Olga Etinhof ONCE MORE ON THE BLACHERNAE TRADITION IN OLD RUSSIA Η ιδέα της προστασίας της Θεοτόκου και του μαφο­ The idea of the protection by the Virgin and her Robe ρίου της είχε μεγάλη σημασία στη μεσαιωνική Ρωσία. was very important in Old Russia. According to the Σύμφωνα με το Πατερικόν της Μονής των Σπηλαίων, Paterikon of the Monastery of the Caves, the Virgin η Παναγία έστειλε αρχιτέκτονες στο Κίεβο για να sent architects to Kiev to construct the monastery’s κτίσουν την εκκλησία της μονής. Κατά την περίοδο church. Under Andrew Bogoliubsky the veneration of του Ανδρέα Bogoliubsky, η λατρεία της Μεσιτείας της the Intercession of the Virgin began to spread. The Θεοτόκου άρχισε να διαδίδεται. Η τοπογραφία των layout of the building complexes in Vladimir and κτηριακών συγκροτημάτων, τόσο στο Βλαδιμήρ όσο in the Moscow Kremlin, both of which comprised a και στο Κρεμλίνο της Μόσχας, τα οποία αποτελού­ Dormition Cathedral and a church of the Deposition νταν από τον Καθεδρικό της Κοίμησης και από τον of the Robe, reflected the sacred topography in Bla­ ναό της Κατάθεσης της Τιμίας Εσθήτος της Θεοτόκου, chernae. απηχούσε την ιερή τοπογραφία των Βλαχερνών. Λέξεις κλειδιά Keywords 11ος-12ος αιώνας, αρχιτεκτονική, προσκυνητάριο, ιερή 11th­12th century; architecture; shrine; sacred topography; τοπογραφία, αγία Σορός, Κωνσταντινούπολη, Παλαιά Ρω­ the Robe of the Virgin / Hagia Soros of the Virgin; Con­ σία, Βλαχέρνες. stantinople; Old Russia; Blachernae shrine. When referring to the Blachernae tradition in Old tine the Great . 3 but de Mother of God: Representations 4of the Virgin in Byzantine Art 1 5 Theotokos” . According to C. Mango, the original dedi- Russia, it is necessary to consider the known informa- cation of the city to the Virgin took place under Constan- 2 Revue de l’histoire des religions F. tion* Institute about of thethe Theory famous and shrine History in of ConstantinopleFine Arts Russian which Aca­ 3 . Not later than in the 6th century, the Vir- demy of Arts, Russian State University of Humanities, etinhof@ was the main center for the veneration of the Virgin gin came to be considered the protectress of the capital mail.ru Analecta Bollandiana Di­ The churches of the Blachernae complex have not been vi ne Heiress: The Virgin Mary and the Creation of Christian Con ­ 4 C. Mango, “Constantinople as Theotokoupolis”, preserved; the basilica was burned down in 1434 , - stan tinople London (exhibition cata- Journal of Theological Studies scriptions of the shrine have come down to us in medie- logue), ed. M. Vassilaki, Athens ‒ Milan 2000, 16-25. La géographie ecclésiastique de l’Empire byzantin. Acta XIII Congressus Internationalis Archaeologiae Christi­ val texts. Constantinople was perceived as “the city of the A. Frolow, “La dédicace de Constantinople dans la tradition byz- Le siège de Constantinople et le patriarcat oecu­ anae (Split – Poreč, 25.9-1.10.1994) a ntine”, 127 (1944), 61-127. mé nique Les églises et les monastères ‒ 1 Halkin, “Une nouvelle Vie de Constantin dans la legendier de Pat- mos”,5 77 (1959), 79, 83-84. V. Limberis, 2 ΔΧΑΕ A. Cameron, “The Theotokos in Sixth-Century Constantinople”, , ‒ New York 1994, 53-61,121-130. , N.S., 29 (1978), 87. C. Mango, “The Origins of the Blachernae Shrine at Constanti- R. Janin, nople”, Première partie: , II, eds N. Cambi ‒ E. Marin, DChAE_39_6_Etinhof.indd 139. 3: , Paris 1969, 168. Vatican City ‒ Split 1998, 61-76. 30/4/2018 4:39:33 μμ ΛΘ΄ (2018), 139-152 139 OLGA ETINHOF According to an octagon . The Blachernae The main relic of Constantinople, the Robe of the Nikephoros Callistus, the chapel of the 11 Virgin, venerated as the palladium, was preserved in the Hagia Soros was a centrally planned church with a chapel of the Hagia Soros in Blachernae. The Blacher- dome. C. Mango believes that it could have been either 6 . 12 nae churches were founded near the Golden Horn, where round or octagonal; in his reconstruction he proposes Thethe city was open to attacks of enemy fleets. After the (Fig. 1). N. P. Kondakov had noted the af- siege by the Avars in 626,. Accordingthe church towas Theodore surrounded Lector by offinities the Blachernae between the shrine chapel of the Hagia Soros and me- a wall . In 626, the Robe was transferred to the Church morial buildings of the Holy Land 7 of the Theotokos in Chalkoprateia, but the patriarch shrine served as a reminder of an image of Holy Zion Sergius returned it to Blachernae. In commemoration of in the sacred topography and in processions of medieval this event, the feast of the Deposition of the Robe was Constantinople. According to a legend, the Dormition 8 13 established on July 2 . of the Virgin took place in Zion and the Robe was as. - sociated with the cult of the Dormition, after which the 9 foundation14 of the basilica in Blachernae shrine included three buildings: a large Blachernaerelic was rescued; to Justinian thus, the I duringDormition the reignbecame of