Index Ability to pay theory of taxation: advocated by Anarchists, nineteenth-century individualist: Ely, 320, 322; George on, 322; defects of, their critique of George, 234-53; accuse 387-88 George of Malthusianism, 236-37; Aesthetic argument against George's proposal: condemn George's Ricardianism, 237; advanced by Harris, 193 attack George's views on capital and Aimes, H. H. S.: his study of Cuban slave interest, 240-44; condemn land-value economy, 76-77 taxation, 236, 238, 239, 245, 246; their Alba, estates of the Duchess of, 343 confusion concerning George's concept of Alcazar Alvarez, Fr. Juan: biographical data, rent, 237-38; their views summarized on his appreciative remarks on George, rent, Ricardianism, unearned increment, 326, 327, 333; his critique of George, and land value, 240; their views on 326-41; considers single tax simplistic, 335; copyrights and patents, 244-45; tabular claims inconsistencies in George, 335; summary of their views compared with alleges practical difficulties in George's George's 249; their critique evaluated, proposal, 330-31; his commentary on 23848 passim. See also Hanson, William; George's island illustration, 332; his Ingalls, Joshua K.; and Tucker, Benjamin mistakes concerning George's proposal, R. 328-29, 331, 332, 335 (claims that George Anarcho-Capitalism, 354. See also Heath, proposes land nationalization, 329; claims Spencer; and Rothbard, Murray N. that George proposes equal division of Andelson, Robert V.: justifies territorial land, 329; claims that George predicates sovereignty, on George's premises, 150-51; individual happiness on welfare of society, quoted on effect on land ownership of 331; claims that George advocated George's proposal, 334. abolition of soldiers, lawyers, and priests, Andrews, E. Benjamin: regards faults 334; claims that George would single out attributed to George by Harris as actually agriculture for taxation, 328; shares recommendations, 191 Cathrein's failure to perceive that Argyll, George J. D. Campbell, Duke of: agricultural sites do not yield the highest George replies to his criticism, 17 rent, 127; thinks the value of a site is based Arizona: hydroponic production of tomatoes on the labor expended on it, 329-30, 331, in, 385 332); accepts labor theory of ownership, Asquith, Herbert H., 357 329; his suggestions regarding underuse of Assessment, land: George on, 258; Walras land, 332; his suggestions for world peace, cited on agricultural, 286; would be 327; advocates hierarchical social order, simplified if improvements were exempted, 333; advocates moral and spiritual 358; in nineteen American cities, 318-19; in regeneration as only means of alleviating Australia, 258, 318, 358; in California social problems, 336; claims that stable Irrigation Districts, 319; in Canada, 319; in well-being is only to be found in heaven, Denmark, 319; in Hawaii, 322; in Hungary, 337; his critique evaluated, 17, 326-38 319; in Jamaica, 322; in Kiao-chau, 322; in passim New Zealand, 258:1 318; in three Pennsyl- American Economic Association, 15, 178, 183, vania cities (Pittsburgh, Scranton, and 261, 303 Harrisburg), 322; in South Africa, 319, American Social Science Association,. Saratoga 358; in Taiwan, 358; impracticable, Conferences of: (1886) 187; (1890) 269, according to Alcázar, 330, Atkinson, 257, 273-74 Ely, 318, 320, Knight, 357, Rothbard, 357, 399 400 INDEX Seligman, 285, and Walker, 320 Black Death, the: its effect upon wages and Atkinson, Edward: biographical data, 254; his rents, 84 appreciative remarks on George, 37n5; his Bdhm-Bawerk, Eugen von: George's failure to critique of George, 254-60; claims single tax understand, mentioned by Schumpeter, l6n would be insufficient, 254-55; claims prob- Bolivia: George's system unlikely to be applied lems of separate land assessment insuper- successfully in, 331 able, 257; claims land-value tax would be Bramwell, George W. Wilshere, Lord: attacks shifted, 255; claims land-value tax Progress and Poverty in pamphlet review, regressive, 258-59; confuses land-value tax 18; his attack answered by Hirsch, 17 with land tax, 257; admits mistake about Brazil, latifundia of, 343 single tax in France, 259; his critique ans- Britain: its era of hegemony marked by free wered by George, 17; his critique answered trade, 286 by Hirsch, 17; his critique evaluated, 255-59 British depression of mid-1970s, 202 passim Brokerage commission: George proposes Augusta, Ga.: Somers system used in, 318 leaving a percentage of rent to landowners Australia: land assessment in, 258, 318, 358; as, 36-37, 63, 70n25, 249, 258, 357, 359, land-value taxation in, 30, 346, 347, 351, 385-86 358; Hyndman on rent and wages in, 215; Brown, Harry G.: quoted on legitimacy of Marx on land and wages in, 211, 215 interest, 244; quoted by Geiger against Austrian school of economics: George's failure Ely's conflation of land and capital, 323; to appreciate, 386 cited for able argument contrary to that of Aveling, Edward, 389 Knight, 365; does not accept George's "all- devouring rent thesis," 381; quoted on Back, Kenneth: denies that land values cannot monopolistic element in landownership, be separated from