PUBLIC LAW 103-66-AUG. 10, 1993 OMNIBUS BUDGET RECONCILIATION ACT OF 1993 107 STAT. 312 PUBLIC LAW 103-66-AUG. 10, 1993 Public Law 103-66 103d Congress An Act Aug. 10, 1993 To provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 7 of the concurrent resolutio [HOR.2264] on the budget for fiscal year 1994. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives Omnibus Budget the United States of America in Congress assembled, Reconciliation Act of 1993. SECTION L SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Omnibus Budget Reconciliatio Act of 1993". SEC. TABLE OF CONTENTS. The table of contents is as follows: TITLE I-AGRICULTURE AND RELATED PROVISIONS TITLE II-ARMED SERVICES PROVISIONS TITLE HI-BANKING AND HOUSING PROVISIONS TITLE IV--STUDENT LOANS AND ERISA PROVISIONS TITLE V-TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS PROVISIONS TITLE VI-COMMUNICATIONS LICENSING AND SPECTRUM ALLOCATIO1N PROVISIONS TITLE VII-NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION PROVISIONS TITLE VIII-PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE PROVISIONS TITLE IX-MERCHANT MARINE PROVISIONS TITLE X-NATURAL RESOURCES PROVISIONS TITLE XI-CIVIL SERVICE AND POST OFFICE PROVISIONS TITLE XI-VETERANS AFFAIRS PROVISIONS TITLE XIII-REVENUE, HEALTH CARE, HUMAN RESOURCES, INCOME SE CURITY, CUSTOMS AND TRADE PROVISIONS, FOOD STAMP PROGRAM AND TIMBER SALE PROVISIONS TITLE XIV-BUDGET PROCESS PROVISIONS Agricultural Reconciliation TITLE I-AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMS Act of 1993. SEC. 1001. SHORT TITLE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 USC 1421 note. (a) SHORT TITLE.-This title may be cited as the "Agricultural Reconciliation Act of 1993". 69-189 o - 93 (66) PUBLIC LAW 103-66-AUG. 10, 1993 107 STAT. 313 (b) TABLE OF CONTrIm.-The table of contents of this title is as follows: Sec. 1001. Sbort title and table of ontnta. Subtitle A-Commodity Program Sec 1101. Upland cotton program Sec 1102. Wheat program. Sec 1103.1m0ga. Feed grain Sec. 1104. Rie program. Se 1106. Dairyprogm. Sec 1106. Tob p ec 1107. 8 r Sec 1108. Oil proam. Sec 1109. Peanutprogrul Sec. 1110. Honey program. Sec. 1111. Wool and mohir program. Subtitle B-Rural Ebtrication Sec. 120L Refinancing and prepayment of FFB boan. Subtitle C-A cultural Trde Sec. 1301. Acreage redction requirements. Sec. 1302. Market promotion program. Subtitle D-Mi-celaneoua Sec. 1401. Adm on, entrance, and recreation fee. Sec. 1402. Environmental conservation reage reserve program amedmenta. Sec. 140. Federal crop inrance. Subtitle A-Commodity Programs SEC. 110L UPLAND COTrON PROGRAM. (a) IN GENRA--Section 103B of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1444-2) is amended- (1) in the section heading, by strilding '1i" and inserting "9se7"; (2) in subsections (aX1), (bX1), (cX1XA), (cX1XBXii), and (o), b striking "19956" each place it appears and inserting (3) in subparagraphs (BXi), (DXi), (EXi), and (FXi) of sub- section (aX5), by striking "1996" each place it appears and inserting "1998"; (4) in subsection (cX1XD)-- (A) in the subparagraph heading, by striking 50(1/92 PROGRAM" and inserting "50/85 PRoaGRA"; (B) by inserting after '8 percent" both places it appears the following "for each of the 1991 through 1993 crops, and 16 percent for each of the 1994 through 1997 crops (except as provided in clause (vXII)),"; and (C) in clause (v)- (i) by striking "(v) PREVNTED PLANTING.-If" and inserting the following: (v) PREVENTED PLANTING AND REDUCED YELD-- '(I) 1991 THROUGH 1993 CROPs.-In the case of each of the 1991 through 1993 crops of upland cotton, if"; and (ii) by adding at the end the following new subclause: "(II 1994 THROUGH 1997 CROPs.-In the case of each of the 1994 through 1997 crops of upland le9-19 0 - 98 1 (e6) 107 STAT. 314 PUBLIC LAW 103-66-AUG. 10, 1993 cotton, producers on a farm shall be eligible to receive deficiency payments as provided in clause (iii) if an acreage limitation program under sub- section (e) is in effect for the crop and- "(aa) the producers have been determined by the Secretary (in accordance with section 603(c)) to be prevented from planting the crop or have incurred a reduced yield for the crop (due to a natural disaster) and the producers elect to devote a portion of the maximum pay- ment acres for upland cotton (as calculated under subparagraph (CXii)) equal to more than 8 percent of the upland cotton acreage, to conservation uses; or (bb) the producers elect to devote a por- tion of the maximum payment acres for upland cotton (as calculated under subparagraph (CXii)) equal to more than 8 percent of the upland cotton acreage, to alternative crops as provided in subparagraph (E).'; and (5) in subsection (eX1XD), by inserting after "30 percent" the following "'for each of the 1991 through 1994 crops, 29½V percent for each of the 1995 and 1996 crops, and 29 percent for the 1997 crop". (b) PRovmIONs NECESSARY TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRO- GRAM.