US 2005O183616A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0183616A1 Eberhart et al. (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 25, 2005 (54) BULLET WITH SPHERICAL NOSE PORTION (60) Provisional application No. 60/338,134, filed on Nov. 9, 2001. (76) Inventors: Gerald T. Eberhart, Bethalto, IL (US); Richard A. Hayes, Brighton, IL (US) Publication Classification Correspondence Address: (51) Int. Cl. .................................................. F42B 10/00 WGGN AND DANA LLP (52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 1027510 ATTENTION: PATENT DOCKETING ONE CENTURY TOWER, P.O. BOX 1832 NEW HAVEN, CT 06508-1832 (US) (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 10/871,093 A bullet includes a frontward facing aperture. Contained (22) Filed: Jun. 18, 2004 within the aperture is a relatively hard bullet frontal element that provides advantageous bullet impact performance. In Related U.S. Application Data one embodiment, the frontal element is a Steel sphere that provides advantageous penetration and weight retention (62) Division of application No. 10/288,889, filed on Nov. when the bullet impacts laminated glass., Such as an auto 6, 2002, now Pat. No. 6,837,165. mobile windshield. 32 34 27.222 %.SES 2 Patent Application Publication Aug. 25, 2005 Sheet 1 of 11 US 2005/0183616A1 Patent Application Publication Aug. 25, 2005 Sheet 2 of 11 US 2005/0183616A1 #8 ZZZZZ&º Patent Application Publication Aug. 25, 2005 Sheet 3 of 11 US 2005/0183616A1 NCSC%Net (KRSN N NYT RN T N S. s N NNC S.1N1 CN V Na N/E 2 514 N 510 FIG.5A FIG.5B Patent Application Publication Aug. 25, 2005 Sheet 6 of 11 US 2005/0183616A1 N| 0/'0|| N Patent Application Publication Aug. 25, 2005 Sheet 7 of 11 US 2005/0183616A1 2 S 2 Patent Application Publication Aug. 25, 2005 Sheet 9 of 11 US 2005/0183616A1 NS NSNSSNY NZSN NSSSSSSs3. NZNSY1 22 3.NN NN N N NY NS e Nt N N N N NNL N NNY W N-NN N Sr. N N ON N N Patent Application Publication Aug. 25, 2005 Sheet 10 of 11 US 2005/0183616A1 ÇOff Z07 007 0|'0|| Y <SS-€<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<R2Ø,N Y US 2005/0183616 A1 Aug. 25, 2005 BULLET WITH SPHERICAL NOSE PORTION Series of test events disposes a sheet of Steel, wallboard, plywood, and/or auto glass as a barrier ahead of the gelatin CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED block. Specific exemplary test events utilized to evaluate APPLICATION projectile performance are: 0001. This patent application claims priority to U.S. 0010 Test Event 1: Bare Gelatin Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/338,134 entitled 0011. The gelatin block is bare, and shot at a range often “Bullet” that was filed on Nov. 9, 2001, the disclosure of feet (3.0 m) measured from the muzzle to the front of the which is incorporated by reference in its entirety herein. block. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0012 Test Event 2: Heavy Cloth 0002 (1) Field of the Invention 0013 The gelatin block is covered with four layers of clothing: one layer of cotton T-shirt material (48 threads per 0003. This invention relates to small arms ammunition, inch (18.9 threads/cm)); one layer of cotton shirt material and more particularly to bullets particularly useful in com (80 threads per inch (31.5 threads/cm)); a ten-ounce down mon calibers of centerfire pistol and revolver (collectively comforter in a cambric shell cover (232 threads per inch “pistol”) ammunition. (91.3 threads/cm)); and one layer of thirteen-ounce cotton 0004) (2) Description of the Related Art denim (50 threads per inch (19.7 threads/cm)). The block is 0005) A variety of cartridge sizes exist which may be shot at ten feet (3.0 m) measured from the muzzle to the used in pistols, rifles or both. Common pistol ammunition front of the block. rounds include: 0.380 Automatic (also commonly desig 0014 Test Event 3: Four Layers of Denim nated 9 mm Kurz), 9 mm Luger (also commonly designated 9x19 and 9 mm Parabellum), 0.40 Smith & Wesson (S&W), 0015 The gelatin block is covered with four layers of 45 Automatic (also commonly designated Automatic Colt denim material (thirteen-ounce cotton denim-50 threads per Pistol (ACP)) and 10 mm Automatic rounds. General dimen inch (19.7 threads/cm)). The block is shot at ten feet (3.0 m) Sions of pistol rounds are disclosed in Voluntary Industry measured from the muzzle to the front of the block. Performance Standards for Pressure and Velocity of Cen 0016 Test Event 4: Steel terfire Pistol and Revolver Ammunition for the Use of Commercial Manufacturers ANSI/SAAMI Z299.3-1993 0.017. Two pieces of 20 gage (1 mm (equivalent to 0.0396 (American National Standards Institute, New York, N.Y.), inch)thick) by six-inch (15 cm) square hot rolled steel with the disclosure of which is incorporated by reference herein a galvanized finish are set three inches (7.6 cm) apart. The as if Set forth at length. gelatin block is covered with light clothing and placed eighteen inches (45.7 cm) behind the rearmost piece of steel. 