A-4 THE EVENING STAR Washington, D. C., Friday, May .5, 1961 11Fi Eichmann Unit Linked Take To Death Commandos Half JERUSALEM. May 5 CAP) .The terror of the "Einsatz- , NEW OR. gruppen," the Nazi death commandos who rounded up the United S Jews during World War II for bloody massacres, was 12 half-sti. resurrected today by prosecution witnesses in the trial of!lieved to be Adolf Eichmann. fated Cubi- Attorney General Gideon Hausner told the court he had security wr evidence that "Eichmanns de- , partment was in the very cen- :aged to reach the end of the Delirious 1 12 yesterde ter of this plan." road." I trip across An official report on the , Mr. Aviel said he joined his i Einsatzgruppen activities in the brother on the grave-digging ! . n a 25 -f oc Baltic, made b y Eichmanns detail and succeeded in return- They wen "old friend" Franz Walter i ay nigh t ASED BY .i.. ing to the ghetto. A few days DECLASS IF I ED AND RELE Stahlbeeker, was introduced by . later the two fled to the woods ! tanker SS NTELL I BENCE AB ERCY Mr. Hausner as evidence on the i where they met their father. about 170 i CENTRAL I death commandos. I MthiessiriscosiPmPpi a. THODS EXEMPT I ON3B2E He said the report spoke of ;. His father and brother were SOURCES ME later killed as partisans, Mid killing more than 100.000 Jews I Officially N AZ I WAR C R IMES DI SCLO SURE AM ' Avid said. as if iteaking were "sp of the gees from Zeazar Kashat testified on ZOO 3 2006 canning of sardines or of were DATE atrocities in Latvia, where vivors herring." States Pub Stahlecker was in charge. He Testimony on an Einsatz- hospital w) said 5.000 Jews were shot the , gruppen operation in Poland New Orlear came from Abraham Aviel, who day after the Germans occu- Mississippi said he was a boy of 14 when pied Riga, the Latvian capital. the Germans occupied his vil- Mr. Kashat said a woman who Guard boa lage near Radom, Poland. had survived an Ensatzgruppen Police p massacre told him "those who a group of Death March Starts were lucky got a bullet and eluding a f "In April, 1942, the Germans those who were not lucky fell away from closed off the ghetto," Mr. Aviel into the pit and most of them tor said if said. "About 100 Jews were suffocated. " caution given spades and were marched Mr. Kashat said that "We ha off to the west. My father was vans collaborated with the I municablt in that group. After about half Yermans in the massacres. may h an hour we heard automatic One of them, _herbert' smallpo) Iha weapons fired. zilnktis, is living in Arger=Cal that ma "We knew what was in store today," he declared. "I saw for us, but there was nothing him kill women and children A.Coast Gree we could do. Then a second myseLf. 01 course, today he some Pc group was marched off. This,claims, as many do, that he 19, two included my brother. I tried He the Jews" successf to join him. The Germans would ganizeHe said an the underground Jews tried butto or- a at Bah, not let me. Hours went by. I south ct - German search of the Riga tried to hide my family in the ghetto in 1943 One produced Nveap- attic. before ons and a list of partisan fight- spotted "Suddenly, there was again ers. who were than executed. some terrible noise. German . Mr. Kashat told the court man. shortly a troops arrived on motorcycles, that out of 100.000 Jews in all aboard th One German blocked the en- of Latvia, only 800 survived. trance of our house. Another There was a gasp when he A docto searched the rooms." People spoke the figure. was runn, that the driven out were beaten with Additional evidence sub- ing to foc rubber truncheons." mitted by Mr. Hausner told of Eventually, Mr. Aviel said, the a meeting in may of 1941 when One of Coast Or Germans discovered his family Nazi security police chief Rein- and they all were marched out hard Heydrich instructed the and ate to join about 1,000 other Jews Einsatzgruppen commanders. the 15-da who were led away to a grave- Mr. Hausner also introduced yard. testimony given at the Nuern- "When we got there, we were berg trial by Walter Noske, an told to kneel, heads down, official in Heydrichs office, Subv "I was small so I could raise whose job was to co-ordinate my head without being discov- the Einsatzgruppen reports. Trap ered. In front of me there was Noske was quoted as testi- a large trench, about 30 yards fying that "Eichmanns group NEW 5 long. People were made to un- was in the very core of this A manh( dress on the edge of the trench. plan." trical fin Then there was a machinegun Eichmann made frequent stranded burst. One girl refused to un- notes as Mr. Hausner quoted dress. They hit her and then from Noskes testimony. The rush-hou she was shot, too." defense counsel, Dr. Robert BMT sub Flees From Graves