Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13404-1 — Accommodating Rising Powers Edited by T. V. Paul Index More Information Index Abkhazia, 83 soft interdependencies and, 65–67 accommodation strategies of, 16–19 bargaining strategies in, 204–05 symbolic, 6, 238–39 costly signaling, 203 territorial, 17–18, 278–79, 297–99, legitimation, 205–19 300–02 self-restraining, 203 trade interdependence and, 60–61 socialization, 205–19 in twenty-first century, 178–97 case studies of, 20–23 vocabulary of, 90–92 constructivist perspective on, 87–88 Acheson, Dean, 119, 123–24, 125–26 containment and, 150 Adams, Brook, 118, 119 definition of, 4–7 Adams, Henry, 118 economic, 18, 283–84 Afghanistan, 101, 146, 147 full, 5–6 Agadir Crisis of 1911, 164 by great powers, 293–313 aggression, 44 bargaining with rising powers, 300–02 Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 260 demands of rising powers and, Air-Sea Battle (ASB), 37 303–04 AJAX/TPAjax, 128 economic accommodation, 302–06 Alaska, 115 empathy in, 310–11 Albright, Madeline, 53, 221 institutional accommodation, 302–06 Alliance of Civilizations, 286 normative accommodation, 306–10 Al-Qaeda, 217, 218 reciprocal socialization in, 310–11 Amorim, Celso, 252, 253, 262 rising powers and, 294–97 Angell, Norman, 55 territorial accommodation, 297–302 Anglo-American rapprochement for identity, 203, 205–19 critique of, 118–23 ideological, 17, 284–86 Kupchan’s account of, 114–17 ideological/normative, 17, 284–86 Anglo-American War debt agreement, institutional, 18, 93–94, 239–40, suspension of, 75, 76–77 279–82, 302–06 Anglo-German Naval Agreement, 169 for interests, 202–03 Anglo-Iranian concession, 123–29 international relations theories on, 7 Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), 124, liberalism and, 92–99 126 non-accommodation and, 6 Anglo-Japanese alliance in 1902, 183–84 non-violent, 7 Anglo-Russian Entente of 1907, 163 normative, 17, 284–86, 306–10 Anglo-Saxonism, 116 partial or limited, 6 Annenberg, Walter, 119 peaceful, 91 anti-access and area denial (A2AD), 49 realism and, 99–104 Arabian-American Oil Company reasons for, 152–53 (ARAMCO), 124 region-specific, 6–7 Argentina, 28 responsibility for, 87–107 Aritomo, Yamagata, 183 of rising powers, 1–32 ASEAN Plus Three, 212 314 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13404-1 — Accommodating Rising Powers Edited by T. V. Paul Index More Information Index 315 ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), 210–11, Blunt, Crispin, 113 240 Boer War, Second, 115, 155, 156 Ashley, Percy, 156 Bolshevik Revolution, 180, 182, 188 Asia, 65 Bolsheviks, 113, 120, 182 Asian Development Bank (ADB), 221, Bolshevism, 184 243 Bosnia-Herzegovina, 164 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Boulding, Kenneth, 4 (AIIB), 20, 94, 220–21, 244, 305 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 258 Asquith, Herbert, 161, 165 Boxer Rebellion, 156 Association of Southeast Asian Nations Brazil, 246–67 (ASEAN) accommodation of, 27–28, 246–67 ASEAN Plus Three, 212 and BRICS countries’ GDP, 34 ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), as champion of developing-world 210–11, 240 interests, 303 China and, 26, 147, 210–12 defense policy, 253–54 India and, 238, 240 defense spending of, 254 Treaty of Amity and Cooperation demands for institutional change, 305 (TAC), 240 as dialogue partner of G8 group, 239 asymmetrical interdependence, 64 economic growth, 254 audience cost, 203 environmental policy, 252–53 Australia, 221 forgiveness of debts by African Austria, 169 countries, 264 Austria-Hungary, 164 human rights in, 261–62 and international financial system, Baghdad Railway, 162 264–65 Bahrain, 65 and International Monetary Fund, Bakhtiari tribe, 127 264–65 balance of power, 33–34, 38–39 international trade, 262–64 and accommodation of rising power, and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 10–11 259–61 balanced multipolar system in, 42 pharmaceutical patent reforms in, 252 bipolar system in, 42, 43 on primacy of national sovereignty, 251 components of power and, 50 public health programs, 252 fixes to, 48–50 pursuit of power strategies of, 227 offensive realism and, 39–43 regional accommodation of, 6–7 unbalanced multipolar system in, 42 as a regional hegemon, 255–57 balanced multipolar system, 42 relations with Iran, 260–61 Balfour, Arthur, 155–56, 157, 160 relations with North Korea, 260–61 Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Security Council membership, 257–58 (BNDES), 264 as a soft power, 248–50 Bancor, 121 Soft Power Index score of, 247 Barbieri, Katherine, 59 strategies for emergence, 250–55 bargaining strategies, 312 sphere of influence and, 19 of China, 201–21 andUnitedNations,251 of rising powers, 300–02 and World Trade Organization, 263–64 Barsoom, Peter, 76 Bretton Woods, 94, 121 BEDAMN network, 128 BRICS countries, 51 Belo Monte project (Brazil), 262 accommodation of, 36 Bin Laden, Osama, 218 balance of