TRAFFICKING IN AND $MUGGLING OF HUMAN BEING$ In a haze of legality ANNUAL REPORT 2009 CENTRE FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND OPPOSITION TO RACISM INTRODUCTION 6 PART 1: EVOLUTION OF THE PHENOMENON AND THE COMBAT AGAINST TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS 10 Chapter 1: Recent developments in the legal and policy framework concerning the traf!cking in and smuggling of human beings 12 Chapter 2: Phenomenon analysis 14 !" #$%&\()*+, *+ -./%+ 01*+,2 &3$ 4-1 5.$53212 3& 216.%7 16573*4%4*3+ 16 1.1. General trends 16 1.2. The professionalisation of networks 16 1.3. Learning organisations: structures 17 !"8"!" 9%:%/2 17 !"8";" <1+4 18 !"8"8" =3,.2 217&>1/573?/1+4 18 !"8"@" RB-%/5%,+1 0%$2S 18 !"8"D" E$3+4 /1+ 19 !"8"F" <12*:1+(1 51$/*42 19 !"#" $%&'%()S +,-\/0) 19 !"@"!" G*+>H*+ 2*4.%4*3+2 19 !"@";" I*(4*/2 3& 73J1$03?2 20 !"@"8" K$.,>:151+:1+4 J*(4*/2 20 !"@"@" L*::1+ J*(4*/2 20 !"@"D" B.74.$1>0%21: 2.0/*22*3+ 21 !"@"F" K104 03+:%,1 21 !"@"M" E3$(1: 5$324*4.4*3+ 21 !"@"N" O+:1$>%,1: J*(4*/2 3& 5$324*4.4*3+ 22 ;" #$%&\()*+, *+ -./%+ 01*+,2 &3$ 4-1 5.$53212 3& 7%03.$ 16573*4%4*3+ 23 2.1. General trends 23 2.2. Professional networks 23 1"2" $%&'%()S +,-\/0) 24 2.4. Sectors 24 ;"@"!" P,$*(.74.$1 %+: -3$4*(.74.$1 24 ;"@";" B3+24$.(4*3+ %+: $1+3J%4*3+ 24 ;"@"8" #-1 L3417 N <124%.$%+4 N B%41$*+, 21(43$ RLS<TBPU 26 ;"@"@" #164*712 26 ;"@"D" K3/124*( H3$) 26 ;"@"F" #$%+253$4 27 ;"@"M" V*,-4 2-352 %+: 5-3+1 2-352 27 ;"@"N" B%$ H%2-12 28 ;"@"W" =%)1$*12 %+: 0.4(-1$2S 2-352 28 ;"@"!X" #-1 (71%+*+, *+:.24$? 28 ;"@"!!" #3*714 21$J*(12 29 ;"@"!;" Y14$37 24%4*3+2 29 ;"@"!8" G%241 5$3(122*+, 29 ;"@"!@" #-1 /1%4 5$3(122*+, *+:.24$? 29 8" S4-1$ &3$/2 3& 16573*4%4*3+ 30 3.1. Begging 30 3.2. Coercion to commit offences 30 @" Z/.,,7*+, 3& -./%+ 01*+,2 31 4.1. Kurdish smuggling rings 31 4.2. Indo-Pakistani smuggling rings 31 AND SMUGGLING OF HUMAN BEINGS TRAFFICKING IN 2 * 3 D" B%21 $1J*1H 32 5.1. Sexual exploitation 32 D"!"!" #.$)*2- 5*/52 %+: :$., 4$%&\()1$2 32 5.2. Labour exploitation 33 D";"!" #-1 $%, 4$%:1 33 D";";" B-*+121 $124%.$%+4 33 5.3. Smuggling of human beings 34 D"8"!" [+:*%+ 2/.,,7*+, 3& -./%+ 01*+,2 34 Chapter 3: Figures and statistics 38 !" Y37*(1 :%4% 40 ;" K%4% 3+ 5$321(.4*3+2 42 8" K%4% &$3/ 4-1 P7*1+2 S&\(1 44 @" K%4% &$3/ 251(*%7*21: J*(4*/ (1+4$12 45 D" \.:*(*%7 :%4% 46 Chapter 4: Overview of case law: 2009 – early 2010 48 !" T.$351%+ B3.$4 3& L./%+ <*,-42 49 ;" K1(*2*3+2 -%+:1: :3H+ $1,%$:*+, 216.%7 16573*4%4*3+ 50 8" K1(*2*3+2 -%+:1: :3H+ $1,%$:*+, 7%03.