A HI S T O R Y AL L ERTO N F AM T HE U N I T E D S T A T E S , 1585 T0 1885 A GEN EAL O GY O F THE DESCEN DA N TS ERT N O F ISAAC AL L O , ” lz M a o w er Pil r im Pl mo ut 1 62 0 . yfl g , y , B Y W ALTER ALLERTO N S , k N ew Yo r Cit 1 8 8 8 . y , REV I SED A N D EN LAR G ED BY HO RACE TR U E CU RRIER , /zica C go . PU B L I SHED B Y SAM U EL WATERS ALLERTO N , C/zica o Il in o is l . g , 1 9 0 0 . P R E F A C E . AM EL A TE R Illin o is is s u in M R . S U W S ALLERTON , Of Chicago , , in g “ ” O f this revised edition the Allerton Family, does not intend to detract from the great credit to be given Mr . Walter S. Allerton for 1 8 8 8 his publication of , but simply to add facts which have been found since that time , and to correct errors which almost invariably occur in Genealogies through incorrect family records thought to be r true when published , but afterward found othe wise . 1 8 8 8 . S. In the preface to the edition Of Mr Walter Allerton says , in part : o f to Pride ancestry is common all ages and all peoples , and it is an entirely proper and j ustifiable sentiment . We know that man , like th e ff other animals , possesses power to transmit to his o spring the mental and physical characteristics that have been most prominent in f himself . Students o social science tell us that the children Of crim in als are apt to prove criminals themselves , and other things being Wh o equal , the man can trace his descent through a dozen generations o f honest men is for that very reason more likely to prove himself an honest man . The history o f the Allerton family is a strong proof o f the endur ing quality Of family traits and characteristics , both physical and m o f mental , for we find in embers two branches , that have been entirely separated for two centuries , the same physical appearance and the same - mental peculiarities . We find in a maj ority of the family to day many h resemblances in personal appearance to t eir common ancestor , and we find still more prominent the same peculiarities o f mind and dis 6 THE ALLERTON F A M ILY. position . We are proud to recognize the same spirit Of honesty and independence that led him to cas t in his lot with the adventurers o f o f New Plymouth , and the same broadness Of mind and toleration the Opinions o f others that brought him into conflict with the narrow e o f spirit o f puritani sm . W claim a share his courage and his enter prise , and we admit that we have also inherited somewhat of his quick f temper and o his wandering disposition and unsettled spirit . The Allertons have ever been wanderers ; they can point to no one place o f an as the home their family , the same restless spirit that led their ce s t o rs up and down upon the earth has appeared to be always with them . It is only in a few rare cases that we find the son continuing to dwell where his father dwelt before him ; and this fact , while aff ording another proof o f the possession o f common traits o f char acter, has rendered it difficult to collect a complete genealogical record o f the family . The author began the work o f collecting material f o r a family history some ten years since , and pursued it in such time as could be an spared from the practice of his profession , but he soon found that other had been f o r a long time at work in the same fi eld . The late A Y Mead llerton Of Newark , Wayne County , New ork , after working for many years at this task , left at his death a large and valuable ’ manuscript , which was placed in the author s hands by his widow , and f o r from which many details this volume were Obtained , especially in o f regard to the fourth , fifth and sixth generations the Rhode Island Y . h o w and New ork branches Mead Allerton had not been able , ever , to collect much information about the New Jersey branch , and f to obtain this has been the most difficult part o the work . The name o f Allerton is o n e that is comparatively common in some U parts of England , and there are several families now in the nited States who are in no way related to us , being emigrants from England o r —a A t themselves descendants of such , list Of these ller ons will be found at the end of the genealogical record . The beauty of the name has also caused it to be frequently used by novelists and other writers , THE A LLERTON F A M I LY. 7 and it has also been occasionally assumed by persons not belonging o f to the family , some Of whom have not been a character calculated l to reflect credit on any fami y . Where ne arly every o n e to whom th e author has applied for in r fo mation has gladly responded , it may seem unfair to mention any in u partic lar, but while the author takes this opportunity to thank all o f who have in any manner assisted him , he feel s that the members the family generally ought to know the names of those who have ren dered particular service . Besides Mead Allerton to whom the greatest f o r i credit is due many years Of patient and painstak ng research , the author has received valuable assistance from the following persons O . G . Mrs . Jane Allerton , of Salem , hio M . Y . James Allerton , Of Port Jervis , New ork O H. Y . rville Allerton , of Newark , New ork E . f . o O O Mrs Clara Delap , snaburgh , hio , Charles B . Allerton , Of Keelersville , Michigan . Ezekiel Allerton , of Roanoke , Indiana . f Y . o O . Lemira C Allerton , oungstown , hio ff . Jasper Tilden , of Je erson , W isconsin . K n e tt O . Mrs James y , of Alliance , hio H. rfi ld D D ee e O . Hutson , of , hio A L TE R . L RT W S A L E O N . N Y 8 e w 1 8 8 . ork , December , Up to the present time some facts concerning the early generations o r f o r have not been found in town , church probate records , and that o f reason have been questioned , but a careful study all the facts attest the statement that , in the main , they are undoubtedly true . Reference is made in this connection to the Appendix added to this edition . n o t o f Mr . Mead Allerton did keep a record th e authority from b e in f o rm atlo n f which derived his but , when of su ficient character to f o . I satisfy him , the simple statement facts was made n> these early generations Mr . Walter S. Allerton merely completed his work . In 8 THE ALLERTO N FA M I LY . the later generations , with few exceptions , this edition is practically 1 8 8 8 a reprint Of that of , so ably compiled by the author . The arrangement o f families has been materially changed and in order that reference may be quickly made the following suggestions ff are o ered , viz The figures directly preceding and following each name indicate o f n the number the child in the family and the generatio , the marginal number is the general number . W ith the head of each family is shown his marginal number , below you find his children , turn back where his marginal number o u shows him as a child and y find his parents . Note the marginal o n e number against any of his children , turn forward to where that n o f umber appears as the head a family , and there you will find that ’ child s children . This edition O f the Allerton Family is published with the knowl o f . edge and consent Mr Walter S Allerton , who has also assisted in o f . its preparation . The maj or portion is a reprint the first edition It is hoped that each family will enter the later records o f their in divid ual family on the blank pages at the end Of the volume . HO RACE TRU E CU RRIER . 1 90 0 . Chicago , Illinois , THE ALLERT ON F AM I LY. IN reviewin g the history of the Allerton Family o n e very marked u feat re which arrests our attention is the slow growth , in numbers , 1 5 0 prior to about the year 7 . Is aac l s o n i , Of the Mayflower , left but one who rema ned in New : 2 3 England , viz . Isaac , and he in turn left Isaac , born in New Haven , 3 C . onn , and Willoughby , born in Virginia l n o t d The Virginia ine is carried forward , in etail , although proper f o r 1 7 60 reference is made to it , the reason that , as early as , the male line became extinct .
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