
INDEX Abernethy, Lloyd M., rev. of Hofstadter's Allen, James, 205/* The Paranoid Style in American Politics Allen, John, 20577, 221, 292 . , 416-417 Allen, Margaret (Peggy). 205?*, 212 Abolition, politics of, rev., 138-140 Allen, Margaret Budd (Mrs. William Allen, Abolitionists, rev., 137-138 Sr.), 20477 Adam architecture, style of, in Phila., 166 Allen, Margaret Hamilton (Mrs. William Adams, Abigail a (Mrs. John Adams): disap- Allen), 20477-20577 proves of life in Phila., 158; on Mrs. Wm. Allen, William, Sr., father of chief justice, 2047* Bingham, 160; shocked at Phila. fashions, Allen, William (1704-1780), 195, 196, 292; on 168; on social life in Phila., 172, 173; agriculture in England, 213; attempts to wearied by Phila. social season. 173 influence Thos. Penn (1764), 223^ be- Adams, Charles Francis, diary of, vols. I—II, friended by Penn family, 205; on Benjamin rev., 135-136 West as a painter, 221; children of, 205n; Adams, John, changing political thought of, correspondence with Benjamin Chew, 202- rev., 539-54O 226; joins clubs in London^ 220; loses Adams, John Quincy? 24 weight, 225; on merit of Dr. William Smith, Adams, Susanna, attainted of high treason, 312 225; Mount Airy, countryseat of, 202; opin- Admiralty Library, London, records at, 230 ion of Gov. John Penn, 212; opinion of Alexander Stedman, 21 gn; opposes Stamp After Slavery: The Negro in South Carolina on During Reconstruction, 1861-1877, by Wil- Act, 204, 216-217; Pennsylvania Ger- liamson, rev., 143-145 mans, 222; and Peter Hasenclever, 224; as Age of Excess, American Life from the End of recorder of Phila., 189; represents North- Reconstruction to World War I, by Ginger, ampton County, 197; on Rev. Richard rev., 148-149 Peters' return to the ministry, 223-224; Agents and Merchants. British Colonial Policy suffers from gout, 215; tour of England, and the Origins of the American Revolution, 212; visits England, 1763-1764,202; quotes 1763-1775, by Sosin, rev., 526-528 Shakespeare, 225 Aiken, John R., "Benjamin Franklin, Karl Allen, William (ca. 1751-1838), 205*1 Marx, and the Labor Theory of Value," Allibone, Thomas. 447 Allin, Capt.,/. 1686, 322 Alataster imports, 452 Allis, Frederick S., Jr., rev. of DiPace and Alberti, George, 449 Donald, eds.. Diary of Charles Francis Alberts, Robert C., The Most Extraordinary Adams, vols. HI, 135-136 Adventures of Major Robert Stobo, rev., 124- Almacks, London club, 220, 221 n Alricks, Peter, 340 Aldridge, Alfred Owen, Benjamin Franklin, Alsop, Othniel, 233 Philosopher & Man, rev., 262-263 Amalgamated Association, 365 Alfred {Black Prince), ship: captured by the American Philosophical Society, Italian mem- British, 229, 230; commanded by Capt. bers of, 448 Elisha Hinman, 229; commanded by John American Railroad Journal, 435 Paul Jones, 230; Commodore John Barry American Revolution: and British colonial on, 228; first American flagship, 227; policy, rev., 526-528; British politics and, maiden voyage of, 228; purchased for Con- rev., 396-398; incident at Gwynedd, 520- tinental Navy, 229; tonnage of, 227-232; 523; and Lord Dartmouth, rev., S3l^S33\ various tonnages ascribed to, 227^-22877, role of British Army in, rev., 398-400; 2^0, 231 treason during in Pa., 287-313; as viewed Algiers, capitulates to French, 28 by Marxists, 378 Allegheny