NORSK ENTOMOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFf NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY VOLUME 15 . O. 1 . 1968 Helene T mbs-L cbe: tudi OD egian bud: Tetrops ., art phids (Hom., phidoidea) I. The ubfamiJy n for onlell {CoL, Ca'MllltJ 47 Dactynotinae B6mer 1 RoahI LiI me ielsen: tilbia anomala H• Dy for ku- iD Lo er Part of diuria (Lep.. oduidae) 18 A."" and jordane, 49 Richard DahI: tudies OD the Diptera Bracb - iibr: a Lepieloptera i OI'Ie 60 cera of the ea Shores iD orth orway 19 rik Christiaasen & Torfma ther: Iaf tation ADdress trand: Om BOeII e art ra lekten Density of Trypodeadron Iineatum (Olirier) Ath ta Tbs. (Col., taphyliDidae) 61 (Coleoptera: colytidae) iD Relation to FeUing Hans Kauri: Vher die norwegiscbea Tabaalden Date of Log . 28 (Dipter ) 63 Ove Meidell: Bombus jonellus (Kirby) (Hym., Erling Hauge: Typhocbra tus ymae Ip. D. aad pidae) has Two Generations in a Sea on 31 Paaamomops mengei Simon (Araaeae) iD Ame FjeUberg & Lita Greve: ot on the Genus orway 65 Bor us in orway 33 Reidar ebI: ew Records of from or- and ndreas traDd: Gyropbaena keeni C y a 70 G. orientalis A. tr. (CoL taphyliaidae) 35 Johan a 01 era arelics Odd H. JobanDessen: icari decorata TuUgren Pa • (Col. Carabidae) 71 1942 (Clubionidae Arane e) e to 37 ~~"Jia, Aadre traad: Corticarlaa ir at . n. sp. Eivind Suadt: crotri • iII·.....iI (Col.. thridiidae) 40 1852) (Col. PtiIiidae). tioa of !.«to- Bjame • eideD: °crochonleuma gallicum type aad 'ptioa 7S (Latzel 1884), (Diplopoda) e to Scandl- Bo...... 78 ui ~ Astrid Le ea: • Knahea 70 81 U IVERSITETSFORLAGET NORSK ENTOMOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT Redaktor/Editor: LAURITZ SOMME, Statens plantevern, Zoologisk avdeling, Vollebekk. Red. sekretrerjEditorial Secretary: GUDMUND TAKSDAL, N orges La nd brukshogskole, Vollebekk. Red.komitejEditorial Board: BANS KAURJ, Zoologisk museum, Uni\'crsitetet i Bergen. Bergen. EIVIND 0STI3Y. Zoologisk laboratorium, Universitetet i Oslo. Oslo. Forlag;Publishers: UNIVERSITETS FOR LAG ET Postbox 307, Blindern, Oslo 3, Postgiro 15530, og/and P.O. Box I·e, Bc)swn 02113. \fass., USA NORSK ENTOMOLOGlSK TlDSSKRIFT utkommer med to hefter arlig. Abonnementsprisen er N. kr. 20,- pr. ar. Ved adresseforandring husk a oppgi gammel adresse. Artikler som onskes trykt i tidsskriftet sendes redaktoren. Bidragsytere m,l folge anvisningen pa omslagets tredje side. NORSK ENTOMOLOGlSK TlDSSKRIFT appears in two issues per year. The subscription rate is N. kr. 20,- per year, US $ 3.50. Notice of change of address should be accompanied by the old address. Contributions should be sent to the Editor. Contributors are requested to follow the instructions on page 3 of the cover. Studies on Norwegian Aphids (Horn., Aphidoidea) I The subfamily Dactynotinae B6rner HELENE TAMBS-LYCHE 1 Zoological Museum, University of Bergen Abstract: TAMBs-LYCHE, HELENE. 1968. Studies on Norwegian Aphids (Horn., Aphidoidea) 1. The sub­ family Dactynotinae Biirner. Norsk ent. Tidsskr. 15,1-17. The present paper is the first of a series which will give a survey of the Norwegian aphid fauna, based upon the author's own collections and information already published. It comprises the subfamily Dactynotinae Biirner, totalling 63 species, 20 of which are recorded for the first time from Norway in the present paper. The species new to Norway are the following: Aulacorthum cylactis Biirner. Aulacorthum palustre Hille Ris Lambers, Aulacorthum ru/um Hille Ris Lambers, Acyrthosiphon loti (Theobald), Subacyrthosiphon cryptobium Hille Ris Lambers, Metopolophium /risicum Hille Ris Lambers, Metopolophium tenerum Hille Ris Lambers, Cryptaphispoae (Hardy), Corylobium avellanae (Schrank), Macrosiphum weberiBiirner. AIacrosiphoniella tapuskae (Hottes and Frison), Macrosiphoniella usquertensis Hille Ris Lambers, DactYnotus cichorii (Koch), Dactynotus muralis (Buckton), Dactynotus obscurus (Koch), Dactynotus pilosellae Biirner, Dactynotus sonchi (Linne), Dactynotus tanaceti (Linne), Megourella purpurea Hille Ris Lambers, Megourella tribulis (Walker). Aulacorthum palustre and Cryptaphis poae are recorded for the first time from Scandinavia. INTRODUCTION present author (see references), Ossiannilsson The earliest records of aphids from Norway (1962) Fjelddalen (1964) and Heikinheimo concern a few species mentioned by Str0m (1966) have all contributed to the knowledge (1762) and Fabricius (1779). The identity of of the Norwegian aphid fauna. these species is, however, doubtful. The first The author started investigations on Nor­ and only somewhat comprehensive list of wegian aphids more than twenty years ago, aphid species for the country was published by and in the first instance studied aphids on po­ Siebke (1874). It lists 53 species, each of them tato plants (Tambs-Lyche 1950, 1957). During referring to Kaltenbach's monography (1843). extensive