'818 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY 10 of the State of Montana, to the Congress of reading clerks, announced that the House teacher can accomplish. Such a teacher the United States in support of the Com­ had passed a bill <H. R. 1776) further to inspires his student-s to noble deeds and mittee of Investigation of Un-American Pra.c­ promote the defense of the United States, ideals; he does not aspire to control lives t ices; to the Committee on Rules. 250. Also, Senate Memorial No. 4, enacted and for other purposes, in which it re­ and to force acceptance of theories. by the Senate of the Legislative Assembly quested the concurrence of the Senate. When the historians write about this of the State of Montana, to the President of DEATH OF FORMER SENATOR SMOOT, OF U.TAH period they cannot help but mention the United States, Vice President, National Senator Smoot. They will point out that Congress, Secretary of Agriculture, and others Mr. THOMAS of Utah. Mr. President, while he was identified with a govern­ named in the memorial, requesting proper the newspapers of this morning inform mental technique which was three times sugar legislation and more equitable q~otas us of the death of Hon. Reed Smoot, repudiated by the American people he for sugar-beet acreage, and further requesting former Senator from the State of Utah. remained true to his principles of govern­ a normal expansion and an adequate protec­ I deem it not inappropriate that the tion of the sugar industry; to the Committee ment. Senator Smoot's work identified on Agriculture. Senate pause a moment or two in its de­ him With the Payne-Aldrich tariff bill, 251. Also, Senate -Joint Memorial No. 2, en­ liberations in order that we may turn our with the Fordney-McCumber tarifi bill, act ed by the Twenty-second Session of the thoughts back to one who served- here so and he will ever be remembered in con­ Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana, long and so faithfully. nection with the Smoot-Hawley bill. to the Congress of the United States, request­ Senator Smoo'.; was in the Senate of Each one of these great governmental ing their consideration and notice of condi­ the United States from 1903 to 1933-30 acts came at an extremely untimely tions tending to weaken and undermine the democracy we are striving to perpetuate; to years. At the time he left the Senate 30 period, and the authors of each suffered the Committee on the Judiciary. years marked one-fifth of our country's at the hands of their constituents and 252. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the city history. It is in a spirit of history that I at the hands of the American people. of St. Paul, Minn., petitioning consideration should like to talk about Senator Smoot I think it would not be out of place to of their resolution with reference to General a moment or two this morning, because say that since men in all their acquaint­ Pulaski's Memorial Day; to the Committee in the spirit of eulogy those at his home ance with others have never learned how on the Judiciary. and those whom he served so faithfully to evaluate the individual man, the(e­ will honor him at a later time. fore it is much beyond our ability to Senator Smoot contributed much to the measure the soul of a man. The ancient history and expansion of his country. Greeks thought that the soul of a man in SENATE No man who ever came to the United stature was one-third higher than man States Senate had to stand as cruel an was in his physical body. That was a MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1941 assault, as wicked and unjust a hearing, quantitative analysis of man, and man's and a trial as that which faced Senator soul was considered from a quantitative The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phii­ Smoot when he entered the Senate in basis; but man's soul should not be so lips, D. D., offered the following prayer: 1£03. That he was victorious in that considered. I think in the economy of 0 Spirit of the living God, under the great ordeal is a compliment to this body time, in the economy of men,. and in the light and inspiration of whose illumina­ and to the fair-mindedness of his fellow economy of the gods it was indeed very tion we are made aware of the unfa­ Senators. Had he lost the cause, the fortunate, very timely and very proper miliar beauty of the world, the beauty right of minority group representation in in the life of this grea ~ servant of his that is "the smile upon the face of our land wo.uld have been relegated to people and of his country that, events truth"; Hearken to the impassioned cry the place it occupied in the Dark Ages. being such as they were, he should be of our hearts in the presence of the In winning his seat, in spite of the mis­ able to return home to serve in a capacity wonders of Thy revelation, that we may interpretation of the rule that the Sen­ which was his even before he came into behold the eternal in the transitory ate, under the Constitution, is the judge the Senate of the United States, and that things and so endure as seeing Him who of its own Members, the Senators in he should serve practically the last 10 is invisible. their votes realized and acknowledged the years of his life with his people in the Breathe upon us with the breath of fact that in America justice should pre­ great office and calling which he repre­ ~Y cleansing power; disturb the apathy vail, and they saw to it that justice did sented in his church. It would seem too of those who have never been conscious prevail. great a physical burden for any man that of their need of Thee, and create in them In the 30 years of Senator Smoot's serv­ he serve his government in a political ca­ a spiritual hunger and thirst after right­ ice here his name will always be identi­ pacity when he already had on his shoul­ eousness that they may be :filled with all fied with that element in the great Re­ ders the responsibility of a great ecclesi­ the fullness of God. publican Party represented by such lead­ astical position. But when we attempt to Apart from the guidance and restraint ers as Mark Hanna, Senators Quay, Pen­ measure the soul of this great man we dis­ of Thy holy influence, we have seen the rose, and Aldrich. His name will be listed cover that even with those two great bur­ morn so bright with promise turn to the with theirs, rather than with the others dens, and with the ordeal that the first desolation of noontide, and the glory of of his colleagues who represented that one caused him to bear when he came to the sunset fade into the chill of night. great party, such as Elihu Root, George the Senate-an ordeal, I repeat, the like Then come, Oh come to us, Thou Spirit Sutherland, and Nicholas Murray Butler. of which no other Senator in the history of the most high God, and make us to While Mr. Butler did not serve here, he of this body had to face-he overcame see in the face of the Man of Sorrows the represented well the other branch of the prejudice, he lived it down, and our coun­ eternal glory of the Father who wiliest Republican Party. try is a better country because he was not that any should perish but that all One cannot mention Senator Smoot able to do it. should be brought to the knowledge of without referring to what is one of the A young man of 40, trained in school eternal life, through Jesus Christ, our finest elements of our American life-the to be sure but never trained formally in Lord. Amen. small-town influence and the influence of economics, in politics, or in government, THE JOURNAL a great teacher. Senator Smoot and his he rose to leadership in his country in all two colleagues from Utah, with whom he three of these branches of thought. That On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by served longest in the Senate, Senator is a monument quite sufficient for any unanimous consent, the reading of the Sutherland and Senator King, all three man. Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, came out of the same little town, a town Text writers use other names than February 6, 1941, was dispensed with, and in Utah whose culture :s dominated by a Senator Smoot's when they write of those the Journal wa.s approved. great educational institution. All three who showed ability in filibuster, but MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT received their inspiration from the same among those who have been persuasive Messages in writing from the President great teacher, a German immigrant who Senator Smoot's power was not only great of the United States submitting nomina­ inspired them with American ideals and but effective. Even in oratory men are tions were communicated to the Senate American principles. That this great remembered quite as much by deeds as by Mr. Latta, one of his secretaries. teacher wa.s able to send out at the same by words. In registering his vote in time three persons who became leaders sustaining President Wilson in declaring MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE in their State, and in the Nation, each our country already at war because of the A message from the House of Repre­ of th~m disagreeing at times with one actions of Germany against us he uttered sentatives, by Mr.
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