County, Austro-Hungarian pop. Ames, Fisher, biography of, rev., 405-407 of, 353 Amherst, Jeffery, Baron Amherst: complains Allen, Andrew, 2O5», 292 about Pa., 217; and Indian management, Allen, Anne (Nancy), 205n, 212 210, an, 218; reinforces Col. Henry Bou- Allen, Anne Penn, 170 quet, 209 s«3 564 INDEX October Ammaty, ship, 322 Bache, Benjamin Franklin: brings his family Amoy, 35, 39 into disrepute, 170; federalists dislike of, Analectic Magazine, article on Com. Jas. 176 Biddle, 13 Bache, Dr. Dallas, 489 Andalusia, Biddle (Craig) countryseat, 34, Bailey, Hugh C, Hinton Rowan Helper: 45, 173 Abolitionist-Racist, rev., 410-411 Andover furnace: iron of, 224; owners of, 202, Bainbridge, Commodore William, 20; com- 22O» mands the President, 8; death of, 32; friend- Andreani, Count Paola, 448 ship with Com. Jas. Biddle, 7; loses the Antelo, Antonio J., 451, 453 Philadelphia at Tripoli, 6; returns from Anti-Masonic crusade, in N. Y., compared Tripoli, 8; visits Pensacola, 24 with Hicksite movement, 236 Baker, Newton D., 107 The Antislavery Vanguard: New Essays on the Baldwin, Matthias W., 434r; builds station- Abolitionists, Duberman, ed., rev., 137— ary steam engines, 423,425; calls on S. Vail 138 for money, 441; character of, 443-444; Apostles of the Self Made Man, Changing compared with Henry Ford, 443; difficulty Concepts of Success in America, by Cawelti, with tires, 431; early life of, 423; financial rev., 276-277 problems of, 431; firm of Baldwin & Vail Architecture, Adam style of in Phila., 166 dissolved, 442; forms partnership with Vail Ariadne, sloop of war, captures the Alfred, and Hufty, 437; fortune of, 443W; furnishes ?*9, 23°, 231 engines for Phila. ice boat, 425-426; irrita- Aristocracy in America, 155-182. See also tion of Geo. Vail with, 440, 442; protests Society slow delivery of supplies, 430; saved from Armstrong, Col. John (1717-1795), voted bankruptcy by Geo. Vail, 438, 443; sup- gift by common council, 199 ports Harrison for pres., 439; suspends pay- ment, 432 Army, U. S., size of (1861), 97 r Arndt, Karl J. R., George Rapp's Harmony Baldwin locomotive (1834-1840), 433 Society, 1785-1847, rev., 408-409 Baldwin Locomotive Co.: early years of, 423- Arnold, Margaret Shippen (Mrs. Benedict 444; effect of Panic of 1837 on, 432, 435, Arnold), 312 443; estimate of value of in 1841, 442; fac- Artists. See Painters tories of, 424, 425n; finances of, 431, 437, The Arts in Early American History; Needs 439; foreign exports of, 435; labor force at, and Opportunities for Study, by Whitehill, 427-428, 435; pays in scrip, 436; prices of Garrett, and Garrett, rev., 264-265 locomotives, 424, 427, 428; production at, Ashcombe, Charles, surveyor, 351, 503, 505; 426, 428, 432, 435, 444; retirement of frauds of, 493; lays out lands improperly, Hufty from the firm, 440; suppliers for, 492; leaves for England, 494 429-430 Asiatic cholera, 39 Baldwin, Vail & Hufty, 437, 439 Asmussen, Lt. Col. C. W., 481 Balloon Corps, set up by Simon Cameron, "Aspects of Italian Immigration to Philadel- 113 phia," by Joan Younger Dickinson, 445- Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 468 465 Bancroft, George, 34, 35 Assembly, Pennsylvania (colonial, 1682- Bank of Michigan, failure of, 435 1776): assumes control of govt. of Phila., Bank of North America, 