eg ht ~a~hlehem Public U . I November 18, 1976 ~ Vol. XXII, No.4 7 ~ The SRotl(Anllol1,d C;ftlli'liaa Public'lioa Graphic newsweekly serving the towns of Bethlehem, New Scotland and nearby communities Another in the series on Bethlehem's historic houses Page 26 "Control the energy you use and you control the cost!" Reggie McKenzie is a Niagara Mohawk customer. He's also a member of the Buffalo Bills' "electric company" offensive A Bill line. 0.1. calls this big NFL fOD/baller "my main man. " Reggt'e li~'es here year 'round and knows the problems of talks about winter. Here he shows some of the steps which can be taken to help keep energy costs under control . .. steps you too can a bill take that will result in money-saving benefits at your home. Make certain lamps. TV sets, and major Good storm windows and storm doors help Good advice aOOm controlling energy costs appliances are turned oU when not needed. 'I"s keep heat in and cold out. I help a friend gel is available free at any Niagara Mohawk amazing what's wasted just by neglecting to ready for winter. Sal';ng juice is ol""Q'\'$ a good office. Or write.- Falla ..' ad"ice on enel1U' flick a switch to "off.- idea. I do it all the time. saving and help keep you.r bill u.nder cOn/rol. -Write for free 'The MeIer Minder's Guidebook" 10 Reggie McKenzie, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, JOO Erie Blvd. W" Syracuse. NY 13202. T NIAGARA UMOHAWK This message is sponsored by Niligara Mohawk's 21{)-thousandN shareholders whose investment makes possible II modern energy system ... for el·er.I'one i hlme';I. is published every Thursday by Newsgraphics. Inc., 414 Kenwood Ave .. Oetmar, N.Y. 12054. N.A. Boynton. uditOt-pLJblishet. Spotlight Controlled circulation. postage paid at Oelmar, N.Y. News and copy deadline 4 p.m. Friday for fOllowing weElk's issLJe. MULLEN PHARMACY 256 Delaware Ave. - 439-9356 PHOTO SPECIAL With every 2 rolls of film processed at Mullen's, you receive a FREE Kodak plastic photo frame for displaying your favorite photos. This frame will hold any print made from 126 or 127 film. LIMITED SUPPLY November 18. 1976 - PAGE 3 GREAT IDEAS FROM SONY and DELMAR APPLIANCE • Compact FM/AM Oigimatic clock radio in modern TFM 9440W cube design is superaccurate bedside cQmpanio!,,) • Component quality FM and AM, with 111m . ' :' • Illuminated clock with Digimatic numerals luxury styling • Sleep Timer lulis you to sleep up to 3hours before It • Precision tuning " - , -' , turns radio off dial - - ., • Full-range 6'1z ~ ~ - ~. , • Convenient AM and PM indication speaker • Alarm level volume control • Continuous tone • 24-hour alarm preset system automatically turns control and loudness alarm on at same time each day compensation switch • Walnut grain wood cabinet ··IT'SASONY." 00 Under TFM-C430W "ITS A SON¥' S40 00 Under S50 HP-161: 3-speed Record Player, FM Stereo and FM/AM Radio I' Compact size. compact price and a big, big sound. I With the true hi-fidelity periormance that has made I Sony the name for Quality in sound reproduction. " The HP-161 has a 3-speed BSR auto/manual turn- I table: an FM Stereo-FM/AM radio with FET Front-end FM tuner and Automatic Frequency Control; an all­ silicon solid-stat~ amplifier; ~nd, d,ual custom-matched i 2-way speakers In wood gram cabInets. I Come inandsee how compact big listening pleasure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ can be. ~ 00 Under S200 ...... .. TV-520 Sony Black & White 5" screen measured diagonally, 00 TRI N ITRON 1IIIIIIIIIIILIIIIJII~!!!:iil; Under S 140 "IT'S A SONY~ FEATURES • 100% solid state FEATURES • AC/DC operation (w/optional • New'Trinitron Plus Color System (one gun/one accessories) • Weight: 7 Ibs, 11 oz, (12 Ibs, 9 oz, lens) • 100% solid state. Econoquick power 0 w/optional battery pack) saving system. 114 wide-angle deflection • Built-in VHF and UHF telescopic picture tube in a slim profile hi-rise cabinet antenna • Advanced VHF tuner with MOS-FET and Ie • 70 detent UHF channel selection • 70 detent UHF channel selection. No set-up • White decorator cabinet w/accent adjustment. Vinyl walnut veneer on wood panel and chrome trim cabinet. Earphone included • Earphone included tor personal 00 viewing 17" screen measured diagonallY' Under S500 WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL! HOURS: Mon,-Frt 10-6 Thurs_ till 9 BOB SOWERS ... Sat. 10-5 DELMAR APPLIANCE INC. 239 Delaware Ave., Delmar 439-6723 PAGE 4 - November 18. 1976 Glenmont Lion, Club meets 2nd area arts and 4th Tuesdays at La Casa Aes­ taurant. Selkirk. 6:30 p.m. Visitors Spotlight welcome. Info: Charles Sperbeck. 