BOOK OF ABSTRACTS of the 2nd international workshop–conference “RESEARCH AND CONSERVATION OF EUROPEAN HERPETOFAUNA AND ITS ENVIRONMENT: BOMBINA BOMBINA, EMYS ORBICULARIS, AND CORONELLA AUSTRIACA” Belarus Belgium Denmark France Germany Italy Latvia Poland Russia Spain Ukraine www.life-herpetolatvia.biology.lv Daugavpils University, Institute of Ecology 2014 Book of abstracts of the 2nd International workshop–conference: Research and conservation of European herpetofauna and its environment: Bombina bombina, Emys orbicularis, and Coronella austriaca. Project LIFE-HerpetoLatvia, 14-15.08.2014. Daugavpils, Latvia: 42 p. The Project LIFE-HerpetoLatvia is co-financed by European Commission. Natura 2000. 'Natura 2000 - Europe's nature for you. The sites of Project are part of the European Natura 2000 Network. It has been designated because it hosts some of Europe's most threatened species and habitats. All 27 countries of the EU are working together through the Natura 2000 network to safeguard Europe's rich and diverse natural heritage for the benefit of all'. Scientific committee Academ., Dr. Arvids Barsevskis, Daugavpils University, Latvia; Dr. Victor Bakharev, Mozyr Pedagogical University, Belarus; PhD (Biol.) Vladimir Vladimirovich Bobrov, A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the RAS, Russia; Dr. Andris Čeirāns, LIFE-HerpetoLatvia, University of Latvia, Latvia; Dr. Jean-Yves Georges, Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Department of Ecology, Physiology and Ethology, France; Dr. Dario Ottonello, Cesbin srl, spin-off of Genoa University, Italy; Dr. Aija Pupiņa, LIFE-HerpetoLatvia, Latgales Zoo, Daugavpils University, Latvia; Dr. Artūrs Škute, Daugavpils University, Latvia; Dr. Nataļja Škute, Daugavpils University, Latvia; Dr. Wlodzimierz Wojtas, Instytut Biologii, Cracow Pedagogical University, Poland. Dr. Mihails Pupiņš, LIFE-HerpetoLatvia, Daugavpils University, Latvia. Organizing Committee Dr. Aija Pupiņa, LIFE-HerpetoLatvia, Daugavpils University, Latgales Zoo, Latvia; Dr. Nataļja Škute, Daugavpils University, Latvia; Dr. Andris Čeirāns, LIFE-HerpetoLatvia, University of Latvia, Latvia; Dr. Mihails Pupiņš, LIFE-HerpetoLatvia, Daugavpils University, Latvia; PhD. stud. Valerijs Vahrusevs, Daugavpils University, Latvia; PhD. stud. Jeļena Litvinceva, Daugavpils University, Latvia; M..sc. Edgars Baumanis, LIFE-HerpetoLatvia, Daugavpils University, Latvia. Organizing Committee contacts: Phone: (+371) 29621191 e-mail: [email protected] web-site: www.life-herpetolatvia.biology.lv Responsible editors: Dr. Artūrs Škute, Daugavpils University, Latvia; Dr. Nataļja Škute, Daugavpils University, Latvia; Dr. Aija Pupiņa, LIFE-HerpetoLatvia, Latgales Zoo, Latvia. Dr. Mihails Pupiņš, LIFE-HerpetoLatvia, Daugavpils University, Latvia; © Project LIFE-HerpetoLatvia © Laboratory of zoocultures and nature conservation, Institute of Ecology, Daugavpils University 2 Book of abstracts of the 2nd International workshop–conference: Research and conservation of European herpetofauna and its environment: Bombina bombina, Emys orbicularis, and Coronella austriaca. Project LIFE-HerpetoLatvia, 14-15.08.2014. Daugavpils, Latvia: 42 p. The LIFE+ Project LIFE-HerpetoLatvia LIFE09NAT/LV/000239 "Conservation of rare reptiles and amphibians in Latvia", which