164 183, 187, 192-193; attains goals (1763), Bank of the United States, 1st, 164 203; loans money to Phila. Corp., 190; Bank of the United States, 2nd, 439 money bills of rejected, 203, 218; moves to Banquet, Chinese, 37 amend bills (1686), 320-321; petitions for Barbados Island, 491, 503 royal govt. in Pa., 203 Barbary states, 6 Assembly, Pa. (unicameral, 1776-1790): Barbers International, Phila. local of, 459 drafts confiscation act, 303,304; legislation Barclay, Messrs., London, 204W of against the Doan gang, 307; and treason Barclay, David (1682-1769), 204 act of 1777, 293-294, 295, 303 Barclay and Lane, of London, 219 Assembly line, system of production, insti- Bardolph, Richard, rev. of Rose's Rehearsal tuted at Pressed Steel Car Co., 356 for Reconstruction. The Port Royal Experi- Assheton, Robert, public offices of, 189-190, ment, 141-143 196 Bargar, B. D., Lord Dartmouth and the Amer- Associated Loyalists, 298 ican Revolution, rev., 531—533 As tor, John Jacob, 13 Barker, Maj., land of, 220, 224 Atkinson, James, 351, 507 Barker, Thomas & Co., 492 Axles, for locomotives, 430, 436 Barley, 213 i966 INDEX 565 Barnes, Harry Elmer, rev. of de Beaumont traits of, 13; portrait by Wood, i8r; por- and de Tocqueville's On the Penitentiary trait of by S\my,frontispieceT; cruise of the System in the United States . , 131- Ontario, 13-16; takes possession of Oregon, 133 15; controversy with Lord Cochrane, 16; Barnes, John, 340 with West Indian Squadron, 16, 19; sick- Barry, Commodore John (1745-1803), com- ness on the Macedonian, 19-20; contro- mands the Alfred, 228, 229 versy with Captain Sinclair, 20; difficulties Barton, William, 176 with C. A. Rodney, 21-24; commands Base Hospital 76, France, 115 Phila. Navy Yard, 24; commands Brazil Batavia, 36, 39 Squadron, 25; commands Mediterranean Batavia Roads, 36 Squadron, 26-31; Turkish mission, 26-27; Baton, Mr., 336 illness of, 27, 31-32; buys presents, 28, 38; Battachi, Joseph, 449 on naval protocol, 28, 31; appearance of, The Battle of Trenton, by Smith, rev., 400 32; commands Phila. Naval Asylum, 33; Beer, 469 salary of, 33; library of, 33; serves as Bellevue, countryseat of Wm. Bingham in trustee for N. Biddle, 34; commands East N. J., 173 India Squadron, 34-45; becomes Commis- Bellow, Mr., land of, 220 sioner to China, 36; exchanges treaty with Belmont, August, 435 China, 37; visits treaty ports, 39; mission Belvidere, frigate, 21 to Japan, 39-40, 43; condemns Mexican War, 44; commands Pacific Squadron, 45- "Benefit of Clergy," 296-297 47; blockades west coast of Mexico, 46; Benezet, Daniel, resigns as alderman, 188 sketch book of, 47, 51-92; career of, 48-49; Benjamin Franklin, by Ketcham, rev., $3$- returns home, 49; death and funeral, 50; S3f> opinion on, 50; silhouette of, yr; sketches of, Benjamin Franklin and Eighteenth-Century 52r, 55r"57r> 59r"62r, 64', 67% 7or"7Sr, 78r- American Libraries, by Korty, rev., 404- 82r, 86r-88r 405. "Benjamin Franklin, Karl Marx, and the Biddle, Lt. James S., 3, 31, 43 44, 45, 48 Labor Theory of Value," by John R. Biddle, Maj. John (1792-18 59), 4^ 36 Aiken, 378-384 Biddle, John G., 21; goes to Europe for Benjamin Franklin, Philosopher & Man, by health, 24 Aldridge, rev., 262-263 Biddle, Katharine Hansell (Mrs.
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