4:l9-9165. CALENDAR Bethlehem Lions Club meets first and third Wednesdays at LaCasa, Selkirk, 6:30. p.m. A capsule listing of cultural events easily accessible to Trl-Village FISH - Call 439-3578 lor voluntary service - 24 hours a .AARP meets 12:30 p.. m .. third Tues­ Bethlehem-New Scotland residents. provided as a com­ day the year 'round - ollered by day of month, Delmar First United munity service by the General Electric Co_ plastics plant. residents of Delmar. Elsmere and Methodist Gtlurch, Kenwood Ave­ Selkirk. Telephone numbers are for Inlormatlon and Slingerlands to their neighbors in enue, Delmar. tlckets_ need of help in any emergency. Bethlehem Jaycees meet first and League 0' Women Voters, Thurs­ days. 9:30 8.m. Bethlehem Library third Wednesdays of the month, 8 Information 439-5786. ,P.m .• Center Inn, 9W, Glenmont.. Welcome Wagon - Newcomers Hall Moon Button Club of Albany, and mothers of new babies catt785- third Wednesday noon of the month 9640, Mon. thru Sat., 8:30 A.M,,6:00 at Bethlehem Public Uarary. For p.m. so you may have a Welcome infOrmation 872-0068. Wagon call. Kiwanis Club of Delmar, Mondays Bethlehem Memorial Auxiliary to at 6:15 at Center Inn, Glenmont. Post #3185, Veterans of Foreign Rotary'Club 01 Delmar meets every Wars, meets the third Monday of Tuesday night 6:15 at 5chrafft's every month, at the Post Rqoms, Motel. 404 Delaware Ave., Delmar. The Albany County Pistol Club. The Delmar Community Orchestra Winnie Place and Maewin Drive, rehearses every Monday evening Delmar, welcomes~guests al its from 7:30-9:30 al the First United indoor pistol range every Tuesday Methodist Church of Delmar. THEATER at 8 p.m. Information: Dave.Her­ Gam-Anon, for Wives 01 compulsive "Life With Father," Cohoes Music Hall, through Oec_ 5. 237-1675. bach. 439-4372 Or Tom Corrigan. gamblers. meets Wednesdays 6:15 439-3301. pm, 51. PIIJS Church. Loudonville, "Women in (and out of) Love," one-woman show by Suzanah 462-6916 or PO 80l( 23. Albany. Scher, State University at Albany Performing Arts Center, Monarch Club of Albany meets Auxiliary, Nathaniel Adams Blanch­ OBC. 10-11. 8:30 p.m. Box office 457-8606. Tickets $3, $2. every Tuesday night at the Center arr', Post 1040, Poplar Dr .. Elsmere, Inn, Glenmont, 6:00 P.M. third Tuesday, Sept.-June. MUSIC Bethlehem B.P.O.E. 2233. first and Rosary - 51. Thomas Church, Ad­ Albany Symphony Orchestra, works by Berlioz, Britten, Dukas, third Wednesdays, 8 p.m. at the ams Place, Delmar, evp.~v Thursday Lizt. others, Flamenco collage by Spanish dancers Jose Lodge in Cedar Hill, At. 144. Ladies' at 1 ;:45 a.m. Auxiliary second Wednesday. Greco and Nana Lorca, guest artists. Palace Theater, Nov. 20. 8 p.m. 465-4755. Bethlehem Youth Employment Ser­ Bethlehem Recycling Program vice. School Year Schedule. Mon­ (paper. cans, glass). Town Garage, Dorothy Collins and Ron Holgate, "Broadway Hit Parade," Cohoes day-Friday, 1:00-4:30 P.M. Summer 114 Adams St., Delmar. Mon . .thru MUsic Hall, Nov. 23. 8:30 p.m. schedule, 8:30 A.M.-1 :00 P.M. Tele­ Fri.,8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Papers should be phone 439-2238. tied, cans flattened. bottles clean Stanley Hummel, pianist, playing Chopin, Haydn, Schubert, w/metal and styrofoam removed. others, in concert at Siena College Campus Center, Nov. 21. I Five RIvers Environmental Educa­ 4 p.m. $2, students $1. tion Center, Game Farm Ad., Del­ Empire Motor Sport. Club, every mar, open daity during daylight Thursday at 6 at the Center Inn, At. State University Celebrity Series, Manhattan Trio, Page Hall hours. Exhibit room open daily 9W, Glenmont. Lee Beauregard - (downtown campus), Nov. 21. 3 p.m. $3.50, students $3. Box 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 456-0019. office open 2 p.m. FILM Silent classics, "Way Down East" (1920 and "Sherlock Jr." (1924), Cohoes MuSIC Hall, Nov_ 22. 7:30 p.m .. Charlie Chaplin in "Th. Great Dictator" (1940), Nov. 29_ 52. 237-7700. "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," Paul Newman, Elizabeth Taylor, Siena ColI.ge Audiovisual Center, Nov. 29, 8 p.m. ON FIRSTrA ••<T,,1 QUALITY AND NO-WAX VINYL FLOORS ~ ualitp ilCarp etli GENERAL. ELECTRIC 3.: jflooring SELKIRK, NEW YORK 12158 Equal Opportunity Employer November 18, 1976 - PAGE 5 CIUzen Band Radio Club. first Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Center Wheel Chairs Inn, At. 9W, Glenmont. Jim Munger - 463-0275. • Rental Albany chapter, Railroad Evange· • Sales !~ listie Assn. meets third Saturday of each month, First Reformed • Repairs ~.: Church of Bethlehem, 7:15 P.M. ~:fi _ Onesquethaw O.E.S. meets on the firsf and third Wednesday of every KRUGMAN'S month althe Masonic Temple in DELMAR PHARMACY Delmar. 361 Delaware Ave., Delmar Glenmont Homemakert meet third 439-9914 Wednesday 01 month; Glenmont Mon.-Fri. 9-7, Sat. 9-6 Comm.
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