Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1996-97 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 9-26-1996 The thI acan, 1996-09-26 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1996-97 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1996-09-26" (1996). The Ithacan, 1996-97. 5. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1996-97/5 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1996-97 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. OPINION ACCENT SPORTS INDEX Accent .......................... 11 Making progress Water with a punch Bombs away Classifieds .................... 20 Comics ......................... 21 College has been helping A new caffeinated beverage Football team dominant in Opinion ......................... 8 students in several ways 8 hits study areas near you 11 season's first game 23 Sports ........................ 23 The ITHACAN The Newspaper for the Ithaca College Community VOLUME 64, NUMBER 5 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, ) 996 28 PAGl:S, FREI·. Exit interviews shift amid faculty concern consensus among Cabinet members By Christine Peterson . INSIDE that the temporary move was the Ithacan Staff right decision. The Ithaca College Academic • See related story about "By and large, faculty arc re­ Cabinet approved a proposal last faculty reaction on page 3. lieved," Ostrander said. Wednesday that will temporarily During the next two years, the move the responsibility of senior member. office will implement a new on-line exit interviews from academic ad­ Registrar staff members will degree audit program designed to visers to the Office of the Registrar. meet with seniors to discuss what help students and their advisers ac­ The proposal was submitted sev­ they have to do to complete their cess information on credits and eral "Yeeks ago by Registrar John degree requirements and to register graduation themselves, Stanton Stanton and Dean of Enrollment them for graduation. said. Larry Metzger and was approved Stanton said seniors should ex­ Stanton expects the new pro­ by the Cabinet, a committee headed pect their exit interviews to last I 0 gram to be available by the Fall by Provost Mary Lee Seibert, which minutes to half an hour, depending 1998 semester, when the responsi­ includes the deans of the five on if they have problems in their bility for exit interviews will be schools. record or with their requirements. given back to the faculty. The new policy, which takes ef­ Previously, the exit interviews In preparation for the on-line fect Sept. 30, requires seniors to set were handled by the registrar's of­ service, the office will begin a train­ up exit interviews with registrar fice until the responsibility was ing system next spring for all fac­ staff members rather than with their given to academic advisers in Au­ ulty members to familiarize them - academic advisers. The Office of gust. selves with the program. the Registrar will handle the senior Stanton and Metzger saw the "We're going to work closely exit interviews for the next two need for revision shortly after with each of the five schools:· academic years, after which the re­ classes began this semester. Fac­ Stanton said. "Each one has differ­ sponsibility will be handed back to ulty members voiced concerns that ent kinds of requirements that they the advisers. they were not familiar enough with need to be trained in." Senior exit interviews are con­ thcCollege'sdegrecclearance poli­ Seibert said she appreciates the ducted so seniors can go over what cies to he able to effectively con­ Office of the Registrar temporarily requirements they have completed duct exit interviews with their se­ taking back the rcsponsihihty. She The Ithacan / Greg Scaffidi Executive council members William Roberts '98, Rashaand so far, what degree requirements nior advisees. said she expects the on-line system Sass '97 and Mark Naparstek '99 address SGA Tuesday. they need to complete and to regis­ Stanton said the initial problems to be a big improvement. ter for graduation. with the shift of responsibility were "In the long run, it'll he much Stanton said he advises seniors partially due iO lack of planning in more efficient forthe training of the to contact the registrar's office the Office of the Registrar. advisers," Seibert said. within the next few weeks to make "There was never any question SGA Stanton hopes that by making .task force an appointment for an exit inter­ of their ability to do it," he said. training available for three semes­ view. "We didn't provide them with the ters prior to the program's intro­ He said that seniors who have kind of training [to] make it a good duction, faculty will be comfort­ seeks leverage already had interviews with their transition for them." able using it. advisers still need to come in for a Arthur Ostrander, dean of the brief session with an office staff School of Music, said there was a See REGISTRAR, next page By Mary Wilson and Mike Bornstein HOW TO JOIN Ithacan Staff Applications are available College names EOP director The Student Government As­ for any student interested in sociation is continuing to secure the Student Activities the task force that will assist the Center and are due on Union College employee to fill post vacated last semester Monday, Sept. 30, by 5:00 student representative on the p.m. By Renee Thibodeau Presidential Search Committee, "I think I speak for the committee when I say that '97 Ithacan Staff Craig Bloem said. we are very glad that Ethel David has accepted the SGA met Tuesday to discuss SGA President Rashaand Sas!. Ithaca College announced yes­ Colleges offer of appointment to this position, and the task force, the Presidential '97 said, "We will look for stu­ terday that a new director of the we are confident that she will do an outstanding Advisory Committee and student dents who have a genuine inter­ Higher Education Opportunity Pro­ concerns. est. gram/Educational Opportunity Pro­ job as the EOPs director." The Presidential Search Com­ "We want to have students gram has been appointed. -David Dresser, assistant dean of the munications Task Force wi II have who are somewhat committed to Ethel David, present director of School of Health Sciences and Human two goals, according to a state­ the process and are in a position the Academic Opportunity Program Performance and chair of the search committee ment released by SGA W ednes­ to work with other students and (AOP) at Union College in day. "First, to inform the student be dedicated to [the task force]. Schenectady, N. Y ., will assume the body about the presidential We are asking students to do a duties of EOP director at Ithaca College's offer of appointment to to help prospective and current stu­ position and the search process. lot," Sass added. College Dec. I. this position, and we are confident dents belonging to minority groups Second and most important, to He stressed the importance of She will replace Nicholas V. that she will do an outstanding job gain equal access to higher educa­ listen to students' views and keeping the student population Wharton, who left last year for a job as the EOP's director," said David tion. opinions about their vision of an informed of the activities in the at the State UniversityofNew York Dresser, assistant dean of the School EOP offers scholarships and sup­ ideal president for Ithaca College search process. at Binghamton. of Health Sciences and Human Per­ port facilities to students participat­ and to channel this information "I would hope that we could A 12-member committee, com­ fonnance and chair of the search ing in the program, and participat­ into the student representative on keep the lines of communication prised of students, faculty and staff, committee that selected David. ing students are bound by the same the Presidential Search Commit­ open with students, The Ithacan conducted the search for a new di­ HEOP, sponsored by New York academic standards as the rest of tee." and the committee. It's about ev­ rector. After two starts and six State, offers financial aid, tutoring, Ithaca College's students. Bloem will co-chair the task erybody being comfortable in an months, David was selected from counciling and career workshops to DavidhasworkedwiththeAOP, force with Student Trustee Bill environment that we have to live the 111 applicants gathered in that students who are residents of New an organization comparable to the Roberts '98. in," Sass said. search. York and whose academic poten­ EOP, at Union College since 1989. It will be comprised of seven Many students are enthusias- "I think I speak for the commit­ tial exceeds their academic records. She earned a bachelor's degree at students who will be selected tee when I say that we arc very glad EOP is a similar program spon­ through an interview process. See SGA, next page that Ethel David has accepted the sored by Ithaca College. Its goal is See EOP, next page --..--------------------------- -- --- 2 THE lntACAN Si;:PJEMQER 26.,_ 1996 .. , ~- : , ------ ---- ---- EOP REGISTRAR Continued trom previous page vclopment Education. Continued from previous page point average every semester and Stanton hopes students will be able Morgan State University and a David comes to Ithaca College "We won't shift [the] responsi­ list the courses that must be taken to to use the stations to print copies of master's degree at Hunter College. showered in praise. bility to the faculty until we have fulfill the requirements for their their transcript and their current Aside from her work at Union, Carlos Perkins '99, a peer coun­ the on-line degree audit system up major.
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