GIROBANK CHESHIRE CUP 1987-88 FINAL WINNINGTON PARK v BIRKENHEAD PARK CHESTER R.U.F.C. WEDNESDAY 27th APRIL 1988 - 6.30 p.rn. t::J[lH :J{frxpresSj The Voice of North West Rugby Union Produced by Girobank for Rugby enthusiasts throughout the Region. Messagefrom the Cheshire President. We extend a wann wclcome 10 Chester Ihis evenin g ta John Burgess C.B.E., President of the R.F.U., (0 this, the climax o f our County season, the G irobank Cheshire C li p Final belween Birkenhead Park and Winnington Park. A lthough congratulations arc due to Winninglon on thcir promotion lO the North Arca League and commiserations to Birkenhead on being relcgatcd. lh cse lIrc t\Voevenly matchcd s icles who wi ll , 1 am sure, provide us \V ith a mûst e ntertaining gamc. LeI liS hope the weather will be considerate 10 the players and spectators c il suring an enj oyablc evening for ail. Wc are pl eased th e President has recovered from hi s untime ly illness whi ch prevent ed hi s presence al Twickenham for the England victory Qve r Ireland and 1 woul d ex press our appreciation 10 John and Mrs. Burgess for being with us to ni ght IOwards the end of a ve ry busy season. We a il hope both he and the England leam enjoy a successful tour to Australia. Grateful and sincere thanks are also extended 10 Girobank for presenting our cup and for thei r arter match hospit alil y. th e referee and touch judges from Ih e Manchester and Distri ct Referees' Society and to th e Chester C lub for hosting our fina l. Finall y may 1 personall y thank Ih e officcrs of th e Counly logcther with the Selectors and players o f a il XYs for making my second year in office so pleasant. lan Hart. BARI<ER & BRISCOE BRICI<S are BEST North Wirral Brickworks, Carr Lane, Moreton. Tel. 051-606 0044 For Ihrough coloured facing bricks melric & imperial sizes A Denis Morgan Group Company GIROBANK CHESHIRE CUP 37 clubs started out on this season's Girobank Cheshire Cup trail in October. Fol­ lowing their success in reaching the semi-finals last season, both Birkenhead Park and Winnington Park were 'seeded' through to the second round. a seeding that this eveni ng's final proves correct. 1l1e fuU line up of cup games was: Cheshire Cup Pre#iminary & First Round Draw ___ ___ PRELIMINARYROUNDDRAW ------- Vagabonds ., Capenburst Wins(ord , Hoylake Dukinfield ., Vauxhall MOlOn Wilnulow l' Marple Chrislleton ., Oldersbaw Conglelon ., Port Sunlight Old Insloniam ., Duenport -------- FIRST ROUND DRAW ----- •.--­ Bowden ., Chester Wallasu " Lymm Win;, T Vagabonds OR Capenhu rst Mac:cJesfield ., Congleton OR Port Sunlight Old Rockferrians Winsrord OR Hoylake Ashton on Mersev ., New Brighton Old S3 li:l~ ., Moore Caldv ., Chester College Sbell S lanJo~ ., Wilmslow OR Marple OId Anselmians y Dukinfield OR Yauxball Motors Qld Ins!ooi ans OR Davenport ., BYE Crewe/Nantwich ., Helsby Mid Cbeshire College ., Sandbach Christ/eloD OR Oldershaw ., Old Parkinsoni ans N.B.: Birkenhead Pm aad Winninglon Park join tb e competition :lt the lnd Round st:age. MACCLESFIELD TRAVEL SERVICE IATA Alrtlnt "Ilckt:1.! . British Rail ' Conllmnlal RIII . Tnnsalplno sludtnl.! Rlllllkktl.! . Car Ftny "Ilckds . NaUonal Cu.ch dcktl.! upul Advlet on buslntsS I .... nl and your Holiday arnngtnunl.! wilh any lour o~ralor London Thtal~ tlcktls. InsuranCf'S & ~/lsas Our Personal Service - YOllr Satisfaction 16 CHESTERGATE, MACCLESFIELD Telephone: 6131 Il Message fi'om Denis Hindle, Regional Manager C01porafe Services, Girobank pIc. It g ivcs me great pl easure to write Ihi s foreword in th e programme for the final of the Girobank Ches hire Clip, the counly's premier Rugby Uni on evcnl. in wllich Winnington Park tackle Bi rkcllhead Pa rk. '---__'--== __-'----= ='------====:.J The final comes al a very bus)' lime for Girobank whcre Rugby Sponso rship is conce rn cd. Wc've already had the finals orthe Lancashire Trophy, Cumbria C up and Lancashire Plaie. Still to come after lonight is the Lancashire Cup fina l betwccn Li verpool St. Hclens and Orrell at Waterl oo on Sunday. Ali these cvcnts show how deeply Girobank is in volved in North West Rugby. and 1 hope Foll owers of the sport in Cheshire agree \Vith Ille whcn 1 say thal 1 believe our rc lat ionship is <1 ll1utually be ncticial one. Of course. il was wi th the Girobank League that we tirst dipped our toes into Ih e water of RU sponsorship back in 1985, and Winnington Park were closely in volved wilh the success of th e pilot scheme. taking the championship in both seasoll S. This year they 've made il three titles in a row \Vith the North Di vision One tille. Congratulations to them. Everyth ing is set fiJirfor an exciting match toni ght. and 1f eel sure that th e two sid es will serve