0006. A newer round, the 0.357 Sig is also gaining The shot is made at ten feet (45.7 cm) measured from the acceptance. muzzle to the front of the Steel. Light clothing is one layer 0007. After many decades of use of the 0.45 ACP round, of the above described cotton T-shirt material and one layer in the 1980s the US Army adopted a 9 mm Luger full of the above described cotton Shirt material, and is used as ogival, pointed, full metal case or jacket (FMC or FMJ) indicated in all Subsequent test events. round as the Standard round for use in military Sidearms. The 0.018 Test Event 5: Wallboard parameters for the M882 9 mm Luger rounds purchased by the US military are shown in United States Military standard 0019. Two pieces of half-inch (1.27 cm) thick, six-inch MIL-C-70508, the disclosure of which is incorporated by (15.2 cm) Square Standard gypsum board are Set 3.5 inches reference in its entirety herein as if Set forth at length. (8.9 cm) apart. The gelatin block is covered with light clothing and Set eighteen inches (45.7 cm) behind the rear 0008. Historically, pistol bullets have been of all lead or most piece of gypsum. The shot is made at ten feet (3 m) of jacketed lead constructions. More recent developments measured from the muzzle to the front Surface of the first include various dual-core bullets and monoblock bullets. piece of gypsum. Key examples of the former are Nosler Partition(R) bullets (trademark of Nosler, Inc. of Bend, Oreg.). The Nosler 0020 Test Event 6: Plywood Partition-HGTM bullet is a handgun hunting bullet formed by 0021 One piece of three-quarter inch (1.91 cm) thick, impact extruding a brass body with a transverse web sepa six-inch (15.2 cm) Square AA fir plywood is used. The rating front and rear compartments and then installing lead gelatin block is covered with a light clothing and Set cores in Such compartments. Examples of the monoblock eighteen inches (45.7 cm) behind the rear surface of the bullets are found in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,760,329 and 6,148,731 plywood. The shot is made at ten feet (3 m) measured from and EPO636853. the muzzle to the front Surface of the plywood. 0009. It is common practice today in the United States and Europe to evaluate a projectile's performance against 0022 Test Event 7: Automobile Glass various barriers using gelatin as a Simulant for tissue. 0023. One piece of A.S.I. (American Standards Institute) Particularly in law enforcement cartridges, projectiles are one-quarter inch laminated automobile Safety glass measur tested against a ballistic gelatin block to determine a pro ing 15x18 inches (38.1x45.7 cm) is set at an angle of 45 jectile's ability to provide adequate penetration and inca degrees to the horizontal. The line of bore of the weapon is pacitate a threat. In the United States projectiles are com offset 15 degrees to the Side, resulting in a compound angle monly evaluated against bare gelatin, heavily clothed of impact for the bullet upon the glass. The gelatin block is gelatin, and gelatin covered with four layers of denim. One covered with light clothing and Set eighteen inches (45.7 cm) US 2005/0183616 A1 Aug. 25, 2005 behind the glass. The shot is made atten feet (3 m) measured glass and Still yield outstanding performance in other test from the muzzle to the center of the glass pane. events. Key implementations utilize a frontal element formed as a Steel sphere crimped into a nose cavity to 0024 Test Event 8: Heavy Cloth at 20 Yards (18.3 m) improve the retained weight in impacts against auto glass. 0.025 This event repeats Test Event 2 but at a range of 20 Advantageously, the Sphere will also aid bullet expansion in yards (18.3 m) measured from the muzzle to the front of the tissue or tissue simulant. Examples include bullets resem block. bling thick walled versions of Partition(R) rear core bullets 0026 Test Event 9: Automobile Glass at 20 Yards (18.3 (trademark of Nosler, Inc. of Bend, Oreg.), monoblock m) bullets, and JHP bullets. 0032. An advantageous manufacturing technique is a 0027. This event repeats Test Event 7 but at a range of 20 multi-stage impact extrusion process forming a brass bullet yards (18.3 m) measured from the muzzle to the front of the body.
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