RINGMORE PARISH NEWSLETTER MARCH 2OI I lssue 305 Deadline: 24th March 201I Parish Room Quiz, February 20ll Photo by Mike Wynne-Powell An cnjoyable evcning that raised f333.00 towards the Parish Room's new rooltund. Thank you to all who supported the event. DIARY DATES: Mav Monday Short Mat Bowls 7.30pm 2nd WlMay Fair Tuesday Table Tennis 8.00pm 4th RBL Meeting, Dolphin 7.30pm Thursday Quiz, Journey's End 9.00pm 12th Wl Meeting ,Smellthe Benefits ... 8.00pm 24lh Parish Council Meeting 7.00pm March 31st Closing date, Calendar photos 2nd RBL Meeting, Dolphin 7.30pm June 7lh Tearfund Lunch, Wl Hall 12.00-2.00pm 1st RBL Meeting, JE 7.30pm 8th Pancake Day, Parish Room 10.30pm gth WlSummer Meal gth Parish Floom AGM 7.30pm 2'lst Parish Council Meeting 7.00pm gth Lent Course commences, Barnford Julv 1Oth Wl Meeting, Belgian beer tasting 8.00pm 14th WlMeeting, Painting on China 8.00pm 11th SWDCA AGM & Dinner, Bigbury Golf Club 7.00pm 1gth Parish Council Meeting 7.00pm 13th ACA Beach clean, Cockleridge 1 1.00am Auoust 14th Music at the Paddock 7.30pm 29th Church Fete, church Field 2.30pm 'l6th RHS Talk-Wl Hall 7.30pm 17th Gardening talk-Kingston Reading Room 2.30pm September 20th ACA AGM, memorial Hall 7.30pm 7th RBL Meeting. Dolphin 7.30pm 22nd Parish Council Meeting 7.00pm 20th Parish council Meeting 7.00pm 26th Anna's Exodus Sale 2.00pm October April sth RBL Meeting, JE 7.30pm Znd Church Spring Clean 10.00am 'l3th Wl Meeting, Flower Weaving 8.00pm 6th RBL Meeting. JE 7.30pm Parish Meeting 7.00pm 'lOth 18th Council Table Tennis Tournament, JE 1 .30pm November 13th APCM, AllHallows 7.30pm 2nd RBL Meeting & AGM, Dolphin 7.3Opm 14th Wl Meeting, Thailand & Cambodia 8.00pm 22nd Parish Council Meeting 7.00pm 16th Skip, Ringmore December 19th Parish CouncilAGM 7.00pm 7lh RBL Meeting, JE 7.30pm 30th Skip,Challaborough AII opinions cxpressed in lhis newsletter ale ttrose of individual writers, Please send iterns tbr inclusion in the newsletter to the editorial tearn and nol nccessarily those ol the Editorial tearn. The Parish Council does c/o: 8 Crossways, Ringmore, TQ7 4HP or not _guaruntee or accept liability lbr any literature, advertised goods or c-mail: [email protected] or contact any of the team: servir;c's. They havc not inspectcd or nrade checks regarding suppliers. Enrily 8l1210, Jane 8l1218, Cillian 810303, Karen 810382, Tltc Editorial Team's decision is l'inal. Sandy / Billy 810572, Lynn 81fi)93 RINGMORE HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOUTH WEST DEVON CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION H WEDNESDAY MARCH I6 CHARTERI,ANDS BRANCH 7.30 (Bigbury. Ringmore. Kingston & Avcton Gilford) SUPPORT TO THE ROYAI, NAVY SINCE THE TIME OF EDWARD I ANNUA L GENERAI, NTEETING An illustrated talk by and Conrmander Crichton OBE RN Retd. ANNUAL DINNER to bc hcld at Bigbury GollClub ON FRIDAY I I MARCH 2OII AGM: 7.00pm-7.30pm (Members only) Gct togcthcr 7.30pm-8.00pm BUFFET DINNER: 8.00pm Tickets f l3 availablc from Committee Members ALL WELCOME AllWelcome J.E"I"E.h.T"T.T. Journey's End John Edward Bracey Table Tennis Tournament Srrnday I Ofh April al 1.3..3O Anna's Plenty of warning is being given so that you do not miss this popular village event, so please make a note in your diaries whether you can play or not. EXODUS SALE This year will be the 15th in the long series and it has always been a fun day. You do not need to be Saturday 26th March 2011 able to play to a high standard to enjoy yourself so come along and watch or better still put your name 2.00pm on the sheet in the entrance lobby of the Journey's End lnn. We are aiming for the easy to organise Cumberland Cottages number of 32 again. The draw will take place on Thursday 7th April. As it will be later in the year and the afternoons will be drawing out, the start time will be 1.30 so that people can have a drink and/or meal (Mostly small items) before play commences. The entrance fee for the lournament is a minimum of just t1 to go to the Air HAROLD PARENT I93O-201I Ambulance charity. Anyone who wishes to practice We were sorry to hear of the recent death of Harold good for the event will be welcome as a guesl at the who lived in Ringmore for a part of his adult Ringmore Tennis Club in the Parish Room on Iife. Our sincere condolences to his sisters. Rose. Tuesdays from 8.00 pm. Jean and Sylvia. The Editorial Team MOBILE LIBRARY: Bigbury-on-Sea RrinFrlt by Eteonor ond Gro@ Purd, Tues lst & l5th 12.20-13.05 Kingston Fire Station Bigbury Green Last month: 48mnr