Monday Afternoon / lundi après-midi 10: 00am – 12: 00nn Building R (R1) 004 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm P204 Libya in Modern Times (Part 1) WOCMES Opening Ceremony Chair: Hans-Georg Ebert, Universität Messages of Greeting: Leipzig Günter Meyer, President of WOCMES Jörg Michaelis, President of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Hans-Georg Ebert, Universität Leipzig: Mainz Libya in Modern Times. Law and Jens Beutel, Lord Mayor of the City of Mainz Society in a Contradictory Country Kurt Beck, Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate Almut Hinz, Universität Leipzig: The Development of Matrimonial Law in Opening Speech: Libya HRH Prince Hassan Bin Talal, Amman Massimiliano Cricco, University of The Inter-religious Dialogue after September 11 Urbino: The Image of Qadhafi in the Bri- tish and American Interpretations Musical Performance by a Wind Quartet (1969–73) Faculty of Music, University of Mainz Sebastian Maisel, Universität Leipzig: The Libyan Bedouins It is recommended to arrive early because security measures will very likely cause delays for entering the building. Bags will be searched and have to be deposited in a separate room outside of the lecture hall. Due to limited availa- 005 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm P206 bility of seats in the lecture hall R1 the opening ceremony will also be transmit- ted by video into the lecture halls in Building M (Muschel). Hadith Criticism and the Virtual Hadith Aca- demy Nürnberg / Gesellschaft für Arabisches Chair: Betissa Schahabian, Tradigital 001 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm P106 und Islamisches Recht: Islamic Law of Stuttgart GmbH Personal Status in German Courts – Fêtes, célébrations, commémorations: des Principles of Islamic and Western Fam- Timothy Winter, Cambridge University: espaces et des temps dans le monde arabe ily Law in a Compara-tive Perspective Hadith Studies on the World Wide Web: (Part 1) Jan Goldberg, St. Antony’s College, A Preliminary Survey Oxford: Legal Reception and Nine- Abdallah Schleifer, American University Chairs: Myriam Ababsa-Al Husseini, CER- teenth Century Egyptian Legal History in Cairo: Restoring the Severed Link: A MOC, Amman / URBAMA, Tours; Anna Kilian Bälz, GLEISS LUTZ, Frankfurt a. Return to the Scribal Source of High Madoeuf, Université de Tours M./ Gesellschaft für Arabisches und Islamic Culture Islamisches Recht: Islamic Capital Mar- Ali Gomaa, Al-Azhar University: Usul al- Myriam Ababsa-Al Husseini, CERMOC, kets and the Evolution of Transnational Hadith and the Virtual Hadith Aca-demy Amman / URBAMA Tours: Festivités Rules of Islamic Finance Hermann Hörl, Tradigital Stuttgart GmbH: politiques en Syrie: le cas des festivals Sabine Grapentin, Nörr Stiefenhofer Lutz, The Fuad Typeface: A History of Digiti- du tourisme et de la culture München/ Gesellschaft für Arabisches sing Arabic Hicham Dakhama Bennani, EHESS, Paris: und Islamisches Recht: Egyptian Trade- Discussants: Faarid Gouverneur, Thesau- Les affirmations émotives des appar- mark Law: Effects of the Reception of rus Islamicus Foundation, Vaduz; Timo- tenances lors des pélerinages juifs au Foreign Laws in Egypt thy Winter, Cambridge University Maroc Anna Madoeuf, Université de Tours: La fête: un horizon dans la ville. Espaces 003 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm P104 006 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm R2 et temps de melid-s du Caire Delphine Pagès-El Karoui, INALCO, Paris: Les Iraniens de Berlin et la modernité International Migration and the MENA Le mouled de Sayyed al-Badawi: mo- (1916–1925) Region des d’organisation spatiale et produc- tion d’une identité urbaine pour Tanta Chair: Oliver Bast, University of Manche- Chair: Hans Günter Brauch, OSI, Free Uni- ster versity of Berlin and Peace Research and European Security Stu-dies (AFES- 002 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm P4 Keivandokht Ghahari, Universität zu Köln: PRESS), Mosbach The Reflections of Iranian Nationalists, Islamic Law in a Comparative Perspective Taqizadeh and Iranshahr, on the „Adap- Béatrice Knerr, Nadim Zaqqa, University of (Part 1) tion of the European Civilisation“ Kassel: Economic Costs and Benefits of Oliver Bast, University of Manchester: Human Capital Migration from Jordan Kilian Bälz Chair: , GLEISS LUTZ, Frank- Nationalisme romantique contre natio- furt a. M./ Gesellschaft für Arabisches nalisme pragmatique: Les Iraniens de und Islamisches Recht Berlin et le gouvernement de Téhéran Mathias Rohe , Universität Erlangen- (1918–1920) Monday Afternoon / lundi après-midi Victoria Mason, Curtin University of Tech- 009 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm M2 011 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm P12 nology: The Politics of Exile: The Recon- struction of the Palestine Community by Environment (Part 1) Islamic Education in the Soviet Union and Palestinians from Kuwait who Relocated the CIS to Austria and Britain after the Gulf War Chair: Hanne Kristine Adriansen, Centre Discussant: Hans Günter Brauch, OSI, for