$ 16573*4%4*3+ 52 3.1. Champagne bars/cafés 52 3.2. Domestic workers 52 3.3. Construction/renovation 53 3.4. HORECA: debt bondage 54 3.5. Phone shop 55 3.6. HORECA: bogus self-employed workers 55 Chapter 5: Good and bad practices. Provisional conclusions 58 !" I*(4*/2 59 1.1. Detecting and assisting victims: the need for vigilance concerning drug-dependent victims 59 1.2. International victim coordination: detection and assistance abroad 59 ;" Y37*(1 60 2.1. Investigative capacity 60 2.2. Raising the awareness of the local police 60 2.3. Phone tapping 60 PART 2: TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS FOR THE PURPOSES OF LABOUR EXPLOITATION 62 Introduction 64 Chapter 1: Traf!cking in human beings for the purposes of labour exploitation An image of complex legal structures 66 !" B%41,3$*12 3& H3$)1$2 (3+(1$+1:] (3+:*4*3+2 &3$ 71,%77? 161$(*2*+, % 5$3&122*3+%7 %(4*J*4? *+ =17,*./ 68 1.1. Workers that are citizens of the European Union: the free movement of persons and services 68 !"!"!" #-1 &$11 /3J1/1+4 3& 51$23+2 68 !"!";" #-1 &$11 /3J1/1+4 3& 21$J*(12 %+: 21(3+:/1+4 70 1.2. Workers that are third-country nationals 70 !";"!" T/573?/1+4 %+: H3$) 51$/*42 70 !";";" Z17&>1/573?1: H3$)1$2 %+: R5$3&122*3+%7 (%$:2S 72 1.3. Foreign workers residing illegally 72 ;" =3,.2 217&>1/573?1: H3$)1$2 75 8" Z1(3+:/1+4 3& H3$)1$2 78 3.1. Secondment and employees 78 8"!"!" Z1(3+:/1+4 %+: 7%03.$ 7%H 79 8"!";" Z1(3+:/1+4 %+: 23(*%7 21(.$*4? 71,*27%4*3+ 82 3.2. ‘Self- secondment’ of self-employed workers 84 2"2" 3,-4/0() -4)0,506 %7 '80 \0/6 85 8"8"!" #-1 T!X! (1$4*\(%41 %+: 4-1 :*&\(.74*12 3& J1$*&?*+, *42 %.4-1+4*(*4? 85 8"8";" E$%.: *+J37J*+, 21(3+:/1+42 87 Chapter 2: Good and bad practices in combating traf!cking in human beings for the purposes of labour exploitation 94 !" I*(4*/2 95 ;" [+251(4*3+ Z1$J*(12 97 8" #-1 \.:*(*%$? 100 @" [+41$+%4*3+%7 (377%03$%4*3+ 102 D" B%$3.2172 104 F" \3*+4 %+: 21J1$%7 7*%0*7*4? *+ 4-1 (3+24$.(4*3+ 21(43$ 105 PART 3: TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS FOR THE PURPOSES OF LABOUR EXPLOITATION: VIEWS OF INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS 106 !" B3+4$*0.4*3+ 3& 4-1 K.4(- V%4*3+%7 <%553$41.$ 3+ #$%&\()*+, *+ L./%+ =1*+,2 109 ;" B3+4$*0.4*3+ 3& 4-1 K.4(- Z3(*%7 [+4177*,1+(1 %+: [+J124*,%4*3+ Z1$J*(1 RZ[SKU 112 8" B3+4$*0.4*3+ 3& 4-1 [+41$+%4*3+%7 ^%03.$ S&\(1 R[^SU_ `1+1J% 115 CONCLUSIONS : RECOMMENDATIONS 122 4 *5 TRAFFICKING IN AND SMUGGLING OF HUMAN BEINGS INTRODUCTION AND SMUGGLING OF HUMAN BEINGS TRAFFICKING IN 6 * 7 98%) :77;:/ ,0+-,' -7 ',:<\&=%7> %7 :76 )(;>>/%7> -< 8;(:7 40%7>) work and by taking initiatives where there are shortcom- is the thirteenth in the series published by the Centre for Equal Op- ings, and also by stimulating awareness, and encouraging portunities and Opposition to Racism (hereafter: the Centre). This studies and review. Despite these efforts, two issues have '--/ &:7 40 ;)06 '- :))0)) +,->,0)) :76 +,-5%60 %(+0';) <-, '80 \>8' remained unresolved. :>:%7)' '80 ',:<\&=%7> %7 :76 )(;>>/%7> -< 8;(:7 40%7>)? : ,0(%' 07 - ',;)'06 '- '80 @07',0 4A /0>%)/:'%-7" 98,-;>8 '8%) ,0+-,'? '80 @07',0 ?.#% \)"*% &"% 7&+*&4% "*(*,"8% @'% -&'#% =&*.% !-&+>$% +-!"#)% (* - :/)- ':=0) -7 '80 60 <:&'- ,-/0 -< R7:'%-7:/ ,:++-,'0;, -7 ',:<\&=%7> tention is now paid to the different categories of victims: in human beings’. vulnerable groups, minors, domestic staff, persons of spe- +&\+%'(*&!'