IIp th e kind of malch Ihat wi ll be a credit 10 thi s important occasion. Ce rtainly the presence of John Burgess is a great honour for both teams. Sa(lI y a very important business engagement prevent s me attend ing. but 1 know our PR staff will be doin g everything they can to help with the orga ni sation of th e event. and 1 trust everyone enj oys the post match hospitality. For now 1 am happy to conti ml th at Girobank wi ll again be sponsoring th e Cheshire Cup nex t season. when 1 am sure the event will be just as successful as this year. With best wishes. Denis Hind le. FORWARD CHEMICAlS l TD. MANUFACTURE AND MARKET ... Maintenance Chemicals, Lubricants, Degreasers, Paint Strippers, Disinfectants, Detergents, 8rickwork Cleaners, De-rusting Chemicals, Car Wash Solvents, Graffiti Removers, Sealants. Release Agents, Barrier Crearns, Weedkillers. Odeur ControHers, Paintwork Cleaners, Polishes, Drain Cleaners, Hand Cleaners, Mud and Clay Dispersants, Aigaecides, Fungicides, Germicides, Plasticisers, Mortar Additives, Insecticides. Asbestos Sealers and many other products for industry and commerce. We get the Chemistry right for Industry FORWARD CHEMICALS LTO. P.O. BOX 12, TANHOUSE LANE, WIDNES, CHESHIRE, U.K. Telephone: 051-4249441 (10 lines) Telex: 629736 FORWARD G CHESHIRE RUGBY UNION NEWS Caldy retained the Wirral Nightfreight F100dlit Trophy recently, beating Wirral8-4 in an exciting fin al . .. Wallasey RUFC have announced plans for a tour of Luxembourg next season, after the success of their Majorca trip last year ..... Cheshire committee stalwart Don Andrews misses tonight's fin al - he's a\Vay on a globe-trotting holiday to celebra te his recent retirement ..... New Brighton RUFC recently entertained The Castaways, not a pop group but a party of tourists from Victoria Island, British Colombia in Canada ..... Crewe & Nantwich have started raising FlInds for a cllIbhouse at their Barony Park ground ... .. Douglas club Vagabonds will again he representing the Isle of Man in the Girobank Cheshire Cup next season ..... Wilmslow held their first ex players reunion evening reeentl y. O rga niser Colin Kynnerley hopes to make it an an nuai event .... Mid Cheshire CoUege won tbis year's Cheshire Plate competition, beating Older­ shaw 23-7 in the rmaI, aIso here at Chester . .. Tourists Old Christians RFC From Montevideo in Uruguay played Caldy rece nt ly Holmes Chapel RUFC are going strong in only their Sl'Cond full season. The club has attracted sponsorship from ABC Exchange Units of Goostry . Sheil StanlolV had the better of this season's 'derby" match \Vith Shell Carrington. winning 28-0 . .. Macclesfield are planning a major tour next season, with America, Canada and Hong Kong ail heing suggested as possible destinations. GIROBANK CHESHIRE CUP FINAL WEDNESDAY 27th APRIL, 1988 - 6.30 p.rn . CHESTER RUFC VIP Guest : John Burgess CBE President of the Rugby Football Union 1 1 Winnington Park V. Birkenhead Park Colours: White with Royal Blue Colours:Red White & Blue Hoops and Sky Blue Circlets Full Back R. Swann 15 A. Chapman (Capt) Three Quarters J. Wilde 14 H. Davenport C. Sulton 13 P. McNerlin A. Brom iley 12 K. Greenfield S. Parsonage 1\ L. Jackson Half Backs G. Lloyd 10 D. Wadham D. Morris 9 M. McNally Forwards D. Allcock 1 J. Cairns R. Allcock 2 R. Tinsley C. Gleave 3 A. Cartwright P. Dean 4 C. Plummer T. Broughton 5 P. McCrave R. Heady 6 ' M. Stevens K. Curbishley (Capt) 7 , M. McNaerlin 1 A. McGarrigle 8 C. Wainwright Replacements: P. Ackerley, Replacements: P. Kolokotroni , C. Staley, R. Buck E. Thomas Offi ciais Referee: ML D. Hudson Touch Juclges: ML G. Hughes, ML M. Hamlin (Manchester & Distri ct Referees' Society) WINNINGTON PARK Path to the Final: Second Round •• Old Anselmians (H) •.••••.•• .•.•..• 61-0 Quarter Final .•• Caldy (H) .•.••••....•.......••.•••..•....• 22-6 Semi-Final .......• Sandbach (A) •.••.••••••••••••••• ....• 27-6 Winnington Park are going for a league and cup double tonight hav in g already won North Di vision One of the Courage Club Championship - a third league title to add to th eir brace of Girobank League succe$ses. They ccrtainly won the division in style. proving that leag ue rugby need nal be dour stuff by scorin g 2 11 points in clu ding 34 tries in th eir ten league malches. WeIl respected Kendal we re runners up to Park in the leag ue. wi th Wes t Park occupying third position. Winnington have al so played sorne good rugby in their Girobank Cheshire Cup games. running in 17 tilles in their three matches in the co mpet ition up lO now. Howevcr. success al Winninglon thi s term hasn't bec n confi ned 10 Keith Curbis hl ey and the First XV.
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