PER QUESTA PAGINA NON ESTRARRE PDF ISSUE 10 PER QUESTA PAGINA NON ESTRARRE PDF 6 62 Editorʼs letter The Time Scales 8 photography by Michele Gastl Alicia Vikander 10 80 B.zero1 Design Legend by Zaha Hadid Majesty photography by Alexander Beckoven 12 Justice Joslin 14 100 Serpentage The Spanish Steps photography by Massimo Listri photography by Fabien Iliou and photography by Azimut 24 Mediterraneum photography by Antonio Barrella 106 32 The Only Answer is Yes Art Architecture photography by Boo George photography by Gianuzzi & Marino paper artist Mauro Seresini 112 52 Events Miss Viper photography by Michael Avedon styling by Ellen Mirck 116 model Lottie Moss Product Summary LIFE IN BVLGARI edited by MEMORIA PUBLISHING GROUP in collaboration with BVLGARI EDITORIAL AND CREATIVE DIRECTION Carlo Mazzoni ART DIRECTION Giulio Vescovi/itsallgood GRAPHIC DESIGN Susanna Mollica MANAGING DIRECTION Emanuela Giacca PRODUCER Barbara Centazzo ILLUSTRATIONS Lulu* TEXTS Cesare Cunaccia SPECIAL THANKS Carolina Fusi PHOTOGRAPHY Massimo Listri, Antonio Barrella, Giannuzzi & Marino, Michael Avedon, Michele Gastl, Alexander Beckoven, Fabien Iliou, Azimut, Boo George TRANSLATIONS Maka Cover Photo Giannuzzi & Marino Bulgari kicks off 2017 by switching on the lights at its new lab- oratory in Valenza, Italy, bringing Europe’s most cutting-edge jewellery manufacturing space to life. A centre of excellence in all phases of the production process, from prototype modelling to purely artisanal jewellery creation, it will perfectly bridge innovation and tradition and allow Bulgari to lift Italian craftsmanship to even higher levels. The heart and soul of this project lies precisely in what it represents: the priceless value of artistic Italian production which, along with creativity and style, symbolises the brand’s excellence. An on-site artistic and technical school, the BVLGARI ACADEMY, will invest in the future, with training and ongoing specialisation activities for the new generation of master goldsmiths and jewellers. By creating new employment opportunities, the school will further encour- age an art form that has always represented Italian excellence. 2017 is also poised to be the year in which Bulgari presents a more distinctive expression of its new vision, Larger than Life, boldly and uniquely revitalising design, communication and at- tentive service. Young muses, such as Lily Aldridge and Alicia Vikander for jewellery, Lottie Moss for accessories, and others to follow over the course of the year, will embody the sensual magnetism deep within Bulgari’s soul. Such a sublime meeting of Italian glamour and international brand ambassadors is sure to interpret Bulgari style with a touch of contemporary elegance. In February, the world will finally see the exceptional visionary talent Zaha Hadid brought to the new look of B.zero1. Without forgetting the ring’s iconic, Roman-inspired design, architectur- al principles fuse to take on a contemporary, unexpected form. Tradition is exalted by modernity in a single piece of jewellery. Larger than Life will be the tale to accompany the selection of gems, the completion of complex mechanisms, the cutting of leather, and the choice of ingredients for each perfume – fun- damental elements for masterpieces handed down through gen- erations, destined to live forever. Such excellence is the basis of each creation, inseparable from Bulgari in a love story which continues after 130 years. Jean-Christophe Babin CEO of BVLGARI GROUP Alicia Vikander, tra le più in- sul set il compagno Michael stars, such as Ingrid Berg- in 2014, the year she met her 说,“能够成为这些女性群体中的 teressanti interpreti interna- Fassbender, grazie a Seventh man, Elizabeth Taylor and partner, Michael Fassbend- 一员。