R . ~ . J EWISH HISTORICAL ASS OC 13 0 SESS I ON S ST . PRO VI DEN CE , RI 02906 Iranian Students Normal Relations Established Publish Journal NEW YORK (JTA ) - A journal of es­ Between Egypt and Israel says dealing with Jewish philosophy and treatises on Talmudic passages in the Per­ JERUSALEM (JTA)- Israel and Egypt the Egyptian decision not lo link the nor­ ports ol a third country. Two fo reign tour­ sian (Parsi) language was issued recently by are officially at peace with each other for malization proccss to the autonomy talk.s ists, one French and one German, crossed a group of Iranian students at the Ner Israel the first time in more than 30 years. Their which remain deadlocked. Sadat placed the border from Egypt into Israel. The Rabbinical College, Baltimore, Md. Ac­ land borders were opened to tourists and Defense Minister Kamal Hassan Ali in Egyptians. hov,,cver, refused entry to a cording to Torah Umcsorah, this is the first other civilian traffic on January 27th. Egypt direct charge of the normalization machin­ group of Arab residents of Gaza who ar­ Persian-language journal dealing with announced the termination of its stale of ery, a move regarded here as a slap in the rived at El Arish by bus with valid entry Jewish themes ever published in North war with Israel and its pa rticipation in the face lo Foreign Minister Butros Ghali and permits. o immediate explanation was America. Arab League boycott of Israel and relayed other hardliners who wanted to develop re­ given. Rabbi Bernard Goldenberg, chairman of those decisions to the United Nations and lations with Israel at a slower pace. The El Arish , which was returned to Egypt the executive starT of Torah Umcsorab, said other international organizations. Israeli Cabinet is expected to rcc,procate by last month, is equipped to handle civilian that, as a result of the upheavals in Iran Normal relations were established last pulling Defense Minister Ez.cr Weizman in cross traffic. ll has a police checkpoint and during the last two years, there arc some weekend, beginning Friday. when Refidim, charge of normalization on the Israeli side. a bank where travellers can e.,:change cur­ 200 Iranian Jewish students studying at the largest Israeli mil itary base in Sinai was Practical EITuu or orm11i:ration rcno es . Private vehicles will be permitted various secondary Hebrew day schools and formally handed over to Egypt along with The practical effects of normalization after Egypt opens ,ts first consulate in Tel posl-sccondar theological colleges and some 5500-square mil es of territory evacu­ were vi sible when the first bus load of A viv next month. seminaries. A large contingent (about 20 ated by Israeli forces. President Anwar Israeli tourists arrived at El Aris h and, af\er Israel and Egypt will e.,:changc ambassa­ pen:cnt), is located in the Baltimore school. Sadat telephoned Premier Menachem Begin undergoing formaliues. boarded an dors on Feb. 27 But the Israeli Embassy Because the Iranian Jewish students are and assured the Israeli leader of Egypt"s de­ Egyptian bus bound for Cairo. For the time opened officially in Cairo 011 Januaf) 2 th. scattered throughout the country, the termination to implement fully the normali­ being, the Egyptians arc limiting border There .,ere also other ma nifestations of Baltimore group saw the need fo r the zation clauses of the Egyptia n-Israeli peace crossings to organized groups of Israeli no rmal relations. Postal and telephonic publication to maintain contact with all of treaty. who have obta ined entry visas from the communications were opened between the rnrious Iranian student groups in the Israeli officials were especially pleased by Foreign_Min, try in airo or who hold pass- (Continued on pqe I 6) .s. Support Read By Jewish More Thon Agencies 40,000 With Your People Membership, THE ONLY ENGLISH JEWISH WEEKLY IN R I AND SOUTHEAST MASS VOLUME LXIII, NUMBER 14 THURSDAY , JANUARY 31 , 1980 25' PER COPY Kennedy Charges Carter Israel/Black African Countries Flip-Flops on Jewish Issues May Resume Diplomatic Ties , E.~ ) Rt... (JfAJ - member of ing for h,r.i If Jnd no t his sovcrnment. He Following his foreign policy speech at the Kennedy commitment was the mo lune­ Kenya" Parha ment predicted that h1 arrived in the United State yesterday after Georgetown Universi ty earlier this week , quivocal he had heard from any Prcs1denua l country and mo l other Black Afncan three days 1n Israel a nd is scheduled to Senator Edward Kennedy delivered a speech candidate. countries " ould resume d1pl omat1c rela­ make a three-week speaking tour of the in New York in whi ch he criticiLed a number The cnator ca~t doubt on the Pre ,dent 's tion with I racl afte r l:g) pl and Israel ex­ .. under the auspices o f the Youth In­ of President Carter's policies towards