DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING/RE.ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF LIBERW 119 NORTH MAIN STREET, LIBERTY, NY 12754 JANUARY 6, 2020 TIME: 4:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT HEADS: ASSESSOR cEo COUHT DCO FINANCE HIGHWAY PARKS & RECREATION TOVVN CLERK WATER & SEWER DELAWARE ENGINEERING CORRESPONDENCE 1. A letter from New York Empire State Development regarding the Strategic Planning and Feasibility Studies lor the Town of Liberty Parksville Sewer ESC SPFS, CFA #90190. 2. A letter lrom the New York State Department of Health regarding the water supply inspections for Stevensville, Route 55, Loomis, Ferndale, Cold Spring Road and White Sulphur in the Tovwr ol Liberty. 3. Letter lrom Nancy Esposito regarding Wayne Kratz who has completed the requirements to become an Eagle Scout NEW BUSINESS 1 . Approval ol the following refuse colleclion licenses: . County Waste (1 ) . On Time Disposal, lnc. (4) 2. Approval of (4) towing licenses Prestige Towing & Recovery. 3. Approval for Keri-Ann Poley lo carryover 34 hours of additional unused vacation hours over to 2020. 4. Resolution stating that the necessary audit has been conducted on the court's records for the year ending 1231/19lor the NYS Unified Court System. 5. Emaillrom Shalom Katz regarding account #4900 located in the 8t.55 Water District asking the Town to waive the minimum lee when there is no usage. 6. A letter lrom Kad & Christine Ginenthal regarding account #15950 located in the Swan Lake Water District asking the Town to credit the amount over the minimum used. DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING/RE.ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF LIBERTY 119 NORTH MAIN STREET, LIBERTY, NY 12754 JANUARY 6, 2O2O TtME: 4:0O P.M. 7. Resolution to enter into agreement with the Humane Society of l\rliddletown f ron 111120-12131120. OLD BUSINESS BOARD DISCUSSION EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURN RE.ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 1 . The location lor the Town Board, Zoning Board and Planning Board meetings for the year 2020 will be at the '19 Liberty Senior Center, 1 North Main Street, Liberty, NY 12754.Ihe meeting schedules are as lollows: Town Board Meetings: . 1d Monday of the Month - Department Head Mtg. 4:00 p.m .l of the Month- Regular Monthly 7:00 p.m Planning Board Meetings: . 1'r Tuesday ol the Month 7:00 p.m. Zoning Board Meetings: . 3'd Tuesday 7:00 p.m. 2. Designation ol the otficial Newspaper of the Town ol Liberty . Sullivan County Democrat 3. Designation ol the Custodial Banks . M&T Bank (lorJefl Bank & Catskill Hudson Bank) . JP Morgan Chase (lor First Niagara Bank) . Federal Home Loan Bank (for TD Bank) . Bank of Amenca (lor M&T Bank) . Tompkins Trust Company (for Wayne Bank) . Key Bank (Bank ol New York) DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING/RE.ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING TOWN BOARO TOWN OF LIBERTY 119 NORTH MAIN STREET, TIBERTY, NY 12754 JANUARY 6, 2O2O TIME: 4:00 P.M. 4. Designation of the Depository Banks o Jeff Bank . KeY Bank o Catskill Hudson Bank o TD Bank . M&T Bank o Wayne Bank 5. Supervisor's appointments: . Confidential Secretary Keri-Ann Poley . Deputy Supervisor Dean Farrand . Town Historian Bill Cogswell . Veteran's Service Off icer Christian Cheh . Budget Officer Cheryl Gerow . Health Oflicer David Schwalb 6. Set IRS Mileage ratelor2020 (.580) 7. Appoint delegate and alternate delegate to attend the Association of Towns Conference in February,2020. 8. Appoint Dog Control Officer (1 yr. term) . Joanne Gerow 9. Appoint Deputy Dog Control Officer (1 year term) 10. Appointment ol Zoning Board Member lor a lerm expiring 143112024 . Robert Werlau '11, Appointment of Zoning Board Chairman (1 yr. term) . Robert Weriau 12. (2) Altemate Zoning Board Members (1 yr. term) . Linda Babicz . vacant 13. Re-appointment of Planning Board member lor a term expinng 1213112024 o Lydia Rolle 14. Be-appointment of Altemate Planning Board Members ('l yr' term) DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING/RE.ORGANIZATIONAT MEETING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF LIBERTY 119 NORTH MAIN STREET, LIBERTY, NY 12754 JANUARY 6, 2O2O TIME: 4:00 P.M. Anthony Dworetsky . Scott Nluhlig 15. Appointment ol Planning Board Chairman (1 year) . Lynn Dowe '16. Be-appointment ol Paks & Recrealion Board lor a tem expiring 12/31/2024 (5 yr. term) . Joanne McPhillips 17. Appointment to the Parks & Recreation Board for a term expinng 12131121 (Melanie Bendy) 18, Appointment to the Parks & Recreation Board lor a term expiring 12]31/23 (Maureen Bafuer) 19, Authodze Deputy Supervisor to sign checks in the absence of the Town Supervisor. 20. Re-appointment of Registrar for a term expiring 1213112023. 