ISSN (Online): 2455-3662 EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal Volume: 7 | Issue: 6 | June 2021|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.047 || ISI Value: 1.188 ORGANIZATION OF GARDEN PLOT SERVICE CLUSTERS – DEMAND OF PERIOD 1Mahkamov Ibroyim, 2Shakhobov Hamidjon Mukhamadovich 1Assistant of Professor, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology 2Base Doctorate, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology ANNOTATION This article addresses the socio-economic reforms carried out in our country. Important and country-specific features of ensuring employment and raising living standards have been highlighted. Issues of garden plot management and their productive use in rural areas are described. Attention is paid to the issue of solving the problem of poverty. In particular, in the Namangan region described the peculiarities of solving the problem of poverty through the development of garden plot farms. KEYWORDS: garden plot farms, poverty, prosperity, living standards, unemployment, employment, entrepreneurship, cluster, pandemic, credit, greenhouse, capacity, territory, garden plot service. The pandemic, which is leaving a services” enterprises on the provision of seeds and complication mark in the world economy, is taking seedlings and provision of chemicals have been its toll on economic sectors at all stages, ranging established in 350 billion soums were allocated from from large enterprises to small businesses and private the state budget for the implementation of new businesses. In order to prevent such negative projects in the garden plot, and the fund's activities consequences, a new system of entrepreneurship were launched at the meeting of the board of support and development has been created in our directors. Due to today's demand, the Ministry of country and introduced into practice. economic development and poverty reduction was Due to the conditions created by our state, established. From this it can be seen that a new the number of people wishing to engage in system has been introduced that will help the entrepreneurial activity is growing. In particular, they population, supply and finance material resources, are engaged in horticulture, fruit and vegetable which were not before. As a result of the creation of a growing, gardening, bee-keeping, livestock, poultry, system that works with garden plot, supplies material fishery, farming, Service and other areas due to the resources, finances and controls crop rotation, the characteristics of the territory. From these it can be number of families receiving abundant yields and seen that attention is paid to the development of high incomes from garden plot is growing steadily. family entrepreneurship, especially garden plot. This The organization of services such as the is not only a socio-economic task, but also a political plowing of garden plot of the population, the supply goal aimed at dramatically increasing the interest of of necessary seeds and seedlings, the construction of our people in changing the world outlook, earning a compact greenhouse for households and the supply through labor. Therefore, in the following years, a of sheep, goats, poultry, bees nests, rabbits was number of laws, decisions and normative documents established through the enterprises of "farm were adopted by the state on the effective use of services". population farms, some amendments were made to Since all conditions have been created by the the laws. The position of the president of the state for the development of garden plot farms, it Republic of Azerbaijan was introduced at the would not be a mistake to say that today the meetings of local citizens. productive use of these opportunities has become a In addition, the council of farmers, peasant necessity and an obligation. Because at a time when farms and landowners of Uzbekistan, as well as its the pandemic of coronavirus threatens the entire regional divisions were established. 224 “Garden plot world, the development of garden plot is becoming a 2021 EPRA IJMR | www.eprajournals.com | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013 473 ISSN (Online): 2455-3662 EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal Volume: 7 | Issue: 6 | June 2021|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.047 || ISI Value: 1.188 more serious issue. On this issue, on April 8, 2020, property rights and their status as an economic entity. the results of the work on the areas in the fight Because in it, the rights of the landowner, regardless against the coronavirus pandemic under the of the form of ownership, to enter into contractual chairmanship of President Sh.Mirziyoyev were also relations with all types of economic entities for their touched upon at the video-vector meeting dedicated activities were determined individually. And this to the development of the garden plot, which is an confesses that the majority of the population is not important source of ensuring food security, only a source of earning a living on their farm, but increasing employment and income of the also a means of doing business and earning more population. The issues of delivering the products through it. grown in it to the domestic and foreign markets were In 2020, the experience of establishing the also considered. As a result of the systematic work activity of clusters of “Garden plot services”, which carried out by 81 “Garden plot services” LLC, along includes 12 types of activities, gave a positive effect. with the supply of farm-grown vegetables bulevir In accordance with the resolution of the peppers, onions, greens, legumes and oil crops, president of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June melons and dried fruits to domestic markets, export 30, 2020 “on additional measures to increase the to foreign countries, in particular to dozens of effectiveness of the use of population farms”, the countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, activities of cluster enterprises on the basis of 20 Russia, Latvia. LLC “Garden plot services” in the Republic were In order to fully meet the demand of our launched. It is planned that this process will continue people for fruit and vegetable products throughout in 2021 year, and in 32 districts where a lot of fruits the year, to deliver them to the population in a well- and vegetables are grown, in particular in the preserved state, the establishment of field shops in Yangikurgun, Chust, Chartak, Uychi and Kosonsoy densely populated areas, frozen warehouses that store districts of Namangan region, the operation of Farm agricultural products and their processing, in other Service clusters will be launched. In order to carry words, the establishment of clusters of “Garden plot out these works, 58 billion soums will be allocated services” is becoming. from the savings account under the Council. On the initiative of the president of our The amount of cultivation of competitive country, clusters based on the chain method of products is increasing due to the combination of cultivation and deep processing of products in peasant farms and population farms to the enterprises agriculture are launched. This creates opportunities of the established garden plot cluster and the for employment and regular income generation by establishment of economic relations between them, creating new jobs for the rural industry. and the possibilities of additional income of the According to today's data, more than 5.5 population are also becoming more and more. million farmers and landowners operate in our Because the updates in the cluster activity, the country using 502 thousand hectares of land. introduction of innovative technologies, soon show It can be seen that since a significant part of their effectiveness. The clusters established on the the main crop areas is at the disposal of the basis of LLC “Garden plot services” include the population, it is necessary to formulate the ability to complete process from the purchase of seeds, effectively use the opportunities available to their seedlings from the delivery to the delivery of seeds owners. To this end, in the following years, the for the cultivation of products in the population farm mechanism of effective use of peasant farms and and from it to the production of the final product, and garden plot land plots and the stimulation of this protects the owners of the farm from the market landowners who have achieved this has been risk. Because they do not meet unknown buyers in introduced. the market, the cost of carrying the product to the Paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the law “on market is saved. garden plot management” adopted on April 1, 2021 Like all regions of our country, a program of does not consider garden plot entrepreneurial activity measures for the development of garden plot farms and does not require state registration of garden plot. has been created in the Namangan region. In the A person who independently carries out activities region there are 252.0 thousand hectares of irrigated based on participation in the farm with his personal land, of which 31.9 thousand hectares constitute labor on the cultivation (processing) of agricultural population farms. Due to today's requirements, the products in the farm can receive the status of a self- main emphasis is on the effective use of garden plot employed person in accordance with the procedure land. Because, the majority of the population of the established by the legislation on employment of the region
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