FOREST DEPARTME|{T' HARYAI{A O/o PCCF (HoFF), Haryanil) Panchkula Van Bhawan, Plot No. C-18, Sector-06, Panchkula Tele. No. 91 172 2563988 Fax 91 172 2583158 Email ID : No.: D-I-49016213 Dated: 18-06-2020 To, The Registrar, Hon'ble National Green Tribunal, New Delhi. Sub.: In the matter of Sonya Ghosh Vs. State of Haryana & Ors. and Haryali Welfare Society Vs. Union of India & Ors. in OA No. 04/2013 (Suo Moto) (M.A. No. 186t2013,M.A. No. 568/2013, M.A. No.731DA13o M.A. No.7412014, M.A. No.75l2014 & M.A. No. 78712014) and OA No. 2812015 (MA No. 6r./2015). --o-- In reference to subject as stated above, Hon'ble National Green Tribunal vide order dated 23.10.2018 has observed as under: "26. The NotiJication dated 07.05.1992 also refers to the area shown as forest land- According to the State of Haryana itself, the area covered by Notffication under Sections 4 and 5 of the PLPA Act is treated as forest tand by the State. Area covered by PLPA notification is also part of the above table. Moreover, in the judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in M.C. Mehta (supra), after referring to earlier judgment in T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs. (Inion of India & Ors.2, it was made clear that area covered by the Notification under Sections 4 and 5 of the PLPA Act was to be treated as forest area. 27. In view of above, any construction raised on the forest area or the area otherwise covered by Notification dated 07.05.1992 without permission of the competent authority (after the date of the said Notification) has to be treated as illegal and such forest land has to be restored. 28. We order accordinglY. 29. Since there is dispute above the identity of the land covered by the Notification dated 07.05.1992, as far as the land covered by Notffication under the PLPA Act by the State of Haryana is concerned, the same has to be treated as forest land. With regatd to any other land, identification has to be madefor executing the direction in this Order. Such identification may be made by a Joint Committee comprising of the representatives of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climqte Change, Forest Department of the State of Haryana and Rajasthan and the concerned District Magistrates in respective States. 30. Such Committees may orruri" charge within two weeks and complete the process within three months thereafter. Action of restoring the forest land already identified may be completedwithin three monthE." ''' r In compliance of above orders Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of Haryana, Forest & Wildlife Department vide order No. 1495-Ft-I-201919013 dated 08.07.2019 have constituted a district level committee to identifu the areas under Aravalli Notification dated 7.5.1992, comprising of following : 1. District Magistrate Chairperson 2. Divisional Forest offtcer (Tenitorial), Member Secretary 3. Representative of MoEF&CC . t:9"' The district committees constituted have submitted reports for the districts of Gurugram, Mewat-Nuh and Faridabad respectively. Kindly find enclosed herewith the report