Form – 1A For “HappyNest Rosella” Capital City Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh. March – 2019 Project Proponent Environmental Consultant Andhra Pradesh Capital Region SV Enviro Labs & Consultants, Auto Development Authority Nagar, Visakhapatnam Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh NABET Accreditation No : 1 4 7 APPENDIX II (See paragraph 6) FORM-1 A (Only for construction projects listed under item 8 of the Schedule) CHECK LIST OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (Project proponents are required to provide full information and wherever necessary attach explanatory notes with the Form and submit along with proposed environmental management plan & monitoring programme) 1. LAND ENVIRONMENT 1.0 (Attach panoramic view of the project site Perspective view of the project is and the vicinity) enclosed in Annexure - A1 1.1. Will the existing land use get significantly The proposed HappyNest Rosella is part altered from the project that is not of the Amaravati Capital City. consistent with the surroundings? (Proposed land use must conform to the approved Total plot area of the proposed project is Master Plan / Development Plan of the area. 6.50 Ha. (16.05 Acres) with built-up area Change of land use if any and the statutory of 3,91,537.24 Sq.m. and the details are approval from the competent authority are furnished in the Annexure – A2. submitted). The proposed plot is falling in S3 zone as per the Master Plan of Amaravati Capital City by Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (APCRDA). The S3 Zone as per master plan is for special development which permits residential, commercial and institutional land use. 2 Attach Maps of Approved Master Plan of the Andhra (i) Site location, Pradesh Capital Region Development (ii) Surrounding features of the Authority (APCRDA) and plot plan of proposed site (within 500 proposed Building project is given in meters) Annexure – A3. (iii) The site (indicating levels & contours) to appropriate scales. Location Map is given in Annexure – A4 If not available attach only conceptual plans. Google Earth Imagery is given in Annexure – A5 Conceptual /perspective plan of project is given in Annexure – A1 1.2. List out all the major project requirements The salient features of the proposed in terms of the land area, built up area, project are given in Annexure – A6. water consumption, power requirement, connectivity, community facilities, parking needs etc. 1.3. What are the likely impacts of the proposed Present land for the project site area is an activity on the existing facilities adjacent to open fallow land. Proposed project does the proposed site? (Such as open spaces, not involve any activities which cause community facilities, details of the existing disturbance to the ecology. There will be landuse, disturbance to the local ecology). temporary generation of fugitive dust and noise during the construction phase. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) will be implemented during the construction phase of the project to mitigate the likely impacts. 1.4. Will there be any significant land There will be no significant land disturbance resulting in erosion, subsidence disturbance, since no major below ground & instability? level excavation is planned except for (Details of soil type, slope analysis, basement works. vulnerability to subsidence, seismicity etc may be given). 1.5. Will the proposal involve alteration of The proposal does not involve the natural drainage systems? (Give details on a alteration of natural drainage. A proper contour map showing the natural drainage Storm Water Management System is near the proposed project site) planned for the Amaravati Capital City Project considering the existing natural streams, nallas/ irrigation channels. 1.6. What are the quantities of earthwork The quantity of work excavation will be 3 involved in the construction activity- minimal to meet the design requirements. cutting, filling, reclamation etc. (Give Any surplus excavated earth will be details of the quantities of earthwork reused at site and other capital city involved, transport of fill materials from development works. outside the site etc) 1.7. Give details regarding water supply, waste It is estimated about 534 KLD of water is handling etc during the construction period. required during construction. This will be sourced from the Thulluru Lift Irrigation scheme. Labour camp as per NBC code will be developed having secure accommodation with proper potable drinking water facility and separate sanitation facilities for men and women. 1.8. Will the low-lying areas & wetlands get Not Applicable altered? (Provide details of how low lying and wetlands are getting modified from the proposed activity) 1.9. Whether construction debris & waste during Construction debris will be collected and construction cause health hazard? (Give suitably utilized on site as per quantities of various types of wastes construction waste management plan. generated during construction including the Stacking and disposal of such material construction labour and the means of will be such that it will not disturb the disposal) surrounding land use. Maximum reuse of construction waste on site and removal of non- reusable waste from the site and proper disposal is proposed, which would reduce the impact significantly. 