is co-financed by the LIFE Programme of the European Commission, in a scientific cooperation with the: Institute of Ecology of Daugavpils University; Institute of Systematic Biology of Daugavpils University; Latgales Zoo of Daugavpils city council; Latgales Ecological Society, and with support of the: Ministry of Environment of Latvia; Nature conservation agency of Latvia, is organizing the 2nd international workshop–conference entitled: RESEARCH AND CONSERVATION OF EUROPEAN HERPETOFAUNA AND ITS ENVIRONMENT: BOMBINA BOMBINA, EMYS ORBICULARIS, AND CORONELLA AUSTRIACA The international scientific – practical workshop–conference was held in Daugavpils, Latvia on 14th – 15th August 2014. The main topics of the workshop–conference covered different aspects of research, management of populations, and conservation in-situ and ex-situ of three species of herpetofauna: Bombina bombina, Emys orbicularis, and Coronella austriaca: Practical results of LIFE, European, national, local and other projects connected with conservation or research on target species; Genetic analyses and its role in management of populations; Management practices for sustainability of populations; Zooculture and aquaculture of main species ex-situ and in-situ, technologies of keeping, domestication’s problems, modernization; General biology and ecology of target species; Other species connected with main species (plants forming biotope; animals species as a food, predators, sympatric species, competitors etc.) Connections between human impact, water and terrestrial ecosystems and target species; Experimental and theoretical approaches to surveys and data processing; Distribution, new findings, natural area, climate and habitats; Health conditions, diseases and veterinary; Re-introduction programs, population enforcements by releasing in wild and their results or problems. Diets and feeding of these species; Aquatic and terrestrial invasive species as threats; Role of education and public awareness in conservation programs Practical part of the workshop–conference was in a form of work visits to: sites and territories of Project LIFE-HerpetoLatvia (near to borders with Belarus and Lithuania); facilities for Emys orbicularis breeding in Rare Amphibian and Reptile Breeding Centre; new Laboratory of Aquaculture of Institute of Ecology of Daugavpils university; future Natura 2000 territory for Bombina bombina; sites of Emys orbicularis findings in wild near to Daugavpils; territory where largest B.bombina population in Latvia is found (site called “Demene”). 3 Book of abstracts of the 2nd International workshop–conference: Research and conservation of European herpetofauna and its environment: Bombina bombina, Emys orbicularis, and Coronella austriaca. Project LIFE-HerpetoLatvia, 14-15.08.2014. Daugavpils, Latvia: 42 p. CONTENTS NIFS: THE DEFINITIVE THREAT TO ISOLATED POPULATIONS OF Cesar Ayres 7 EMYS ORBICULARIS? Bakharev V.A. THE HISTORY OF THE AREA OF EMYS ORBICULARIS AND THE 8 CURRENT STATE BORDERS WITHIN BELARUS AND ADJACENT TERRITORIES Vladimir V. Bobrov ALIEN MAMMAL SPECIES IN THE BIOSPHERE RESERVES OF 9 RUSSIA THE SMOOTH SNAKE (CORONELLA AUSTRIACA) IN THE CROSS- Christoffel Bonte, André 10 BORDER NATURE PARK DE ZOOM – KALMTHOUTSE HEIDE Van Hecke Ostap Reshetylo, Lars OVERVIEW