theJustin feast I Constantinople byzantine: Développement urbain et church and two chapels . Justin II enlarged. However, the basilica at the endand of attached the 4th andrépertoire authors topographique of later chronicles, the basilica in Blachernae century, the basilica was built on Mount Zion, but not Byzantine Fortifications: An Introduction 10 15 was built under Pulcheria in 451 . In A. Wenger’s opin- as a centrally planned church . Nevertheless, two Mar- REB ion, the legend that the relics of the Virgin were brought ian churches with an octagonal plan are attested in the 6Studies on the history and topography of Byzantine Constantino­ pleto Constantinople under Leo the Great and placedThe in Greek the vicinity of JerusalemThe Iconography during of the the 5th-6th Virgin, century, one in. 16 churchAnthology built for them about 473, is more plausible Gethsemane Византийские and the церквиother inи theпамятники church Константинополяin Kathisma ByzantineProcopius churches ascribes and monuments the of Constantinople R. Janin, , Paris 1964, 285-286. C. Foss ‒ D. Win- 11 field, , Pretoria 1986, (518-527)12 Byzantion ( REB 47, 50. P. Magdalino, “Medieval Constantinople”, P. Magdalino, Théodose I, Théodose II, Léon I”, 10 (1952), 54-59. Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Mango, “The Origins”, op.cit. (n. 5), 61-76. Studies on the history Land , Ashgate Variorum, Aldershot 2007, Study I, 27 ff. Kondakov, op.cit. (n. 8), 56 L. H. Abel Jérusalem: recherches de topogra­ 7 with an English translation by W. R. Paton, London Ibidem,13 N. P. Иконография Богоматери The Iconography of phie, d’archéologie et d’histoire, Jérusalem nouvelle ‒ New York ³1927, vol. I, no 120 p. 52-53. https://archive.org/stre- ( ), Odessa the Virgin Petersburg Les sanctuaires de second ordre am/greekanthology01pato#page/52/mode/2up. 1886,14 17-31. La géographie Unter­ à l’extérieur de la ville , figs A. Cameron, “The Virgin’s Robe: an episode in the history of M. Van Esbroeck, “Le culte de la Vierge de Jérusalem à Constan- suchungen zu den Patria Konstantinupoleos . Corpus early seventh-century Constantinople”, 49 1979), 42- tinople15 aux 6e-7e siècles”, 46 (1988) 188. Jerusalem Pilgrims. Before Crusaders 56.8 P. Magdalino, “Constantine V and the middle age of Constan- A. Ovadiah, XXIII CorsiRav tinople”, Magdalino, , op.cit. (n. 6), Study , Bonn 1970, 89-90. Scripture and picture: the Bible in Jewish, IV,9 1-24. Vincent ‒ F.-M , . christian and islamic art. Sixth International Seminar on Jewish Kondakov, ( Tome second: , Art, Abstracts ), 2, 1915, 56. Fascicule IV, livre cinquième: De aedificiis Procopii Caesarien­ Janin, , op.cit. (n. 2), 161-171. A. Berger, , Paris 1912-1926 808-810, 825-831, sis opera The Iconography of (Poikila Byzantina 349-350 Ovadiah, , op.cit. (n. 14), 6-97, cat. no 88, pl. 42. Vizantijskiy vremennik the Virgin Les palais et les ég­ 8), Bonn 1988, 534. Ch. Delvoye, “L’architecture paléobyzantine J. Wilkinson, , Warminster L’Assomption de la T.S. Vierge dans la tradition lises des Blachernes à Constantinople aux IVe et Ve siècles”, , Raven- 1977, 163. R. Avner-Levy, “The Mosaics of the ‘Kathisma’ and byzantine du VIe au Xe siècle. Études et documents Mem­ na 1976, 165-166. A. M. Vysotskiy, “Церковь Богоматери Вла- the16 Dome of the Rock”, orie Miscellanea Giovanni Battista de Rossi хернской в Константинополе Ее отражения на Руси и византий- ско-русские архитектурные связи в домонгольскую эпоху” (“The , Jerusalem 1999. 10 Church of the Virgin of Blachernae in Constantinople. Its reflec- Procopius, , I, 3, J. HauryΔΧΑΕ (ed.), tions in Old Russia and Byzantine-russian relations in the premon- , III/2, Leipzig 1913, 20. Kondakov, golian period”), 64 (89) (2005), 211-224. , op.cit. (n. 8), 59. I. B. Papadopoulos, A. Wenger, , Thessalonique 1928, 91-95. G. Mercati, “Due , Paris 1955. nuove memorie della basilica di S. Maria delle Blacherne”, DChAE_39_6_Etinhof.inddIdem, “Notes140 inédites sur les empereurs Théodose I, Arcadius, , vol. 1, parte 1: , parte30/4/2018 4:39:35 μμ ΛΘ΄ (2018), 139-152 140 ONCE MORE ON THE BLACHERNAE TRADITION IN OLD RUSSIA Fig. 1. Constantinople. The Blachernae shrine, plan (after C. Mango). I. Pa Qalʿ ʿ . C. Mango reconstructed it as . The colonnades . In the churches of the 21 17 19 . 18 20 to it two apses (exedras) to the north and south - at Sim ān shrine padopoulos believes that it was a three-aisled basilica a basilica withLes palaisa rectangular des empereurs transept byzantins adjacent to the The Art of Byzantine Empire . without a dome would have curved in apse, following N. P. Kondakov 312-1453. Sources and Documents The Iconography of the Virgin . Kon the center of theChronographia church, freeing the space for the Ambo 6th century,Byzantine exedras churches with and colonnades monuments and of Constantinoplegalleries over and creating a cruciform space for the central nave.
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