as under: Sr.No. District Status Report at page No. 1. Gurugram 1-107 2. Nuh 108-203 J. Faridabad 204-307 These reports of respective committees may kindly be taken on record. The directions passed by the Hon'ble Tribunal shall be complied with sincerely. Encl: As stated above Principal C{ief Conservator of Forests (HoFF), Haryana, Panchkula. +3 Total no. ot ca3es in sDE Arlun Lal Dhankani (Farm House Sh, Chand 29 01 No, CR-24, Aravali Retreat, Ra stna, 2010 smt. suman Kanel€tc (Fam House No F 15 A, A.avall Retreat, Ra sina, Gurqaon) 9411019466 Mts, Kalpana Chaudhary etc (Farm 29,01, House No F 15, Aravah Reveat, Ra sina, G!rgaon) Mts, surjeet KaurManchanoa etc. (Farm House No. F-4SA, 29 01 l6/10 A.avali Retreat, Rarslna/ curgaon) 2010 9a1r019465 Ayesha Chawla etc, (Farm House 29-01- No, R 1, Arava tRet.eat/ 2010 Ralsha,Gureaon) 98tA79A2L7 I,46 R€kha Prrray Yadav erc, (Farn 29-01- House No. G-4 C,Aravali Ret.€at, Rarsrna,Guroaon) 2010 Sh, Vlkas Rathee (Farm House No, !7 A9- D-32, Golden rrer9ht, sohna, 29J109 2009 Mr, Ramesh Kunar (FarmHouse a No, D-34, Golden Height, 299109 i40b No- 9654522350 2009 Sohna,Gurgaon) lasjeet singh Rekhi er. (Farm House No. G 5 A, Aravall Ret€at, 3110 2010 95s4s2)3s0 Rais na, Guroaon) Sh Alt Srngh Cha!han (Farm 10 House No. O-25, GoldenHeight, 300/09 2009 sohna,Gur9aon) 9811019465 l,l/s Hiqh points Expedrtton &Tours 17-09 (Fa.m House No, D-72, Golden 2009 H€Eht, sohna/ Gurgaon) 9411606707 r,lr. Ashok KlmEr Pqput (HUF) (r_arm House No, D-€!4, Gotden 30409 Helqht,Soh.a, Gurgaon) 2009 Or, Upendra Kaul (Farm House No, 17-09- 13 D-44, Golden Helght, sohna/ 303/09 i40b,No- 9554522350 2009 sh Raj Kumar Khanna (Farm t7-o9- House No, D-53, Golden H€ight, 3O4t09 2009 Sohna, Guroaon) 9654522350 sh, Arun Kumar seth (Farn Hoqse 15 No, O-13, Golden Height, Sohna, 305/09 2009 sh, Vijay Kunar (Farm rtouse No, r7-09- 16 D-24, Gold€n Helqht, Sohna, 2009 306/09 Sh Ralesh r4ehta (Farm House No, 17-09- D-28, Golden He qht, Sohna, 3O7l09 2009 9811019465 Leela Nair (Farm House No E- 4A, 1a aravall Retreat, Ra srna, sohna, 3r2t09 2009 D- ShashlBala (Farm House No. E- 41 30 09, Aravali Retreat, RaEr.a, Sohna, 313/09 2009 98110r9465 sanjiv Kaul (F,rm House No. F- 4, 30-09- 20 Aravali Retreat, Ralsina, Sohna/ 2009 9811606707 sanjay wadhwa (Farn House No, E- 30-09- 17 A, AravaliRetreat/ Ralslna, 3r5/09 50hna, Guroaon) 2009 Ranjana Manglaglrl (Farm House No. F 66, AralaliRetre6r, Rarsrna, 30-09- Ramesh AgsaMal(Farm House No. 30-09- E-45, Aravali Retreat, Ralslna, 2009 9811606707 sarla Holdings (Farm House No. D- 30-09- 36, Aravall Retreat, Raisina, Sohna, 314/09 2009 Mob,No- 9654522350 Dinesh Slngh Yadav (Farm House No. B-41, A.avaliRetreat, Ratstna, 2009 Sohna,Gurgron) Sachh Jlndal (Farn House No.F- 7, 30-09- aravari Retreat, Ralsina, 320/09 2009 sohna Guroaonl 9811019465 Amar Nath G!9ta (Farm Holse No. sh 30 09- E-44l Aravali Retseat, Ra6tna, 32t109 2009 sharatlain (Farh House No, c- 55, 30-09- 2A Aravari Retreat, Ralsina, sohna, LajinderSingh (Farm Hou+ No. F- 30-09- 31, Aravali Retreat, Rarsrna, sohna, 2oo9 9411019465 Amar Nath Gupta (Farh House