DE-- DEDE-- SIGN-- SIGNSIGN---- ING // INGING //// EDU-- EDUEDU---- CA-- CACA-- TION TIONTION 7th International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia REGISTRATION Academics: $300 7th7th InternationalInternational ConferenceConference ofof thethe AssociationAssociation ofof ArchitectureArchitecture SchoolsSchools ofof AustralasiaAustralasia REGISTRATIONREGISTRATION 3-5 October 2013 | Monash University, RMIT University, the University of MelbourneAcademics:Academics: $300 $300 Sessionals/Professionals: $200 3-53-5 October October 2013 2013 | | Monash Monash University, University, RMIT RMIT University, University, the the University University of of Melbourne Melbourne Sessionals/Professionals:Sessionals/Professionals: $200 $200 Students: $40 “While the architectural field has changed more in the last 30 years than in the previous 3,000 thanksStudents:Students: to the $40 $40 rapid accelera- “While“While the the architectural architecturaltion field field of globalization hashas changedchanged moreandmore in inthe thethe convulsionslast last 3030 yearsyears than thanof the in in the themarket previousprevious economy 3,0003,000 thanksthanks architectural toto thethe rapidrapid education acceleraaccelera-- has mostly failed to keep pace.” Available at : http://aireys.its. tiontion ofof globalizationglobalization- andandAMO thethe convulsionsconvulsions ofof thethe marketmarket economyeconomy architecturalarchitectural educationeducation hashas mostlymostly failedfailed toto keepkeep pace.”pace.” AvailableAvailable at at : :http://aireys.its. http://aireys.its. monash.edu.au/adf/product. - AMO monash.edu.au/adf/product. - AMO monash.edu.au/adf/product. asp?pID=156&cID=4 asp?pID=156&cID=4 The design studio remains the central pillar of architectural education and the forum for synthesizingasp?pID=156&cID=4 diverse forms of knowl- TheThe design design studio studio remains remains the the central central pillar pillar of of architectural architectural education education and and the the forum forum for for synthesizing synthesizing diverse diverse forms forms of of knowl knowl-- edge. It serves as theedge. primary It vehicleserves foras thedeveloping primary both vehicle core skills for developing and critical thinking both core for shaping skills and the criticalbuilt environment. thinking for shaping the built environment. edge. It serves as the primary vehicle for developing both core skills and critical thinking for shaping the built environment. Keynote Speakers Keynote Speakers MaintainingMaintaining the the vestiges vestigesMaintaining of of the the professional professional the vestiges master master of apprenticetheapprentice professional model, model, the themaster design design apprentice studio studio continues continues model, to to be thebe a a designdevice device for forstudio disci disci- -continuesKeynote to be aSpeakers device for disci- pliningplining and and for for acculturating. acculturating.plining andHowever, However, for acculturating. despite despite radical radical transformations However,transformations despite over over radical the the past past transformations few few centuries, centuries, the the overcultures cultures the of of past the the Beaux- Beaux-few centuries,FREEFREE the - cultures- Reservation Reservation of the Essential EssentialBeaux- FREE - Reservation Essential ArtsArts and and Bauhaus Bauhaus still stillArts pervade pervade and implementationBauhaus implementation still pervade of of design design implementation studios. studios. There There are are some ofsome design emerging emerging studios. variations variations There – – arelive live studios,some studios, emerging research research variationsAvailableAvailable – live at at :studios, :http://www.eventzilla. http://www.eventzilla. research Available at : http://www.eventzilla. studios, travel studios, interdisciplinary studios, etc. – and broadening approaches, but there is generally limited diversity in studios, travel studios,studios, interdisciplinary travel studios, studios, interdisciplinary etc. – and broadening studios, approaches, etc. – and but broadeningthere is generally approaches, limited diversity but there in is generallynet/web/event?eventid=2139011339net/web/event?eventid=2139011339 limited diversity in studiostudio delivery delivery across across institutions. institutions. This This conference conference will will bring bring together together academics academics and and practitioners practitioners to to speculate speculate on on the the future future net/web/event?eventid=2139011339 of the design studio asstudio a pivotal delivery platform across for architectural institutions. education This conference and production, will bring and to together consider academicsmodifications and required practitioners to speculate on