- (1) DEFICIENCY AND LAND DIVERSION PAYMENlS.-Section 114 of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1445j) is amended by striking 1995" each place it appears in subsections (aX1) and (c) and inserting "1997. (2) AcREAGE BAsE AND IELD sYSTEM.-Title V of such Act (7 U.S.C. 1461 et seq.) is amended- (A) in section 503 (7 U.S.C. 1463)- (i) in subsection (cX3)- (I) by strikin 0/92 or 50/92"; and (II) by striking "1995" and inserting "1997";, and (ii) in subsection (hX2XA)& by striking "1995" each place it appears and inserting 1997; (B) in paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 505(b) (7 U.S.C. 1465(b)), by striking "1995" each place it appears and inserting "1997"; and (C) in section 509 (7 U.S.C. 1469), by striking '1995" and inserting "1997". (3) PAYMENT LTrrATIONS.-The Food Security Act of 1985 (Public Law 99-198; 99 Stat. 1354) is amended- (A) in paragraphs (1XA), (1XB), and (2XA) of section 1001 (7 U.S.C. 1308), by striking '1995" each place it appears and inserting 1997"; and (B) in section 1001C(a) (7 U.S.C. 1308-3(a)), by striking "1995" both places it appears and inserting "1997" SEC. 1102. WHEAT PROGRAM. Section 107B(cXX)(E) of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1445b-3a(cX1XE)) is amended- (1) in the subparagraph heading, by striking 01/92 PRO- GRA" and inserting 185 POGRAMs"; PUBLIC LAW 103-66-AUG. 10, 1993 107 STAT. 316 (2) in clause (i), by inserting after "8 percent" both places it appears the following "for each of the 1991 through 1993 crops, and 15 percent for each of the 1994 through 1997 crops (except as provided in clause (vii)),"; and (3) by adding at the end of the subparagraph the following new clause: "(vii) EXCPTONS TO o/s8.-In the case of each of the 1994 through 1997 crops of wheat, producers on a farm shall be eligible to receive deficiency pay- ments as provided in clause (ii) if an acreage limitation program under subsection (e) is in effect for the crop any "(IXaa) the producers have been determined by the Secretary (in accordance with section 603(c)) to be prevented from planting the crop or have incurred a reduced yield for the crop (due to a natural disaster); and E(bb) the producers elect to devote a portion of the maximum payment acres for wheat (as cal- culated under subparagraph (CXii)) equal to more than 8 percent of the wheat acreage, to conserva- tion uses; or "(II) the producers elect to devote a portion of the maximum payment acres for wheat (as cal- culated under subparagraph (CXii)) equal to more than 8 percent of the wheat acreage, to alternative crops as provided in subparagraph (F).". EC. 110oa FED GRAIN P BROGRA Section 105B(cX)(1)(E) of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 444c)(1)(E)) is amended- (1) in the subparagraph heading, by striking "0/92 PRO- GRoA" and inserting "0/85 PROGRAM"; (2) in clause (i), by inserting after "8 percent" both places it appears the following "for each of the 1991 through 1993 crops, and 15 percent for each of the 1994 through 1997 crops (except as provided in clause (vii)),"; and (3) by adding at the end of the subparagraph the following new clause: "(vii) EXCEPTIONS TO /s&.-In the case of each of the 1994 through 1997 crops of feed grains, produc- ers on a farm shall be eligible to receive deficiency payments as provided in clause (ii) if an acreage limita- tion program under subsection (e) is in effect for the crop and- "(IXaa) the producers have been determined by the Secretary (in accordance with section 503(c)) to be prevented from planting the crop or have incurred a reduced yield for the crop (due to a natural disaster); and "Cbb) the producers elect to devote a portion of the maximum payment acres for feed grains (as calculated under subparagraph (CXii)) equal to more than 8 percent of the feed grain acreage, to conservation uses; or "CII) the producers elect to devote a portion of the maximum payment acres for feed grains 107 STAT. 316 PUBLIC LAW 103-66-AUG. 10, 1993 (as calculated under subparagraph (CXii)) equal to more than 8 percent of the feed grain acreage, to alternative crops as provided in subparagraph M.". 8EC. 1104 RICE PRBOGAM Section 101B(cX1XD) of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1441-2(cX1XD)) is amended- (1) in the subparagraph heading, by striking "50/92 PRo GRAM" and inserting 8 PROGRAM; (2) in clause (i, by inserting after "8 percent ' both places it appears the following: "for each of the 1991 through 1993 crops, and 15 percent for each of the 1994 through 1997 crops (except as provided in clause (v)(H)),"; and (3) in clause (v)- (A) by striking (v) PREVENTED PLANTING.-If" and inserting the following: "(v) PREVENTED PLANTING AND REDUCED YIELDS.- (I) 1991 THROUGH 1993 CROPS.-In the case of each of the 1991 through 1993 crops of rice, if"; and (B) by adding at the end the following new subclause: "(I) 1994 THROUGH
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