INDEX 1981 to May 2003 BRO NEVEZ Newsletter of the U.S. Branch of the International Committee for the Defense of the Breton Language This is an index to articles, short notes and book and record/CD reviews which have appeared in the quarterly newsletter of the U.S. ICDBL. With issue 13 (November 1984) the newsletter acquired the name Bro Nevez (“New Country”). The index is divided into three sections: I. General Topics; II. Book Notes and Reviews; III. Recordings of Breton Music – Notes and Reviews. Major topics in the general section are in bold letters; subtopics are underlined. Unless alphabetical order is important articles are listed chronologically. When an author is not printed in the newsletter, but known, he/she is listed within parentheses. Articles are listed under the category of their major focus. Many are listed under two topics and cross referencing is done as much as possible. Contents have been listed below to orient users to the index and give an idea of the range of topics presented. Lois Kuter, Editor, Bro Nevez Section I – General Topics Alaska Native Language Center Breton language - continued Celtic languages al Louarn, Alan Breton language articles in Bro Celtic League Amzer Nevez Nevez Celtic shops – U.S. Andouard, Loeiz Census Celtic Society of Southern Maryland Appel de Carhaix Classes (for adults / outside of Celtic studies conferences Ar Bras, Dan schools) Centre Breton d’Art Populaire Architecture In Brittany (Le) Chasse Marée Ar Falz In the U.S.A. China ar Gow, Yeun Dialects of Breton Cider Art and sculpture General situation of Breton Cinema Association pour l’enseignement du Internet Resources Conseil national des langues et breton (dans la région de Learning materials for Breton cultures régionales Rostrenen/Saint Nicolas-du-Pelem) Linguistic studies of Breton Cornish Asturias, Spain Miscellaneous Costume Audubon, Jean-Jacques Names Cultural organizations /federations Organizations supporting Breton Bande desinée Place names Dalc’homp Soñj Barzaz Breiz Public presence of Breton Dance Basque / Basques and Brittany Publishing in Breton Dastum Bibliographies Recordings in Breton (other than Death Bilingualism song) de Bellaing, Vefa Book reviews Road signs in Breton Delaporte, Raymond (Remon ar Porzh) Europe Surveys of public opnion about de Parades, Bernard United States Breton Desbordes, Yann and Tereza Wales Theater in Breton Diaouled ar Menez Biographical notes United States Breton speakers Diwan Bleizi Ruz Brittany and the U.S. Drezen, Youenn Boessel du Bourg, Yann Duval, Anjela Bombings Cairdean na Gaidhilg Books - Distribution of and sources for Calendars Economy Breizh America Canadian Celtic Arts Association Education - school curriculum Bretagne-Transamerica Cartier, Jacques Education / workshops on Brittany Breton language Catalogs (alphabetical by publisher/ Emigration - General And French government organization) Emigration - North America And local Breton government CCC CELT Environment And media Celtic Colloquium er Mason, Roperh And schools Celtic harp Esperanto General General Europe and Brittany – general Primary and Secondary Levels Scottish Harp Society of North European Bureau for Lesser Used University Level America – Welsh Harp Society of Languages America European Charter for Regional or Kendalc’h Plunier, Yann Minority Languages Kerjean, Manu Poellgor an Tarv Kerrain, Herve Poetry Faience Kornog Politics – general Federal Union of European Korventenn Publishers Nationalities Kuzul ar Brezhoneg General Federation of American Cultural and Kuzul Sevenadurel Breizh Publishers (alphabetical) Language Communities Festivals Languages Radio General listings / calendars of In Europe Recipes / cooking festivals in Brittany In the U.S.A. Religion Specific festivals in Brittany Other languages Research organizations Festivals in the U.S. Publications Restaurants Festivals elsewhere Language rights Rozmor, Naig Flag Lavanant, Andre Flemish Le Braz, Anatole Saints Fleuriot, Léon Le Voyer, Dorig Scottish organizations – U.S. Fondation de Bretagne Levraoueg Breizh Skoazell Vreizh Food Literature Skol Uhel ar Vro French-American organizations Loire-Atlantique Society of Inter-Celtic Arts and Culture Frisian Sohier, Yann Furniture Magazines Sports – wrestling General / Listings Sports – traditional games Galicia, Spain Breton magazines/newsletters Sports - other Gallo Celtic magazines Squiban, Didier Genealogy U.S. magazines about Brittany Stivell, Alan Glanndour, Maodez Other languages Stourm ar Brezhoneg Glenmor Malmanche, Tangi Strollad ar vaered hag an dilennidi Gouel an Erminig (Order of the Ermine) Maritime Brittany vrezhonegereien Gourlaouen, Marc’harid Modern Language Association Tabarly, Eric Groupe de recherche sur l’économie Monjarret, Polig Tourism / Travel linguistique de la Bretagne Mordiern, Meven