the future of the design studio ofas thea pivotal design platform studio for as architectural a pivotal platform education for and architectural production, and education to consider and modifications production, required and to consider modifications required inin response response to to the the changing changing demands demands of of society, society, pedagogy, pedagogy, research research and and practice. practice. VENUESVENUES in response to the changing demands of society, pedagogy, research and practice. VENUES TheThe conference conference will will be be structured structured around around three three broad broad themes: themes: RMITRMIT Design Design Hub Hub The conference will be structured around three broad themes: BuildingBuilding 100 100 Corner Corner Victoria Victoria and and RMIT Design Hub 1.1. Provocative Provocative Studio Studio Pedagogies Pedagogies SwanstonSwanston Streets, Streets, Carlton Carlton Building 100 Corner Victoria and How will we teach the design studios of tomorrow? What provocative lessons can be extracted from past and current studio How will we teach the1. designProvocative studios Studioof tomorrow? Pedagogies What provocative lessons can be extracted from past and current studio Swanston Streets, Carlton pedagogies to prepare us for the future? Monash University Caulfield pedagogies to prepareHow us willfor the we future? teach the design studios of tomorrow? What provocative lessons can be extracted fromMonash past University and current Caulfield studio Proceedings of the 7thBuiling International G Room104 Conference of pedagogies to prepare us for the future? Builing G Room104 2.2. Studio Studio nexus, nexus, design design < < > > research research The Association of Architecture Schools of MonashAustralasia University Caulfield WhatWhat are are useful useful methods methods of of research research studios studios and and what what is is their their value? value? Beyond Beyond the the genre genre of of research research studios, studios, how how can can design design UniversityUniversity of of Melbourne Melbourne Builing G Room104 studiosstudios provide provide a a productive productive2. Studio nexus nexus nexus, of of teaching teaching design and and< > research? research? research CheckCheck website website for for time time and and room room “While the architectural field has changed more in the What are useful methods of research studios and what is their value? Beyond3 —5 OCTOBERthe genre of 2013 researchdetailsdetailslast studios, 30 years thanhow in can the designprevious 3,000 thanksUniversity to the rapid of Melbourne 3.3. The The Future Future of of Practice Practicestudios provide a productive nexus of teaching and research? MONASH UNIVERSITY acceleration of globalization and the convulsions of the Practices of architecture and urbanism are forced to continually evolve in response to a range of changes and pressures. market economy architectural education hasCheck mostly website for time and room Practices of architecture and urbanism are forced to continually evolve in response to a range ofRMIT changes UNIVERSITY and pressures. AND ForfailedFor further further to keep information information pace.” - Amo please please visit visit How can the design studio provide a platform for preparing future practitioners? http://www.artdes.monash.edu.au/ details How can the design3. studio The provideFuture aof platform Practice for preparing future practitioners? UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE http://www.artdes.monash.edu.au/ aasa2013/#Thisaasa2013/# conference will bring together academics To address these importantPractices issues of architecturethe conference and seeks urbanism participation are fromforced a broad to continually range of built evolve environment in response academics to a range andof changespractitioners and to speculate pressures. on the future For further information please visit To address these important issues the conference seeks participation from a broad range ofFor built further environment information academics please visit of the design studio as a pivotal platform for and professionals. TheHow conference can the desires design academic studio provide papers, practice-based a platform for submissions, preparing designfuture research practitioners? projects and also architectural education and production, and to and professionals. The conference desires academic papers, practice-based submissions,http://www.artdes.monash.edu.au/aasa2013/# design research projects and also consider modifications required in response to http://www.artdes.monash.edu.au/ paperspapers focused focused on on design design studio studio education. education. the changing demands of society, pedagogy, aasa2013/# To address
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