Servatius, rose and said he The tr would "like very much to hear 4:45 p.m "I saw a group of Jews dig- this witness." ging graves. My brother was era head among them. I saw him. At The prosecutor said accord- ing to information he had, tempo:a that moment I thought, One later, tr must survive so he can tell Noske was sentenced to life in what happened. prison for war crimes after the utes it "I jumped forward. I man- war but that his term was com- service muted and that he was freed In 1951. around I Both Dr. Servatius and Mr. Guard; Assault Listed Hausner then said they would sengers As Family Row try to 1 tunne FAe #144, Latviefis iekaro D -Amerikas aerosportu CIEMOS PIE PAVSTAM LATVIEtU LIDOTAJA HERBERTA CUKURA Izmantojot gaffijumu, kari cela tais auto ar lielu atrumu traue pa uz Ziemejarneriku kugis 24 stun- Rio Sanpaulo autoceju uz aero - das uzkavejas Riodeianeiro, ap- dromu. Pretim ,angariem U7 skrej- mekFeju miasu lidotaju Herbertu cela sarindotas Vairakas Cukuru, kas Brazilijas galvaspil- nas. Tie ir Herberta Cukura la6- seta uzturas jau septito gadu. Iz- vptie lidaparfiti. Dai lidaparat kapjot Brazilijas krasta, Cukurs novietoti angaros, kur "atrodas an savu dzivi iesa.ka varda tiega mechaniskas darbnizas un lidma- zime no kailas ielas. ginu bilvetava. geit darbus vada 1,Tisi emigrant, kas ieceio Bra- Cukura vecakais dels. Citas zilija, -vispirms noklUst uz Rim darbnicas atrodas cita pilsetas ra- das 'Flares kas jonfi, kuras laikatrfiikuma del ne- viena no datidzajam aalinain izdevis apskatit. .Daii -jaunakie lantijas okeana, Riodeittneiro sporta model! jau paidoti. Pedeja vuma. Tur "nonak an Herbert laika CukUrs büvét ail spe- Cukurs ar gimeni — kundzi,,di;- cilia tips lidmaginis ,fazendu va- viem deliem, meitu un veca . ma- jadzibam- ar lielu fitrtunu un vieg- tL Uz emigrantu salas formalita, lam nosegEuifts spEjarn. tes velkas loti gausi, Brazilijas ie- Seiariiies kada jaunaka tipa redni strada leni un nesteidzas. aparata un izrintcojam vairakus Jo nezina celus un nay pietieka- lokus virs pilsetas. Ma gina ir 4 mas izmanas, uz salas janodivo vietiga un jiltamies apmeram kä me. neg iern ilgi 1(5 giistekniem. Bet auto sedekjos. Ta ir Cukura „gi- Cukuram tas par garlaicigu. menes makina" ar kuru tas para- kadu dienu pasaka ieredniem, ka sti izbrauc Vikendos dalus simtu vinu gaida steidzams darbs, un ,kilometru Brazilijas iek giene. „gi tülin-visu lielo timern ar laivu zeme ir par plau auto satiksmei izcel krastä. un tas skrej pärak lbni," saka Augstas palmas ar savu traci- Cukurs uri piemetina: „18. no- go lapu galotni met skepu Enu vembri braUksim nosvinat kop5 pie savam saknêm, jo saule staV ar Sanpaulo latvidiem." virs galvas un visus gurdina lidz navel. Cukura gimene no- H. CUKURA DZWES VIETA lemj nakti pavadit zem palmam. Pbc isas atpiltas aerokluba bu- Bet tad tos pekgni parsteidz tro- fete, dodamies uz Herberta Cuku- pu lietus. Tas ir tik strauja un ra dzivesvietu. Braucam kada sta- spécigs, ka liekas, vala parautas y kalna. Jaunais Buiks nemaz visas debess slaias. No adens nejat kalna stavumu un, parvarot gfizem seki, lidz adai izmerceti visasakos likumus un pagriezie- bëgJi paslepjas uz tuvakas nama nus, apstájas skaistas, divstavu terases. Driz iznak bardains saim- majas prielega, kuru ap'alc pal- niek.s un kaut ko saka galigi mas b. c. dailumkoki, kas paglaik saprotama svegd valocla. Bet vina visi spilgtos ziedos. No terases, seja nay' dusmu pazimes, un viva kur pie atspirdzinajuma glazes ar roku rada uz ieejas pusi, Pir- vadärn laiku, atklAjas skaists nakts . patstavigaja . dzivb ir skats uz leja izbilvAtban bagatnie- nodroSthata. ku savrupriajEtm uri,därziem. Pie Nakogaja ritä starp divaini stA- paga terases loga o stAvas krau- viem kalniem, kur okeana Odeni jas gäias lejA kalna strauts. Cu- izplüst lêzend ezerà, kads virs no - kurs ieminas, ka tas vinam atga- salasitiem déju gabaliem dinot lauku rAzirnavu...rialkopu. Vi- kiem taisa plOstu. pam ViSlabAk. tlk".itiZkavbties plosta jau parades delu biida. Tb terase, -kur gar sienion novietotas- ir Cukura gimenes jaunä mAjvie- daudzas relikyijas4to tillajiem pa- ta. „Dzivoklis" nu in nodrainfits, saules aplidojumiem Latvijas bet kur rast darbu un lidzeklus? brivvalsts Ideja driz roka. Riodeianeiro ga- Vakara . esarn vietejlis maza,s das dai izpalIdzigi tatitiegi,.kas latviegu kcilonijas viesi. Lifts pa- aizdod drusku naudas. Liels ne- cel mils kada cipbesskräpja 12. kas nay, bet lietpratigi rikojoties stàvä. Cukurarn Paradoties, sa- 1 ar to pieta:, .lai -pagatavotu ; pir- tonorttestris partrauc savu uzesu Imo laivu: un mums par lielu Parsteigumu atskan latyju .lautas dziesinu PIRMIEPANARUNI mars! 1zr1däs,kaesam ieradu- NO pitsgada Z;Ctzkitratu.' J41.1.1.11.
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