(-%!)%#*.'&+%!)&3&'$%#*+8%?.&"%".!,-5%3!%.('5%&'% This year’s report takes a theme-based approach, focused .('5%=&*.%('%( )! )&(*#%"*(*,"%0!)%7&+*&4"%!0%*)(0\+2&'3% on labour exploitation. This choice was not an arbitrary in human beings and with suitable support and assistance one. The ‘bogus self-employed workers’ issue and abuse of for these victims. Such solutions should not leave aside the secondment procedure are grey areas in terms of the other categories of victims, for example persons placed free movement of persons and services in Europe. Whilst in a ‘win-win’ situation or those who have no residency the most extensive enlargement of the European Union problems. Compensation for these victims, recognition of took place in 2004, the transitional measures concerning injuries suffered, and the possibility to return to a normal Bulgarian and Romanian workers are not likely to be lifted life should be central issues. before 1 January 2012. The second point that has been neglected thus far is sta- This report presents the problems that these measures can tistics. On the one side, Belgium can claim that it has de- !"#$%&'% ()*&+,-()%&'%*.#%+!'*#/*%!0%*)(0\+2&'3%&'%.,4('% veloped effective instruments, and has acquired extensive beings for the purposes of labour exploitation. The exploi- #/ #)*&"#%&'%*.#%\#-5%!0%*)(0\+2&'3%&'%('5%"4,33-&'3%!0%., - tation of European or non-European workers can reach man beings, but on the other it should be recognised that varying degrees of sophistication. However, in all cases the gathering of statistical data leaves something to be it is based on fallacious methods and is concealed behind desired. Further analysis of these statistics would never- administrative ‘packaging’ inspired by different aspects *.#-#""%(--!=%*.#%+!46(*%(3(&'"*%*.#%*)(0\+2&'3%('5%"4,3 - of the free movement of persons and services as well as gling of human beings to be given fresh impetus and to be Member States’ judicial and administrative shortcomings. 6#**#)% *()3#*#58% 9-*.!,3.% &'"*&*,*&!'(-% )#A,&)#4#'*"% &'% In our previous reports, we have already noted that these this domain are met effectively, we are still missing an op- networks are becoming increasingly professional. In terms portunity to make additional progress. Improved data col- of labour exploitation, we note that use is made of gaps lection is a goal at a European level. In order to provide a in European and Belgian regulations on secondment and contribution in this area, in this report the Centre, assisted limitations related to inspections. The line between organ- by centres specialised in the reception of victims, presents &"#5%0!)4"%!0%-(6!,)%#/ -!&*(*&!'%('5%*)(0\+2&'3%&'%.,4('% an overview of statistics from the actors concerned.
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