No, 30-09- cR-r0, Aravali Retreat, Raisina, 324t09 2009 Sohna, Gursaon) 9811606707 Pawan Voh.a (Farm House No E 10 30-09- 31 A, Aravatt Retreat, Piisina, Sohfa, 323/09 l.4ob No- 2009 9654522350 soma wadhwa (Farm House No, 30-09- CR-128/ Aravall Retreat, 332t09 2009 Ralsina, sohna,Gurcaonl 9411019465 KapilShgla (Farm House No. D- 15, 30 09- Aravali Retseat/ Raisina, Sohna, 333/09 Mob.No- 9554522350 2009 Narinder Khurana (Farm flouse No. 30-09- 34 E 52, Aravall Retreat, Raisina, 7741O9 2009 Oin*h Singh Yadav {Farm House No. 30-09 B-39, A6valiRetreat, P€Lslna, 335/09 Sohna,Gursaon 2009 subodh Klmar (Farm House No. C- 3o-09- 56, Aravall Retrdt, R6isina, Sohna, 333/09 2009 Sachin nndal(Farn House No,F- 7A 30-09- Aravali Retreat, P€lsina, 339/09 2009 50hna,Gu.gaon) 981r019465 Sharatlain (Faro House No, C- 67l 30-09- 3a Aravall Reveat/ Raisina, sohna, 2009 f40b,No- 9654522350 4=< 30,09, 2009 342t09 Rah^ul rhur etc. (Farft House No, u. boEen fletght, sohna. 28-10, sh. ni, Guroaon) 2009 343/09 9811019465 2a-10- 2009 i;:""tr^]Effii:"il;iil 2B-10- 2009 w€sn-Ma|l| ek, (Farh Ho6e o s.:r, Goroen He,qht, Sohn: 2a 10 2009 "' ii:'il-1i;;5,5-- ""'" 28-10- sohna,Gu.gdonJ- 2009 nqiriQc! e(. (ram No 2a-10- | 2OOe I 344/09 za-10- 2009 ^""'^iiitsTiitit!"1ffJil,i:"'" 28-10- Sohna,Gurgaon)- 2009 350/09 9411019465 zr{l 2g-10- 2009 351/09 9€11q1946s 2a-r0- 3s409 2009 ,No- 9654522350 illi:3:ir.:iill i:'i,::i:ili:H: 28-10- 355/09 sohna, GurgaonJ 2009 ,No_ 965v1522350 <aruna ca:wanr eGl?E6- house No. F-J A, aravalr 51 Reh€ar, 2A-10- sh, chand szhr,l sh, p6hipal RaBrna, sohna, curgaon) 2009 356/09 Heo,onaroffker l Mob.No- 96s 2a-10- 2009 .No- 9654522350 28-10- 2009 369/09 r'rob No- 9654522350 an tc, {Farh House 54 denH€ight, 28-10- rqaon) 2009 Naheet 5s ,I"." 2009 371t09 Paw^an_Kumar etc. (Farh fiouse No, 55 u.>e, corden HeiSht, Sohna_ 28-r0- cu.qaon) 2009 372109 9911019465 28-10, 2009 313109 9 1019455 erc. (Fa.m Hou* 5A en Height, 26-10, ) 2009 374/O9 /o-- tc. 59 GO 2009 Dr, Ch etc. (Farm _981101946st 5o en Haqhr, 28-10- 2009 376/09 9811606707 2€-10- 2009 Dr. Mohanmaed 62 nou* No. D-55, hr. 2A-10- sohna, c 2009 379109 9811019455 evhder Kuma. s.hd€v etc, arm House No. E_2, Gotden 2a-10- Heioht, sohna, Curoaonl 2009 360/09 98110r9465 Kodangudt venkatranansundra x.m erc, (Farm ,rouse No, E-r, boEen heiqht, sohna,Gurgaon) 'zr8;i!-l*vos 9654522350 2A-10- 2009 335/09 9811019465 28-10- 2009 336/09 981879A2L7 Ndvneet Gupta etc, (Farn House No. D.56, Gotdei HeEhi 2g-10- Sohna, Gurgaon) 2oo9 6A 2009 9654522350 P!1" qta ek. (Fah House 69 I Eea., i;,%"!E:*Tea,. I 2009 394/09 9654522350 i4 rakash etc, (Farm 70 C-44 A, Araval 11-12- Elna, curgaon) 2009 399/09 ,, l":1",:""3:r*:x*l$lll* 29-OI- I Faislm, curgaon) 2010 9654s22350 72 2009 981r019455 2009 40409 9411019465 c, (Farh , Aravati uloaon) 2009 9811019465 2009 9a11019465 (n 2009 405t09 9811019465 2009 9411019465 R,C Aryan etc, (Farm se No ,a 6-)0, aravll Ret@r 6tna, 2009 9811606707 47 1146, Nerusehhat etc, (Farh House No, C-61, AravaliRerreaL Ratstna,Gursaon) r1-12 2009 Mc, GeetikaKath.
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