General Gwernig, Youenn Multi-collectionneurs de documents Travel accounts about Brittany bretons et celtiques Trouzerion Hawaiian language Museums Twin cities Hemon, Roparz Music Union des Etudiants de Breton Herrieu, Loeiz American Musicians and Breton (Université de Haute-Bretagne) Hervieux, Gilbert Music/Brittany Unvaniez ar Gelennerien Brezhoneg Heusaff, Alan Bagpipes/bombardes Unvaniezh Skrivagnerien Vreizh Hirio Biographies of musicians/singers History Books and recordings (general Wales (in general) listings) Wales and Brittany Identity/Nationalism Clarinet Welsh language Institut Franco-Americain de Rennes Composers Classes – U.S. Institute of Celtic Studies General introduction General Institute of Celtic Studies East In travel accounts Welsh music International Committee for the Miscellaneous Welsh organizations – U.S. Defense of the Breton Language Music tours in Brittany/tourism Welsh poetry General National anthem Welsh publications Members (biographical notes) Radio – U.S. Wine Newsletter Song Publications of the ICDBL Tours in U.S./ Concert reviews Section II – Books Internet Videotapes/films Iona Foundation Workshops Notes Ireland and Brittany Reviews Irish language North American Association for Celtic General Language Teachers (NAACLT) Section III – Recordings of Schools – Ireland Breton Music Organizations – U.S. Ofis ar Brezhoneg Publications Oral traditions (other than music) Recordings – general Classes / studies – U.S. Organisation des Bretons de Guides and lists Kalloc’h, Yann-Ber l’Exterieur Recording labels/distributors Kalvez, Tugdual Notes Kan an dour Reviews Kemener, Yann-Fañch SECTION I – GENERAL TOPICS Newsletter/Bro Nevez 1 (1981) to 86 (May 2003) Alaska Native Language Center “News of other organizations” (L.K. and Alaska Native Language Center). 1, July 1981:9. al Louarn, Alan “Brittany loses one of its most ardent defenders: Alan al Louarn (1918-1993)” Lois Kuter. 47, August 1993:9. Amzer Nevez See: music – workshops Andouard, Loeiz “Loeiz Andouard (1904-1985)—A Breton Gaelic speaker and a Breton-Gaelic dictionary” Eamon O Ciosáin and C.B. O Cuinn. 22, February 1987:27-28. “Ceannródaiocht Cheilteach/Celtic pioneering” Micheal MacAonghusa and E.B. O Cuinn. 23, May 1987:35. An Nerzh Nevez – see Breton language – and local Breton government Appel de Carhaix “Bretons united to push for change: The ‘Call from Carhaix’” (L. Kuter). 73, February 2000:8-9. ar Bras, Dan “Breton (and French) music coming to the U.S.” (L. Kuter). 11, May 1984:30. “Concert Review: Dan ar Bras, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, May 9, 1985” Lois Kuter. 15, May 1985:28. “Breton musicians in the U.S. this fall” (L. Kuter). 16, August 1985:33-34. “News from Brittany – a few short notes” 58, May 1996:2. “Dan ar Braz” David Surette. 61, February 1997:16-19. See also: Section III – Recordings of Breton Music Architecture “Book reviews: Patrick Hervé—Maisons paysannes en Bretagne” Lois Kuter. 42, August 1992:15-16. Ar Falz “A pioneer in bilingual education: Soaz Maria—Yann Sohier et Ar Falz” Lois Kuter. 37, February 1991:13-14. See also: Magazines – Breton magazines Breton language – classes Section II - Books ar Gow, Yeun “An oberenn lennegel hag an Emsav” Reun ar C’halan. 40, November 1991:10-11. See also: Section II - Books - notes Art and sculpture “American artists in Brittany” (L. Kuter). 7/8, May/August 1983:21. “Breton posters (Stritalloueg Breizh)” Lois Kuter. 33, Feburary 1990:19. “The calvaries of Brittany—A photographic exhibit and colloquium, DePaul University, Chicago” (Ellin Kelly). 40, November 1991:16-19. “Breton calvaries and the tourist” Lois Kuter. 40, November 1991:20-21. “Art and music tours in Brittany” 41, February 1992:23-28. “Letters to the Editor: To Bernard Le Nail” 45, February 1993:37. “Breton wrestling and art” (L. Kuter). 54, May 1995:26. “The Pont-Aven School of Art” (L. Kuter). 54, May 1995:27. “The birds of Audubon on stamps of France” (L. Kuter). 54, May 1995:30. “The Pont-Aven School of Art” 70, May 1999:25. “Sydney Curnow Vosper and Brittany” Gwyn Griffiths. 78, May 2001:24-25. Sse also: Poellgor an Tarv Association des mairies et élus bretonnants See: Strollad ar vaered hag ar dilennidi vrezhonegerien Breton language – public presence Association pour l’enseignement du breton dans la région de Rostrenen/Saint Nicolas-du-Pelem “Notes on the Breton language” Lois Kuter. 15, May 1985:16. Asturias, Spain “The Celts in Spain: Asturies” Ben Pecson. 67, August 1998:45. Audubon, Jean-Jacques “The birds of Audubon on stamps of France” (L. Kuter). 54, May 1995:30. Bande desinée See: Breton language – literature Barzaz Breiz “An istor e Gwerzioù-pobl Breizh” Reun ar C’halan. 13, November 1984:8-10. “Breton music: books and recordings—Donatien Laurent, Aux
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