Projects\386238 Hastings AAP Stage 1\wp\Background_Information_Report_revB_final.docx Mott MacDonald | Hastings Town Centre and White Rock Area Action Plan 2 Background Information Report 2 Existing Evidence Base 2.1 Introduction National and local planning documents have been reviewed and the following sections summarise the sections relevant to development within the town centre and White Rock areas. There is a consistent set of planning policies from national to local levels. 2.2 National Planning Policy Framework Policies in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) relating to removal of transport infrastructure barriers in town centre and elsewhere can be found in Paragraph 211 which states “Planning policies should recognise and seek to address potential barriers to investment, including a poor environment or a lack of infrastructure”. In relation to local plans, the paragraph advocates the identification of priority areas for economic regeneration and infrastructure provision. 2.3 East Sussex County Council Local Transport Plan (LTP3) 2011-2026 The East Sussex Local Transport Plan (LTP3) 2011-2026 forms the transport policy framework for Hastings and the other districts and boroughs in East Sussex. LTP3 both informs and supports the Hastings Planning Strategy (part 1 of the Local Plan) which sets out the high level strategic priorities and policies for the Borough including housing growth, economic development and transport priorities.
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