improvement values, 18 383; a professed Malthusian, 385, 392n15; Baldwin Park, Calif.: cited to document quoted on emergency revenues, 388; quoted nonregressive nature of land-value taxation, as recommending compensation in 259 hardship cases to landowners, 389 Balfour, Arthur J.: attacks George's Brown, J. Bruce: quoted on assessment of land reasoning, in Industrial Remuneration value only, 258 Conference paper, 20 Butler, Nicholas Murray: cited in appreciation Barber, Anthony: inflates British money of George, 26n4 supply, 202 Byington, Stephen: his correspondence with Barker, Charles Albro: censures Miller's Tucker, 248 Progress and Robbery, 21; quoted on Laveleye's letter to George, 47; cited on California Irrigation Districts: separation of death of political Georgism, 339 land values from improvement values in, Bastiat, Fre'deic: criticized by Dixwell on free 319 trade, 167 Callaghan, James: his "Social Contract" Beaumont, Tex.: Somers system used in, 318 policy, 203 Beedy, Mary E.: notes possible flaws in Canada: separation of land values from Harris's critique of George, 191 improvement values in, 319 Benefits theory of taxation: fundamental to --Western: exemption of improvements in, application of George's social thought, 387; 24, 285, 288 in Neo-Georgism, 388-89 Capital: defined by Hirshleifer, 296, Bellamy, Edward: first in U.S. to argue that Davenport, 295-98, in many ways by division of labor imposes a social mortgage George, 227, 375; as stored-up labor, on production, 279 120-21; cannot by itself exploit labor, Bernard, George: defends George against 50-51; George sees no inherent conflict Kitson's charge of inconsistency, 22 between it and labor, 31; characterized by Beverly Hills, Calif.: cited to document Geiger as partly a social product, 29002; nonregressive nature of land-value taxation, distinguished from capital goods by Clark, 259 267; its employment by labor disputed by Index 401 Dixwell, 173; not an active factor of discusses first-occupancy theory of production according to Hanson and ownership, 307-9; accepts social-utility Ingalls, 241; conflated with land by Ely, theory of ownership, 305, 308, 309; 322-23, Huxley, 144, and Gronlund, 204-5; distinguishes between land and capital, distinguished from land by Carver, 308-9, 308-9, 323; criticizes in advance Ely's 310, 323; George's views on, attacked by argument conflating land and capital, 323; anarchists, 240-44, criticized by subsumes land-values under "findings", Rutherford, 226-28; George's distinction 305; outlines advantages of land-value between land and, attacked by Huxley, taxation, 310-11; advances novel argument 98-99, 101; Geiger cites Davenport as major for land-value taxation, 310; endorses land- critic of George's theory of, 293; its value taxation on grounds of social utility, exploitative role as seen by Laveleye, 49; 388; recommends inheritance, income, and the return to, growing much faster than sales taxes, but gives land-value taxes first land rent, according to Gronlund, 198; its priority, 310-I1; listed among writers on ownership gives more concentrated wealth wages-fund theory, 159; his critique and power than does landownership, evaluated, 306-9 passim, evaluation according to Oser, 377; the monopoly of, summarized, 311 based on land monopoly according to Catholic, Roman. See Roman Catholic Marx, 211 Catholic University: theologians of, help Capitalism: Progress and Poverty its "last reverse McGlynn excommunication, 338 ditch" according to Marx, 196; George's Cathrein, Fr. Victor: biographical data, 126; championship of, acclaimed by Nock, 367; his critique of George, 126-36; fails to its nature misconceived by George, perceive that agricultural sites do not yield according to Oser, 374-75, 376. Mandel the highest rent, 127; disputes George's quoted on landownership and, 220n47 and deduction from Ricardo's law of rent, n70; Marx's self-contradictory view of role 127-28; criticizes George's teaching on the of landownership in, 210; hindered by land decrease of wages and interest, 128; monopoly, according to Marx, 206, 210; misrepresents George's definition of labor, identified with monopoly by Tucker, 241; 133; criticizes labor theory of ownership, the main oppressor of labor, according to 129-34; accepts first-occupancy as the Ingalls, 237 original justification of ownership, 130-31, Capitalists: George upbraided by Crump for 135; criticizes George's argument against allegedly "preaching against," 19; Marx on first-occupancy theory of ownership, their active role in production, 198, 200, 130-31; his reasoning on landownership 210; not a closed class, according to Marx, echoed in Rerum Novarum of Leo XIII, 205 132; his complacent theological Carey, Henry C.: Harris an economic disciple justification of economic inequality, of, 187-88, 194, 195n30; his arguments 134-35; his critique evaluated, 127-35 against Ricardian rent theory refuted by passim Mill, Walker, and Marshall, 188 Chalmers, Thomas, 15, 109 Carver, Thomas Nixon: biographical data, Chautauqua Society, 313 303; his critique of George, 303-12; defines Cherbuliez, A.
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