2. WATER ENVIRONMENT 2.1. Give the total quantity of water Total water requirement of the project is requirement for the proposed project with 1617 KLD. Details of the water the breakup of requirements for various requirement and wastewater generation are uses. How will the water requirement met? given in Annexure – A7. State the sources & quantities and furnish a water balance statement. 4 2.2. What is the capacity (dependable flow or Water will be sourced from Thulluru lift yield) of the proposed source of water? irrigation scheme on River Krishna. The water is already being supplied to IGC and other educational institutes in APCRDA region. This will be primary source of water for both construction and operation phase till the trunk infrastructure of capital city is in place. 2.3. What is the quality of water required, in The water will be treated to potable water case, the supply is not from a municipal quality during operation phase. source? (Provide physical, chemical, biological characteristics with class of water quality) 2.4. How much of the water requirement can be Two STPs of 675 KLD capacity each is met from the recycling of treated provided to treat the wastewater. It is wastewater? (Give the details of quantities, estimated that about 1215 KLD of treated sources and usage) wastewater is generated from the STP. The details are given in Annexure – A7. 2.5. Will there be diversion of water from other No. The Amaravati Capital City is at the users? (Please assess the impacts of the tail-end River Krishna project on other existing uses and quantities of consumption) 2.6. What is the incremental pollution load from The wastewater generated will be treated wastewater generated from the proposed in a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) within activity? (Give details of the quantities and project premises and utilized for flushing, composition of wastewater generated from landscaping, car wash and excess will be the proposed activity) stored in a temporary storage pond within the site. 2.7. Give details of the water requirements met Roof top Rain Water Harvesting is from water harvesting? Furnish details of planned. the facilities created. 2.8. What would be the impact of the land use Since the project site is a flat terrain and as changes occurring due to the proposed such the project site is small there will be project on the runoff characteristics no adverse impact on the land use changes (quantitative as well as qualitative) of the envisaged due to the proposed project both area in the post construction phase on a during construction and operation phase. long-term basis? Would it aggravate the There would not be any water logging or problems of flooding or water logging in flooding due to the proposed project as the any way? project proponent proposes storm water management plan to mitigate such incidents. The development of greenbelt 5 will be improving the aesthetics of the project. 2.9. What are the impacts of the proposal on the No ground water is tapped for the project. ground water? (Will there be tapping of ground water; give the details of ground water table, recharging capacity, and approvals obtained from competent authority, if any) 2.10. What precautions/measures are taken to The runoff from the construction activities prevent the run-off from construction will be contained within the project site by activities polluting land & aquifers? (Give using garland drain and construction of details of quantities and the measures taken sediment ponds. No runoff will be to avoid the adverse impacts) disposed outside the project boundary. 2.11. How is the storm water from within the site A garland drain will be developed along managed?(State the provisions made to with a sediment pond to control the runoff avoid flooding of the area, details of the and soil erosion. drainage facilities provided along with a site layout indication contour levels) 2.12. Will the deployment of construction No. Local labour will be hired during labourers particularly in the peak period construction. Proper drinking water and lead to unsanitary conditions around the sanitation facilities will be provided in the project site (Justify with proper labour colony. explanation) 2.13. What on-site facilities are provided for the The wastewater generated during the collection, treatment & safe disposal of operation phase will be treated in a sewage? (Give details of the quantities of fabricated STP. wastewater generation, treatment capacities with technology & facilities for recycling and disposal). 2.14. Give details of dual plumbing system if About 450 KLD of treated wastewater is treated waste is used for flushing of toilets utilized within project premises for of toilets or any other use. Flushing, Landscaping, Car Wash.
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