New York Radical Feminists~ NYRP GENERAL MEETING Sunday ~~b~~~!~ ...C·E-NT E-R--2-4-3-W-.-2-0. -th_S_t-. *,_. Consciousness-Raising Topic: Our Work and What It Means To Us ') THE POLITICS OF AllT... evan morley I suppose the concept of a "politics of art" yary ~istoric ally, depending on current means that art has a function. That function s ocial policy--with, of course, the may not be intended by those who practice it natural counterforces present anywhere. (though it may be), but it is understood by The people deemed artists range from those who set standards and determine activi­ Muhammed Ali to Picasso to a tribal son ties: that is, by those in power. That's why taught by his mother (who is she7). we have "good" art and "bad" art. The values of Art, like the myths above, are contradictory. An Analogy With Rape The analogy is with the "politics of rape." These contradictions tend to obscure the We have discovered that the function of function of art stated earlier: social rape is to intimidate and control women; control whether it is liberal or repressive. rapists , caught up in this "ideology" created by earlier men, may have individual ~ay With Contradiction and Controllll and vague reasons for their acts. Some Toward ~eminism & Art/Feminists & Artists "good" rapists (soldiers, other authorities) Women and feminists in "art" or in any are encouraged; "bad" rapists (poor, endeavor will challenge the contradictions ethnic undesirables , youth) are punished. and the very function of art itself. Our work tends always to attack the root of all Categories Keep People Out social ·control: the productivity of wom~n. So it is with art and artists. Just as rape is one category of control over t}s feminists we can at last talk about art women, art is one category of control being expressive. It is, in everything we over other social relationships. The do - especially the NYRF Newsletter • We can purpose in both is to keep certain people all develop varieties of "form" and "content" "in" and certain people "out." in any production--be it conference, play, craft, or statement. We now have Fine Arts as opposed to Crude or Nonarts such as the formerly distinguished We can all explore new "productions" and tasks/crafts of weaving, potting, cooking, activities as we go on. We can all utilize planting. There is a value judgment here, the special skills that go into each too. The most esteemed arts are predomin­ category as various women have learned them antly in the hands pf men. The devalued, in our compartmentalized society. former ones--once the proud heritage of women--are also predominantly male. The And as our content grows, our forms will social control here is the male hierarchy reflect that . And a s we vary our forms, of occupational status and opportunity. because we take risks, new content occura to us. "All is art--art is all." The Cult of Art and the Artist A new value for art/activity will emerge; sharing expressing ourselves in building I sometimes wonder why art is separated our frontiers. from other human activities like sports, science, childrearing since we often hear The NYRF Bandwagon about the "art of finance" or the "art of In the crass American tradition, politics tennis" or the "art of love." Is art merely connotes a bandwagon and a beating of drums. finesse? Let's look at some of our myths. This image combines art (a few musical 1. Art is revolutionary - "to point a instruments) and politics (the wagon from moral ••• '' which NYRF is launching our n ew production). 2. Art is frivolous - " •• • or adorn a tale." Join the NYRF bandwagon. See FOCUS ON ME, 3. Artists are "crazy" "gifted" "sissy!' a feminist play written by Bobbie Ausubel "lazy" "dedicated" etc. of Boston, directed and acted by women 4. Artists lead a double-life in the from Boston, produced by New York Radical class structure: often poor and despised, Feminists , and supported by the New York but awed and welcomed in circles. women who will participate in this frontier on NOVEMBER 7 & 8 a t Washington Square The activity or activities known as Art C~urch. See p. 7 for mor.e information. Vol. 5 No.9 Septe-mber 1975 NY·RF Business NYRF Business Meeting 8/4/75 the Aug. 24 EWen~. catacele5i . ~he . event. We CR' d Present: Ros, Minta,.. • Judy, Joan, Linda, around this decision. Unanimous 'agreeement to Ellen, Helen.e,.' EVan, Gloria, B.J. back up cancellation yet find some means of Announcements: Charlotte Sheedy case, de­ expressing our support of. Jane Alpert as a cision won for case not to be set aside woman and feminist up vs. the man in prison. but pursued; will set