21. Re-appointment of Deputy Registrarlor a term expning 1213112023 22. Re-appointment of Marriage Officers for a term expiringon 1213112023. Laurie Dutcher . Cheryl Gerow 23. Town Clerk appointments: . Deputy Town Clerk Sara Sprague . Assistant Tax Collector Sara Sprague . Deputy Registrar Sara Sprague 24. Employees Belations Committee: . Highway (3) _ / / Kevin Austin . Town Hall (2) Sunsoree Young / Keri-Ann Poley . Parks & Rec (1) Kevin Delaney . Water & Sewer (2) Joan Redington / Stacey Yaun Department Head Meeting to immediately lollow, Town of Liberty Justice Court 19-May Jun-19 19Jul Aug-19 19-Sep Oct-19 19-Nov Dec-19 V&T Received 432 485 402 366 413 534 622 V&T Appearances 202 247 245 182 162 195 Criminal Appearances 511 437 430 331 320 502 363 311 Ordinance Appearances 15 15 19 21 15 31 24 17 Civil Appearances 21 24 26 33 28 22 12 Total Fines Collected $56,315.00 $53,547.00 $65,61 1.00 $65,536.00 $63,785.00 $54,049.50 $47,930.00 $44,405 00 Total Fines to Town $20,52300 $21,606.00 $27,162.00 $26,781.00 $31,256.00 $22,914.50 $19.748.00 not available Total Fines to Village $290.00 $370.00 $250.00 $1.350 00 $350.00 $415.00 $115.00 not available Town of Liberty Finance Office rzo North Main Street Liberty, NY 12754 (8+il zgz-SZZz c. gerow@townofl iberty.org DATE: December St,2org TO Supervisor DeMayo and Town Board Members FROM: Earl Bertsch/Cheryl Gerow RE December Monthly Report The following took place in the Finance Office for t1ie month of December r. Notified Employees of Health Insurance deductions for 2o2o z. Notified Retirees of Dental Insurance costs if they wish to have coverage for zozo 3. Processed Health Insurance Buyout, longevity and three regular payrolls 4. Met with Cooper and Arias and supplied various information to begin zorg audit 5. Began year-end preparation 6. Completed total system save of server 7. Submitted information for various insurance claims 8. Met with County IT regarding IT services, worked on password policy for network computers, server upgrade, remote connections and other recommendations 9. All other daily duties and responsibilities 01t0312020 1 Town Clerk Monthly Report Page December 01, 2019 - December 31,2019 Account# Account Descri n Fee Description Qtv Local Share A 2590 Highway Fees Road Access Permit 1 50.00 Sub-Total: ss0.00 A'1255 Conservation Conservation 3 7.39 Marriage License Marriage License Fee 2 35.00 Permits Refuse Collection 21 2,100.00 Towing License 4 400.00 Small Sales EZ Pass '13 325.00 Marriage Certilicate 6 60.00 Misc 1 90.00 Sub-Total: $3,017.39 A1620.4 Small Sales Photo Copies 56 14.00 Sub-Total: $14.00 42544 Dog Licensing Female, Spayed 24.50 Female, Unspayed 2 25.00 l\,lale, Neutered 38.50 Purebred Licenses I 25.00 Sub-Total: $1 13.00 42545 Dog Redeemed Dog 1 75.00 Sub-Total: $7s.00 82110 Building Fees Variance 1 100.00 Sub-Total: $100.00 B2770 Building Fees Building Permit I 1,207.60 Fire lnspections 1 75.00 lvlunicipal Search IJ 650.00 Sub-Total: $1,932.60 Total Local Shares Remitted: $5,301.99 Amount paid to: Ny State Dept. Of Health 45.00 Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & N4arkets for spay/neuter program 43.00 Amount paid to: NYS Environmental Conservation 502.6'1 Total State, County & Local Revenues: $5,892.50 Total Non-Local Revenues: $590.61 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, Sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies receaved by me, Laurie Dutcher,Town Clerk, Town of Liberty during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otheMise provided for by law. Supervisor Date Town Clerk Date 0110312020 Town Clerk Monthly Report Page 1 January 01, 2019 - December 31, 2019 Account# Account Description Fee Description Qtv Loc€l Share Health lnsurance Highway Fund DA 12 0.00 Sub-Total: $0.00 A 2590 Highway Fees Road Access Permit 10 500.00 Sub-Total: $500.00 A1255 Conservation Conservation 90 341.9'1 Firework Permit Firework Permit 1 100.00 Marriage License l\4arriage License Fee 6'1 1,067.50 Permits Junk Yard 3 750.00 Peddlers License 4 600.00 Refuse Collection 28 2,800.00 Towing License 10 1,000.00 Small Sales EZ Pass 157 3,925.00 lvlarriage Certificate 68 680.00 [4isc 4 99.99 Returned Check Fee 2 40.00 Sub-Total: $11,404.40 A1620.4 Small Sales Photo Copies 202.00 Sub-Total: $202.00 A1670.4 Building Fees Certified N4ailings 16 2,145.42 Sub-Total: $2,145.42 42544 6 0.00 Dog Licensing Exempt Dogs 5 0.00 Female, Spayed 129 939.00 Female, Unspayed 29 357.50 Male, Neutered 11) 1,070.00 Male, Unneutered 42 505.00 Purebred Licenses 125.00 Replacement Tags 7 35.00 Sub-Total: $3,031.s0 42545 Dog Boarding Fees 10 250.00 Redeemed Dog 1 ,725.OO Redeemed Dog 2 4 600.00 S ub-Total: $2,575.00 A3510.4 Dog Reimbursement OI Expenses 10 241.OO Sub-Total: $24r.00 B2110 Building Fees Variance 6 600.00 Sub-Total: $600.00 B2115 Building Fees Lot lmprovements 4 500.00 Special Mtg.
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