Israel. commitment, saying: change ambas adors on Feb. 26. But the slllutc for Peace in the Middle East. After his broad-scale foreign policy atl ack '"What sort of settlement ca n I rael expect MP, Abdall ah M"1da u, said he could not Kenya, whi ch was one of the Black on President Carter in Washington, Senator from this President electorally unfettered in estimate ., hen the resumption o f rclauons African nations to break diplomatic rel a­ Edward M. Kennedy traveled to New York his second lerm1 How often ha ve threat "- OUld actuall y begin tions with Israel in 1973, nevertheless has to criticize the President's policy toward and pressures. veiled and explicit. been used Mw1dau, wh o spoke to a leadership continued to maintain friendly tics wi th Israel. by this Administration in attempting to group o f the o nh America n Jewish tu­ Israel. Kenya was used as a refueling base Using some of the harshest language of coerce Israel? dents' etwork . stressed that he "as speak- by Israel during its rescue of hostages in En­ the ca mpaign, the Massachusetts Democrat lebbe. Uganda. in 1976. accused Mr. Carter of an ··on again. off M widau said that the two countries have again nirtati on" with the Palestine Libera­ commercial and other tics and about 15 stu­ ti on Organization and of holding "pro­ dents from Kenya arc presently studyi ng in Palestine positions." Israel. He said that if the Nairobi govern­ The Senator chose as his forum one of the ment decided lo resume diplomatic rela­ most politically significant Jewish groups in tions with Israel it wou ld have the the nation, the Conference of Presidents of overwhelming support of Parliament with Major Jewish Organizations. Jews will con­ perhaps only three or four votes against it. stitute at least one-t hird of the Democrati c electorate in the New York primary. which Ara bs Have Not Helped Black Africa will be held on March 25th. Mwidau indicated that when the majority His only touch of humor came at the of Black African nations broke diplomatic opening of his speech, when he remarked relations wi th Israel in 1973 they expected that " everyone in this room is a president ex­ to receive economic benefi ts from the Arab cept me." oil producing states. "Most African coun­ The Senator declared that he agreed with tries do not benefit from the Arab coun­ Lane Kirkland, president of the A.F.L.­ tries," he declared. " The same price they C. 1.0., that a Palestinian nation would be a sell oil to you (U.S.) they sell to Kenya." He "pro-Soviet state in the energy heartland of (Continued on page 16) the world" and would not only threaten Israel but also be "a geopolitical disaster fo r Coveted Prize Goes to the U nited States." SIR SIGMUND STERNBERG (center), ■ British lndu1trl■ II1t who h ■1 been lnatrum■n• Senator Kennedy told about I I 5 Jewish tal in planning a national Holocaust monument to be erected In London, la flanked by Jewish Biologist leaders in the confe rence's heavily guarded -his wife, Lady Hazel, and Or. David Hyatt, prnident of the National Cot1ference of headquarters at 515 Park Ave. that he was Christiana and J-•• ■t a recent ceremony In NCCJ headquarters. Dr. Hyatt, In ROM E (JT A) - Dr. Rita Levi­ "heartsick" over the Carter Administra­ prnentlng a National Brotherhood Award "for cour■ geoua Ieader9hlp and outstanding Montalcini, a 70-year-old Italian Jewish tion's handling of the resignation of Andrew contributions to Christian.Jewish relation• and to human rights" to Sir Sigmund, biologist, received the Saint Vincent Prize Young as chief delegate to the United Na­ dncrlbed him as •a behind-the-acenn mover and shaker who quietly gets things done for Medicine, generally considered second tions and the impression among some black on many social and civic fronts for the betterment of mankind." in worldwide prestige after the Nobel Prize leaders that Israel had pressed for Mr. for which she is also a candidate. Young's departure. She discovered a protein called the NGF "I was heartsick over the intolerance bred Women's Programs Threatened (nerve growth factor) which provokes the of Administration insensitivity and incom­ growth and differentiation of nerve cells, petence," he said. Inflation in Israel considered of primary importance for can­ Commitment to Israel By cer research along with the discovery she While attacking the President, the N EW YORK (JTA) - Israel's growing Telegraphic Agency, Arad expressed con­ co-authored, in 1960, of an antibody that Massachusetts Democrat gave his own un­ economic woes, re0ected in a three-digit cern that unless new financial resources are irreversibly destroys the neurons of the qualified commitment to Israel when he in0ation rate, and the government's new found, a score of social.
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