AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL This report covers the period January to December 2003 CHI"'''' PACIFIC OCEAN >If.."" ( ,-� \ ) 1,",01'" ... , / �" I PACIFIC OCEAN """"'" , " INDIAN OCEAN \, r ,0 ,> I 1.\� .,- First published in 2004 by Amnesty International Publications International Secretariat Peter Benenson House 1 Easton Street London WCl X ODW United Kingdom www.amnesty.org e Copyright Amnesty International Publlcalions 2004 ISBN: 0·86210·354·1 AI Index: POl 101004/2004 Original language: English Printed by: The Alden Press Osney Mead, Oxford United Ki ngdom Cover design by Synergy Maps by Andr�s Bereznay, wwwhistoryonmaps.com All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording and/or otherwise without the prior permission of the publishers. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL REPORT 2004 ERRATA Rwanda Page 71, column 2, paragraph S. hne7 should read: end of the year, the ICTRhad delivered 17judgments Brazil Page 103. column 2, paragraph 4, line S should read· ... Adenllson 8arbosa da Silva and Joseilton Jose dos Santos •.. Thailand Page 192. column 2, paragraph 2, line 3 should read bodies were found in a fiver on the Thai-Myanmar border Jordan Page 288. column 2, paragraph 2, line I should read e Journalist Muhannad Mubaidin served a six... CONTENTS CONTENTS Preface/ l A message from the Secretary Generall3 Building an international human rights agenda/5 PART 1 Africa regional overview/28·30 A-Z country entries/31 -92 Americas regionalovervi ew/9 4-96 A- Z countryentries/97-140 Asia/ Pacific regional overview/ 142-1 44 A- Z countryentries/ 145-196 Europe/Central Asia regionaloverview/ 198-200 A-Z countryentries/201 -268 Middle EasVNorth Africa regional overview/270-272 A-Z countryentries/ 273-308 PART2 What is AI? /311 AI's appeals/316 AI in action/319 International and regional organizations/327 Selected international human rights treaties/331 Selected regional human rights treaties/336 INDEX OF COUNTRY ENTRIES cameroon/36 Afg hanistan/1 4S canada/l04 Albania/201 Central African Republicl3B Algeria/273 Chad/39 Angola/31 Chile/ lOS Argentina/97 China/1S3 Armenia/202 Colombia/ l07 Australia/1 47 Comoros/ 41 Austria/203 Congo (Democratic Republicofthe)/41 Azerbaijan/204 Congo (Republic of the)/44 8ahamas/98 Cote d'lvoire/4S 8ahrain/27S Croatia/21 4 8angladesh/1 48 Cuba/110 8elarus/206 Czech Republicl216 Belgium/208 Dominican Republicl112 Belize/99 East Timar (see Timor- leste) Bhutan/ISO Ecuador/114 Bolivia/lOO EgypV276 Bosnia-Herzegovina/210 El Salvador/ lIS Brazil/ lOl Equatorial Guinea/ 47 Brunei Darussalam/151 Eritrea/48 Bulgaria/213 Estonia1217 Burkina Fasa/33 Ethiopia/50 Burundi/34 Fiji/1S7 Cambodia/1Sl Finland/21 B CO NTE NTS Francel2l9 Palestinian Authorityl297 Gambia/52 Papua NewGuinea/182 Georgia122l Paraguay/129 Germanyl222 Peru/BO Ghana/53 Philippines/183 Greecel2 24 Poland/238 Guatemalal11 5 Portugal/239 Guinea/54 Puerto Rico/B2 Guinea-8issau/S4 Qatarl298 Guyana/1 l9 Romanial24l Haiti/120 Russian Federation/243 Honduras/123 Rwanda/70 Hungary1225 Saudi Arabial2 g9 India/158 Senegal/72 Indonesia/1 5l Serbia and Montenegrol247 Iran1278 Sierra leone/74 Iraql28l Singapore/185 Ireland/228 SIovakial249 Israel and the Occupied Territories/284 SIovenial25l Italyl229 Solomon Islands/187 Jamalca/124 Somalia/75 Japan/1 54 South Africa178 Jo rdanl287 Spainl252 Kazakstanl232 Sri lanka/188 Kenya/55 Sudan/80 Korea (Democratic People's Republic oD/1 55 Suriname/133 Korea (Republic oD/1 58 Swaziland /83 KuwaiV289 Swedenl254 Kyrgyzstanl232 Switzerland/255 laos/1 59 Syria/30l latvlal233 Taiwan/190 lebanon1290 Tajikistanl258 libena/58 Tanzania/84 libyal293 Thailand/19l lithuamal234 Timor·leste/193 Macedonial234 To go/85 Madagascar/5l To nga/194 Malawi/52 Trinidad and To bago/B4 MalaYSla/17l Tunisia/304 Maldives/174 Turkeyl259 Maltal235 Turkmenistanl2 5l Mauritania/63 Uganda/87 MeXlco/125 Ukrainel2 53 Moldova1237 United Arab Emlrates/305 Mongoha/175 United Kingdoml2 54 Morocco/Western Sahara1294 United States of America/135 Mozambique/55 Uruguay/B8 Myanmar/175 Uzbekistan l2 57 Namlbia/55 Venezuela/139 Nepail178 Viet Nam/194 Nicaragua/128 Yemen/305 Niger/57 Yugoslavia (see Serbia and Montenegro) Nigeria/58 Zambia/89 PaklStan/180 Zimbabwe/90 AmnestyIntern.tional Report 2004 PREFACE PREFACE Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of interpreted as AI's view on questions such as the status people who campaign for Internationally recognized of disputed territory. human rights. The final part of the report contains InformatIon AI's vision is of a world in which every person enjoys about Al and 1IS work during the year, including some all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal specific areason which it has taken action (see AI's Declaration of Human