我认为宝格丽始终保持独 zionali del grande schermo, Son e Son of a Gun. Nel 2015 è other important contempo- er, thanks to Seventh Son 立、永恒、创造性的精神,一直设 è nata a Göteborg, in Svezia, la volta di The Man from rary actresses. I am flat- and Son of a Gun. In 2015, 计适合当代女性在任何场合都可佩 il 3 ottobre 1988. Figlia di U.N.C.L.E. e The Danish Girl, tered,” says Alicia, “to be part she featured in The Man from 戴的珠宝。每件作品都讲述一个与 un’attrice e di uno psichia- quest’ultimo il film con il of a group of women such as U.N.C.L.E. and The Danish 众不同的故事。”2012年,艾丽 tra, inizia la sua carriera nel quale ha vinto l’Oscar come these. I think Bulgari has Girl, the latter winning her an 西亚·维坎德因影片“ARoyal Paese di origine. Alicia migliore attrice non prota- Oscar for Best Supporting Ac- Affair(皇室风流史)” Vikander è la nuova amba- gonista alla sua prima nomi- tress following her first nomi- 和“Anna Karenina(安娜·卡 sciatrice Bulgari. «Sono molto nation. «A mio avviso, fonda- “A piece of nation. “In my opinion, the 列尼娜)”而广受赞誉。“特别 felice di rappresentare un mentale è l’esperienza, il experience is essential, the 是,”Alicia解释道,“这些设计 brand così legato a leggenda- processo di realizzazione e non jewellery creative process rather than 大大增强了每块宝石的自然特征及 rie figure del cinema come In- soltanto il prodotto finale. Lo carries just the finished product. It’s 其与众不同的特质,这让我非常喜 grid Bergman, Elizabeth stesso – conclude – accade per the same,” she concludes, “for 欢。当我开始一个新项目时,最令 Taylor e altre importanti attri- un gioiello, che riassume in sé ancestral a piece of jewellery, which 人兴奋的部分一直是与导演和他的 ci odierne. Mi lusinga – affer- sapienza ancestrale, tempo, knowledge, carries ancestral knowledge, 团队合作,与其他艺人打交 ma Alicia – far parte di un si- manifattura, cura del detta- time, workmanship and at- 道”。2014年维坎德成为一个真 mile gruppo di donne. Credo glio. La forma nasce intorno a time, tention to detail. The design 正的明星,同年,她于拍 che Bulgari abbia saputo man- una pietra e alla sua diretta takes shape around the 摄“Seventh Son(第七传 tenere una caratura creativa ispirazione. Da bambina ero workmanship” stone and is directly inspired 人)”和“Son of a Gun(枪之 autonoma e senza tempo, conti- affascinata da un anello con by it. As a child, I was fasci- 子)”时,结识她的伴侣迈克尔· nuando a dare vita a gioielli una gemma blu scuro che mia been able to maintain an in- nated by a ring with a dark 法斯宾德。2015年,她出 che una donna contemporanea madre conservava tra altri mo- dependent, timeless and blue gem, which my mother 演“The Man from può indossare in qualsiasi oc- nili in un piccolo scrigno. Non a creative calibre, continuing kept with other jewellery in U.N.C.L.E.(绅士密令)” casione. Ogni pezzo racconta caso oggi la mia pietra preferi- to design jewellery that a small box. It’s not by 和“The Danish Girl(丹麦女 una storia differente». Nel ta è uno zaffiro di un blu pro- modern women can wear for chance that today my fa- 孩)”,因后者被第一次提名并荣 2012 Alicia Vikander esordi- fondo e intenso». any occasion. Each piece vourite stone is a deep, in- 获奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。“在我看 sce a livello internazionale tells a different story.” In tense, blue sapphire.” 来,经历是最重要的,创作的过程 con Anna Karenina e Royal • 2012, Alicia Vikander rose to 远比仅完成作品重要的多。