Development Research, Copenha- Organized by Raoul Motika, Ruhr-Uni- Free University of Berlin and Peace gen versität Bochum / Universität Heidel- Research and European Security Stud- berg ies (AFES-PRESS), Mosbach Yilmaz Ari, University of Balikesir: Resid- ent Peoples and Conservation in Tur- Chair: Stefan Reichmuth, Ruhr-Universität key’s National Parks Bochum 007 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm P205 Homa Haji Alimohammadi, Cultural Heri- tage Organization, Tehran: The Role of Nadide Batin, Ruhr-Universität Bochum: Mathematics and Astronomy in the Middle Iranian Rural Women in Economic Islamic Education and Islamic Tradition East (Part 1) Systems (Bio-environment: Northern in Kyrgyzstan Forests of Iran) Christine Hunner, Ruhr-Universität Chair: Harald Gropp, Universität Heidel- Vincent Battesti, CEDEJ, Cairo: Les Bochum: Institutional Islamic Religious berg inventions des natures jardinières Education in Azerbaijan arabo-musulmanes Raoul Motika, Ruhr-Universität Bochum/ Sami Chalhoub, IHAS Aleppo University: Mahir Fisunoglu, Cukurova University, Universität Heidelberg: Is There an Isla- The Influence of „Al-Zij al-Sabi„ from Al- Adana: Economical Perspective for mic Cultural Policy of Turkey in the For- Battani on the Middle Age Astro-nomy Water Resources between Turkey and mer Socialist Countries? Mehri Bagheri, Tabriz University: Astro- Syria-Iraq Discussant: Anke von Kügelgen, Universi- nomical Data in a Middle Persian Text tät Bern Sonja Brentjes, IGN, Johann-Wolfgang- Goethe Universität, Frankfurt a. M.: 010 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm M3 Teaching Mathematics and Astronomy 012 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm M1 During the Reign of the Ayyubids and Le Caire médiéval: Approche pluridiscipli- Mamluks (12th–16th Centuries) naire d’un espace urbain Foreign Policy, Inner-Regional Relations and the Process of Globalization (Part 1) Organized by Julien Loiseau, IFAO, Le 008 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm P3 Caire Chair: Isabelle Ginor, The Hebrew Uni- versity of Jerusalem State and Society: Power and Identity Chair: Ayman Fuad Sayyid, IFAO, Le Caire Elahe Koolaee, University of Tehran: In Chair: Sharif S. Elmusa, American Uni- the Name of God: Iran’s Foreign Policy versity in Cairo Sylvie Denoix, CNRS-IREMAM, Aix-en- toward Central Asia Provence: De la constitution d’un Elie Podeh, The Hebrew University of Sean Anthony, American University in «espace de représentation». Con-struc- Jerusalem; Onn Winckler, University of Cairo: State Patronage and Christian tion monumentales, lieux de pouvoir et Haifa: The Boycott that Never Was: Migration from Lebanon and Palestine: circuits princiers dans le Caire mame- Egypt in the Arab World, 1979–89 a Comparison louk Emma Jórum, University of Uppsala: Keem Schultz Fares, American University Julien Loiseau, IFAO, Le Caire: Pratiques Hatay-Syrian and Turkish Policies in Cairo: Displaced for Development: funéraires et espace politique au Caire Bedriye Poyraz, Ankara University: The Indigenous Responses to Forced sous les sultans mamlouks Reflection of Turkey-Israel Relations in Migration and Hydroelectric Dams in Stéphane Pradines, IFAO, Le Caire: Les Turkish News Media in the Framework Egypt and Chile fouilles de la muraille ayyoubide du of Globalisation and Regionalisation Sanaa Makhlouf, American University in Caire et l’étude d’un quartier intra- Cairo: The Politicization of Identity muros Farhang Ershad, Shaid Chamran Univer- Ayman Fuad Sayyid, IFAO, Le Caire: La 013 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm A sity, Ahwaz: The Impacts of the „Politi- reconstitution du Caire d’après les sour- cal Clan System“ on the Socio-historical ces écrites Organising Urban Spaces (Part 1) Transformation of Iranian Society Discussant: Christian Velud, IFAO, Le Discussant: Michael J. Reimer, American Caire Farida Naceur, University of Biskra: University in Cairo District Associations in Algeria Brahamia Née Boufenara Khedidja, Univer- sité de Annaba: Les espaces urbaines marginalisées à Annaba après l’indépendance Monday Afternoon / lundi après-midi Hitoshi Suzuki, Institute of Developing 016 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm P10 019 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm P1 Economies, Chiba: Structural Changes in Iranian Society after the Revolution Women in Arab Societies (Part 1) Tradition, Mass Culture and Social Change Djouadi Chafiaa, Université de Montpel- in the Arab World lier III: Le partenariat euro-médi-ter- Fatma Al-Sayegh, University Al Ain: ranéen, un moyen de lutter contre la Women of the UAE Ratiba Hadj-Moussa, York University, crise de logement en Algérie Souad-Saloha Bakalti: Femme Tuni- Toronto: Common Loci and New Media: sienne: Les chemins de l’indépendance Public Space in Algeria de la colonisation à nos jours Claudia Kickinger, University of Vienna: 014 2: 00pm – 4: 00pm P105 Michele Bertani, University of Padua; The Impact of Modern Forms of Educa- Mariangela Treppete, Grim-University:
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