$1.00 Wednesday, February 28, 2018 / 18 Pages, 2 sections • fbnewsleader.com Rayonier hopes to get back on track with BOCC CINDY JACKSON and PEG DAVIS to consider and implement, including News-Leader mitigating – lessening the impact – of huge developments. “Any relationship has its ups and According to Nassau County’s gov- downs,” said Rayonier’s Alejandro ernment website, what became known Barbero on Monday. Barbero was one as the East Nassau Community Planning of two representatives of Rayonier Area began over 10 years ago as a part- who spoke with the News-Leader in an nership with landowner Rayonier to attempt to clarify the issues that have plan the development of 24,000 acres of surfaced in the past couple of weeks timberland. “The ENCPA, (is) a state- between the long-time county business approved sector plan adopted in July fixture and the Nassau County Board of 2011. A sector plan allows for large-scale County Commissioners (BOCC). planning that recognizes the . rela- Barbero is the director of strategic tionships between transportation, land development and communications for use and urban design . allowing for a Rayonier. Charles Adams is the vice mix of uses that will balance economic president of community development development, housing choices, and the for Rayonier’s land development and protection of natural resources. [This] management arm, Raydient Places + partnership will ensure that future Properties. development is fiscally and environ- But first, a bit of history. mentally sustainable, creating a better Back in 1972, the Florida legislature quality of life for all County residents.” visited the subject of growth manage- Part of the ENCPA’s development ment and comprehensive planning with is now known as Wildlight, which cur- the adoption of two land use programs, rently contains the new headquarters Areas of Critical State Concern, followed of Rayonier, an elementary school, by Developments of Regional Impact. and one soon-to-be completed model SOURCE: NASSAU COUNTY GOVERNMENT Both detailed the requirements that Nassau County Commissioners in Tallahassee during the week of Feb. 19. They were there to fight amend- local governments and developers had RAYONIER Continued on 4A ments to Florida Senate and House bills related to impact fees. Feds offer city $1.5 million for new docks PEG DAVIS viding a shower, sink and toilet) would News-Leader be provided centrally to the marina and serve the new transient docks and exist- The U.S. Department of the Interior ing side-tie dockage.” announced on Friday that Florida will “Federal Funds requested: receive a Boating Infrastructure Grant $1,500,000; Non-Federal Match: of $2,091,648, and most of that federal $1,585,695; Total: $3,085,695.” money – $1.5 million – could come to Despite the good news, City Manager Fernandina Beach. The rest could go to Dale Martin expressed caution Monday, the city of Marco Island for new floating mentioning two major hurdles that have docks at Rose Marina. to be overcome before the grant money According to a list of projects at wsfr- can be spent: The U.S. Army Corps of programs.fws.gov: Engineers must move the federal chan- “The Florida Fish and Wildlife nel in the Amelia River 100 feet west of Conservation Commission proposes to its current location, and the Fernandina work with the City of Fernandina Beach Beach City Commission must fund the to expand their capacity for transient city’s half of the project. docking facilities at their municipal “Unfortunately in order to move marina. The City of Fernandina Beach forward, it requires the Corps to move proposes to add 368 feet of heavy duty the channel,” Martin said, adding that floating attenuator that will itself pro- as part of the city’s vision of moving the vide 736 feet of dockage for megayachts Fernandina Harbor Marina north, it will and other large vessels. Additionally, have to find $1,585,695 to match the 757 feet of floating dock will be added grant. behind the attenuator that will provide “If the city wants to make a commit- an additional 1,136 feet of side-tie dock- ment to that amount, that’s a discussion age for transient boaters for a total of we’ll be having. … In all likelihood, it 1,872 feet of additional transient dockage would require a bond to be issued,” between the attenuator and the floating Martin said. docks. Also provided will be state-of-the- “The city approved the (BIG) applica- art utilities and accessibility based on the tion in July. That time is now here.” United States Access Board’s accessibili- Martin wrote in an email, “The bulk PEG DAVIS/NEWS-LEADER ty guidelines. New floating bathroom and The Fernandina Harbor Marina at sunset over the Amelia River. shower facilities (nine suites each pro- DOCKS Continued on 5A Schools superintendent addresses security JULIA ROBERTS measures, which call