l0 year avcragc: 80mm t0. t 5- r r .00 14.00- 14.30 lO year high: l52mm (2007) Ringmore Modbury Aylestone Pk Church l0 year low: 29mm (2205) ll.l0-1t.55 14.45-l-5.30 -Fhe llst of troined Farst Aiders R,EAAEAABER, TO A,LV/A]/S FTEI\T€ 999 FIRST Sandy Hammond 41057? Emily d Andi Ki^g 411210 Alcn Eawes a1064a Koren Purdy alO3A2 Mike M/ilson alozl l Jane R.eyno lds a I 12 1 8 bebbie /l*!'erc1r at7276 CHURCH SERVICES & THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH Bioburv Kinqston Ringmore 11.00 am 9.30 am 9.30 am 6h March Family Communion Family Communion Family Service th March 7.30 pm (Ash Wednesdav) Holv Communion 13m March Family Service Family Service Family Service 16m March Holy Communion at the (Wednesdav) Korniloff (2.30 om) 20'n March Family Service Holy Communion (BCP) Village Service 27t'March Holy Communion (BCP) Family Service Family Communion \, We have some funny words in the Christian Church! Why do we call it "Lent", when we don't lend anylhing? And why "Shrove" Tuesday? Pancake Day is much easier to understand. You won't find the word "Lent" in the Bible. lt actually comes from an Old English word meaning "long", and probably refers to the way that the days visibly lengthen in Spring. The 40 days of Lent, from Ash Wednesday to the day before Easter (excluding Sundays), are traditionally a time for prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self-denial. Which tends to be translated as "what are you giving up for Lent?" ln earlier times, people were forbidden from eating meat, eggs and dairy products during Lent. These had to be used up by the Tuesday, and pancakes became a popular way of doing this. (You can enjoy them this year in Ringmore Parish Room from 10.30 am.) There have been pancake races in Olney, Buckinghamshire, since 1445. Shrove Tuesday thus became a time for festivities, releasing high spirits before the sombre season of Lent. lt was often called "Fat Tuesday" (hence "Mardi Gras"), and celebrated as a carnival day. But "shrove" is actually the past tense of "shrive" (which also gives us the word "scribe"), and means to absolve. Belore the start of Lent, Christians were expected to confess their sins, do penance and obtain absolution. So Lent is a time to take stock of our lives, a time to ponder on the teachings and work of Jesus Christ, a time to prepare for the triumph of Easter. Locally, there are meetings during Lent in Kingston, Loddiswell and Modbury (see posters for details), so come along and join others as we discuss, read and pray together. fl,";/,1 Michaer d' Team Rector: The Revd Neil Barker (830260: not available on Mondays) Team Reader: Michael Tagent (81 0520) ?{,} "f e:sr5 Agc -1t.] !/er:rs Agct Accidents between St.Ann's Chapel and Foot and Mouth had been found in the Seven Stones Cross were causing concern. County. As a virulent and highly mobile It was recorded that the South Hams had disease everyone was asked to exercise lost90Vo of its orchards in the 45 years precautions by not walking,with or without since the Second World War. dogs, where notices Long Service Awards were made by the had been posted, such as British Legion to Alice Mason (40 years), the ones which appeared at the beginning of Pam Brunskill (15 years). the footpaths at Lower Manor, Toby's Point, NT Car Park. RINGMORE CALENDAR 2012 The Parish Room Committee intend to produce a2012 calendar in the hope that it will be as successful as the last two. We have decided not to have a competition this time but hope that all you keen photographers will submit pictures for consideration. As before, pictures should have some connection with Ringmore. Don't forget the further flung areas of the Parish such as Challaborough, Maruell and Renton. Any photos with children in them need a consent form signed by a parent. We can provide forms if needed. You can submit photos on a USB stick (preferred ), camera card or cd. The photos should have a minimum file size of 1.5 mb. The closing date for entries is May3lst and should be given to Barry Old or James Parkin. (Alan is having a rest this year!) The final selection, from a shortlist will be made by the Printers based on reproduction quality. Happy snapping! FEBRUARY MEETING !t came as something of a surprise to find out there's no such thing as a "Tall Ship"! During thettll a thoroughly amusing talk, Dave Bawden explained that we can thank John Masefield for mmmmtil this phrase taken from his poem "Sea Fever".
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