power and, 136–37 Biological Weapons Convention (1984), balanced multipolar system in, 42, 43 213 currency and, 277 bipolar system, 42, 43 economic potential of, 239 Bisley, Nick, 271 GDP of, 34 Bismarck, Otto van, 159–60 India and, 238 Blanchard, Jean-Marc, 57 BRICS Development Bank, 20, 264 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13404-1 — Accommodating Rising Powers Edited by T. V. Paul Index More Information 316 Index British Empire, 111–30 socialization strategy in arms control British Petroleum, 124 regimes, 212–15 Brooks, Stephen, 101 Boxer Rebellion, 156 Buddhism, 216 change of its “system challenger” Bukovansky, M., 303, 304, 305, 308, 309 identity, 213 Bull, Hedley, 102 conflict with Soviet Union, 137–38 Burns, William, 238 conflictual relations with Asian states, Bush, George H.W., 207 26–27 Bush, George W., 239, 240 “core interests” diplomacy, 220 Buzan, Barry, 57, 102 Cultural Revolution in, 135–36 defense spending of, 34, 244 Cambodia, 142, 146, 147 as dialogue partner of G8 group, 239 Canada, 111 economic relations with capitalist Carr, E.H., 8–9, 70–86 countries, 139 on absence of morality to law, 73 and emerging powers, 249 on consequence of legalization, 76 entry into United Nations, 131 as father of 20th century realism, 70 foreign students from, 66–67 international law and, 73–78 Four Modernizations, 148 “Twenty Years’ Crisis”, 8–9, 70–71, 103 GDP of, 34 on West’s behavior during interwar ideology in late 1940s to early 1970s, period, 77–78 134–36 Carter, Ashton B., 235 international relations in 1960s, 136 Carter, Jimmy, 146, 147 international trade, 145 Center for a New American Security as land power, 49 (CNAS), 237 multilateral security treaties, 213 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 127, naval power of, 50 128–29 nine-dash line and, 35 Chamberlain, Joseph, 114, 155–56 open-door policy in, 115 Chamberlain, Neville, 75, 169–70 as peer competitor to US, 49–50 Chang Hsueh-ling, 186 permanent membership in Security Chang Tso-Lin, 186, 190 Council, 148 Charter of Paris for a New Europe (1990), power trends in, 48, 49 281 relations with African nations, 139 Chavez,´ Hugo, 256 relations with ASEAN countries, 210–12 Chechnya, 83 relations with India Chemical Weapons Convention (1993), bilateral trade, 243 213 cold peace in 1963–1977, 242 Chen Shui-bian, 209 potential for conflict in, 241–44 Chiang Kai-shek, 185–86, 191 relations with Soviet Union, 136–37 Chile, 256 relations with Taiwan, 132, 206–08, 209, China, 131–49 220 accommodation of, 10–11, 21, 26 relations with Vietnam, 146, 147 anti-access and area denial capability of, as responsible stakeholder, 215 49 rise to global power, 3, 148 anti-separatist movements in Xinjiang, Sino-American relations, 35–36 215 Soft Power Index score of, 247 bargaining strategies of, 201–21 sphere of influence and, 19 costly signaling on Taiwan issue, and Taiwan crisis in 1995–1996, 206–09 206–09 territorial disputes, 209–12 legitimation of anti-separatist with India, 209–10 movements in Xinjiang, 215 land-based, 209–10 post-Cold War, 206 maritime, 210–12 rising power’s perspective, 201–02 with Southeast Asian countries, self-restraining strategy on territorial 210–12 disputes, 209–12 terrorism in, 217–18 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13404-1 — Accommodating Rising Powers Edited by T. V. Paul Index More Information Index 317 as a threat to United States, 51 Contessi, N., 300, 301, 304, 305, 307 Tibet and, 215 Convention on Biodiversity, 252 trade with the US, 60–61 Convention to Combat Desertification, US accommodation of, 6, 131–49 252 and World Trade Organization, 263 “costly signaling” strategy, 203, 206–09 China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone Council for Mutual Assistance (ADIZ), 35 (COMECON), 6 China-ASEAN free trade agreements, 212 Crawford, Neta, 93 Chinese Communist Party, 144 Crimea Christopher, Warren, 208 annexation of, 196, 279, 283, 298–99 Churchill, Winston, 111, 120–21, 123, 165 secession movement in, 83 Clark, Ian, 102 Cronin, Patrick, 237 class-based theory, 8 Cuba, 115, 299 Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 115, 158 Cuban missile crisis, 142–43 Clearing Union, 121 cultural exchanges, 66 Cleveland, Grover, 114 Cultural Revolution, 135–36, 137, 138, Clinton, Bill, 207, 209, 220, 238, 240 145 Clinton, Hillary, 36 Czechoslovakia, 169–70 cold peace, 4 Cold War Daisaku, Komoto, 186 and accommodation of China, 140 Dalai Lama, 216–17 India and, 230 DCNS SA, 254 power transition and, 8 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in Soviet Union and, 12 the South China Sea (2002), 211 US foreign policy after, 274 declining power, accommodation of, 194 US strategy of contaiment in, 68 deep peace, 4 Colombia, 256 defensive realism, 43–47 Color Revolutions, 274 aggression and conquest in, 44 Command of the Commons, 48, 50 security dilemma in, 44–45 Commission on U.S.
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