AN INDEPENDENT VOICE FOR THE LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER COMMUNITIES OUT October 16, 2015 | Volume XIII, Issue 12 level about PrEP before go, “namely young gay becoming infected was black men and trans- At Upcoming PrEP Town always low. It seems gender women among terrible that we have an whom HIV rates are option to prevent trans- very high and increas- Hall Forum, the Pill is mission but we are hav- ing.” ing difficulty getting it out That message isn’t BY Mark S. KING there.” lost on Baltimore resi- When physician John Vaz talks about pre-ex- The research on dent Anthony Morgan, posure prophylaxis (PrEP), the daily pill to Personal PrEP shows effica- 34, a gay black man prevent HIV infection, he can’t help but think cy rates that are fairly who began taking PrEP about a few friends in his own social circle. food and refreshments at 6:30pm, followed astounding. The larg- a year ago. “I have friends who have become HIV by a panel that includes people on PrEP as est ongoing study has “Most of my friends positive in the last three years,” he said. “So well as healthcare providers. The town hall is shown PrEP to be 87% are HIV positive,” said on a personal level, I have some sadness that jointly hosted by AIDS Action Baltimore and effective in preventing Anthony, “and a lot of this was not an option they knew about or ex- Chase Brexton. All are welcome. transmission, but Dr. Vaz the friends I grew up plored.” The event will share the latest data on is quick to point out that with in the south Bronx The concern Dr. Vaz has for his own the use of PrEP among gay men and trans- “those figures include didn’t make it at all. Tak- ing PrEP is something I friends extends to the patients he sees as an gender people, while the personal perspec- everyone in the trial,” Dr. John Vaz of infectious disease specialist at Chase Brex- tives of those taking PrEP are sure to be of including those who did Chase Brexton: can do to honor the peo- ton Health Services. He also believes that particular interest. Audience questions will be not take the pill regular- think about PrEP ple who didn’t get this “we must improve buy-in for PrEP,” which is encouraged. ly or at all. Among those chance.” why he is participating in an upcoming public Dr. Vaz believes that PrEP can make an who took the pill every Anthony realizes event to educate the community on the new enormous difference in new HIV infection day as prescribed, PrEP was closer to 100% that, because HIV is so prevalent among men HIV prevention pill. rates if only those at risk knew more about it. effective in preventing HIV transmission. of color, his risk of becoming infected is high- “Get Prepped on PrEP” is a public town “At Chase Brexton, I see a lot of young gay “PrEP will be a heartbreaking public er. “I have sex with men of all races,” Anthony hall forum being held on Thursday, October men come in with a new diagnosis of HIV. health failure if we can’t get it to those most in said, “and I want that added protection.” 29, at Chase Brexton Health Services at 1111 We give them the best possible care mov- need,” said Jim Pickett, Director of HIV Pre- “The real motivator for me was when I N. Charles Street. The evening begins with ing forward, of course, but their knowledge vention Advocacy at AIDS Foundation Chica- —continued on page 3 From StaFF rePortS FreeState Legal The day-to-day hurdles Law Now in Effect client Ken Jiretsu facing transgender Mary- on the left, with landers should become FreeState staff less burdensome with the Easing Rules for Gender attorney Rebecca Earlbeck passage of Senate Bill 743 and its companion House Changes on State ID Bill 862, entitled “Vital Re- cords – New Certificates can be changed to match the individual’s gender ments,” said Jiretsu. “I will no longer have to of Birth – Sex Change or identity. explain why my driver’s license has a different Diagnosis of an Intersex Ken Jiretsu wasted no time taking advan- gender marker than my birth certificate.” Condition.” The legislation, tage of the new relaxed requirements. Early on In a press release, FreeState Legal said which took effect on Octo- October 1, Jiretsu, a transgender man, went to that it has worked with hundreds of clients who ber 1, makes it significantly the Maryland Division of Vital Records office in were eligible to update their name but were pre- easier to amend the gender Baltimore with his attorney from FreeState Legal viously unable to update the gender marker on on birth certificates