Rights and other mternational Appealsand AI inAction).The final chapter focuses on human rights standards. AI's work with intergovernmental organizations and In pursuit of this vision. AI's mission is to undertake includes information about which states are signatories research and action focused on preventing and ending or state parties to key international and regional grave abuses of the rights 10 physical and mental human rights treaties integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its AI reports work 10 promote all human rights. Reports published during the year are listed at the end of AI is mdependent of any government. political country entries. These are available on the AI webs1le. Ideology, economic interest or religion. AI does not The AI Index given in this report can be used to support or oppose the views of the victims whose rights locate a document as follows: it seeks to protect, It is concerned solely with the AI Index, ABC 56/01)1200) Impartial protection of human rights. http://web.amnesty.org/al.nsf/index/ABCs60132OO1 Al has a varied network of members and supporters around the world At the latest count. there were more Abbreviations for treaties than 1.8 million members, supporters and subscribers The following abbreviations have been used: in over 150 countries and territories in every region of UN Convention against To rture refers to the the world. Although they come from many different Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, backgrounds and have widely different political and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. religious beliefs, they are united by a determination to UN Women's Convention refers to the Convention on work for a world where everyone enJoys human rights. the Elimination of All Forms of Discnminatlon AI is a democratic, self-governing movement. Major against Women. policy decisions are taken by an International Council Optional Protocol to the UN Women's Convention made up of representatives from all national sections. refers to the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention AI's national sections and local volunteer groups are on the EliminatIon of All Forms of Discrimination primarily responsible for funding the movement. No against women. funds are sought or accepted from governments for AI's UN Children's Convention refers to the Convention work investigating and campaigning against human on the Rights of the Child. rights violations. UN Convention against Racism refers to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Amnesty International Report 2004 Forms of RaCial Discrimination ThiS report documents human rights issues of concern UN Refugee Convention refers to the Convention to AI during the year 200]. It also renects the activities relating to the Status of Refugees. AI has undertaken during the year to promote human European Convention on Human Rights refers to the rights and to campaign against specific human rights (European) Convention for the Protecl1on of Human abuses. Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The core of thiS report is made up of entries on European Committee for the Prevention ofTorture individual countries and terntories, grouped refers to the European Committee for the Prevention alphabetically by region. Each of these entnes gives a ofTorture and Inhuman or DegradingTreatment or summary of the human rights situation in the country or Punishment. territory and describes AI's specific human rights UN Human Rights Norms for BUSiness refers to the concerns there. The absence of an entry on a particular Norms on the Responsibilities ofTransnational country or territory does not imply that no human Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with rights abuses of concern to AI took place there during Regard to Human Rights. the year. Nor is the length of individual entries any basis for a comparison of the extent and depth of AI's concerns. Maps of the world and of each region are included in this report to indicate the location of countries and territories. Each individual country entry begins with some basic information about the country during 200]. Neither the maps nor the country information may be AmnestyIntern.tion.1 Report 2004 Agradece Amnesty International prepares for the la solidoridod de Amnistia Internacianal launch of its worldwide 10 campaign to Stop la lucha contra violecia ha cia las mujeres Violence against Women by joint campaigning with the mothers of women killed in Ciudad Ju�rez and Chihuahua, Mexico,AI biennial International Council Meeting. Mexico,August 2003.lrono Khan, Amnesty International's Secretary Genera', is seen in the centre, front row. AmnestyInternational Report 2004 MESSAGE The
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