OF E.ORBICULARIS AND B.BOMBINA HABITAT 11 Briggs CHARACTERISTICS IN POLAND Stanisław Bury SMOOTH SNAKE (CORONELLA AUSTRIACA) IN POLAND – 12 PROBLEMS WITH STATUS RECOGNITION AND CONSERVATION Andris Čeirāns, Larisa IMPLEMENTATION OF CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT 13 Nikolajeva OF THE SMOOTH SNAKE CORONELLA AUSTRIACA IN LATVIA Idrisova L.A. PECULIARITY OF EXTERNAL MORPHOLOGY OF COLUBRID 14 SNAKES (COLUBRIDAE) FOUND ON SARALINSKY DISTRICT OF THE VOLGA-KAMA WILDLIFE SANCTUARY Korzun E.V. FINDINGS OF FIRE-BELLIED TOAD (BOMBINA BOMBINA) 15 HABITATS OUTSIDE THE SPREAD BOUND ARIES IN THE TERRITORY OF BELARUS Lesnichy D.U. ECOLOGICAL FEATURES AND LANDSCAPE - BIOTOPICAL 16 DISTRIBUTION EMYS ORBICULARIS (L., 1758) IN NATURAL ECOSYSTEMS OF PRIPAYT POLESYE OF BELARUS Lisovska Z. CONDITION OF BOMBINA BOMBINA L. POPULATED HABITATS 18 IN THE SOUTH PART OF ILUKSTE DISTRICT (LATVIA) IN SUMMER 2014 Лукашевич В.Н. ПОЛЕССКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ РАДИАЦИОННО- 19 ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЗАПОВЕДНИК КАК РЕЗЕРВАТ МЕДЯНКИ (CORONELLA AUSTRIACA) В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ БЕЛАРУСЬ Лукашевич В.Н. ПОЛОВОЗРАСТНОЙ СОСТАВ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОЙ БОЛОТНОЙ 20 ЧЕРЕПАХИ (EMYS ORBICULARIS) НА ОСНОВНЫХ ВОДОЁМАХ ПОЛЕССКОГО ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО РАДИАЦИОННО- ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ЗАПОВЕДНИКА 4 Book of abstracts of the 2nd International workshop–conference: Research and conservation of European herpetofauna and its environment: Bombina bombina, Emys orbicularis, and Coronella austriaca. Project LIFE-HerpetoLatvia, 14-15.08.2014. Daugavpils, Latvia: 42 p. Noémie Martin, Philippe REINTRODUCTION OF THE EUROPEAN POND TURTLE IN 21 Kniebly, Fabrice Levresse, ALSACE, NE OF FRANCE Uwe Meissner, Benoît Quintard, Jean-Yves Georges Noémie Martin, Philippe TOUR DE FRANCE OF CONSERVATION ACTIONS FOR THE 22 Kniebly, Fabrice Levresse, EUROPEAN POND TURTLE EMYS ORBICULARIS Uwe Meissner, Benoît Quintard, Jean-Yves Georges Nekrasova O. USING ECOLOGICAL NICHE MODELING TO PREDICT 23 DISTRIBUTIONS OF CORONELLA AUSTRIACA IN UKRAINE Nikolajeva L., Čeirāns A. THE SMOOTH SNAKE CORONELLA AUSTRIACA POPULATION 24 SIZE AND STRUCTURE IN KEMERI NATIONAL PARK SLOKAS AND VECAIS BOGS Novitsky R.V. MONITORING AND PROTECTION OF RARE AMPHIBIANS IN 25 BELARUS WITH FOCUSES ON FIRE-BELLIED TOAD (BOMBINA BOMBINA) Ottonello D., Salvidio S., CONSERVATION OF EMYS ORBICULARIS IN LIGURIA (NW 26 Oneto F., Jesu R., Gili C., ITALY) Gnone G., Lamagni L., Ortale S., Genta P. Ottonello D., Salvidio S. OVERVIEW ON CONSERVATION OF THE EMYS GENUS IN ITALY 27 BODY LENGTH OF BOMBINA BOMBINA L., 1761 (AMPHIBIA, Peskova T. Yu., 28 Zhukova T.I. ANURA, DISCOGLOSSIDAE) IN CLEAN AND CONTAMINATED PONDS NEAR THE SOUTHERN BORDER OF THE SPECIES AREA Pestinis I., Pupiņa A., PHENOTYPIC ANALYSIS OF THE FIRE BELLIED TOAD BOMBINA 29 Škute N. BOMBINA IN LATVIA Beata Prusak, Adrian SPATIAL GENETIC DIFFERENTIATION AND MIGRATION 30 Deas, Alicja Pacholewska, PATTERNS OF THE EUROPEAN POND TURTLE (EMYS Sławomir Mitrus, ORBICULARIS) POPULATIONS FROM POLAND Grzegorz Górecki, Bartłomiej Najbar Mihails Pupins, Aija
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