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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 H- m \ (h ri> V ';;• THE MONTREAL ALMANACK, \ OR IiOWER CANADA REGISTER, " TOtL 1830, BEING SECOND AFTER Z.EAF YEAB. ) • MONTREtVL: PRINTED BY ROBERT ARMOUR, rSINTKH TO TBS XIVo's HOST RXCELLKNT JtAJSST i' FOB TBS DUTIUCT OF MONTRKAI.. MDCCCXXIX. *.. ftf * YTW^ PREFACE. The Proprietor, in preseuung to hit Patrons the MoKXftXAi. Aluanack for 1880^ deems it unnecessary to enter into any ex- planations of the pains and expense to which h« has been to insure its correctness —to increase its value—and to render it a useful companion to the counting-house and office. By comparing it with that of last year, several additions will be perceptible, and some alterations made, which it is hoped will prove an im- provement upon the plan adopted in the last publication. The Editor deems it necessary to state, that with a view of obtaining, with certainty, the various lists, applications have been made to the different Departments, who have always furnished the information required, and thus enabled the Editor to publish with greater certainty than if merely dependant upon private informa- tion. To the Provincial Secretary he has again to return his sincere thanks for the accommodation and facility with which he was permitted to copy the dates of the Commissions granted since last year—a plan which it is intended shall be continued in suc- ceeding volumes. The different heads introduced into last year's Almakack have been variously modified, and a vast quantity of very useful infor- mation thrown into the Appendix—a portion of the work which it is intended to enrich each year with statistical tables of value and rarity, and for which assurances of support from several very competent individuals have been received. Change* and alteration! have occurred, o( course, Juring (he publication of the work,— more numerous perhaps, from the UHavoidable delay which has prevented its appcarrtnce at an earlier period, as intended, but these changes ai-e so very trifling, that it if not deciueJ necessary to give a list of "alterations while printing." The Editor feels grateful to those *vho, during the progress of the work, favoured him with several hints fur its improvement, knd correction of en'ors, which were to be found in last Almanack, •ad he begs a continuance of their favours. Gentlemen appointed us Physicians and Surgeonf, Notarie>, Surveyors, &c. are requested to iVirnish the Editor with their places of residence, as it is these classes which he finds it most difficult to have correct. In conclusion, it may be necessary to ray that the arrangement of the dtfi'erent ofRccrs or public bodies in this publication, though as fterfect as circumstances will permit, cannot in any wikc affect •ny precedencei to which either of them respectively ma^ be «atitl«d. Al the encouragement offered to lai>t Almanack was much b«ydnd Iii< expectations, the Proprietor lias been induced to extend the siee of the present volume, and will continue to do so, as long M the public patronage will be cuinmeuMirate with his outlays. Montreal Caxette Office, ? Dec, 24, IbSi'. i .,: I' .tmrnmimmm t^. {he ; tbe .rlier CONTENTS. that I'bile PAOB Civil Re^ster 1 S8 of Commercial Repj^ister S8 lent, Ecclesiastical Kegibt.r 122 Legal Register 18 Medical Register 117 Military Register 132 Militia Register 44 ricf, Miscellaneous Register 140 luces Administrator I icult Advocates 25—23 Agricultural Societies 157; 158 Arbitrator fur Lower Canada 15 iicnt Banks 110, 159 Boards of Examiners 15, 205, 106 jugh Charitable Societies IflS— lo6 ffeet Clergy in the Province 122—129 Clergy Reserves ISO r be Colleges 145—148 Commissioners for various purposes 6—15 Commissioners for Trial of Small Causes 22 lUch Committees of Trade 109, 110 Courts of Justice 18 21 end — Cullers of Timber 108 ong Custom House Officers 88 Duties at Quebec, &c ...S9 — 97 £xccutive Council 1 Fees to Inspectoi-s of Produce iOH, 109 Fire SociKies 158, 159 Free Goods 92 Headlands, «tc. in the Gulf. 103—105 Hospitals 151, 152 House of Assembly 2 Inspectors of Produce 106—108 Insurance Companies Ill, 112 Justices of the Peace 29—87 Legislative Council 2 Libraries 150, 151 Lieutenant Governors i Light House on Green Island 102 MMonic Lodges 142 ti not Militnry Dcpattmcnti 182— 18/J Militia, County 45—81 Militia, Fiild Officer of.
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