同 Affair. «In particolare – spie- international acclaim with • 样”,她总结道,“每件珠宝都具 ga ancora Alicia – mi piace il Alicia Vikander, one of the Anna Karenina and A Royal 备祖传知识,时间,工艺和细节的 fatto che il design assecondi most interesting international Affair. “In particular,” Alicia 艾丽西亚·维坎德(Alicia 处理。设计使宝石成形并直接从宝 molto le caratteristiche natura- feature film actresses, was born explains, “I like the fact that Vikander)是最令人关注的国际 石处汲取灵感。当我还是小孩子 li e l’originalità di una pietra. in Gothenburg, Sweden, on 3rd the designs greatly enhance 电影女演员之一,1988年10月3日 时,就被一枚镶嵌着深蓝色宝石的 Quando entro in un nuovo pro- October 1988. As the daughter the natural features and 她出生在瑞典哥德堡。作为女演员 戒指迷住了,我母亲将它与其他珠 getto, l’elemento più eccitante è of an actress and a psychiatrist, originality of each stone. 和心理医生的女儿,她的职业生涯 宝保存在一个小盒子里。今天我最 sempre la collaborazione con il she began her career in Swe- When I start a new project, 始于瑞典。艾丽西亚·维坎德是宝 喜欢的宝石是一块颜色深蓝而强烈 regista e con il suo team, il con- den. Alicia Vikander is the new the most exciting part is al- 格丽新驻形象大使。“我非常高兴 的蓝宝石,这并非巧合。” frontarmi con le altre persona- ambassador for Bulgari. “I am ways working with the direc- 能够代言与诸如英格丽德·伯格曼 lità artistiche». Il vero succes- very happy to represent a tor and his team, engaging 和伊丽莎白·泰勒等传奇电影明星 so per Vikander arriva nel brand with such strong con- with other artistic personali- 及其他当代著名女演员有关联的品 2014, anno in cui incontra nections to legendary film ties.” Alicia became a true star 牌。我感到受宠若惊,”艾丽西亚 ALICIA VIKANDER illustration by Lulu* 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 10 La costellazione B.zero�, la semantica di curve e di- Dame Zaha ha decostruito The constellation B.zero1, Hadid: “The new interpreta- a more careful and meticulous 惊艳的美学概念挑战过去所有限制 古罗马建筑,现在以大胆和创意透 nata nel 1999 per celebrare storsioni a spirale tipica il corpo centrale del model- created in 1999 to celebrate tion of the B.zero� ring by look. An unconventional, 与束缚。B.zero�Design Leg- 过现代感和新奇的形式增添传统的 il nuovo millennio, si arric- della linea progettuale di lo originario, contenuto tra the new millennium, is en- Zaha Hadid,” explained seamless structure, it is focused end戒指踏寻着宝格丽过去的轨迹 韵味。扎哈·哈迪德解开了原本夹 chisce di una concezione Zaha Hadid: «La nuova in- due anelli piatti incisi con il hanced by an unexpected aes- Jean-Christophe Babin, CEO on a single formal concept, 也开启了未来的前景。收到具有象 在两个刻有宝格丽标志的扁平戒指 estetica inattesa che sfida terpretazione di Zaha Hadid logo Bulgari, imprimendovi thetic concept which defies all of the Bulgari Group, “is a centrifuge, and on the mani- 征性的罗马竞技场启发的这款戒指 之间的中心部分,嵌入波浪起伏的 ogni limite e codificazione dell’anello B.zero1 – spiega un movimento di ondulati limits and previous codes. precious gift that, begin- festation of abstract purity. 由现代知名建筑设计师扎哈·哈迪 金色曲线。B.zero� Design precedente. B.zero� Design flutti d’oro. Le orbite inter- B.zero1 Design Legend is a ning with the Roman inspi- B.zero1 embodies the grandi- 德重新诠释。罗马的精品品牌与具 Legend相交的环圈混淆视觉感 Legend è un anello che secate di B.zero� Design ring that opens future per- ration for the design of this ose idea of the beauty of Rome, 有远见的伊拉克籍建筑师的完美组 知,呈现更精密细致的外观。一个 apre future prospettive e B.zero1 Legend confondono la per- spectives and trajectories iconic jewellery, audacious- the Eternal City, and the ener- 合,和谐地融合两者精湛的创作设 跳脱常规,无间断的结构专注于单 traiettorie nella storia di cezione, attirano uno sguar- within the Bulgari story.
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