by elim- and became the first person to apply for a new their birth certificate because of the excessive inating the requirement that birth certificate under the law. “It is such a relief and outdated surgery requirement. “The value a person undergo surgery to know that my birth certificate is finally changed of having accurate identity documents cannot before the birth certificate and will accurately match all of my other docu- —continued on page 4 BALTIMORE OUTLOUD OCTOBER 16, 2015 • BALTIMOREOUTLOUD.COM t 1 2 t BALTIMORE OUTLOUD OCTOBER 16, 2015 • BALTIMOREOUTLOUD.COM NEWS // LOCAL UPcomiNG PrEP friends, because we all know we try really TOWN Hall Forum hard to wear condoms every time, and situ- – continued from page 1 ations happen, and if there is something out there to help, why not? I even say I am on started dating someone, a white guy actual- PrEP on my cruising apps.” ly, who was HIV positive,” said Anthony, and Anthony says the question he is asked he is realistic when it comes to the possibil- most often is whether or not he still uses con- ity of letting his guard down in the height of doms. “I tell them I do,” he said, “and then passion. “I don’t want to find myself trying to they wonder why I do. I’m really not into hav- use a condom every single time. Sometimes ing gonorrhea.” it happens. Sometimes a condom doesn’t get Dr. Vaz believes the process of beginning reached for.” PrEP must begin with a thorough risk assess- Anthony isn’t alone when it comes to not ment by a medically and culturally compe- following safer sex measures perfectly, con- tent physician, such as the work provided by sidering there are still 50,000 new HIV in- Chase Brexton every day. fections in the United States every year. The “We see our fair share of HIV negative difference is that Anthony is doing something gay men,” said Dr. Vaz. “But PrEP isn’t sim- else about it. ply about getting drugs into bodies. It’s about “I take the PrEP pill every morning,” Antho- having frank discussions and getting people ny said. “I take something for blood pressure into a comfortable environment to discuss anyway, so I’m used to taking a pill every day. I their sexual health and other sexually trans- go to Chase Brexton every 90 days to see my mitted infections.” The first step in assessing provider and we talk about my blood work to if PrEP is right for you is getting basic edu- be sure I’m not having any side effects. I have cation about it, said Dr. Vaz. “The town hall had no side effects. Everything is normal.” event on October 29th would be an excellent The peace of mind PrEP has provided An- start to that process,” he adds. thony has led him to speak up about it. A lot. For more information on “Prepping for “I have been as vocal as I can possibly PrEP,” contact Chase Brexton at 410-837- be,” he said, “especially with my gay black 2050 extension 8813. t Help to Honor – Transgender Day of Remembrance 2015 A transgender person is murdered some- All names with complete information, where in the world every 29 hours. While and their photo if available, will be read we know of many (too many) murders of at Transgender Day of Remembrance and transgender people in Maryland, we are listed online at the Baltimore Transgender also certain that we don’t know about ev- Day of Remembrance website at Sites. ery trans person whose life was cut short google.com/site/tdorbaltimore/in-memo- because of gender-based violence, med- ry-of ical neglect, bullying and harassment, or Please submit names on or before Fri- the many other ways in which we are taken day, November 13th, to ensure inclusion. from the people and communities who love Thank you, and be sure to join us for us. Transgender Day of Remembrance in The planning committee of this year’s Baltimore on Friday, November 20, 2015. Transgender Day of Remembrance asks More information online at Sites.google. that you please help us to honor and re- com/site/tdorbaltimore. t member our trans sisters and brothers and gender-fluid others. If you know of some- one in Maryland who identified as trans and who lost their life due to violence, including suicide, please contribute their name and other information. To submit names and information please use the online form found at Sites.google.com/site/tdorbaltimore/sub- mit-names. If you have an image file of the person, you can email it to [email protected] with “TDOR Photo” in the subject line and it will be included with the memorial notice.
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