precedent for public Motion to draft letter to Jane and announce­ place being responsible for sexual haras ­ ment to sabscribers by Aug. 14 (done). All sment of patrons. Labor Pains, a monthly interested in pursuing were referred to the from Ithaca, deals with sexual harassment group Circle of Support for Jane Alpert. Mo­ on the job (see also Mail.) Ellen, Evan, tion to release that group from $10 suggested Helene attended Press Conference for Rape donation for articles in Newsletter unanimous. Conference of 8/22-23 and successfully de­ Credit Union report by Linda on charter. Prog­ feated a spot advertisement insulting women. ress of the union-new arm , Greater New York Mail: Variety of magazi~es from different Feminist Council needed to add memeber groups cities ( f eminism is growing, growing). Info for sponsorphip. Helene now NYRF representa~ on hospital treatment for rape from Rape tive. Motion that representative rotate every Coalition. N.O.W. reports on top from Mattell 3 months unanimous. Pledge cards will be going a doll which grows breasts when its arm is out and shares sold. Adress for Eredit Union twisted; message-female sex characteristics is 23 Cornelia Street. NYRF Work Conference depend on violence. N.o.w. is fighting. planning group is meeting and needs many women Old Business: FOCUS ON ME flyers to distri ­ for wider perspectives. Illegitimacy group is bute and ti~kets are available. Jane Alpert: waiting for typed transcript. CASHara ssment the co~bined N~F-S~pp9rt Coromi~tee to olan support for letter to circulate ••• Evan Morley N. Y.R. ~ .· BUSINESS MEETING 8/18/7 5 ATTENDANCE: GLORIA, EVAN, SHARON, HELENE, ELLEN, muat be returned by Aug,26th. to be included. ROZ, JULIA , LYNN, JOANNE-MARIE, JOAN, MYRA, DORIS It will go on for about eight week•. Should I CHAIR: ELLEN/MEETING SIARTED: LATE 8:45PM send in the application? EVAN- we should repl' ANNOUNCEMENTS: ROZ- ERA coalition is looking explaining what N.Y.R.F. does, CR should be for experienced speakers. They are having a emphasized. MOTION: EVAN.- HELENE should send workshop on the ERA. They want a commitment ·in the application JOAN seconds NO DISCUSSION of four unpaid speaking engagemen~s. You VOTE 10 YES 1 ABSTENTION do not need to have spoken on the ERA to MAIL: JOAN- people are not getting their Volunteer. HELENE- Newsletter deadline is newsletters, maybe because .of mistyped labels Bulk rate mail is over 200 sent out from Aug. 26th, Womens Equality Day. Work the same post office they have to read a Conference needa participents. They are copyof what is gett1ng1 sent out, must be discussing radical concepts of work, wo- brdken by zip'"code, ·· gOhig by f~rst class men and success and other related topics. but thats not a p~blem. LYNN : 3d class OLD BUSINESS: LYNN- Update on the play · mail is not forwarded. HELENE; went to th~ committee ••• Poster contest deadltne is past office and they have a rate that is Aug. 29th. Tickets are being printed, they handled as well as first class. Initial fee ~ill be available soon, Labrysis, Womanbooks, is $15 per yr., after that it is $30 per yr. and the Coffeehouse will have them, too. inStead of lOc it is 6.1c, it must be sorted Ticket contest ••• Sell 10 and get a free show by zip code. Fold has to be changed. ROZ: the at the coffeehouse • • • Sell 25 and get a dinner Post Office lies. most mail ls mishandled, ar for two at Mother Courage ••• Sell SO and get rives late. It is treated as bulk mall on the dinner for two at M.C. and a free show at the basis o~ what it l~oks like, not what it is coffeehouae. The play is being sent around stamped. EVAN: First Class costs $240 per to get some PR. By Sept. 15 everything yr. for 200 at 6.lc it is $ 146 per year plus should be ready. $30 it is $174. We could save about $ 70 . NEW BUSINESS: Evan- The treasury will need money LYNN;: the reason we send out the newsletter Play commitment is $1000., there is $2000• in is to keep people informed, if it arrives late the treasury. The Illtgitimacy .Book will need it defeats the purpose. JOAN: are we going to funds. We need fund raising ideas. adopt the new format? It saves us stuffing, Group suggestions: Poetry readings, a . stamping, price of envelopes.ROZ: if we hand dance a series of clips on women working, it into the GPO it will be handled as first a dis;lay of womens a rts a nd crafts, entertainers class. HELENE: then we would hav~ the taxi fare a total day of N.Y.R.F., a potluck dinner, re added DORIS: Printing ftrst class will speed do the old cabaret, tie everything in with the it up.
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