travels in connexion with these col­ The identifications have not so far been re­ lections several other species were also sampled. vised, and in the following study they are re­ Collections of Norwegian aphids have been ferred to, when not specially mentioned, as continued by travels in different parts of the identical with Kaltenbach's species. country. Most of the collections, however, In his review of Zetterstedt's aphid species come from western Norway, particularly from from Lapland Wahlgren (1939) discusses a few the surroundings of Bergen and from Hard­ records from Norway, and other records are anger. During the years 1954-56 yellow traps found in Theobald's (1926-29) work on British (Moericke-traps) were used near Bergen, near Stavanger and at the Agricultural College at aphids. W. M. Sch0yen (1893-1913) and T. H. Sch0yen (1914-1941) give records of aphids oc­ As near Oslo, and very extensive collections curring as pests on cultivated plants. The were made. They have been worked up and practically all species identified. A preliminary 1 Present address: Malmmosevej 83a, Virum, report has been published (Tambs-Lyche Denmark. 1956). The material could not, however, be I-SOTSk ent. Tidsskr. 2 H. TAMBS-LYCHE o = 0stfold AK = Akershus (inc!. Oslo) HE = Hed11lark o = Opland B = Buskerl1ll VE = Vest{olc\ TE = Telcmark .\A = Anst-.\gcler VA = Vest-Agder [{ = [{ogalancl HO = Horclaland (inc!. Bcrgen) SF = Sogn og Fjorclane l\IH. = l\fore og I{omsclal ST Sor-Tronclelag KT K orcl-Tronclelag X X orcllamI TH. Trollls F == Finllmark Fig. 1. Districts of Norway with explanation of the abbreviations used in the present paper. The districts are subdivided in zones: i (inner), y (outer), n (northern), s (southern), v (western) and o (eastern). From Strand(1943). STUDIES ON NORWEGIAN APHIDS 3 fully utilized unless the main features of the A. auphorbia subsp. neerlandicus Hille Ris Norwegian aphid fauna were better known as Lambers a background. It was therefore decided to A. ignotus Mordvilko work up the author's main collection with the ':+ A. loti (Theobald) purpose of giving an overall survey of the A. malvae (Mosley) fauna, before the ecological and biological re­ A. pisum (Harris) sults of the trap collections were discussed. * Subacyrthosiphon cryptobium Hille Ris The present paper is the first of a series Lambers which will give a survey of the Norwegian Matopolophium albidum Hille Ris Lam­ aphid fauna, based upon the author's own col­ bers lections and such information as has already M. dirhodum (Walker) been published. It comprises the subfamily M. fesucae (Theobald) Dactynotinae Borner, 63 species in all, 20 of .)f M. frisicum Hille Ris Lambers which are recorded for the first time from ,};, M. tenerum Hille Ris Lambers Norway in the present paper. ** Cryptaphis poae (Hardy) The geographical distribution of the dif­ * Corylobium avellanae (Scharnk) ferent species is mostly cited from Hille Ris Macrosiphum cholodkovskyi Mordvilko Lambers (1938, 1939, 1947, 1949, 1953) and M. daphnidis Borner Borner (1952). In addition it has been men­ M. euphorbiae (Thomas) tioned if the species occurs in the nearest M. gei (Koch) countries, e.g. Sweden (Ossiannilsson 1959), M. melampyri Mordvilko Denmark (Heie 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964a, 1967, M. rosae (Linne) Reitzel 1965), Finland (Heie & Heikinheimo * M. weberi Borner 1966, Heikinheimo 1944, 1963, Thuneberg (Sitobion) avenae (Fabricius) 1960, 1962, 1963, 1966), Iceland (Heie 1964b, (Sitobion) fragariae (Walker) Hille Ris Lambers 1955, Prior & Stroyan Macrosiphoniella absinthii (Linne) 1960) and Great Britain (Kloet & Hincks M. artemisiae (Boyer de Fonscolombe) 1964), where such information may be of in­ M. chamomillae Hille Ris Lambers terest. In the locality lists the abbreviations for M. millefolii (de Geer) the different parts of the country refer to the M.oblonga (Mordvilko) map in Fig. 1. M. saborni (Gillette) All finds recorded are by the author, when M. sejuncta (Walker) no other collector is mentioned. The author's M. tana[;etaria (Kaltenbach) collection will be deposited at the Zoological " M. tapuskae (Hottes and Frison) Museum, University of Bergen. * M. usquertensis Hille Ris Lambers Dactynotusa achilleae (Koch) * D. cichorii (Koch) * Dactynotus muralis (Buckton) LIST OF SPECIES * D. obscurus (Koch) Microlophium evansi (Theobald) .)f D.pilosellae Borner Aulacorthum circumflexus (Buckton) .)f D. sonchi (Linne) '.' A. cylactis Borner ." D. tanaceti (Linne) ** A. palustre Hille Ris Lambers D. tussilaginis (Walker) * A. rufum HiIle Ris Lambers (Uromelan) aeneus Hille Ris Lambers A. solani (Kaltenbach) (Uromelan) campanulae (Kaltenbach) Acyrthosiphon aurlandicus Heikinheimo (Uromelan) jacea (Linne) A. caraganae (Cholodkovsky) (Uromelan) similis Hille Ris Lambers 4 H. TAMBS-LYCHE
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