for additional funding for security. News-Leader include training, “The School District supports the physical deter- Governor’s call for greater funding While the recent school shootings rents, surveillance for school hardening measures and at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High equipment and the for law enforcement officers in every School in Parkland have parents and provision of mental school, and it looks forward to receiv- students concerned about security in health services. ing additional funding from the Florida schools, Nassau County School District Burns said train- Legislature in order to improve upon Superintendent Kathy Burns said ing will be not only the security measures that it already has “school safety must be our greatest Burns for school staff. in place,” Burns said in her statement. priority.” “The District She said all schools in the county At the Feb. 22 meeting of the Nassau has made plans to undergo lockdown drills, the most County School Board, which Burns was engage in county-wide training for stu- recent of which took place two weeks unable to attend, Chairman Donna dents and employees on threat assess- prior to the shooting in Parkland. Martin said Burns has been discussing ment and reporting,” the statement Burns said she has meetings sched- school safety “as early as August 2017.” says. uled with the Nassau County sheriff and “I can’t go through all the great Burns said the district is in the pro- the Fernandina Beach police chief. things that have been done to increase cess of forming a Threat Assessment “We will continue to work with our security, but I just want to assure you Team to evaluate current safety mea- local sheriff’s office, police department, that well before this (the shooting sures. district staff, and school personnel to at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Burns’ statement says that all sec- protect all students and employees with- JULIA ROBERTS/NEWS-LEADER School) our district has been working ondary schools in the district are staffed in our schools every day,” her statement The entrance to Emma Love Hardee Elementary School used to be hard,” Martin said at the meeting. with law enforcement officers and are says. an open space, but as of Jan. 8. these doors, which can only be opened In a statement Burns sent to the equipped with panic buttons. Burns also An item on the agenda for the meet- by school personnel, are the only entrance to the school. Nassau News-Leader, she said the district is said the district is working to upgrade Superintendent Kathy Burns said a secure entrance to Callahan working to improve current safety security while supporting Gov. Scott’s SECURITY Continued on 5A Elementary will be constructed in coming weeks. INDEX legal notiCes , 7B Looking Back 25 Years Business, 4a oBituaries, 2a The Ocean Highway and Port Classified ads, 8B people/plaCes, 5B Authority unanimously agreed to sell Court report,9a poliCe report, 9a its seven cranes to Nassau Terminals editorial, 7a puzzles, 5B Inc. for $4.2 million to help pay off fishing/tides, 3B sports, 1B debt it owed to the company. March 3, 1993 News-Leader, 164th year. No. 17, Copyright, 2018 NL 6 col. Wed 02.28.indd 1 2/27/18 4:37 PM 2A WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2018 NEWS News-Leader WEEKLY UPDATE OBITUARIES Mrs. Betty Jo Langford He was born December 16, Garage sale for scholarships March 6. Reservations are $15. All registered 1938 in Philadelphia, Pa. to the Republican women and men are invited to Mrs. Betty Jo Langford, 79, of Fernandina late James A. and Ruth (Hudson) The 13th annual Alpha Delta Kappa garage attend meetings and join as members or asso- Beach, Fla., passed away Sunday morning, Spence. Educated in the Catholic sale is set for Saturday, March 3, from 8 ciate members in the later case. February 25, 2018 at Community Hospice & schools of Philadelphia, he a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Emma Love Hardee Palliative Care’s Warner Center for Caring in would, after some time in college, Elementary School cafeteria, at 2200 Susan Free HIV testing and education Fernandina Beach, Fla. begin a career in the U.S. Coast Drive in Fernandina Beach. There will be a The Nassau County Department of Health She was born December 15, Guard. variety of items, priced to sell. Funds raised and Duval County Department of Health HIV 1938 in Tampa, Florida to the late John spent his career at locations up and down support scholarships presented to local high testing staff will offer HIV prevention educa- Cecil C. and Blanche L. Mattheus. the East Coast including New Jersey, New York, school students. ADK is an international hon- tion and free, confidential, and rapid HIV test- Mrs. Langford was a devoted Florida and Virginia.
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